"Oh my god, it's so beautiful."

"I'm envious. I'm a third-year student. I have always lived inland. I yearn for the sea but have never seen it with my own eyes. Now I see this beautiful scenery in the live broadcast room.

I'm so lucky, thank you host. "

"Yes, when I have time, I will definitely go to Sunshine Island and walk on the beach under the light of the sunset. It makes me happy just thinking about it."

Fans in the live broadcast room were deeply moved by the dreamlike Coconut Dream Corridor.

After all, most people in the world don't have time travel.

Either busy with work or busy with family, even if you are free, you will be troubled by all kinds of things.

There are many people who may not have left their province from birth to death.

I have to say this is a pity.

It's also a tragedy.

And most of these people are our elders and parents.

If you have time, be sure to take the elders out to see the outside world.

Not just fans in the studio.

Wen Yongshan and the other girls were also touched. They watched several fishermen on the beach pulling heavy fishing nets under the setting sun, shouting slogans while exerting force.

Under this magnificent sunset scenery, this kind of fireworks gives people a very unreal feeling.

But it looks more beautiful.

Zhao Fei, who discovered this scene, introduced while strolling: "For example, the fishermen we saw cast their nets in the morning and pulled them in the evening.

A net is several hundred meters long and is so heavy that it requires several people to pull it together.

And it will take at least two hours.

Only then can the net be closed. "

"Wow, look, there are so many fish!" Li Gengxi pointed at the lively sea fish in the fishermen's nets and shouted excitedly.

"It seems like they got a good harvest today." Zhao Fei also smiled.

Watch the sincere smiles of the fishermen after a hard day's work and discover their harvest.

Zhao Fei and others couldn't help but feel the same way.

A happy smile appeared on his face.

However, although the sunset is beautiful, it will eventually end.

However, what followed was that the street lights on both sides of the Coconut Dream Corridor lit up in the next second, replacing the setting sun and giving the world light again.

Walking to the end of the Coconut Dream Corridor is Sanya’s Foreign Trade Road.

This Foreign Trade Road is the snack street that Zhao Fei mentioned before. In this entire street, in addition to Sanya's local specialty snacks, you can also see delicacies from all over the country.

For example, Northeastern food stalls, Hangzhou crayfish, Hunan stinky tofu...etc.

As a tourist city, Sanya has a lot of people from other places who come here to settle down and make money and do business.

Especially people from the Northeast.

According to data, at least half of Sanya's population is from the Northeast, and the remaining [-]% are outsiders from other places.

Locals only account for a small part.

Therefore, the snack street of Foreign Trade Road is very bustling at night.

There was an endless stream of cries.

Looking up, there are bright lights and huge crowds of people.

Definitely a foodie’s paradise.

Because of their status, the four girls rarely come to such crowded places, otherwise they would be easily recognized and attract onlookers.

But now they don't have to worry at all.

The hundreds of security personnel at the travel agency are not vegetarians.

However, for safety reasons, the five people still acted in groups, so the impact would be relatively small.

After discussion, in the end, Li Gengxi and Wen Yongshan were together, Ding Xiaoying and Li Shun were together, and Zhao Fei was alone.

After a while, Li Gengxi grabbed a handful of skewers in his left hand and a cup of milk tea in his right hand.

Next to her, Wen Yongshan was also grabbing a box of fruit.

The two walked and chatted.

"Sister Yongshan, did you see just now that Li Shun seemed to be seducing Zhao Fei?" Li Gengxi whispered.

"I saw it, but this kind of thing..."

Wen Yongshan paused, his expression unchanged: "This kind of thing has nothing to do with us, we are all adults, not to mention Zhao Fei is indeed handsome.

And he's talented and has good acting skills.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Li Shun to be moved. "


Li Gengxi couldn't accept this.

Even though she has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, she knows that this kind of thing happens often when you are willing to do it.

But when it came to Zhao Fei, she was a little unhappy.

I always felt that Li Shun had bad intentions, so I wanted to speak out and ask Wen Yongshan to stop him, but Wen Yongshan showed that he didn't care.

This made her a little anxious: "Xu Fengnian is your younger brother. You, the elder sister, don't care?"

Hearing this, Wen Yongshan took a deep look at Li Gengxi.

Secretly laugh.

This girl was still too young, and she could see the little idea of ​​using strength to gain strength at a glance.

Although she was indeed very interested in Zhao Fei, she was not ready to recommend herself to him.

Instead, it was three other women, including Li Gengxi next to him.

There are also Li Shun and Ding Xiaoying.

She believed that as long as Zhao Fei showed a little interest.

These three people will definitely get together with Zhao Fei without hesitation.

This made her disdainful but also slightly disgusted. Zhao Fei was really too good. The three of them knew each other well and could play whatever they wanted.

Unlike her, people with families have more bonds.

Don't dare to be too presumptuous.

The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable Wen Yongshan felt, and she felt that if I can't get it, you can't get it either.

So he smiled and said: "Xu Fengnian is Xu Fengnian, and Zhao Fei is Zhao Fei. Although in the snow, my sister is no different from my mother to Xu Fengnian.

But after all, neither of us really made it to the final step.

Not the same as you.

Especially Xuanyuan Qingfeng played by Li Shun, tsk tsk... This kind of thing, although it is a dream, but if it happens the first time, there will be a second time.

Practice makes perfect.

If I were Li Chun, I would seize such a good opportunity now.

Experience the difference between reality and dreams.

So if you want to stop me, go ahead yourself...don't hold me back. "

Wen Yongshan said this because she wanted to provoke Li Gengxi to compete and give Li Shun some trouble.

In this case, things will become very complicated.

The likelihood of success will be even lower.

The final result will most likely be that the three women will fight against each other, all three will suffer, and no one will get Zhao Fei.

But she doesn't know.

When I was on the Snow set.

Zhao Fei's later dreams have already happened many times, so Li Gengxi is no stranger to taking turns.

Of course, it's still the same.

A dream is a dream after all. You cannot resist, you can only accept it. It is different from reality after all, so Li Gengxi has never thought about this kind of thing.

She just wanted to be alone with Zhao Fei and get close to him.

Just chatting.


On the other side, Li Shun and Ding Xiaoying walked together.

At this moment, we are also chatting while eating.

"Sister, you were too brave just now, we are still broadcasting live." Ding Xiaoying pointed out.

"What's going on here? You can't see it in the live broadcast room from that angle."

Li Shun shook his head nonchalantly and continued: "And I was just testing Zhao Fei, and I didn't say I really wanted to be with him.

What's more, didn't we talk about it before we came here?

You need to ask Zhao Fei about the specific circumstances of dreaming, otherwise the group would not be named Abnormal Human Research Center. "Li Shun really thought so in her heart.

She is at least a second-tier actress, not some street stall.

Although Zhao Fei is excellent, handsome, and very likeable, he is not to the extent that she can catch up with him.

However, Ding Xiaoying didn't believe it at all.

In her eyes, Li Shun deliberately wanted to seduce Zhao Fei, and then took the opportunity to spend more time on the travel live broadcast to gain popularity.

This kind of thing, can't you just get into it?

But Ding Xiaoying knew that Zhao Maimai and Liu Yifei would be back in a few days, so she was not optimistic about Li Shun's idea at all.

She thought that if she wanted to stay on the travel live broadcast for a few more days, she might as well take advantage of these two days to connect with Zhao Fei and build a relationship.

It would be best to play with the spear as if you were in a dream.

This is also because among the four girls, she has the lowest status in the entertainment industry. Even though she has filmed many TV series, she is still tepid, let alone Wen Yongshan and Ding Xiaoying.

Even Li Gengxi's status in the entertainment industry can surpass her.

If she can seize this opportunity, her future career will be much better.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei is so handsome.

Not without it.

So no loss whatsoever.

"Sister, do you think Zhao Fei will... make you groan?"

"What hum?" Li Shu frowned.

"Oh, it's just like a dream." Ding Xiaoying explained, "Don't forget, you and Xu Fengnian were in the sedan, but I was watching over you.

You were groaning a lot at that time. "

Upon hearing this, a blush appeared on Li Shu's pretty face.

Slightly unnatural.

The memory of the sedan also came back to my mind.

Especially the persistent problem, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch: "Don't talk nonsense, Xu Fengnian is Xu Fengnian, Zhao Fei is Zhao Fei, they are different.

Our goal this time is mainly to ask Zhao Fei.

As the male protagonist in the snow, what does he think of falling into a collective dream when he was on the set? "

Hmph, ghosts believe it.

Isn't Xu Fengnian played by Zhao Fei?

The two of them are not the same person, they lie to themselves, they are obviously the same person.

Ding Xiaoying didn't believe Li Shun's words at all, but she didn't show it on her face.

Instead, he followed Li Shun's words and said, "Then should we take advantage of Zhao Fei's absence to discuss it with Wen Yongshan and the others?"

"Should be."

Li Shun nodded and continued: "Zhao Fei seems to be very accessible, and we will go back to the RV in the evening, and after the broadcast is turned off, we will show off our cards and ask Zhao Fei.

Although I am a little embarrassed, it is just a dream after all.

And it has already happened and cannot be changed.

The most important thing is that we are not on the set now, but in the RV. Zhao Fei can't escape even if he wants to. "

"Sister Li Chun is wise."

Ding Xiaoying gave a thumbs up, then picked up her phone and sent a message to the four-person group.

Although Ding Xiaoying has her own little thoughts.

But the prerequisite for this careful idea to be realized is that Zhao Fei admits and faces the crew's dream incident.

After all, in this kind of thing, in the final analysis, Zhao Fei takes advantage and she suffers.

As long as Zhao Fei can face the original incident, she will naturally have the upper hand. She does not believe that Zhao Fei is not guilty.

It’s not just Ding Xiaoying.

The other three women thought the same way.

This time they wanted to make Zhao Fei unable to escape, and they had to admit it even if they didn't admit it.

After all, it was not just the actresses who fell asleep in the entire crew, but also such strange things happened to the male actors, but the degree was different.

As the protagonist, Zhao Fei cannot be alone.


On the other side, Zhao Fei had no idea that the four women were discussing and had a showdown with him that night, forcing him to admit everything.

But even if he didn't know, Zhao Fei had a hunch.

After all, although this time it was for publicity in the snow, it was equivalent to being visited by the four girls.

So this made Zhao Fei a little embarrassed.

Even if he wanted to refuse to admit it like before, he probably wouldn't be able to cope with it.

Otherwise, let the four of them live in the RV while I find a hotel?
Zhao Fei was eating fried tofu.

Think while eating.

He shook his head, feeling that he could hide for a while, but not forever.

The four girls will not stay here for a short time this time. If he does this today, I am afraid it will be even more troublesome tomorrow.

Now he can only take one step at a time.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei looked at the time.

Realizing that it was already past eight o'clock, it was time to go back, so he sent Yan Min a WeChat message and took the lead in walking towards the RV.

At the same time, the four women also received notifications from their assistants.

He was led to the RV by the staff.

After playing and eating, it’s time to go to sleep.

Zhao Fei returned to the RV first and replaced the sheets and quilts in the two bedrooms with new ones, as well as some personal belongings of Liu Yifei and Mai Mai, and put them all away.

There are a lot of things here that cannot be seen.

When the four girls came back, the interior of the RV had been completely renewed.

"Brothers, today's live broadcast is almost over."

Zhao Fei took the live broadcast room on his mobile phone and continued: "We also have many cameras on our RV. Although it is early to shut down the broadcast, when our travel variety show comes out, everyone will also see some scenes at night.

This is also equivalent to maintaining a certain sense of mystery for variety shows.

Otherwise, the live broadcast and the variety show would show the same thing, so please forgive me. "

This was discussed in advance before the trip began.

It's just that Zhao Fei never mentioned it.

This time, four new guests came, and Zhao Fei was afraid of causing any misunderstanding.

I didn't mention it before because Zhao Fei was not afraid of rumors about his scandal with Mai Mai and Yifei, and others could say whatever they wanted.

But these four female guests are different.

If there is really any scandal, the impact will be bad.

The most important thing is that even if fans don't guess what is going on with Zhao Fei and the fourth girl, they are afraid that the team behind the fourth girl will take the initiative to rub Zhao Fei's skin.

If news breaks out that Zhao Fei and Li Gengxi are together, it will definitely be big news.

Therefore, Zhao Fei had to be more cautious.

Try to distance yourself from the four girls as much as possible and don't get too close.

After saying this, Zhao Fei watched the four girls go back together. After thinking about it, he continued to ask loudly before the broadcast was turned off.

"It just so happens that you are back. Although the RV can accommodate five of us, it is still relatively compact, so I want to ask you.

Do you want to stay in an RV tonight or stay in a hotel?

The hotel room has been reserved for you, I can send you there directly. "

Although Zhao Fei couldn't take the initiative to evade, he could send the four women away and he lived alone in the RV.

In this way, even if the four girls wanted to cause trouble for him, they would not be able to do so.

Although Zhao Fei just said that he would let the four girls choose, the implication behind his words was that he was hinting that the four girls should stay in a hotel.

The fourth girl also heard it.

However, when they looked at each other, they looked at Zhao Fei deeply, as if they didn't understand what Zhao Fei meant.

They all opened their mouths.

Wen Yongshan: "Let's live in a car."

Li Shun: "Yes, don't bother."

Li Gengxi: "The hotel room should be refundable."

Ding Xiaoying: "I have never lived in an RV, so I just want to experience it today." (End of Chapter)

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