China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 181 It’s midnight, what do you want to do if you don’t sleep?

Zhao Fei's hands were awkwardly hanging in the air.

It's not about taking it back now, nor is it about taking the golden code back.

Especially after hearing Wen Yongshan's words, Zhao Fei's face froze instantly.

Despite all precautions, he didn't expect that the other party was waiting for him here.

It was obvious that Wen Yongshan noticed his gaze just now, so she showed her weakness.

If Zhao Fei refuses to admit it at this time, he will completely offend these four women to death.

No one knows what the four girls will do at that time.

And Zhao Fei is not that thick-skinned.

So looking at Wen Yongshan's successful look at this moment, Zhao Fei couldn't help but smile bitterly and spread his hands: "I don't understand, this is not a happy thing.

And it won’t be of any benefit to you, so why are you so fussy about it?
Could it be that your sister is still addicted? "

While saying this, Zhao Fei glanced at Wen Yongshan's chest without hesitation.

In fact, the scale is not much different from that of Mai Mai, both are about the same size.

But it must be mentioned that the two have different styles. Mai Mai is Xiaojiabiyu, more cute, while Wen Yongshan is more mature and charming.

At the same time, the other three women around him glanced at Jin Dian organically.

He looked at Wen Yongshan again.

Especially they all listened to Zhao Fei's words, and then thought of elder sister as mother.

I instantly realized that Zhao Fei and Wen Yongshan played some grudges and grudges between siblings in the snow.

In the past, the four women had only discussed how to trick Zhao Fei out, and then continue the discussion by showing off their cards.

They didn't mention Jin Dian's organic matter, so they were a little surprised at Wen Yongshan's courage at this moment.

All the big eyes were widened.

His eyes looked back and forth between the two of them, and he began to feel a sense of gossip.

As the protagonist, Wen Yongshan was a little shy because she was being squeezed by Zhao Fei.

But soon she snorted coldly and turned away: "Didn't you say you never had a dream just now? Why...don't you pretend now?"


Zhao Fei sat back on the sofa and shook his head: "This matter is over with me, not to mention that Xu Fengnian is Xu Fengnian and I am me.

And it was just a strange dream at the beginning, you don’t need to..."

"Is it just one? I can't stop looking at it, right?" Li Shun glared at Zhao Fei, indicating something.

"Uh, yes...more than once."

Although Zhao Fei was a little embarrassed, his expression remained unchanged and he continued: "What I want to express is that since this matter has passed, can't we just pretend that it never happened?
So hello me hello everyone.

Anyway, no one is missing a piece of flesh in reality, and nothing happened to us..."

"Humph, you were so strong on me back then, and you just said let it go?" Li Gengxi said angrily, especially this matter, which has always made her feel uncomfortable.

"That's not me, that's Xu Fengnian."

Zhao Fei explained: "You can't control the plot characters in the snow, and I can't control it either, so you all rely on me, which makes no sense.

You don’t know what it is like to fall asleep every night, and I don’t know either.

So, you can’t blame me for this kind of thing. "

"I can't blame you, but you took advantage in the end." Ding Xiaoying clasped her arms together and pouted, pretending to be unhappy.

"No, how can you say I took advantage of this? I..."

At this point, Zhao Fei's voice paused.

Because he found that before he could finish speaking, the eyes of the four women looking at him were obviously much colder, and there was a trace of resentment all over their bodies.

It looked like it was going to eat him.

"Definitely, then what do you think...?"

Zhao Fei sat back on the sofa and kicked the ball back.

He wanted to see what the four girls were doing after such an outburst today.
"We don't want to embarrass you, we just want to ask you what you think about this. Why do the entire Snow cast members have dreams every night?
As the first male protagonist, you are the only one who takes advantage.

Surely knows more than we do. "

Wen Yongshan asked about the confusion that had always been in her heart.

The three women next to him also spoke.

"Yes, although the director is also a beneficiary, his benefit lies more in the real-life honors from the superb plot, outstanding acting skills, and the subsequent broadcast in the snow.

The director didn’t dream and didn’t take advantage of us.

It probably has nothing to do with him. "Ding Xiaoying tried to guess.

"Not necessarily. The director is also suspected, but Zhao Fei is the most suspicious." Li Gengxi said.

"So, was this thing caused by you? Didn't you use the incense... or was it some kind of Gu? We all watched your live broadcast two days ago."

Li Shun stared at Zhao Fei and asked aggressively.

Hearing this, Zhao Fei couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Indeed, this was caused by the Dream Experience Card, and it can be said that he is the culprit.

But before using the Dream Experience Card, Zhao Fei did not expect that things would turn out like this.

After taking on the role, my acting skills really improved.

However, the sequelae are not small.

Although he was the leading male protagonist at the time and enjoyed the luxurious life of a prince in ancient times, the beauty of it made people forget to leave.

But now facing the questioning of the four women, Zhao Fei didn't know whether this was a blessing or a curse.

But no matter what, he can only pretend not to know now.

Anyway, the dream experience card must not be revealed.

So Zhao Fei spread his hands, shook his head and said, "I also want to ask this question. If I really had the abilities you mentioned, why would I be filming or traveling?

I am just an ordinary person like you. "

The four girls saw Zhao Fei's innocent look.

In fact, they also know that this kind of thing feels impossible to do manually.

But if you want to call it a coincidence, it's too much of a coincidence.

They understood Zhao Fei's confusion.

Because not only Zhao Fei, they also didn’t know what caused the dream.

The reason for embarrassing Zhao Fei was simply that Zhao Fei took advantage and ran away, leaving them unhappy.

Let's talk now.

The four women looked at Zhao Fei with less aggressive eyes.

Instead, he was a little shy.

After all, except for Wen Yongshan, the other three women and Zhao Fei did everything they should and should not do.

In the past, Zhao Fei pretended not to know that they could still deceive him, but now that they have made it clear, he can no longer deceive himself.

"Ahem, what do you think is going on?"

Wen Yongshan frowned, although she was still angry.

But in my heart, I gradually regarded Zhao Fei as one of the victims, and planned to discuss it together.

Find out where the root of the problem lies?
"Yes, don't you know Chinese medicine? In your Chinese medicine, are there any medicines that can make people have collective dreams?"

Li Shu also sat back on the sofa and asked with a frown.

"Is there such a medicine in the world?"

Li Gengxi was a little surprised and said: "I feel like this is a bit like some kind of magic?"

"That's right, it was either a spell or we were all possessed by evil spirits on the set in the snow."

Ding Xiaoying nodded and expressed his opinion.

Everyone listened and Zhao Fei's mouth twitched, but he did not dare to show it at all. He also pretended to be confused and said: "In Chinese medicine, there are indeed some medicines that can make people dream.

For example, hallucinogenic mushrooms,

However, the body will become weak after taking this medicine, and if not treated in time, it will be life-threatening.

In addition, there are some anti-epileptic, antipyretic and analgesic drugs from Western medicine.

Excessive use of these drugs can cause mental disorders, agitation, dreaminess... and even hallucinations and other symptoms.

However, after waking up from such adverse reactions, most people will feel tired, sleepy, and lack of energy.

And I don’t specifically dream about plots in the snow, let alone continuity.We were on set and were in good spirits the next morning.

So I concluded that there is no such medicine that can allow everyone to experience another person's life like Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly. "

Listen to Zhao Fei's analysis.

The four women around him nodded frequently, feeling that what Zhao Fei said made sense.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei could only continue to lie.

"So I also tend to think that there should be some kind of magic, or evil... that caused Zhuang Zhou to dream of butterfly, but now we are in the 21st century.

This kind of thing is too fantasy, so I can't say for sure. "

Hearing this, the four women also frowned.

Then Li Gengxi seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and he said: "Then do you think it could be something like a goblin, or some ghost?
These ghosts made their home near our set.

We occupied its position, so if you wanted to drive us away, you cast a spell..."

When it came to this, the other three women were also a little scared.

He leaned closer to Zhao Fei.

Especially Ding Xiaoying, she followed Li Gengxi's words: "You mean, we were the one who overpowered others when we were filming?"

"Yeah, think about Lin Zhengying's movies."

"Don't talk nonsense." Li Chun interrupted the two people and said: "When we were in the film and television city, we were not the only ones filming there in the snow. If you put it like this, why didn't other crews do it?

It happened to us in the snow? "


Wen Yongshan also nodded.

Although she is not from the mainland and believes more in this kind of metaphysics, Li Gengxi's point of view obviously does not make sense.

So ghosts and the like are absolutely impossible.

"Cough cough."

Zhao Fei coughed twice.

Although he was helpless, he could only continue to accompany the four girls and speculate together, so he put forward his own opinion.

“Actually, it’s possible that there is a parallel world, and this parallel world is the world in the novels in the snow, when we were filming this TV series.

Maybe I had some kind of connection with the parallel world, so I saw what happened in the parallel world while I was sleeping.

As a result, we regard this as a dream.

In fact, this has nothing to do with us, everything happens in another world.

Now we just need to be ourselves, and thinking too much is asking for trouble. "

Zhao Fei's words were very bold.

But he also gave the four girls an explanation from the side.

But Zhao Fei's mentality made them a little unhappy, because things were not as simple as Zhao Fei said.

Even if there is a parallel world in the snow.

However, they share the ups and downs of life experiences in this parallel world.

It was as if it really happened to them.

That's why the four girls keep fussing over everything.

Zhao Fei is a man and he has taken enough advantage, so he doesn't care anymore.

But the four girls...the more they think about it, the worse they become.

"No, you have to give us an explanation." Li Shun punched Zhao Fei in the chest unreasonably.

"Yes, I am still a young lady, why would you..." Li Gengxi pouted, a little unconvinced.

Ding Xiaoying and Wen Yongshan were also staring at Zhao Fei at this moment.

The main focus is on being unreasonable. I am a woman and you have to let me go.

It seems like there is nothing you can do about it.

But in the final analysis, Zhao Fei was indeed at fault for this matter. After all, he took the initiative to use the Dream Experience Card.

So Zhao Fei thought for a while and said: "Then tell me, what do you want from me?"

Zhao Fei asked.

Successful smiles appeared on the faces of the four women at the same time.

Obviously everyone has their own little thoughts, but since everyone is here, it's hard for them to speak out now.

"I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it."

Li Shun got up first and returned to the room.

Ding Xiaoying took a deep look at Zhao Fei and nodded: "Me too, then Sister Li Chun and I will go back to the room first."

Soon, only Zhao Fei, Li Gengxi, and Wen Yongshan were left in the living room.

"Where are you two? You haven't thought about it yet?" Zhao Fei looked at the two of them helplessly.

Li Gengxi pouted.

Although she had talked to Zhao Fei, she felt very uncomfortable when she looked at the countless intimate photos of Zhao Fei and Mai Mai hanging on the wall of the carriage.

Pouting, he glared at Zhao Fei.

Without saying anything, he turned around and returned to the other bedroom.

Obviously today, Li Shun and Ding Xiaoying share a room, and Li Gengxi and Wen Yongshan share a room.

Now only Zhao Fei and Wen Yongshan are left in the living room.

The two looked at each other.

Wen Yongshan couldn't help but feel a little shy at this moment. It was really the two of them playing games when they were children, but now that I think about it, it's a bit too outrageous.

However, they didn't know anything at that time, so they didn't think much about it.

But it's different now.

Wen Yongshan didn't want the awkward atmosphere in the scene to continue to spread, so she took the initiative to speak: "Do you still want to drink Jindian Organic?"

"Forget it, you..."

Zhao Fei glanced at Wen Yongshan's ordinary figure and shook his head.

Then he saw the other party handing over the Jindian Organic just now, his face froze, and he waved his hand quickly: "No, I mean..."

"You, you bastard."

Wen Yongshan glared at Zhao Fei angrily and threw Jin Dian organically into the trash can.

He turned around and returned to the room.

Seeing that he was the only one left in the living room, Zhao Fei was not embarrassed.

Yes, he did it on purpose just now.

Why can you embarrass me, but I can't tease you.

None of them are unreasonable, so don't blame me for being rude.

Zhao Fei stood up, turned off the lights in the living room, and turned back to the cockpit.

In any case, after many twists and turns, the matter of falling into a dream has been solved for the time being, even if Zhao Fei promised to give an explanation to the four of them.

But it's just an explanation.

It is impossible to hold Zhao Fei responsible.

After all, nothing happened in reality.

The fourth girl also knew this, so she didn't push her nose or face.

At most, Zhao Fei will pay some resources related to the entertainment industry, or some money.

Zhao Fei didn't care at all.

The most important thing is that the four girls don't dare to make this kind of thing known to everyone, otherwise both sides will suffer.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief.

Turn off the lights, close your eyes and sleep.

But just over an hour later, the door to the carriage bedroom was opened.

A slender figure walked towards the cockpit softly.

Finding that Zhao Fei had not locked the door this time, he breathed a sigh of relief, then opened the cockpit door and stepped inside. (End of chapter)

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