China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 180 Showdown, have a cup of Jindian Organic before going to bed

Chapter 180 Showdown, have a cup of Jindian Organic before going to bed

The answers of the four women were not even unanimous.

But the meaning is probably the same.

Zhao Fei's mouth twitched when he heard it. He didn't believe that the other party didn't understand what he meant, so now he was shamelessly pretending not to understand.

It was obviously already prepared.

Zhao Fei even felt that the four women should have discussed it before coming.

Even if the friendship between them is not particularly deep, they are obviously in the same camp when it comes to dealing with themselves.

This couldn't help but give Zhao Fei a headache.

I had prepared my words, but for a moment I didn’t know how to speak.

At the same time, most people in the live broadcast room were still posting barrages, complaining that Zhao Fei shut down the broadcast at the critical moment, but there were also many old fans who noticed the difference between the two parties.

Barrage after barrage flew in the middle of the barrage.

"No, have you noticed that there seems to be something going on here?"

"What's the matter? Don't tell me. These four people have fallen in love with Zhao Fei and want to spend a night with Zhao Fei? Isn't this obviously impossible?

Don’t you just don’t want to stay in a hotel? If it were me, I would also like to experience the feeling of living in an RV. "

"No matter what, I can tell from Zhao Fei's expression that this bitch doesn't want to get too close to the four girls, obviously because he is afraid that Mai Mai will mind.

I have to say, as a man, I still admire Zhao Fei on this aspect.

If it were me, I would... drink myself to death, even if it meant going to jail, I would feel better first.

How can it push people away? "

Zhao Fei noticed the barrage in the live broadcast room.

A wry smile.

No matter what, at least what he said just now will not be misunderstood by others, and what thoughts he has about the four women.

And in front of the live broadcast room, Zhao Fei shouldn't go too far.

I can only agree to them.

He nodded and said: "Okay, I will ask someone to return the hotel room now. You will live in the RV tonight, but now this location needs to be changed.

Everyone, please get in the car first. "

Then, Zhao Fei allowed the four women to move around in the carriage.

He started the RV and changed positions. After all, the location of the RV was already broadcast through the live broadcast room.

There are so many fans in the live broadcast room.

Even if Zhao Fei's fan base is not fanatical, Zhao Fei must be careful to avoid fans or tabloid reporters finding the location of the RV.

A secluded overnight spot is essential.

"Zhao Fei, we want to take a shower, can you turn off the camera in the carriage first?"

Wen Yongshan shouted in the carriage.


While driving, Zhao Fei told them the power location of the camera in the car.

As long as the power is turned off, the camera will be powered off.

The cameras throughout the RV, both inside and outside, couldn't capture anything.

"You guys are free to do it. You don't need to call me when you're done. You can just go to bed. We'll share a room for two of you. We'll discuss how to allocate rooms. I'll park the car and won't go in."

I slept in the cockpit at night, and there was a sleeping area in the cockpit. "

"I know." Wen Yongshan replied, and then there was no movement.

Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he said hello to the fans in the live broadcast room and turned off the live broadcast.

Find a small alley, park the RV inside, and close the door leading to the driver's cabin to create a physical isolation.

On the other side, four people were simply taking a shower.

At this moment, he noticed the movement on Zhao Fei's side.

We started chatting immediately.

Li Gengxi put down his mobile phone: "Sisters, Zhao Fei has turned off the live broadcast."

Ding Xiaoying glanced outside and said: "Not only did he turn off the live broadcast, this guy even closed the cockpit door, and I heard the sound of it being locked."

Li Shun snorted coldly: "This bitch obviously has a premonition of something and is avoiding us."

"Don't worry."

Wen Yongshan's beautiful peach blossom eyes narrowed: "It's in a RV, he can't hide, we'll do this first, and then...

I don't believe she won't come out. "


"That's a good way."

"Don't worry, we will cooperate with you in a moment."

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Zhao Fei lay on the bed in the cockpit and listened. He felt that the movement in the car was getting smaller and smaller, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But at the same time, I was also a little confused. Could it be that I had guessed wrong?
Didn't these four people think of a showdown with him?

It's not impossible. After all, it's hard to avoid saying something like falling asleep. Although the four girls are all adults, they are also people who want to save face.

If that's the case, then all the better.

This trip will be broadcast live and will be spent easily.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei's nervousness relaxed a lot, and then he closed his eyes.

ready to sleep.

However, at this moment, he only heard a "bang" in the carriage, and then Zhao Fei heard the sound of water flowing.

"Oops, no, no, no, the bathroom is leaking."

Li Shun's exclamations resounded throughout the carriage.

Zhao Fei stood up suddenly.

Then came the voices of Wen Yongshan and the others.

"What happened?"

"Oh my God, what did you do? Is this a leaking water pipe?"

"Oh, my clothes are all wet. Zhao Fei, Zhao Fei, come out quickly."

Bang Bang Bang!
A rapid knock on the door sounded in Zhao Fei's ears.

Zhao Fei frowned, he could see the little trick at a glance, so he didn't want to go out, so he shouted: "There is a safety valve under the washbasin on the left side of the bathroom.

If you close the safety valve, there will be no water leakage. "

"I can't find the safety valve, Zhao Fei... come out quickly, otherwise the RV will be flooded in a while."

"Yes, yes, Zhao Fei, come out quickly."

"Oh my god, the water has already reached the living room. Zhao Fei, please take care of it quickly."

When he heard the shouts of the three women, the corners of Zhao Fei's mouth twitched.

He just said to turn off the safety valve, and the next second the four girls took over.

It was obvious that he was not even moving at the door, so it was obvious that he was trying to force him to go out.

Now Zhao Fei couldn't shirk even if he wanted to.

You can't let the water keep flowing, will it really flood the RV?
More than 8000 million.

So Zhao Fei had a gloomy face and could only open the door.

The appearance of the four girls also came into view.

Although they looked embarrassed, they also had their own differences at the moment.

That delicate look was very alluring. Even if Zhao Fei was angry, he couldn't express it outwardly.

Especially Li Shu, her wet hair was draped over her shoulders, dripping with water, her feet were bare on the floor, and she was only wrapped in a bath towel, which made her mouth water.

The other three women were no less generous.

Wen Yongshan was wearing a black suspender silk pajamas, her eyebrows were full of spring, her exposed shoulders and calves had delicate and fair skin, and the faint smile on her facial features added a bit of seductive charm.

Ding Xiaoying was even more bold, wearing a men's shirt on her upper body.It looks like there is nothing on the lower body. As long as you lift the hem of the shirt, you can see the spring scenery at a glance.

Although Li Gengxi is slightly conservative.

But under the soft light of the carriage, the eyes that move flexibly are half naughty, half mischievous, and cute. People can't help but hug her and feast on her.

"Cough cough."

Zhao Fei coughed lightly and didn't look twice. He walked through the four women with a straight face and walked quickly to the bathroom.

What caught the eye was the faucet and shower head that were turned on. It didn't look like there was any leakage in the bathroom.

Not to mention the water-filled living room.

Stepping forward to turn off the faucet, Zhao Fei shook his head helplessly.

Knowing that he couldn't escape today, he simply sat on the sofa and said calmly: "Tell me, what do you want to do?"


Li Shun took a few steps forward and sat next to Zhao Fei. He grabbed the bath towel with one hand to prevent it from falling, and put one hand on Zhao Fei's thigh: "Don't be angry, there is nothing I can do about it.

There are no outsiders here now, so can you tell us that you were on the set in the snow.

Have you ever had some strange dreams at night? "

"Yes, this is our purpose." Wen Yongshan waved her long hair, crossed her legs, and sat opposite Zhao Fei.

Although Ding Xiaoying and Li Gengxi did not speak, they stood beside Wen Yongshan respectively.

Her beautiful big eyes stared at Zhao Fei, obviously wanting to get the answer from Zhao Fei.

"If I say no, you won't believe it, right?"

Zhao Fei glanced at Wen Yongshan's slender legs.Then he looked at the expressions of the other three women.

Although none of them spoke, they obviously didn't believe it.

But even so, Zhao Fei didn't want to admit it, spread his hands and continued.

"Even if you don't believe me, I have to say this, because I did not have any strange dreams when I was on the set in the snow, which you may doubt.

Why is it that everyone else in the crew has it, but I, the protagonist, don’t have it.

To be honest, I don't know what's going on.

But I think maybe it was because I was the first protagonist that I didn’t fall asleep.

Believe it or not, this is the truth. "

Zhao Fei's peak acting skills were fully demonstrated at this moment.

Li Gengxi frowned slightly, feeling a little shaken in his heart, including Ding Xiaoying who was also a little confused.

It really looks like Zhao Fei is pretending to be innocent with his innocent look.

However, these two young people were able to hide their past from Zhao Fei, which was different for Li Shun and Wen Yongshan.

Li Shun sneered in his heart, but with a friendly look on his face, he hugged Zhao Fei's arm and said coquettishly, "Zhao Fei, stop pretending.

I was very aware of your three-minute heat in the sedan chair.

The reason why we ask you today is not because we want to do anything, but we just want everyone to sit together and study and discuss, what exactly happened when you fell into a dream on the set?

After all, this fact is too weird. "

After Li Shu took a bath, her body still exuded a faint fragrance.

As she got closer, she kept digging into Zhao Fei's nose.

Not to mention Zhao Fei, even any man is a little unable to control himself at this moment.

However, Zhao Fei still insisted on his own point of view.

Absolutely cannot admit it.

If you admit this, it will be more troublesome later.

So Zhao Fei insisted: "Four of you, I didn't lie to you. I also know that there was a collective dream incident in the snow.

But...I really don't have it, so I don't understand the 3-minute heat you mentioned Li Chun.

Is this a lack of patience or a lack of talent?
That’s why you say 3 minutes of heat? "

As soon as these words came out, Li Shun's expression froze.

She didn't expect that at this time, Zhao Fei would still speak harshly.

I felt a little numb for a while. After all, people just don’t admit it. What can you do?

You can't force people to admit it, right?
Wen Yongshan also looked at Zhao Fei deeply at this moment, then stood up and sat on the other side of Zhao Fei, saying: "Since you really don't have it, forget it.

We are also curious, after all, it would be too scary to tell such a thing.

We thought that as the first protagonist, you might know more than us, but it turns out that you were not dreaming.

I apologize to you. "

At this moment, Wen Yongshan looked apologetic.

Sincere tone.

Zhao Fei instantly breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's okay, it's's all a misunderstanding. Just clear it up."

Li Shun on the side also rolled his eyes and let go of Zhao Fei's arm.

Sit upright.

He slowly breathed a sigh of relief: "If that's the case, then...I'm sorry just now."

"It's okay. In fact, I'm also curious about why you fell asleep."

Zhao Fei still pretended not to know anything: "When we were on the set, Hu Jun and I talked about it, and it was indeed a bit strange to talk about it.

Looking back now, it's quite scary.

It is reasonable for you to do this. "


Li Gengxi also nodded and interjected: "You don't know, when we were on the set, we didn't dare to sleep because we were afraid of dreaming about something bad at night."

"me too."

Ding Xiaoying also sighed, with lingering fear in her heart, and frowned: "But why didn't you fall asleep when you played Xu Fengnian?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fei wanted to show his hands.

I don't know a word of it.

Unexpectedly, before he could speak at this time, Wen Yongshan explained to him: "Forget it, Zhao Fei didn't even fall asleep, so naturally he didn't know what was going on.

Let's not make things difficult for him.

It took me so long to prepare, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding, which made me a little hungry.

Gengxi, there is Jindian organic milk next to you. Get a bottle for me. Let’s go to bed after drinking it. "

"Yeah, I'll have a bottle too."

"I also want."

Zhao Fei was really relieved that the four women were no longer forcing him.

However, I had some doubts before, feeling that this was a delaying strategy by the four women, but seeing that the matter was about to end, they were all ready to rest.

Zhao Fei really let down his guard and stood up to return to the cockpit.

"In that case, I'll go back first. Good night, four of you."

"it is good."

Wen Yongshan nodded, inserted the straw into the box of Jindian organic milk, and handed it to Zhao Fei; "Here, I'll give you a bottle too, and have a good dream at night."

"Thank you."

Zhao Fei took the golden certificate and subconsciously glanced at Wen Yongshan's chest.

Because it reminded him of the game he played with his sister Xu Weixiong when he was a child.

However, in order not to arouse suspicion, Zhao Fei quickly changed his gaze and planned to take the golden code and sneak away quickly.

However, the previous persecution was all foreshadowing.

Wen Yongshan knew that Zhao Fei would not admit it easily, so she was waiting for him here. She clearly caught Zhao Fei's gaze, raised the corner of her mouth, and showed a successful smile.

The golden code in his hand was taken back again.

"Zhao Fei, what were you looking at just now? Are you thinking whether Jindian's organic food tastes better or sister's?"

(End of this chapter)

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