China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 183 I can’t calm down this night

Chapter 183 There’s no stopping this night
I don't know how long has passed.

Zhao Fei was the only one left in the cockpit.

After the joy, worries, depression and other emotions are gone.

Zhao Fei didn't know who the other party was, but he also knew that it must be one of the four women.

Although he was a little impulsive this time, Zhao Fei did not regret it.

Who makes the other party ignorant?

After provoking him repeatedly, he really thought he had no temper.

Just don't do anything and let's have fun first and then talk about it.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei doesn't know who she is, and it's so dark that he can't see anything clearly in the middle of the night. Since he doesn't know who she is, he naturally doesn't have to take responsibility.

Even if he knew about it, Zhao Fei never thought about the follow-up.

He also never considered himself a good person.

What's more, it was the other party who took the initiative to provoke him first, and he would naturally have to bear the corresponding price.

Of course, although he didn't intend to take responsibility, Zhao Fei was also a little curious, who was so bold and came to tease him again and again?

Zhao Fei originally wanted to ask when the other party limped away just now.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he shut up.

It's better not to know, because you don't have to take responsibility because you don't know.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei took a long breath and relaxed his body.

After some tossing, it was almost twelve o'clock.


At the same time, Li Shun on the other side limped back to the bedroom, feeling aggrieved and surprised at Zhao Fei.

If you feel wronged for something you don't understand, you will lose your dignity.

It was originally a sabotage, but he accidentally lost himself.

I haven’t reasoned with it yet. Do you think it’s uncomfortable?
What surprised him was Zhao Fei's physical strength.

She felt as if she was about to die just now, and she almost couldn't help shouting several times.

This is different from the Zhao Fei she knew in the dream in the snow. It can even be said to be a different world.

Correspondingly, she truly realized her own weakness.

He was also a little afraid of Zhao Fei.

The most important thing is that she is more afraid of others discovering her affair with Zhao Fei.

So even though I felt uncomfortable, I still resisted my sleepiness, got out of bed and returned to the room.

Otherwise, if someone finds out tomorrow morning, he will be embarrassed to see anyone.

After closing the bedroom door, Li Shun vaguely saw Ding Xiaoying's figure. Her breathing was steady and she must be sleeping.

So she also breathed a sigh of relief.

He patted his sweaty chest.

He carefully lay down in his position and let out a sigh of relief.

The next second, a deep feeling of tiredness came from all parts of the body, and he fell asleep soon after closing his eyes.

But she didn't know that Ding Xiaoying beside her was clenching her little fists tightly at the moment and was not asleep at all.

At this moment, he was angrily scolding Li Shu for being shameless.

an hour and a half.

A full hour and a half.

Do you know how I spent more than an hour?

He told me during the day that he was just testing Zhao Fei, but he changed at night.

You can do it.

Sure enough, in the entertainment industry, whether they are besties or friends, they are used to cheat.

I remember you.

Li Gengxi, who was next door, heard the sound of the door closing outside. He also rubbed his eyes and shrank his delicate body under the quilt.

Pouting, he understood.

The noise just now was not that Mai Mai was back, but that Li Shun or Ding Xiaoying was next door.

This made her even more unwilling.

But even if she was unwilling, she had no choice but to sulk alone.

Wen Yongshan next to him was not asleep at the moment.

Based on the time, she judged that Zhao Fei was in good health and also knew that the other woman was next door.

This surprised her slightly.

After all, we had carried the gun group together and discussed the issue of Zhao Fei's time more than once.

Now looking at it this way, it is obvious that Zhao Fei is Zhao Fei and Xu Fengnian is Xu Fengnian.

Although the two look exactly the same, the difference in this aspect is a bit big.

Originally, she wanted Li Gengxi to give some strength to cause destruction. Now it seems that although this girl has ideas, she is too timid and is useless.

Should she, the elder sister, take action herself?

No no no.

We still have to cheer for Li Gengxi and add fuel to the flames.

Thinking of this, Wen Yongshan whispered: "Li Gengxi, are you asleep?"

"Ah, Sister Yongshan, you haven't gone to bed yet?"

Li Gengxi's voice was a little hoarse, and he was obviously not feeling right.

"I'd rather sleep."

Wen Yongshan smiled bitterly and said, "How can I sleep with you crying next to me?"

"I'm sorry, I..." Li Gengxi apologized quickly, his heart couldn't help but become more bitter, and the tears that had just stopped tended to be uncontrollable.

"Oh, don't cry, don't cry... The main reason is that this bitch Zhao Fei doesn't stop in the middle of the night."

Wen Yongshan held the other person in her arms.

He comforted softly: "The two people next door are not good people either."

"Yes, he is not a good person."

Seeing that Li Gengxi's tone was full of resentment, Wen Yongshan changed the topic: "Even so, does this mean they have succeeded?"

"Them? Sister Yongshan, you mean?" Li Gengxi's mouth opened in disbelief.

"I'm not talking about them. I'm not sure who they are, so I used them instead."

Wen Yongshan shook his head and continued: "Obviously they came to the trip with bad intentions. If you really like Zhao Fei, you have to work hard.

Otherwise, there will be no chance at all. "

Although Wen Yongshan admired Zhao Fei very much.

But I don’t want to play in person either.

But she doesn’t want other women to get what they want. She only focuses on one. If I don’t want it, I won’t give it to you either.

So she wanted to encourage Li Gengxi to work hard for it.

Push upward.

As a result, there will be conflict between women, and in the end there is a high probability that no one will take advantage.

At the same time, Li Gengxi was guessed. Although he was a little shy, it was just the two of them at this time.There are no outsiders.

She no longer hid herself.

Asked: "Then, what do you think I should do now?"

"What else can I do? Didn't you hear it tonight? This is a perfect case that can be used as a reference."

"No, no."

Hearing Wen Yongshan's words, Li Gengxi waved his hands repeatedly: "I don't dare, let alone... there is Zhao Maimai."

"Silly girl, isn't Zhao Maimai not here now?

What's more, do you really think you can replace Zhao Maimai?

Don't talk about you, even the four of us together may not be able to do it.

People can experience life and death together and climb Mount Everest.

We can't compare at all. "

Li Gengxi admitted that Wen Yongshan was right, so he felt even more bitter.

But there was still a question, so he said: "Then Zhao Fei, why are you still..." tonight


Wen Yongshan snorted coldly and said: "Men, dogs can't change their eating shit.

What's more, this is delivered to your door voluntarily, don't give it up for free.

If I were Zhao Fei, I would do the same thing.

This is equivalent to domestic potted plants and roadside wild flowers.

Potted plants at home require careful care. Although wildflowers on the roadside are beautiful after being picked, they will wither soon and can only be enjoyed for a while.

You don’t think that the person next door will be able to tie up Zhao Fei from now on, right?

In other words, in front of Zhao Fei, he gained three points more face.

If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can just ask Zhao Fei for help.

This also depends on whether Zhao Fei is a scumbag or not?

If Zhao Fei is cruel, it will all be in vain.

However, I think the person next door should also know that no one is stupid after all. While testing Zhao Fei, he can also experience the difference between being together in reality and in a dream.It’s not really a big loss.

After all, Zhao Fei is also very good. "

Li Gengxi nodded.

She recognized Zhao Fei's excellence, otherwise she wouldn't be like this now.

But for Wen Yongshan's cruel words, I felt very bitter in my heart.

Pouting, slightly confused.

I don't know what I'm going to do.

Because she doesn't want to grow on the roadside, she wants to be a potted plant that is cared for.

After all, she has advantages and capital in comparison.

Immediately, Wen Yongshan seemed to know what the girl was thinking, and added weight: "Of course, I am mainly talking about those of us who are older.

Unlike you, you are only 20 years old now.

You know, the first time is important for everything.

Especially women.

Maybe Zhao Fei values ​​this very much and his attitude would be different. "

Hearing this, Li Gengxi's eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "You mean..."

"Ahem, I'm not sure either."

Although Wen Yongshan had her own little thoughts, she really took the bait when she saw Li Gengxi.

The guilt hit me instantly.

I felt guilty for a moment and advised: "This is just my guess. After all, I am not Zhao Fei. Although we have filmed together, we have not spoken a few words.

Not much is known.

So you have to think carefully and don't make a decision easily.

After all, they already have Zhao Maimai, and judging from their posture, it is impossible to separate them. "


Li Gengxi pursed his lips.

I also understood what Wen Yongshan meant.

Then he fell into silence.

Obviously he is planning to think carefully about what he is going to do?
Do you want to fight?

The next morning.

At around five o'clock, Zhao Fei woke up first.

Seeing that there was no movement in the bedroom, it was obvious that the four girls were sleeping soundly.

Zhao Fei was not surprised. He walked out of the RV and planned to go to the morning market to buy some breakfast and bring it back to eat.

At the same time, Zhao Fei also started the live broadcast.

"Good morning, brothers."

Zhao Fei waved his hand towards the live broadcast room, pointed the phone lens to the side, and said, "Look, isn't the sunrise in the morning particularly beautiful?"

At this moment, Zhao Fei was standing on the seaside avenue.

Looking into the distance, the mist is steaming and white, and the sea water and the sky merge into one.

The red sun that just popped up in the middle looks like a shy girl covered with a veil, showing a smiling face.

In an instant, there were thousands of rays of light.

The red sun dyes the sky red and puts a red makeup on everything on Sunshine Island.

Complementing it is the sea surface that is turned into silver by the sunrise, with layers of golden edges rippling along with the waves.

Absolutely beautiful.

Nearly [-] fans poured into the live broadcast room.

I couldn't help but be amazed when I saw this scene.

“Seeing such a beautiful sunrise so early in the morning makes me feel so beautiful.”

"What a beautiful sunrise. Thank you to the anchor for getting up early and showing us the sunrise."

"That's not right. Why are you alone? Where is my Li Gengxi? And Li Shun... you are not going to sell all four of her, right?"


"What nonsense."

Zhao Fei thought about the four girls, especially what happened last night, and couldn't help but touch his nose with guilt.

But he quickly adjusted, and he didn't know who it was anyway.

So the psychological burden is not big.

"They are still sleeping. I am used to it. I get up at this time almost every day. Now I plan to go to the morning market to have breakfast and bring some back to them."

After hearing this, the fans suddenly realized.

Zhao Fei did get up very early every day before.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei had stayed with Zhao Fei for a long time and were used to Zhao Fei's routine.

But now the four girls are traveling in the snow for publicity, and they are obviously not used to it.

So this is reasonable.

And today’s young people almost never get up at five or six o’clock.

Let alone five or six o'clock, not even seven or eight o'clock.

Even if no one cares, there will always be people around when I lie down in bed at twelve o'clock. If I'm hungry, I can order takeout.

After all, no matter what you are doing, you are not comfortable lying on the bed and playing with your mobile phone.

As Zhao Fei walked, he chatted with fans in the live broadcast room.

Not long after, he saw the morning market.

Breakfast in Sanya is also very unique.

For example, spicy rice soup, Dad's tea, big fritters, etc.

The spicy soup rice is a traditional snack in Sanya, especially some dock workers, who are very proud of this bite.

The main method is to add fresh pork offal and various condiments to the bone soup.

The most important thing is the white chili pepper.

This kind of pepper is a specialty of Sunshine Island and has the effect of repelling cold and warming the stomach.

Dad's Tea is a popular tea with a simple and easy-to-remember name. Most of them are served by elderly people. Drinking tea and chatting to relieve boredom is a way of entertainment.

Can also be served as breakfast.

Eat with buns and western toast.

The big buns are similar to the buns we often eat, but the fillings are barbecued pork fillings and eggs.

Toast is fried toast bread.

Coffee churros are even simpler and very popular locally.

Just eat fried dough sticks dipped in coffee, which warms the heart, stomach, and body.

Especially when the fried dough sticks are soaked in coffee, the aromas of the two blend with each other, making the taste soft and not greasy.

Take a sip, the lips and teeth will be fragrant.

It is memorable.

Zhao Fei didn't know the taste of the four girls, so he took a little bit of each portion.

Of course, he went back after eating.

When walking into the RV, Zhao Fei checked the time and found that it was already 07:30, so he didn't go in directly. After all, the live broadcast was still on, so it would be bad if he accidentally captured something.

So Zhao Fei shouted: "Are you guys getting up?"

"Li Gengxi, Wen Yongshan?"

"Can you hear me?"

Zhao Fei shouted several times, but there was no movement inside.

Obviously the four girls are all slackers.

Zhao Fei shook his head and stepped into the RV: "Yes, you have all seen it. These four people haven't gotten up yet. I think today's trip can't start for the time being."

Zhao Fei put breakfast on the RV and walked out with the live broadcast room.

It was early in the morning, and he planned to exercise himself.

He put the mobile phone live broadcast room on a stand and walked aside: "Brothers, I haven't done Tai Chi for a long time. I will show you today."

"Don't tell me, it's been a long time since I've seen a host boxing. Hurry up."

"I also miss the Tai Chi exercise performed by the anchor. I still remember the last time I saw the anchor perform Tai Chi. It seemed to be in the square of Sunshine City, right?
I kind of forgot. "

"That's right, it's the square in Sunlight City. Mai Mai was there at the time, and it attracted many young and old people in the square to learn from him. In the end, more and more people followed.

This bitch had to run away, which is quite interesting to say. "

Zhao Fei started here.

There was also movement in the RV. It was obvious that they had just heard Zhao Fei shouting.

But I'm a bit lazy and don't want to think about it.

Now that there was no movement, they were a little worried that Zhao Fei would be angry, so they got up one by one with a sigh of relief.

Looking at the breakfast on the table, my heart felt warm.

He wanted to say thank you, but found that Zhao Fei was not in the RV, so he looked outside through the window.

I happened to see Zhao Fei doing Tai Chi.

(End of this chapter)

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