China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 187: Can’t these women just stop?

Chapter 187: Can’t these women just stop?

Night falls.

After playing wildly for an afternoon, the four girls gradually felt hungry.

So Zhao Fei took a few people back to the RV.

In the past two days, Zhao Fei didn't even cook. He took his four girls to eat in various restaurants.

Now that they were leaving tomorrow, Zhao Fei didn't mind showing off his cooking skills.

I purchased some fresh seafood near the pier and made a seafood feast for the four girls.

Crabs, lobsters, turbot, asparagus, etc. are all available.

None of them drank.

The main reason is that Zhao Fei is afraid that something will happen tonight.

Wen Yongshan's beautiful eyes lit up when she tasted Zhao Fei's cooking for the first time; "It's amazing. I didn't expect your cooking to be so delicious. It's no worse than some special chefs."


Li Shun also nodded in agreement: "When I watched the live broadcast before, some people praised the delicious food you cooked. I thought it was for the effect of the show.

Now that I've experienced it myself, I have to admit, it's delicious. "

"Big lobster, I want another one." Li Gengxi didn't bother to say anything more, holding a lobster in his hands and feasting on it. It was obvious that he was completely conquered by Zhao Fei's craftsmanship.

The same goes for Ding Xiaoying next to her.

In her eyes, Zhao Fei is getting better and better now.

This made her secretly determined that she must seize the opportunity tonight. No matter how Zhao Fei pushed her out, she could not leave.

The main theme is a shameless one.

They didn't hesitate to make a big noise, since there were only five of them in the RV anyway.

Except for Wen Yongshan, we all carried guns together in the snow, so there is no secret.

We even played together.

It's nothing.

Who doesn't know who.

Even if he was discovered at night, he wouldn't care if he had to bear the strange looks from these people.

Because she thought these strange looks were just temporary.

They should be envious after finishing big things with Zhao Fei.

Yes, it must be so.

However, you have to be careful at night, beware of shameless Li Shun looking for Zhao Fei.

Thinking of this, Ding Xiaoying speeded up her eating movements.

I thought about going to bed early and then getting up in the middle of the night when no one was around.

This way she would have several hours to discuss with Zhao Fei in the second half of the night.

Half an hour later, the five of them finished their meal.

No need for Zhao Fei to do anything.

The four girls took the initiative to clean up the leftovers, and Zhao Fei was also happy and relaxed.

He took a shower first and then returned to the cockpit.

"Brothers, it's already past eight o'clock now."

Zhao Fei lay on the bed and said to the live broadcast room: "Our live broadcast is about to end today, everyone should go to bed early and don't stay up late."

Fans in the live broadcast room saw Zhao Fei sleeping alone in the cockpit.

It’s also a sigh of relief.

"There are four guests here this time, and this bitch was squeezed into the cockpit, haha, he deserves it."

"No matter what, the anchor still considers the privacy of the guests. Although I really want to see what the four girls do before going to bed, I have to admire the anchor.

As a man, it is amazing to be able to concentrate on everything. "

"Of course, my Mai Mai has the best taste. Since I have chosen Zhao Fei, I naturally know what kind of man Zhao Fei is. I believe that this pair of CPs will be able to grow old together."

Although Zhao Fei and Zhao Maimai have never admitted their relationship in the live broadcast room or in public.

But after such a long time, fans can see it.

It is estimated that these two people had already done everything they should do and shouldn't do when they were on National Highway 318.

This speculation made some fans sad.

Some of these people are die-hard fans of Mai Mai, and some are die-hard fans of Zhao Fei. They all want Zhao Fei and Mai Mai to remain single, and they also have some illusions in their hearts.

However, as time passed, these people also let go.

Just like what Zhao Fei said back then.

Everyone has their own life. Chasing stars should be done rationally without affecting your own life. Otherwise, you will lose sight of one thing and lose yourself, lose more than you gain, and lose yourself.

Since fans wish Zhao Fei and the others a good life.

Correspondingly, Zhao Fei also hopes that fans can live happily every day.

I know you're looking at me.

You see I will be happy.

That's enough.

"Okay, I have to get up early to take them to the airport tomorrow, so they need to go to bed early."

Zhao Fei lay on the bed and held up the live broadcast room: "If nothing else happens, Liu Yifei will come back first tomorrow, so you can see the fairy sister tomorrow.

See you tomorrow, guys. "

"Goodbye, anchor."

"Go to bed early. The anchor and the four girls are skydiving and playing in the water. They are quite tired."

"Hmph, this bitch will get tired. Are you kidding me?"

Zhao Fei ignored the barrage that was still dense in the live broadcast room.

After turning off the live broadcast, he sent WeChat messages to Liu Yifei and Mai Mai respectively.

"What time is your flight tomorrow?"

Liu Yifei: "I'll land around twelve o'clock. Come pick me up then."

Mai Mai: "I can't go back tomorrow!"

Zhao Fei pulled the two of them into a group and continued to ask: "The three of us are communicating in the group, why can't we come back? Is there any problem at the beginning?"

Liu Yifei: "What do you mean, Mai Mai can't arrive in Sanya tomorrow? Doesn't that mean that only Zhao Fei and I are traveling?"

Mai Mai: "Well... the production has been completed here at the beginning. It was originally planned to be broadcast on January 2022, 1 as the new year's drama.

But now the show crew sees that our travel craze is getting more and more popular.

Especially with the broadcast of the second season of the variety show, the popularity has soared.

So in the beginning I wanted to ride on the popularity and plan to air it in advance, which led me to participate in some variety shows to promote the show. "

Seeing this WeChat message, Zhao Fei frowned: "Then when can you come back?"

Zhao Maimai: "The day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, I will go back and join you early."

Zhao Fei nodded, he could still accept it for a day or two.

If the program team started to drag Mai Mai to promote for half a month, then he would have a good chat with the program team.

Seeing that Zhao Fei didn't reply immediately, Zhao Maimai typed again: "Don't be angry, actually I also want to take the initiative to promote it for two days. After all, I am the leading heroine in the beginning.

Whether my grades are good or not has a lot to do with me.

And with your investment in the beginning, I also hope that this show will become a hit and let us make more money. "

"I am not angry."

Zhao Fei replied: "I'm afraid that you will be bullied outside. You have to know that you are different now from before, and there are people behind you.

If someone bullies you, tell me and my husband will support you. "

Liu Yifei: "Yes, there is also me. Our family wants money and fame in the entertainment industry, so we don't need to be afraid of anyone."

Zhao Maimai: "I know."

Hearing what Zhao Fei said, Mai Mai felt warm in his heart.

Although they were only separated for two days, Mai Mai also missed Zhao Fei.

But it's not that she can't bear it, not to mention it's for their common cause.

"You too, Yifei."

Zhao Fei changed the topic and said: "From now on, you are all part of the Zhao family. Now my company is building an office building, and from now on you will be more than just actors.

It is also part of capital, so if someone really gives you a hard time, there is no need to worry.

Our family is not short of money. "

Liu Yifei: "I know, hehe... How about you, how have you been getting along with those four women these two days?" Zhao Maimai: "Yes, Li Gengxi didn't say anything bad about me to you?"

Seeing this, Zhao Fei couldn't help but feel guilty.

Fortunately, it was through a mobile phone and there was no video chat.

So Zhao Fei quickly changed his mind and quickly typed a reply; "It's okay, traveling... I don't have much to say, now I'm squeezed into the cockpit.

There are four of them, two in a room. "

"I saw all of this when you broadcast live."

Liu Yifei continued to ask: "I mean, has anyone seduced you?"

Zhao Maimai: "That's right. Although I haven't watched your live broadcast for a long time in the past two days, I can still feel that they have bad intentions."

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Zhao Fei typed in response.

Liu Yifei: "Truth!"

Zhao Maimai: "Truth!"

"Okay, I know that, even if I say no one seduces me, you probably won't believe it, after all, I'm so good, so handsome, and so talented.

I believe you know this even if I don’t tell you, but you know that Yang Xiaohu was rejected by me. "

Liu Yifei snorted coldly and said, "You know what's going on."

Zhao Maimai also nodded: "I knew it. Fortunately, there were four female guests this time. If Yang Xiaohu was alone, it's hard for me to imagine what this person would achieve.

Too dangerous.

Zhao Fei, you have to protect yourself. "


Zhao Fei was glad that the two women didn't ask any more questions.

Otherwise, he really wouldn't know how to answer.

Although I don’t know who the person was last night, the experience was still good.

Especially because this is not your own, so you don’t need to cherish it too much, you can let Zhao Fei use it to his heart’s content.

Chatted with the second daughter for a while.

Zhao Fei turned off his cell phone after they were almost exhausted from talking.

Plug in the charger and get ready for bed.

at the same time.

In the two bedrooms in the carriage, Ding Xiaoying was fast asleep.

The first was because she was a little tired after playing all day today and didn't get a good rest last night, so she put on her earphones, set an alarm, and planned to raid Zhao Fei in the middle of the night.

The same goes for Li Shun, and his troubles were even worse last night.

This afternoon, she almost failed to hold on, and now her legs are still a little sore.

So I put it on the pillow and fell asleep.

On the contrary, Li Gengxi and Wen Yongshan next door have no intention of sleeping at this moment.

The two turned off the lights and were talking quietly. ,
Wen Yongshan: "Have you really decided?"

Li Gengxi: "Well, this is your last chance. If you miss it, I'm afraid it won't be available if you want it again. I don't want to regret it later."

"OK then."

Wen Yongshan sighed. She admired Li Gengxi's courage and was a little envious.

Also a little guilty.

After all, what caused Li Gengxi to do this had a lot to do with her being behind it, so he felt a little sorry for Li Gengxi and touched her little head and spoke.

"Now that you've decided, go ahead. It's okay to be crazy when you're young, but you have to wait a while and wait for the people next door to fall asleep before you go."


Li Gengxi nodded shyly, and then seemed to think of something, slightly worried: "Sister Yongshan, tell me, what will happen if Zhao Fei pushes me out?
Then wouldn’t I be embarrassed? "

Wen Yongshan frowned.

Judging from what she knew about Zhao Fei in the past two days, such a thing was really possible.

But she soon thought of a way: "If you are really determined, you can definitely succeed. After all, we all heard the sound last night.

After you go there for a while, don't talk or make any noise, so as not to expose yourself.

In this way, Zhao Fei will mistake you for one of the people next door.

Just pretend that you two had sex yesterday and be more natural.

After that, Zhao Fei had to admit it even if he didn't want to. "

"Hey, this method is good."

Li Gengxi's eyes lit up and he looked at Wen Yongshan happily: "Thank you, Sister Yongshan. Actually, I didn't want to threaten Zhao Fei with this.

I just want to live my youth without regrets.

As for what happened next, I don't regret it. "

"Silly boy."

Wen Yongshan sighed, she also had her youth.

So I understand Li Gengxi’s thoughts at this moment.

Even she had to admit that Zhao Fei was excellent.

If it weren't for my age, there would be family reasons.

She really wanted to try it with Zhao Fei, even if it was just a dream.

The two chatted.

Time passed slowly.

When the hands reached eleven o'clock, it had been more than an hour since they returned to the bedroom.

Logically speaking, the two girls next door and Zhao Fei should have fallen asleep.

So Li Gengxi no longer hesitated and walked out of the room quietly. Wen Yongshan also sat up on the bed, secretly cheering her on.

Li Gengxi fumbled to the door of the cockpit based on his memory from the day.

Twist the handle.

Just hear a click.

The door was unlocked, not bad... Li Gengxi felt happy and stepped inside.

Slowly crawled towards Zhao Fei's bed.

At this moment, Zhao Fei also heard the movement and sighed softly.

Just after chatting with Mai Mai and Liu Yifei, he did something sorry for both of them in the blink of an eye. Even if Zhao Fei is not a good person, he is not so shameless.

So don't wait for the other party to come up.

Zhao Fei took the initiative to get out of bed, hugged the little girl, and threw her out the door.

"Go back, I don't know who you are, save face for both of us."


Li Gengxi was stunned when he heard the door closing.

What's going on here?

Why were you thrown out?
Did I hallucinate yesterday?

For a moment, Li Gengxi wanted to call Zhao Fei's name, but he swallowed it back as soon as he opened his mouth.

Because she remembered Wen Yongshan's explanation just now and was afraid of waking others up.

Then he stamped his feet and opened Zhao Fei's door again.

"Why aren't you done yet? Go back quickly."

Zhao Fei pushed the opponent with his hand.

Because he was afraid of trouble, the other party didn't wear much clothes at all.

For a moment, Zhao Fei couldn't help but feel restless, but he still restrained himself and sternly rejected the other party.

Li Gengxi is not Ding Xiaoying.

She was just a little girl with a thin skin. After being rejected repeatedly by Zhao Fei, her eyes instantly turned red and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

But her temper also rose.

He tried his best to get into Zhao Fei's arms.

Zhao Fei couldn't see clearly who was in front of him, but he could feel his chest being wet with tears.

He sighed slightly.

Continue to speak: "Go back, yesterday was a misunderstanding, it won't happen this time."

(End of this chapter)

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