The sun rises.

Zhao Fei stood on the beach like a tall pine and cypress.

After adjusting his breathing, he started moving the next second.

His movements are agile and free, his body shape is like a swallow, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

When walking the Bagua pace, it gives people a natural and smooth feeling, more redundant and less dissatisfied, but Zhao Fei's movements are just right.

It looked as if no one was practicing Tai Chi alone.

Rather, it is a machine that rigorously performs various actions, which is very aesthetic.

Overflowing with artistry.

Wen Yongshan was brushing her teeth while looking at Zhao Fei's figure through the window.

At this moment she had to admit that Zhao Fei was really handsome.

Especially that kind of master-like temperament makes people unattainable. They were stunned for a while, and even the movement of brushing teeth slowed down a lot.

Including Li Gengxi on the side, his beautiful big eyes were also shining.

He made a decision secretly in his heart.

On the other hand, Li Shun and Ding Xiaoying were both resentful and worried about what happened last night.

One is the sadness of being rejected repeatedly.

One is the depression of enduring unforeseen disasters.

Especially Li Shun, Zhao Fei really didn't treat her as a human being yesterday, so she has the greatest resentment towards Zhao Fei.

With dark circles under his eyes, he glared at Zhao Fei fiercely through the car window.

He snorted and took out the cosmetics.

Covering up the sequelae of lack of sleep and the tiredness between the eyebrows, after all, there is still a live broadcast today.

After a set of punches, Zhao Fei started to move.

When I returned to the RV, I found the four girls eating breakfast. They smiled and said, "Good morning, how was it...Does the breakfast taste delicious?"

"It's okay." Wen Yongshan nodded and said nothing more.

Li Gengxi took a deep look at Zhao Fei, and then he didn't know what the girl thought of, so she buried her head.

Ding Xiaoying took a bite of the fried dough stick and glanced at Zhao Fei without saying a word.

Although Li Shun was resentful towards Zhao Fei, he also felt guilty.

Forced a smile: "It's pretty good. Have you eaten it?"

"I have already eaten."

Zhao Fei looked at the four women respectively, trying to find the victim last night.

After all, everyone is an actor.

Everyone's acting skills are quite good, so Zhao Fei didn't find anything wrong.

Simply stop worrying: "While you are eating, let me tell you about our travel itinerary today.

the weather is nice today.

So I plan to take you to the skydiving base in the morning, take a helicopter, experience high-altitude sightseeing, and overlook the entire Haitang Bay.

If you are looking for excitement, you can also parachute directly from a high altitude to the ground.


"Skydiving, is it true?" Li Gengxi opened his mouth in surprise.

Wen Yongshan and the other three women did not expect this either.

Zhao Fei could actually take them to play such an exciting event.

The heartbeat speeded up a lot for a while.

"Of course it's true, but it depends on the individual. You can play if you want to, or if you don't want to, you don't have to jump. It's up to you.

At noon, we had a quick bite to eat near the skydiving base.

In the afternoon, we went to Haitang Bay to experience various marine activities, such as motorboats, flying fish on the sea, diving... and so on.All kinds of fun, all kinds of waves.

So you should prepare swimsuits and other clothes. "

Zhao Fei's voice slowly sounded in the car.

At this moment, not only the four girls were slightly moved.

Even the fans in the live broadcast room did not expect that today's arrangements would be so rich.

Especially skydiving.

This kind of exciting project is really not something that ordinary people can experience.

First of all, helicopters give people a high-end feeling, so the cost must be high.

And even if someone is willing to spend the money, they may not have the courage to jump out.

Those who have money and courage may not have the time or opportunity.

The key point is that this is a very rare sea view skydiving.

A person may only get this opportunity once in his life.

So at this moment, the barrages in the live broadcast room were flying.

"Damn, this bitch is really good at playing."

"I won't say anything else. The host is my father. I'm begging for a guest spot on the trip. I don't need to stay long, I just want to experience skydiving.

This shit, it’s exciting just thinking about it. "

"I'm so envious of the guests in this episode. You know, when Zhao Fei and Mai Mai traveled together, they didn't even skydive."

Following Zhao Fei's explanation.

The four girls were also a little uneasy, their beautiful eyes were filled with anticipation and a little nervousness.

After all, it is parachuting from a height of [-] feet, which most people really don’t dare to do.

"I'm full. When will we set off?" Li Gengxi wiped his mouth and raised his hand.

Wen Yongshan also drank the coffee in one gulp, stood up and began to pack away the packaging bags on the table.

The same goes for Li Shun and Ding Xiaoying.

Even though they still had resentment towards Zhao Fei, they had never experienced skydiving before, so they were very curious.

Of course, they didn't know if they dared before, but that didn't stop them from being moved.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei checked the time and found that it was already past eight o'clock, so he smiled and said, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if it's early or late, I have my helicopter at the base.

So we don't have to queue.

I hope you will really have the guts to jump when you arrive. "

Zhao Fei was formerly a skydiving enthusiast.

Especially I like taking girls with me.

So I bought a helicopter and it flew to the base yesterday.

This is still a trick for picking up girls from the predecessor. It can be said that two people jump from the sky once, and then the girl can be taken home directly in the evening.

Of course, this is mainly due to the status bonus of being a rich second generation.

Coupled with the exciting project of skydiving, the adrenaline surges during the process, which can bring two people closer, so it is reasonable for it to become a negative number.

The four girls were surprised when they heard that Zhao Fei had a helicopter, but they didn't think much about it.

After all, Zhao Fei himself is a rich second generation.

Including the fans in the live broadcast room, although they felt a little sad and cursed a few words, they did not care about a dying person.

Afterwards, the four of them simply packed up the RV.

Zhao Fei set off.

The skydiving base is near Haitang Bay and can be reached by car in about an hour.

The four people in the RV were listening to music.

While feeling the coolness of the sea breeze flowing into the car, it is also accompanied by the rich coconut fragrance.

From time to time, you can also enjoy the sea view outside through the car window.

Not to mention how comfortable it is.

Therefore, Li Shun and Ding Xiaoying, who were slightly depressed, felt much better for a while.

But these two also discovered it.

Although the four girls chatted happily and listened happily, the way Wen Yongshan and Li Gengxi looked at them sometimes made it obvious that something was not right.

This made Li Shun dare not be careless at all, for fear of showing his flaws.

She had thought about it carefully. It was so dark yesterday that Zhao Fei didn't know who she was, and most likely he thought she was Ding Xiaoying.

Thinking of this made her feel aggrieved.

But he didn't intend to tell this matter and threaten Zhao Fei.

Just think it was bitten by a dog that rolled over and over.

After all, it was too embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing, and it was hard to explain. She was proud of herself and would not imitate Ding Xiaoying and go down to catch up... shameless.

So now she looked at Ding Xiaoying's smiling face, and the more she looked at it, the more disgusted she became.

On the contrary, at this moment, Ding Xiaoying had a smile on her face, but her heart was filled with disdain.

From time to time he glanced at Li Shun, with a flash of contempt flashing through his eyes.Cursing secretly: You can really pretend!

Li Gengxi and Wen Yongshan were chatting with the two girls opposite.

They also look at each other from time to time, as if to say: "Who do you think it was last night?"

Li Gengxi: "I can't tell. I think Ding Xiaoying seems to have a lot of resentment towards Li Shun, so it's probably her."

Wen Yongshan: "Well, I can also feel it. The relationship between the two is not as harmonious as before. Apparently it was because they caught each other cheating last night.

But I think Li Shun is also possible.

Because I noticed that when she was walking just now, she seemed a little awkward, as if she had been hurt in some way.

The skin also seems a little more moisturized.

It's like the earth recovering after the spring rain. "

Li Gengxi: "Sister Yongshan, your description... forget it, it must be one of them anyway."

Wen Yongshan: "Yes, you two are shameless."

Zhao Fei concentrated on driving.

I don’t know that the four girls next to me, who seem to be chatting in harmony, are actually 800-minded.

You come and go to test each other.

Especially when it was past nine o'clock, Zhao Fei arrived at the skydiving base and didn't care about anything else.

He opened his mouth and introduced: "The skydiving base here is the third offshore skydiving base in Asia and the first mountain base in China.

The skydiving height is basically about [-] feet.

That is 3000 meters.

The helicopter used by the base is a B-7 helicopter that can carry up to ten people, the same as mine.

There are single-person skydiving equipment and double-person skydiving equipment.

The base also has a top coaching team at home and abroad and strict open space protection.

Maintain safety throughout.

So don't worry at all.

This is also why I have to come here even if I have a helicopter. "

While Zhao Fei was talking, the four women also saw it.

On the square outside the window, there is a modern base.

The square is the airstrip, with helicopters parked on it.

One of them seems to have already been boarded by tourists. The propellers are turning rapidly and the deafening roar makes people feel uneasy.

So the four girls couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this moment.

Swallow again and again.

But at the same time, I also have some expectations. After all, I am jumping from more than 3000 meters when safety can be guaranteed.

Exciting to think about.


Ding Xiaoying patted her chest. The scale was the same as her courage, not small at all: "To be honest, I'm a little scared now."


Li Gengxi nodded: "Let alone 3000 meters, I don't dare to jump even from the third floor."

"Can that be the same?"

Wen Yongshan glanced at her. Although she was a little nervous, she still pretended to be calm: "It should be similar to bungee jumping. Let's try it out later and experience it."

"I don't dare either."

Li Shun had a look of fear on her face. She was not feeling well right now. She was afraid that she would be embarrassed if she tried such a stimulating project again. After all, she failed to hold it in several times last night.

"It's 3000 meters. Our current floor is about three meters high, which is equivalent to the height of a hundred floors. You can play, I... can't."

"Don't be afraid."

Zhao Fei smiled and comforted: "The coach will take you to dance, or I can take you to dance. Then you will listen to the coach.

Especially when you jump down and open the parachute bag, there will be a sudden rise.

Don't be nervous, and don't reach out and lift your legs randomly to affect the coach.

When you feel that you are close to the ground, stretch your legs forward. Do not step on the ground at a [-]-degree angle, otherwise you will easily break your leg.

Of course, these techniques are primarily for solo skydiving.

When being led by a coach, you don’t need to be so strict. The coach will absolutely ensure your safety. "

None of the four girls remembered any of the techniques Zhao Fei mentioned.

But they remembered that Zhao Fei could lead them to dance, so the eyes they looked at Zhao Fei instantly became watery.

Don't talk about Ding Xiaoying.

Even Li Chun, who didn't want to talk to Zhao Fei, wanted to speak and let Zhao Fei take the lead.

They all watched the Tai Chi session in the morning.

So we also know that Zhao Fei's physical fitness is very good, and Li Chun has too much say in this.

But at this moment, the four women looked at each other, but they were all embarrassed to be the first to speak.

Zhao Fei didn't care and continued: "There is another very important point, that is, you must manage your expressions well when the time comes, and you must know that there is a video recording during the process.

If you accidentally open your mouth wide, it will be instantly blown by the wind and even distort your face.

In severe cases, it may be like vomiting after drinking too much alcohol.

The scene when the time comes... tsk tsk.

You can imagine the goddess scattering flowers. "


"Haha, this piece of shit, it's okay for the goddess to scatter flowers."

"While falling, I was vomiting at the same time... Oh my god, it's a little disgusting."

"Don't tell me, the description of the anchor is very accurate. I already have the picture in my mind."

Not just fans in the studio.

The four girls who heard Zhao Fei say this were speechless for a moment.

Especially when I think about myself being in front of the camera, with my expression contorted, and even vomiting out the breakfast I just ate... Oh my god, that would be completely social.

So at this moment, the four women's conversation changed.

Wen Yongshan pulled back her long hair and pretended to be calm: "I think Li Chun is right, why don't we forget it and let you play."

Li Gengxi: "Ahem, I'm feeling a little unwell too."

Li Shun glanced at the two girls and sneered: "Haha."

"You don't dare, I dare." Ding Xiaoying saw that the four of them couldn't make it, and she raised her hand bravely: "It just so happens that if you three don't go, we won't have to find a coach. It's a waste of money.

Zhao Fei, just take me to dance. "

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the other three women proudly.

Finally, he looked at Zhao Fei.

As if he wanted to be praised, Zhao Fei obviously misunderstood her meaning, touched his nose, and said secretly, "Looking at the posture, she should be the one last night.

In good health.


Zhao Fei shook his head and looked at Ding Xiaoying's reserve bag carefully.

According to the measurement last night, it is obviously different.

On the contrary, the scale of the other three women is more similar.

So the person last night was most unlikely to be Ding Xiaoying, but one of the other three.

I really didn't expect it.

These three people looked quite serious during the day, but they didn't expect to be so bold when they turned off the lights.

At this moment, the three women noticed the gazes of Ding Xiaoying and Zhao Fei.

Although I don’t know what Zhao Fei is thinking.

But he clearly felt Ding Xiaoying's sense of superiority.

His face stiffened slightly.

Especially Li Gengxi, who had already made his decision, gritted his teeth and stamped his feet and stood up: "Who said I dare not? I will dance too... but Zhao Fei, you have to lead me."

Next to her, Wen Yongshan felt Li Gengxi secretly tugging on her.

Not wanting Ding Xiaoying to succeed, she sighed and said, "Isn't it safe? I'll give it a try too."

In this way, the last Li Shun is left.

After Zhao Fei stopped the car.

The four people looked at Li Chun one after another, which made her a little uncomfortable.

His fingers were intertwining, and his tone was stuttering.

"Well, then you go first and I last." (End of Chapter)

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