China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 182 I’m obviously here to cause destruction, why did I get myself involved?

Chapter 182 I’m obviously here to cause destruction, why did I get myself involved?
Moon stars are rare.

The windshield windows of the cockpit were blocked by curtains.

So it was pitch dark in the cockpit at this moment.

Can't see five fingers.

Zhao Fei has fallen asleep, but his super physical fitness and the various fruits in the exchange mall have made his perception very sensitive now.

The first thing he found was that his door was opened.

Slowly opened his eyes.

Although he couldn't see clearly who came in, Zhao Fei vaguely noticed that it was a woman wearing pajamas.

Zhao Fei had already locked the RV before, so it was impossible for outsiders to come in.

In other words, this is definitely one of the four girls.

Seeing the other person lightly stepping on the seat and trying to climb up, Zhao Fei shook his head and said softly: "Who are you?"

Hearing the sound, the figure in the dark moved.

Although Zhao Fei's voice was very soft, he was obviously startled.

But she didn't answer. Realizing that she had been discovered, she climbed onto Zhao Fei's bed with all her strength, lifted the quilt and got in.

Zhao Fei was stunned for a while.

He admits that he is handsome and rich, which makes him attractive to women.

This is the consensus of all.

But it’s not like people are recommending themselves pillow seats.

Is it because I was so deep in dreams on the set that I really fell in love with Xu Fengnian?

Or do you want to experience real guns and live ammunition in reality?
This is a good thing... To be honest, if it was Zhao Fei before, he would have hesitated and just do it first.

But now, hehe.

He is not a man that ordinary people can get.

So Zhao Fei shrank back and stretched out his hand to push towards the other party: "No, go back quickly. I don't know who you are, so I can just pretend that nothing happened."

The woman who was about to make a move paused again.

He looked at Zhao Fei in disbelief.

She is like this, and you still push her out?

Are you a man?

Xu Fengnian was not like this back then!
No matter what, she has come. If she is pushed out today, even if Zhao Fei doesn't know who she is, she won't be able to see anyone tomorrow.

Therefore, Zhao Fei's words not only did not make the woman in the darkness give up.

Instead, I started to get started directly...

She is not young and has experience, so her movements are very skillful. In addition, Zhao Fei did not expect that the other party would be so bold and direct.

He was succeeded in no time.

Although the result was the same, he didn't know who the person in front of him was, so how could he let the other person do whatever he wanted.

So he held his wrist and jumped out of the bed with his legs raised. He also picked up the other person and pushed him out of the car.

"Go away quickly, don't make me angry."

Zhao Fei's voice was colder, so he was not polite at all.

At this moment, the woman who was repeatedly rejected also had tears in her eyes and felt aggrieved. She finally mustered up the courage to come, hoping to promote good things.

Even if he can't stay by Zhao Fei's side in the future, he still has an invisible backer in the entertainment industry.

However, Zhao Fei didn't give any face at all.

This made her sad and sad.

I feel like I am a clown, a clown that no one wants for free.

So at this moment she was also angry, and regardless of Zhao Fei's refusal, she pounced on it and started chewing it.

"Are you crazy? Don't you know what happened just now? Bah, bah, bah..."

Zhao Fei pushed the opponent away and spat repeatedly.

I feel sick in my heart.

Then he didn't give the other party a chance to rush forward again, and turned back to the bed: "Go back quickly."

Then, Zhao Fei turned his back, fearing that he could not bear it.

After all, the night is long, and as a man, I always want to hold something in my hand, otherwise I will not feel at ease.

The next second he heard the footsteps of the other party turning and leaving, Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good.

In the end, he held on to the bottom line.

Otherwise... Zhao Fei really didn't know what to do after that.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei is glad that he didn't turn on the light just now, so he didn't know who the other party was, and it can be regarded as saving face for each other.

However, being tormented by the other party made him feel a little itchy.

I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

Secretly hating this bold woman: "Damn it, if it weren't for Mai Mai and Yifei, I would have kept you from getting out of bed today."


at the same time.

The woman who was rejected by Zhao Fei was extremely sad at this moment.

The tears were like a flood that could not be stopped.

And he didn't dare to cry, so he could only cover his mouth and hide in the bathroom, crying silently in sadness.

At this moment, it can be said that I hate Zhao Fei deeply.

I wish I could tear Zhao Fei into pieces and cut him into eight pieces.

At the same time, Li Shun in the bedroom heard the movement outside and opened his eyes.

He touched the side and found no one, so he stood up and called softly.


There was no response in the dark.

The next second Li Shun wanted to turn on the light, but in the end he seemed to think of something.

He opened the door secretly and saw that the carriage was also dark and empty, but he vaguely noticed that the cockpit door was open.

The idea in his heart was instantly confirmed.

Ding Xiaoying, Ding Xiaoying.

You are so shameless that you even approached me in the middle of the night.

Humph, did you really think I fell asleep?

I can guess your little thoughts without using my brain.

Li Shun curled her lips, disdainful of Ding Xiaoying's actions, but she didn't want Ding Xiaoying to succeed like this.

She really hadn't thought about anything happening with Zhao Fei in reality before.

Even though Zhao Fei is very handsome.

Even if Zhao Fei is very talented.

Even in the snow, she and Zhao Fei did everything they should and shouldn't do.

But after all, in the final analysis, the two of them are not familiar with each other in reality, they have only exchanged a few words.

She, Li Shun, can be considered a well-known figure after all.

He also has a certain status in the entertainment industry.

However, although she didn't want anything to happen to Zhao Fei, she didn't want others to get Zhao Fei either.

Especially Ding Xiaoying.

If Zhao Fei is on this list, his status in the entertainment industry will surpass hers in the future.

So at this moment, Li Shun didn't even think about it, and walked quickly towards the cockpit, intending to ruin Ding Xiaoying's good deeds.

At the same time, Ding Xiaoying was crying in the bathroom.

Hearing the footsteps outside, he quickly covered his mouth, his heart almost beating out of nervousness, fearing that someone would find out about his embarrassment.

Keep praying.

Don't come over, don't come over.

The bathroom is empty, no one.

Ding Xiaoying didn't know if her prayers were working, or if the person outside was not targeting her.

After discovering that the other party did not open the bathroom in the end.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Shun's bedroom and cockpit are only a few steps away.

Especially Li Shun was not sneaky.

So Zhao Fei, who was about to attack him, heard it immediately.

The anger in his heart was also rising.

damn it.It’s not over, right?
Bullying honest people, right?
Do you really think I can only push things outward?

Since you think so, don't blame me for being rude.

So when Li Chun just walked into the cockpit, Zhao Fei stretched out his hand and directly pulled him up.

Before she could speak, Zhao Fei covered her mouth.


As the saying goes, all come.

I feel like I can’t leave without leaving something behind.

Li Shun considers herself to have a strong psychological endurance and a high EQ and IQ.

Now that Zhao Fei admits that he also fell asleep when he was on the set in the snow, he feels a little proud.

Although this is mainly due to Wen Yongshan.

But without her cooperation, Zhao Fei would not have been so easily fooled by the previous Jindian opportunity.

After finishing this matter, Li Chun planned to have a good relationship with Zhao Fei in the past two days, preferably by getting on Liu Yifei's line.

Liu Yifei is a top actress, and her status in the entertainment industry is quite extraordinary.

What's more, Zhao Fei still owes her an explanation.

In the future, whether it is Zhao Fei or Liu Yifei, it will be very easy for her to take advantage of two characters.

But now she didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

She was obviously here to cause destruction.

Why did you hook yourself up?

Taking advantage of Zhao Fei's opportunity to let go, she wanted to interrupt everything.

But when I thought about it, Ding Xiaoying was not in the bedroom just now, and she was not here with Zhao Fei, so where did this girl go?
No matter where Ding Xiaoying is, what is certain is that the other party is definitely not asleep.

And somewhere in the dark.

In this way, if she makes a big fuss, Ding Xiaoying will know about it, and maybe she will wake up Wen Yongshan and Li Gengxi next door, and then she will be really embarrassed to see people.

And from Zhao Fei's muttering voice.

She also realized that she was now helping Ding Xiaoying to avoid disaster.

For a while, I wanted to cry but had no tears.

Can only suffer silently.

At the same time, Ding Xiaoying in the bathroom felt that there was no one outside, so she walked out quietly.

Just when she was about to go to the bedroom, she felt something moving in the cockpit.

Listen carefully.

Her eyes suddenly widened and tears burst into her eyes.

He scolded Zhao Fei: Wow, just now you seemed to be calm and contented, but now your true colors have been revealed in less than 2 minutes.

What, am I ugly?
Or am I out of shape?
I'm already here in a hurry, why can't I compare to... Hey, who is this woman?
No, I have to see, who are you?

Thinking of this, Ding Xiaoying walked towards the cockpit, but stopped halfway, frowning and hesitating.

After all, she had just been kicked out by Zhao Fei.

It would be too shameless to get involved.

Even though she had no intention of losing face, she still had dignity.

If this goes in, it will ruin Zhao Fei's good deeds.

That would be really annoying for Zhao Fei. Not to mention continuing to travel, it is not certain whether he can survive in the entertainment industry.

So she could only walk back unwillingly at this moment.

But even if you don’t know who that woman is now, you will find out later.

After all, the RV is not big, and she and Li Shun live in the same room.

Next door are Li Gengxi and Wen Yongshan.

If Li Shun is in the room, then this woman is either Wen Yongshan or Li Gengxi.

It would be easier if Li Shun was not in the room.

In her eyes, Li Shun should not be so courageous, and Wen Yongshan has a family, so there is a high probability that it is Li Gengxi, a stinky woman.

He pretends to be innocent day by day.

I bah, smelly shameless.

After cursing a few words in his mind, Ding Xiaoying returned to the room.

He carefully lay down in his position and subconsciously turned to the side.

Huh, no one?

Where is Li Shun?
Ding Xiaoying's expression changed, and she figured out the cause and effect in the next second.

Guessing: Could it be that Li Shun noticed that I was not in the room just now and went to look for me, but Zhao Fei...

Ah, you really deserve to die.

Ding Xiaoying grabbed the pillow and threw it out with all her strength.

Sad, uncomfortable...I even want to die.

He randomly performed a set of bastard punches on the bed, and then covered himself in the quilt.

And her movement made Li Gengxi next door drowsily open his eyes and pushed Wen Yongshan next to him: "Sister, someone seems to have smashed the wall?"

"Ah? What do you mean by smashing the wall?"

"Are you listening carefully?"

Wen Yongshan took off his blindfold and sat up, scratching his head.

It felt like someone was knocking on the car outside the RV, and he immediately became energetic, frowning and feeling it carefully.

"It seems like there's really someone outside?"

"Then what should we do?" Li Geng shrank back in fear, a little at a loss.

"Don't be afraid, I'll call Zhao Fei and ask him to go out and take a look."

Wen Yongshan took out her cell phone with a cautious look, but didn't wait for her to dial the number.

Then I realized something.

The sound was not coming from outside the RV, but from inside.

Just now, she was in a daze and couldn't hear it accurately. Now when she got serious, she could clearly tell that the direction of the sound was from the cockpit.

Vaguely, it seems that a suppressed voice can still be heard.

Intermittent and unreal.

This made the corners of her mouth twitch, she slammed her phone down, and the quilt covered her face: "It's okay, you heard wrong, go to bed quickly."


Li Gengxi didn't know why, but Wen Yongshan suddenly became so angry.

But Wen Yongshan is old enough after all, and she is enough to be her sister.

So in the end he shrank back into the quilt obediently.

Especially as time goes by, although she has never experienced it in reality, when she was on the set of Snow, she was often treated as a condiment.

What about cucumbers with mashed garlic? It's refreshing and delicious, and it also goes well with wine.

Stewed bluebird with ginger slices is delicious and can keep away the cold and keep you healthy.

Therefore, Li Gengxi is considered to have rich experience.

It didn’t take long to figure out what that sound was about.

I also understood why Wen Yongshan was angry.

Because she was angrier.

He clenched his little fists tightly, wanting to rush out and shout: Smelly woman, let go of my brother Zhao Fei.

But she dared not.

After all, she didn't know whether the shameless one was Li Shun or Ding Xiaoying... What if it was Mai Mai who came back?
What qualifications does she have to stop others?

The most important thing is that she is also afraid that Zhao Fei will have objections to her.

Then it's not worth the loss.

So I can only be silently angry and annoyed at this moment...

Including Wen Yongshan, who was next to him, cursed so many times in his heart at this moment, he was so shameless.

But this didn't surprise her.

She had known for a long time that Li Shun and Ding Xiaoying were not that simple, and they must have their own thoughts when traveling.

Including Li Gengxi next to him.

But what she thought was that the three women would establish contact with Zhao Fei, communicate secretly, and meet offline when they have time.

But I didn’t expect that on the first day...

So unreserved and shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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