China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 185 Is it exciting or unexpected?

Chapter 185 Is it exciting or unexpected?
The pressure was on Li Shun, and she felt uncomfortable.

Thinking about it, it's already here, not to mention that Zhao Fei can take it with him, so it doesn't seem impossible.

What's more, she is still the last one to skydive. The three of them have vowed to do it, but they may not dare to jump by then.

If in the end, one of the first three regrets, then she will have an excuse.

Thinking of this, Li Shun agreed.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei smiled: "Don't worry, as long as the operation is standardized, nothing serious will happen. Even in comparison, the chance of a car accident is lower than when we drive."

After saying that, Zhao Fei got out of the car and led the four of them towards the base.

Because everyone wanted him to dance with him, Zhao Fei didn't hire any coach.

Sign the agreement directly.

Because of Zhao Fei's relationship and the fact that he prepared his own helicopter, this agreement mainly means that if something happens to Zhao Fei and the others, it has nothing to do with the base.

The main responsibility lies with Zhao Fei.

The predecessor, Zhao Fei, had jumped dozens of times, so he didn't take it seriously.

What's more, his physical fitness is now stronger than that of his predecessor, and there are almost no accidents.

Wear a professional skydiving suit.

Zhao Fei took the four of them to the apron.

There is a helicopter parked on it, and the captain is debugging it and preparing to take off.

"Come one by one."

Zhao Fei turned to look at the four girls and continued to ask, "Which of you comes first, I will take one person up first, and the remaining three will wait here. I will come back to pick up the second one later.

Arranged in order. "

"I'll go first." Ding Xiaoying raised her hand.

Although she was a little angry at the other three women for changing their tune, opportunities to be alone with Zhao Fei were rare.

So Ding Xiaoying showed great courage.

"Okay, then the three of you will wait here. It'll be quick."

After saying this, Zhao Fei took Ding Xiaoying onto the helicopter.

minutes later.

The helicopter's propeller rotated rapidly, and the roar gradually became louder, especially the increasingly strong wind, which forced the three women to retreat.

The helicopter took off slowly.

Zhao Fei helped Ding Xiaoying check the equipment and safety belts.

After confirming that there was no problem, he closed the cabin door.

As the helicopter took off, fans in the live broadcast room were also very excited.

Even if they weren't skydiving.

But seeing such an exciting project is already very exciting.

The barrage scrolled rapidly.

"It's started, it's finally started."

"Come on Ding Xiaoying, I'm optimistic about you."

"It's 3000 meters high in the sky, tsk tsk... my heart is beating a little too fast."

Zhao Fei couldn't see the barrage in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, he and Ding Xiaoying were sitting on the seats, hearing nothing except the noise from the helicopter.

And Ding Xiaoying was very nervous at the moment.

He kept taking deep breaths, and even his lips turned a little white.

Looking at it, Zhao Fei smiled slightly and said comfortingly: "Don't be nervous. The more nervous you are, the more scared you will be. If you have this skill, you might as well adjust your state.

Enjoy the excitement for a while. "

"Yeah, I, I, I, I'm not afraid."

Ding Xiaoying grabbed Zhao Fei's arm and spoke tremblingly.

Obviously he didn't mean what he said.

But Zhao Fei didn't say anything. Ding Xiaoying was the first to stand up, which was beyond his expectation.

At the same time, the helicopter continued to climb as time passed.

500 meters!
1000 meters!

2000 meters!
Especially as the helicopters get higher and higher, the buildings on the ground are getting smaller and smaller.

Even some figures could no longer be seen clearly.

However, Haitang Bay below, because it covers a large area, is very beautiful when viewed from a high altitude.

The vast blue sea and the crescent-shaped bay.

Ding Xiaoying's nervousness eased slightly.

Surprised: "Are we almost reaching the clouds?"


Zhao Fei nodded, and now they were looking through the helicopter window.

You can clearly see that there are many fragments of clouds around, as white and flawless as cotton, combined with the endless blue sky around them.

It's like a beautiful picture scroll spread out.


When the plane climbed to about 3000 meters, Zhao Fei opened the cabin door.

In an instant, cold wind poured into the cabin.

Ding Xiaoying swallowed a mouthful of saliva and woke up instantly. She asked tremblingly: "Are we here so soon?"

She also wanted to chat with Zhao Fei for a few words.

Why aren't you given any chance?


Zhao Fei nodded. He and Ding Xiaoying were in tandem skydiving equipment.

At this moment, they are connected together, with Ding Xiaoying in front and Zhao Fei in the back, moving little by little to the cabin door.
The two of them were facing the cabin, with the blue sky outside behind them.

At this moment, Ding Xiaoying saw the sky to the side with her peripheral vision, her heart was already in her throat, her spirit was tense, she grabbed the handrail next to the cabin door with both hands, and did not dare to move.

"Don't be afraid. I'm right behind you. I'll hold you and jump together. It's okay. Just let go of your hands first."

Zhao Fei comforted the other party: "Let go, close your eyes, I say three two one, you must be mentally prepared."

"I know, I know."

Ding Xiaoying's teeth trembled slightly, and she slowly released her grip on the handle.

Zhao Fei also continued to speak: "Are you ready?"


"Then let's get started, three, two, one... let's go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Fei's body slowly leaned back.

The two people at the cabin door disappeared.

The next second, Ding Xiaoying only felt the howling wind, like a knife, scraping her cheeks. A strong feeling of weightlessness instantly spread from all parts of her body, making her scream.

"Ahhh...I can't do it anymore."

Ding Xiaoying said I dare, I dare, but in fact she was quite scared in her heart.

This is because Zhao Fei is here, otherwise she would not jump to death.

Especially the strong feeling of weightlessness made her feel as if her soul had left her body.

And now looking down from the perspective of the helicopter.

You can see the figures of Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei falling rapidly and rolling in mid-air. In just ten seconds, there was only a black spot left.

It looks very shocking.

However, the helicopter did not stay still at this moment, but headed towards the apron.

Prepare to pick up the other three girls and continue.

"It's so scary. That person who just said he wanted to skydive, come on... I'll pay for it and you can go skydiving for me. This shit will scare you to death."

"Yes, I'm so embarrassed. It sounds simple when you say it, but when you see it, it makes you scared."

"Hurry up and wipe your sweat. Zhao Fei is so brave. Ding Xiaoying is also very courageous, awesome."

The live broadcast room was also filled with barrages at this moment.

But Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei, who were in mid-air at the moment, could not see them.

The two of them smashed into the clouds, and the cold wind whistled in their ears. After the initial panic, Ding Xiaoying slowly opened her eyes.

The feeling of weightlessness is still there, but the body has gradually adapted.

Especially the surrounding blue sky and white clouds.

The fear gradually subsided and turned into excitement and exhilaration.

The grievances and pressure from last night have all disappeared, and a flash of excitement flashed in his goggled eyes.

"Is this too exciting?"

At the same time, as time goes by.

After reaching a certain distance, Zhao Fei shouted loudly: "Attention, I'm going to open the parachute."

As he said that, he saw Ding Xiaoying nodding.Zhao Fei pulled gently.

The parachute bloomed in Zhao Fei's backpack like a flower.

Ding Xiaoying also felt her chest tighten.

The speed of their fall slowed down instantly, which was completely different from the previous feeling of weightlessness, as if there was a big hand pulling them behind their backs.

Feeling this, Ding Xiaoying also breathed a sigh of relief.

Until I landed safely, my legs were still a little weak.

Zhao Fei was not surprised when he saw this: "You rest here for a while, and I will continue with the three of them."

Zhao Fei walked into Galza's car and sped towards the base.

Before coming, Zhao Fei didn't expect that the four people would ask him to skydive with them. This would undoubtedly be a lot of trouble, but after all, they had said it in front of the live broadcast room, so Zhao Fei shouldn't refuse.

Fortunately, the distance between the two is not too far, otherwise Zhao Fei would have nothing to do.

Returning to the base, the second person to parachute was Li Gengxi.

The process is the same as before.

However, Li Gengxi looked obviously more scared than Ding Xiaoying.

After getting on the plane, my legs started to feel weak, my big eyes were watery, my teeth started to chatter, and I couldn't even speak.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay. Ding Xiaoying landed safely just now."

After the helicopter flew to an altitude of 3000 meters again.

Zhao Fei linked the two together and checked the equipment. Because Li Gengxi was obviously more nervous this time, Zhao Fei still chose to fall backwards to parachute.

Because they can't see the outside, their fear will be alleviated a lot.

"Ready, I'm counting to three, two, and one."

Li Gengxi didn't reply, nodded, and firmly grasped the rope on his chest.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Fei no longer hesitated.

Fall towards the back.

Even though he was prepared, the sudden feeling of weightlessness made Li Gengxi scream.

"Oh my god...I, ahhh!"

This time, Zhao Fei did not do some tricks and somersaults, but fell quietly.

In Li Gengxi's sight, she saw that she was getting further and further away from the helicopter. Even the blue sky and white clouds around her could not give her any comfort.

At this moment she just wanted to grab the helicopter and go back.

Naihe had no chance at all.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, look below, isn't it beautiful?"

Zhao Fei turned around and made Li Gengxi face down.

The beautiful Haitang Bay below also attracted her attention, especially due to the sudden fall. She was afraid of the pain of falling to the ground, but did not feel it.

So Li Gengxi gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

The soul regains control of the body.

"Smile and let's take a picture."

Zhao Fei took out a small camera and put it in front of Li Gengxi: "Pay attention, this is a group photo of the two of us. I'm going to do something, so don't be nervous."

"Yes." Li Gengxi nodded.

Then Zhao Fei no longer hesitated and clicked on the camera to take a hundred consecutive shots.

Then he controlled his body, rolled and jumped in mid-air, leaving a photo from different angles.

At first, Li Gengxi could still stretch out his fingers and make a 'yeah' gesture.

But gradually my head became a little dizzy.

until it lands safely.

Only then was he breathing heavily, feeling like he was alive again.

Then Zhao Fei didn't say much to Ding Xiaoying and Li Gengxi, and continued to pick up Wen Yongshan.

Wen Yongshan's palace is deeper.

The two young ones in front both jumped, so she didn't hesitate.

And even after getting on the helicopter, he didn't show any fear. Instead, he had a sullen face and a slightly serious look.

This made Zhao Fei a little curious: "Looking at you, you are not afraid at all?"


Wen Yongshan took a deep look at Zhao Fei and continued: "Didn't they both land safely? That proves that they are fine. As long as safety can be guaranteed, I am naturally not afraid."

"Okay, let's get started."

Zhao Fei opened the cabin door.

Since Wen Yongshan was not afraid, she did not choose to skydive backwards this time.

Instead, he turned his back to the cabin, faced the sky, and jumped directly.

"Let go, stop holding on to the door handle, we're going to jump."

"Well, I'll let go now." Wen Yongshan swallowed and nodded repeatedly. However, there was no intention of letting go in his movements. The main thing was that he didn't mean what he said.

"You didn't say let go? Then you let go?" Zhao Fei's mouth twitched.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'll take it easy."

1 minutes.

2 minutes.

Five minutes passed, and Wen Yongshan and Wen Yongshan were in a stalemate at the door of the cabin.

Zhao Fei asked again: "Is it okay now?"

"No, I'll take it slow."


Zhao Fei nodded and said: "Then let's not stand here and wait, sit back first."


Wen Yongshan released her grip on the armrest and waited for Zhao Fei to take her back.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Zhao Fei raised the corner of his mouth, grabbed her two hands with one hand, jumped directly from the helicopter.

In an instant, Wen Yongshan's eyes widened.

The scalp is instantly numb.

His soul seemed to be gone, and he shouted in shame and anger: "Zhao, ahhh!"

"Camera, pay attention to your camera, your current performance will be filmed."

Zhao Fei reminded.

The somewhat ferocious Wen Yongshan also had to control her emotions.

But his eyes were still red and tears were shining.

"You bastard."

"Don't blame me. You said you should slow down, but five minutes have passed and you still want to slow down. I can only do this."

Hearing this, Wen Yongshan curled his lips.

He knew what Zhao Fei said was true, but he was still unhappy.

Even though she was in mid-air now, her fear had faded a lot.

“Actually, as a sport like skydiving, the first jump is more difficult and it tests one’s courage and psychological quality. The rest is all about enjoyment.

For example, now... isn't it great? "

Wen Yongshan wanted to say yes.

But she was very vindictive, so she turned away and didn't reply.

Zhao Fei was not angry when he saw this. After putting her on the ground, he went to pick up Li Shun.

He boarded the helicopter with Zhao Fei.

Li Shun regretted it instantly. She didn't expect that the three in front of her would all jump.

If you want to say that you don't dare, I'm embarrassed to do it in front of the live broadcast room.

After all, there are nearly [-] million people watching the live broadcast now, and fans may not know what to say about her then.

But let’s jump, I’m a little scared.

Just like that, in a daze, the helicopter arrived at an altitude of 3000 meters.

Seeing Zhao Fei open the hatch.

Li Shun shrank back and turned a little pale: "Here, we're here so soon."

"Well, how's it going? Are you ready?"

"I, I, I..."


Zhao Fei interrupted Li Shun's words, checked the equipment, then hugged him, turned his back to the cabin door, and slowly fell towards the back.

"You...ah, why don't you have three two one?"

(End of this chapter)

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