China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 186 The last night, seize the opportunity!

When there was only one person left waiting, Li Shun asked the three women who had landed safely.

I roughly know the process of skydiving.

Now she was waiting for Zhao Fei to call [-], but she didn't expect that Zhao Fei would suddenly jump.

For a moment, I just felt a buzzing in my mind.

Closing his eyes, his hands flew wildly, completely forgetting Zhao Fei's previous explanation.

Especially the strong feeling of weightlessness made her very scared.

"Don't move!" It wasn't until her hands were grabbed by Zhao Fei and she felt the warmth in them that she felt a little comforted.

At the same time, I also remembered the memory of last night.

Her pretty face blushed slightly, and she thought to herself: "Are my hands controlled again? Why are the tone the same!"

"Open your eyes, it's okay now."

Zhao Fei's voice rang in Li Shun's ears.

Because Li Shun was the last one, the two of them were also present in the live broadcast room at this moment, and fans could clearly see their performance.

"I can finally see what's going on in mid-air, the white clouds. The blue sky, the sea... it's so beautiful."

"Yeah, it's scary to watch that jump, but looking at the two people in mid-air now, I'm also a little envious of the one who just said they were sponsoring the skydiving.

Come out, I'll take this order. "

"I suddenly had an idea, that is, can I exchange the lives of this bitch? Or let me time-travel into Zhao Fei.

Day by day, there is nothing but playing.

There are different beauties accompanying you, this is real life. "

Li Shun slowly opened his eyes.

Even though I was still a little nervous, I was attracted by the beautiful scenery around me.

What particularly reassured her was that like yesterday, she didn't wet someone else's sheets without holding back.

You know, it's mid-air now, and there's a live broadcast room filming it.

If you really can't hold it in anymore.

That's the real heavenly lady scattering flowers.

She was completely socialized.

By then, everyone in the Dragon Kingdom will know that she, Li Shun... her acting skills have soared, and the live broadcast of the goddess scattering flowers...

Scary to think about.

As the parachute was pulled open.

Li Shun also felt that there seemed to be a big hand grabbing her from behind.

A rapid downward trend.

Zhao Fei also controlled the speed of the parachute at this moment and fell to the ground safely.

The three women waiting around also gathered around at this moment.

Wen Yongshan's face was as cold as frost and she didn't speak.

Apparently he still remembers Zhao Fei's hatred.

Li Gengxi and Ding Xiaoying were smiling. They felt as if they had grown up after dancing.

Ding Xiaoying: "Sister Li Shun, how do you feel? Is it exciting?

Li Gengxi: "If you ask me, Sister Li Chun was the most stressed in the last one. After all, waiting is also a kind of suffering, but it is safe to land safely.

And thinking back to the illusion between life and death just now, it is very exciting. "

"so far so good."

Li Shun unbuckled his seat belt and sat on the chair with some weak legs.

Zhao Fei was not idle here either. He packed up the parachutes and other equipment and asked Garza to drive back to the base.

I looked at the time and found that it was already noon.

Then he said: "Let's go, it's dinner time now. Let's go to Haitang Bay and have a big meal to calm down. You should have seen the whole picture of Haitang Bay when we were in mid-air."

Compared with other bays, there are not many people in Haitang Bay and it is relatively quiet, so it is suitable for us.

Especially around Haitang Bay, there are many restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, etc.

If you want, you can go shopping after dinner.

Or go to the sea to play some marine sports. "

After hearing what Zhao Fei said, the four girls thought about it and felt that they could go shopping anytime.

But it’s not common to play marine sports.

So they all chose to go overseas.

Zhao Fei nodded, not feeling surprised.

Start the RV and set off with the four girls.

On the wide seaside boulevard.

The four of them listened to music and blew the wind.

Looking at the sea view outside the window from time to time, people can't help but sigh, not to mention how comfortable it is.

By the time the five of them arrived at Haitang Bay, it was already almost one o'clock.

We found a specialty restaurant for dinner.

After that, the five of them each held a coconut and walked on the commercial street, drinking coconut juice and eating.

“As I said just now, there are not many people in Haitang Bay. The reason for this is because Haitang Bay has not been developed much, so there is no hustle and bustle like other bays.

But precisely because of this, the scenery of Haitang Bay is even more beautiful. "

While talking.

Zhao Fei also took the four girls out of the commercial street and passed through the coconut grove.

The real Haitang Bay comes into view.

Different from the feeling of looking down from mid-air, the coastline of Haitang Bay at this moment is very long, and it can't be seen at a glance.

The beach beneath your feet is also endless.

The waves are neither very violent nor very gentle, giving people a just right feeling.

The gentle sea breeze blowing in your face makes you feel happy.

With one glance at the vast sea, you will unknowingly forget the troubles of the world, stay where you are, and quietly guard the leisure and tranquility of this moment.

"Don't tell me, there really aren't many tourists here."

"Yes, it feels very quiet and comfortable. The bay in Sanya really has its own characteristics."

"I feel that Haitang Bay is more suitable for a family to take their parents, wife and children to take a walk here. It will be wonderful."

It’s not just fans in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, the four girls looked at the beautiful scenery in front of them and couldn't help but feel peaceful in their hearts.

We ran to the RV separately to change clothes.

Zhao Fei is the simplest, a pair of shorts is enough.

This is not the first time that the uniform lines of the upper body have appeared in front of the live broadcast room, but the moment they appeared, it still caused many female fans to exclaim.

Then the four women appeared one after another.

Li Gengxi wore a white one-piece swimsuit, which was relatively conservative.

She looks like a little princess.

She glanced at Zhao Fei and then lowered her head, feeling a little embarrassed.

Although she had looked for a lot of Zhao Fei's beach photos before, there was still a certain gap between the photos and the real person.

The real-person scene gives people a stronger visual effect.

The second one is Ding Xiaoying.

Her outfit was more daring, a blue swimsuit with suspenders.The crystal collarbone was exposed, white and translucent, and there was a gold necklace hanging around her neck.

Her slim waist and straight, fair legs are eye-catching.

And quite generous.

He walked directly to the live broadcast room and circled around: "Fans in the live broadcast room, I play the role of a blue bird in the snow. You must watch it then."

Even Zhao Fei was slightly surprised at this moment.

Because his previous impression of Ding Xiaoying was that of a blue bird, that kind of iceberg beauty who was unsmiling and cold.

It's completely different from the current personality.

The third one is Wen Yongshan, who also wears a suspender swimsuit, but in black.

Especially her height is an advantage.

As her long legs moved, her long hair swayed behind her back, and her confident expression gave people the feeling of watching a model walk a catwalk.

It's very surprising.

On the contrary, Li Shun also imitated Li Gengxi.Wearing a one-piece swimsuit does not match the impression she gave fans at all.

Li Shun couldn't help it. She had also prepared a bikini before and planned to show off in the live broadcast room to attract fans.What a surprise last night.

Don't let her be exposed too much, otherwise people will find something wrong.

So I dress a little more conservatively.

"Okay, okay, this shit is not off the air this time, haha."

"Wen Yongshan has a really good figure, and this Ding Xiaoying is also pretty good, I'm a fan."

"I want to rush Wen Yongshan, how do you guys feel?"

It’s not just fans in the live broadcast room.

The movement here also attracted the attention of many tourists. Due to the distance, the tourists could not see clearly who it was, but they could also see that the four women had great figures.

I felt a little envious and jealous for a while.

"Holy crap, did you make a mistake? One man and four women, can that kid do it?"

"You don't need to think about it to be the second generation of rich people."

"Yeah, I feel like she has this kind of temperament. I don't even need to get closer to see her. I know she is definitely a beauty. I envy her."

Zhao Fei looked at it for a few times and then looked away.

The yacht was now on the sea not far away, and the speedboat was also driven over.

So five people can play Sea Dragon.

Zhao Fei and Zhang Zifeng have played this game before. It requires two people to be very close. After all, it is relatively difficult for newcomers to operate and basically cannot fly.

Therefore, Zhao Fei had to hold the four girls from behind and take them flying.

During this period, Li Gengxi was very shy.

Ding Xiaoying is very bold.

Although Wen Yongshan and Li Shun didn't say anything, it looked from their faces that they were having a great time.

Especially the sense of security that Zhao Fei gave them.

After that, Zhao Fei took the four girls on a speedboat and ran across the sea, running rampant.

For a time, laughter and screams continued one after another.

Especially the roar of the speedboat.

And after Zhao Fei stepped on the accelerator of the speedboat, the waves splashed up and wet the clothes and hair of several people.

The drone brought up the footage captured in the live broadcast room.

It was Haitang Bay like a crescent moon in the blue sea and sky. Several people were speeding on the sea, leaving a rolling white wave behind them.

This feeling is much better than racing on the road.

After that, Zhao Fei took the four girls to parachute.

Briefly introduce.

Parasailing is an exciting sport that uses a speedboat as a power source and uses the wind on the sea to bring people into the air while the speedboat is moving at extremely high speeds.

The parachute rope is connected to the back of the speedboat.

There are several seats under the parachute.

The four women were sitting on the seats. As long as the wind was strong enough and the yacht was fast enough, the four of them could float into the air.

Giving people a wonderful feeling of soaring in the sky.

It is similar to skydiving.

It’s just that the parachute is lower and more acceptable.

Zhao Fei helped the four people fasten their seat belts, told them not to move when the time came, and then returned to the speedboat.

Although the seat of the parasail is large, it is still a little heavy for four people.

So the speed boat must be fast.

"Are you ready?" Zhao Fei turned around and asked.

"Ready, let's start quickly." Li Gengxi said enthusiastically.

Ding Xiaoying is also looking forward to it.

Even Wen Yongshan and Li Shun, after such a long time, no longer cared about Zhao Fei's excess, and nodded happily.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei no longer hesitated and stepped on the accelerator.

Through the rearview mirror, he could see the four women behind him. If an accident occurred, he could rescue them in time.

In an instant, the head of the yacht lifted up and flew out like an arrow.

In just a few seconds, the four of them were pulled into the air.

And with the speed of the speedboat, it continues to increase.

"My God, we are really flying." Li Gengxi shook his calf, feeling excited.

The other three girls were also very excited.

Wen Yongshan: "Today is such an unforgettable day."

Li Shun: "Yeah, it reminds me of the feeling of riding a roller coaster when I was a kid."

Ding Xiaoying: "So we still have to thank Zhao Fei. If it weren't for Zhao Fei, let alone skydiving, even the sea dragon, I don't think we would be able to do it."

Fans in the live broadcast room saw the four women being carried about three to forty meters in the air.

It's also quite surprising.

The most important thing is that this towing parachute does not need to be controlled by yourself, and the safety is guaranteed. It only needs to be pulled by Zhao Fei's speedboat, and there is no need to worry at all.

Very suitable for girls to try when going to the beach.

For a moment, the male fans in the live broadcast room were envious of Zhao Fei, and the female fans were envious of the four girls.

Zhao Fei took about an hour to complete a lap of Haitang Bay.

Only then did we return to the shallow water area.

Slowly slow down and put the four girls down.

Seeing the smiles on their faces, it was obvious that they had a good experience.

For one afternoon, the four girls had a lot of fun, and there was less tit-for-tat in the chatter, as if they were all very close best friends.

Zhao Fei looked at the time and found that it was already past four in the afternoon.

Then I took the four girls to experience the electric boat, dynamic sofa, crazy airship... and other items.

It didn't stop until it got dark.

There are fewer and fewer tourists in Haitang Bay.

The four girls were a little tired after playing all afternoon, so instead of walking on the beach, they sat on a corner of the beach and watched the sunset.

Take a short break.

Feel the tranquility and comfort of this second.

The four girls gradually understood why Zhao Fei's live broadcast room was so popular?

Why does Zhao Maimai like traveling so much?
Why did Liu Yifei take part in the trip with such a big bowl?

Zhao Fei is charming for one thing.

The most important thing is that as long as they follow Zhao Fei, they can see a lot of beautiful scenery and experience a lot of fun that they have never seen or experienced before.

You know, the four girls are also very busy in the entertainment industry and have no time to relax.

Each one is more stressful than the last.

After getting in touch with each other in the past two days, although they did not get along very happily with Zhao Fei, and each of them had their own purpose, they also truly experienced the joy of traveling.

That is the happiness that allows you to abandon all worries, relieve all stress, and completely relax.

This made the four girls feel a little complicated.

And he was a little envious of Zhao Maimai.

After all, they are leaving tomorrow and tonight is their last night.

Thinking of this, Li Gengxi, who had already made up his mind, clenched his fists hard and encouraged himself secretly.

Ding Xiaoying glanced at Li Shun and told herself that she must take the first step in the evening, don't hesitate, don't be afraid of difficulties, she must rush Zhao Fei.

Li Shun was even more complicated. He secretly glanced at Zhao Fei, who was sitting among the five people.

I feel a little bitter in my heart.

She never thought about renewing her relationship with Zhao Fei at night. Even if she had this idea, she was powerless and just sighed. After all, it would be difficult to contact Zhao Fei in the future.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh lightly.

Wen Yongshan saw the expressions of the three people, curled her lips, and didn't take it seriously.

But when looking at Zhao Fei.

There was a twinkle in her beautiful eyes, and she secretly felt a little pity.

If she had been young, she would have caught Zhao Fei, a high-quality man, but now... she was born at the wrong time.

It's a bit of a pity. (End of chapter)

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