China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 188 Three sounds in the middle of the night, cocks crowing and dogs barking!

Zhao Fei considers himself not a good person.

But it's not particularly bad.

He felt that the main reason for the people who came to visit him was that he was too deep in sleep when he was on the set in the snow.

Plus his personal excellence.

Although this kind of thing happens the first time, there will be a second time, but Zhao Fei still has to try to avoid the second time.

Because the first time can be said to be an accident.

Then the second time it was purely a matter of character.
Just like Xu Zheng said in the movie, if you want to be completely wild, you must not do it twice.

Therefore, Zhao Fei's refusal was very firm.

Even if the other party cries, you must be ruthless and unmoved.

Of course, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei are different.

These two are home-raised and should be taken good care of.

During the tug-of-war, Li Gengxi also didn’t know what to do.

Especially Zhao Fei is still so strong.

It's like a little lamb provoking a big tiger, hoping that the other party will eat him quickly.

But the other party just wouldn't say anything.

Do you feel uncomfortable?

Moreover, every time Zhao Fei was rejected now, it was like needles pricking his heart, extremely painful.

"Why are you?"

Li Gengxi's voice sounded like he was crying. Zhao Fei didn't recognize who it was, but he felt the bitterness and sadness in it.

He shook his head: "No reason, just go back."

Li Gengxi, who was already nervous, subconsciously thought that Zhao Fei looked down on him.

For a moment, I felt even more aggrieved.

From love to hatred in an instant, he pouted and kicked Zhao Fei hard.

Zhao Fei, who was in the dark, didn't see the action clearly and was unprepared.

So I was given a hard time.

Even if he has a strong physique.

After all, men all have weaknesses. For a moment, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and bend down.

Pointing at each other, not saying a word.

"Deserving it."

Li Gengxi gritted his teeth and cursed, unable to stay any longer.

Turn away.

Even if there are still tears on her pretty face, even if she can't see her fingers, even if she seems to have vented her anger, the grievance in her heart is not so easy to dissipate.

"Fuck, you must be sick."

Zhao Fei calmed down for a while before feeling the pain subside a little.

But the steps back to the cockpit were still limping, taking awkward steps and sucking in cold air.

"Damn it, don't let me know who you are, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

On the other side, Li Gengxi left, and Wen Yongshan couldn't sleep even more.

Always paying attention to the movement outside.

Now when I heard the crying sound and saw Li Gengxi coming back, I quickly stood up: "What's wrong, what's wrong, why are you still crying?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sister Yongshan, Zhao Fei...Zhao Fei doesn't like me."

Li Gengxi was extremely sad at the moment.

She threw herself into Wen Yongshan's arms and cried, not caring whether it would wake anyone else up. She screamed loudly.

This is Ding Xiaoying wearing headphones.

Li Shun slept too hard because he was tired, otherwise he might have caused something.


Seeing Li Gengxi looking so sad, Wen Yongshan was also heartbroken and comforted: "It's okay, don't cry.

You wait here, I'll scold him and get you back. "

"Ouch, no need, I...I, ah, I feel uncomfortable."

Li Gengxi is a little girl herself.

Never confessed to anyone.

Not to mention this... coming to the door on his own initiative.

For her, this took a lot of courage, but in the end she was rejected without mercy.

The sourness in my heart can be imagined.

Wen Yongshan was even more angry at this moment. After all, there were a lot of her own affairs involved.

So I didn’t listen to Li Gengxi.

After comforting her for a while, he strode out angrily, wanting to find an explanation from Zhao Fei.

What's wrong with my sister Li Gengxi?
Want appearance and status, status and status?

Even if you, Zhao Fei, are handsome and rich, you can't bully others like this!
You know, women at this time are unreasonable.

When Li Gengxi saw Wen Yongshan going out, he paused crying while lying on the bed and wiped his tears.

Although I am still very sad and my head is in a mess.

But she also hoped that Wen Yongshan, the big sister, could help her vent her anger, so she quickly stood up, stopped crying, and listened carefully to what was going on outside.

There was only a bang.

Zhao Fei's door was kicked open.

Zhao Fei, who had recovered, looked at the door in surprise.

It's not over, is it?
What, you still want to kick me?
What kind of world is this? Is it my fault that I refuse?

For a time, Zhao Fei also became popular.

Evil is born to the gall.

What kind of attention influence and maintenance of personality?
Damn it, you really think I’m easy to bully!

So Zhao Fei didn't wait for the other party to speak, he jumped out of bed and pressed the other party on the seat.

"Zhao, what do you want to do?"

Wen Yongshan, who originally wanted to curse, was temporarily confused by Zhao Fei's sudden attack. Her head was in a mess and she was a little at a loss.

"Why do you pay me back? Didn't you ask for it?"

Three under five divided by two.

"No, Zhao... Oops."


Feeling the silence outside.

Li Gengxi couldn't help but feel a little confused, but he soon thought that this was probably because Wen Yongshan didn't want to make the matter bigger and wake up the two people next door to avoid being laughed at.

That's why he suppressed his anger and yelled at Zhao Fei in a low voice.

This made her feel grateful.

I couldn't help but feel glad that I was living in the same room as Wen Yongshan. If it had been anyone else, I really don't know what would have happened.

And she couldn't sleep now, so she was sitting on the bed.

Waiting for Wen Yongshan to come back.

Check the time on your phone from time to time.

5 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.

Half an hour passed.

Now, why doesn’t Sister Yongshan come back?

Li Gengxi was slightly anxious, but he didn't notice the faint sound of someone knocking on the window outside.

Until she lay on the bed feeling depressed.

Only then did I feel that there seemed to be someone outside. Could it be that fans had caught up and were banging on the trunk of the RV?
Then, Li Gengxi denied his guess.

The tears that had just been controlled flowed out again.

"Why? Why? Ahh...oooooooo."

"I feel terrible?"

"I, Wen Yongshan, you...wuwuwu."

Li Gengxi angrily covered himself in the quilt, trying to block the disturbing sound in his ears.

But she was mentally aware of what was going on outside.

I can't stop it, and I don't know why it happens.

Didn't you help me vent my anger? Why are you enjoying it yourself?

Especially since she had just been rejected.

Zhao Fei and Wen Yongshan, in the blink of an eye...

Why is the gap between people so big?

Am I ugly?
What is wrong with me?

You Wen Yongshan, why are you doing this?

Li Shun, who was next door, was in a daze and vaguely heard the sound next door.

He frowned slightly, turned over and continued to sleep.

But the sound couldn't stop coming into my ears, which was annoying.

Somewhat annoyed, he stood up and felt it carefully.

Look in the direction of the next door.He looked in the direction of Zhao Fei's cockpit again, slightly startled, and reached out to the side.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, Ding Xiaoying is still here.

No, since Ding Xiaoying is still there, who is the person outside?

Why are you crying?
Logically speaking, there is little chance that Wen Yongshan will cry. After all, she is young and can hold it back.

So the crying voice next door is most likely Li Gengxi.

It goes without saying that the person in the cockpit now.

Phew, I keep putting on a sullen face and a cold look every day, it looks like that.

Unexpectedly, at night, tut smells shameless.

Li Shun was disdainful.

Although she had experienced this kind of thing with Zhao Fei, she was misunderstood by Zhao Fei, which was different from Ding Xiaoying and Wen Yongshan who took the initiative to come to the door.

Naturally one level higher.

Of course, this is also because she doesn't know the specific situation.

So I think so.

She lay back on the bed and took a nap just now. Although she was still sleepy, after discovering what happened outside, she couldn't sleep for a while.

Thinking back to what happened last night, I couldn't help but blush.

And secretly hate Wen Yongshan for being shameless, and Zhao Fei...why don't they know how to protect themselves?

Men, there are no good things.

Fortunately he didn't know who I was last night.

I haven't been discovered either, so this is a secret that belongs to me alone.

Forget it, forget it, do whatever others want.

go to bed.

However, at this moment, Ding Xiaoying's cell phone suddenly vibrated.

Ding Xiaoying next to her suddenly took off her headphones, stood up, and looked at the time, 12:30!

"It's okay, it's okay, in time."

Li Shun, who heard the noise, didn't dare to think about it anymore. He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, turning his back to the other party.

And prick up your ears.

She wanted to see what Ding Xiaoying, a blue bird, wanted to do?
Do you still want to make people stew and drink wine?
Sure enough, under Li Shun's perception, Ding Xiaoying gently lifted the quilt, obviously getting out of bed and going out.

Seeing this, Li Shun sneered.

Go, go...then the two of them can play mahjong together.

It’s better to turn on the lights and be honest.

Then there will be fun.


Ding Xiaoying didn't pay attention to Li Shun and thought Li Shun was asleep.

So she still followed her plan during the day and sneaked into the village without asking for a shot.

However, when I just walked to the bedroom door.

She felt something was wrong.

Why is there someone outside the RV?

Still imitating bird calls?

Just imitate the chirping of birds. Why are you holding your throat?

Are you afraid that others will hear you?

No, no...who is this?
Li Shun is so shameless, he is obviously right next to me?

Could it be Li Gengxi or Wen Yongshan?

Ahhhh...why am I late again.

what to do?I now how to do?
Ding Xiaoying frowned, sat back on the bed, and activated her little head, which had a small capacity.
Think about what you need to do now to get what you want.

What if Zhao Fei gets angry when he goes out to interrupt them?
If you don't go out, are you just going to watch them do whatever they want?

Is this... too difficult?
At this moment, not only Ding Xiaoying, but also Li Gengxi next door, also felt the difficulty of life and the danger of her best friend.

On the contrary, Li Chun had the idea of ​​just watching the excitement and not being afraid of big troubles.

Anyway, she enjoyed everything she was supposed to enjoy.

She has done everything she should and should not do. Although it was an accident, she has no regrets about this trip.

So she was particularly looking forward to Ding Xiaoying rushing out and shouting: Let that man go.

Of course, she can't take the initiative to do this.

Otherwise, Zhao Fei would definitely ignore her.

So Ding Xiaoying needs to charge into the battle, but this shameless person, what does it mean to sit still?


You have to be stunned.

Li Gengxi next door is also a loser. He can only cry if he cries. Why don't you dare to slap Wen Yongshan in the face and yell shamelessly?
Li Shun shook his head secretly in his heart.

He sighed slightly.

There is no use at all. You can't just tell Ding Xiaoying to rush out, right?
That's not treating Ding Xiaoying as a fool, but treating herself as a fool.

In this way, all parties are hesitating and suffering.

Helplessly watching time slowly pass by.

Only Zhao Fei didn't care so much, since he didn't belong to his family anyway, and he dared to attack him.

Then don't blame him...

An hour later, I saw the other party leaving in a secretive manner.

Zhao Fei let out a long breath, locked the cockpit door, tidied up briefly, and returned to bed.

I'll have a good night's sleep again tonight.

As for Wen Yongshan, she also wanted to cry but had no tears.

Her delicate body was trembling slightly, making her brain feel like a lump of mush, and her eyes were filled with confusion.

Even though I had just heard the whole story from Zhao Fei’s mouth.

But I still couldn't help but feel bitter in my heart.

No, Li Gengxi kicked you, why are you venting to me?
I'm obviously here to talk to you, but if you do it without saying a word, you're a bit of a bully, right?

Why can't you play your cards according to the routine?

You bastard!
Too unhuman.

Wen Yongshan endured it and ran to the bathroom to clean up briefly.

Then go back to the room.

In the process, I even became a little resentful towards Li Gengxi.

You said you were going to kick someone, why didn't you tell me in advance?
Cry, cry, cry, you will cry when you come back.


Damn it, I'm trying to protect you from disaster.

Wen Yongshan returned to the room and looked at Li Gengxi who had his back turned to her.

Shaking his head, he sighed.

Lying on the bed, I didn't know what to say.

But she had nothing to say, but Li Gengxi did: "Sister Yongshan, how do you feel?"

Needless to say, although there was no chance for anyone to react, which was a bit surprising, Zhao Fei's physical strength is still the best, so it's really a bit...


Li Gengxi, what’s going on with your yin and yang tone?

Forget it, I will bear it.

Do not blame you.

"Gengxi, you misunderstood. Things are not what you think."

"Ha ha."

Li Gengxi did not turn around, still facing Wen Yongshan, and sneered: "Yes, sister Yongshan, don't worry, since I call you sister.

Then you have always been my sister, and I know this is a misunderstanding.

Go to sleep! "

Good guy.

You don't take it seriously, but I hear it in my ears. Why do you feel so uncomfortable?

Still sister?
I am still Xu Fengnian’s sister.

Do you see that he treats me like a sister?

There is no such thing as a good person.

go to bed.

Li Gengxi didn't understand, and she, Wen Yongshan, didn't bother to explain.

Break the jar and smash it.

Anyway, things are already like this, destroy it, love it as you please.

When Li Gengxi saw this, he also narrowed his eyes.

Clench your little fists under the quilt.


Not even an explanation?
You are really my good sister. (End of chapter)

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