Chapter 189 The trio reunited
Li Gengxi stopped here.

Ding Xiaoying, who was next door, stood up again.

She had been waiting in the bedroom and clearly heard someone outside, so she returned to the bedroom next door.

So Zhao Fei is alone now.

This moment made her think that her chance had come.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Li Chun next to him and asked softly: "Li Chun, are you asleep?"

"Li Shun, did you hear the noise outside?"

"Li Shun..."

Li Shun curled his lips with disdain in his heart.

He knew all about Ding Xiaoying's little tricks.

So he turned a deaf ear and still pretended to be asleep, as if he didn't hear the other party's voice at all.

This performance also made Ding Xiaoying secretly happy.

Then he no longer hesitated and walked out of the room cautiously.

He turned the doorknob of Zhao Fei's door and pushed it gently.

The cockpit door didn't move at all.

Hey... what's going on?

Wasn't it fine just now? Why is the door locked again?

Ding Xiaoying's cheeks twitched, and she pushed hard again, but still couldn't push away, which made her feel impatient.

He wanted to ask Zhao Fei to open the door.

But I'm afraid of waking others up.

Finally, after trying for a long time, I could only stamp my feet helplessly and return to the room lonely.

Lying on the bed again, the more she thought about it, the more she felt wronged, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved.He has a dark face and nowhere to vent his anger.

Not to mention how uncomfortable I feel inside.

Li Shun, who was standing next to him, laughed secretly.

Hehe, you didn’t open the door?

Are you speechless?

Is it very frustrating?

Haha, that's right, as a woman, I am not reserved at all and deserve it.

For a time, Li Shun's mood suddenly improved.

Haha, sleep.

Time passes slowly, no matter how unwilling Ding Xiaoying is, no matter how happy Li Shun is, no matter how uncomfortable Li Gengxi is, and no matter how speechless Wen Yongshan is, the sun will rise as usual the next day.

Zhao Fei was still the first to get up, and there was still a lot of seafood left from last night.

It only lasted one night and it wasn't broken yet.

It would be a waste to throw it away.

So Zhao Fei made a pot of seafood porridge with some crab roe, lobster meat, etc.

With Zhao Fei's current cooking skills, he can make all kinds of delicious food just by giving him some ingredients, including this seafood porridge.

When the four girls got up and came out of the room one by one.

Zhao Fei was also sizing up their performance.

That means he seems to have recognized the wrong person.

This made Zhao Fei very curious.

However, whether it was Li Gengxi who resented Zhao Fei, Ding Xiaoying who felt aggrieved, or Wen Yongshan and Li Shun who were quite speechless when trying to protect others from disaster.

What he showed at this moment was no different from usual.

As if nothing had happened.

So Zhao Fei didn't really know who it was for a while.

Simply ignore it. Since you don't expose it, pretend it never happened, and Zhao Fei is happy with it.

Anyway, we have taken advantage of what should be taken advantage of and what should not be taken advantage of.

No matter what, he won't lose.

"Good morning, everyone."

Zhao Fei smiled and said hello: "Hurry up and wash up. I'll make porridge. After breakfast, I'll take you to the airport."

"It's delicious."

Ding Xiaoying stepped forward and took a deep breath without saying anything more.

Li Gengxi and Li Shun also nodded and walked into the bathroom one after another.

Wen Yongshan still looked cold and cold. She took a deep look at Zhao Fei's back and then went to clear away the dishes, planning to wait for a while after the three girls had finished washing up.

After all, the bathroom in the RV is not very big, and it is already very crowded for three people.

Wait for the four girls to finish their breakfast and get dressed.

Zhao Fei set off towards the airport and opened the live broadcast room.

"Brothers, the show started late today."

Zhao Fei spoke to the live broadcast room and said: "We are on the way to the airport now, and the trip of the four flying guests will be over soon.

I also hope that everyone can support Xue Zhong in the future. "

After Zhao Fei finished speaking, the four girls also said goodbye to the fans in the live broadcast room one by one.

By the way, let’s promote the Knife in the Snow.

When they arrived at the airport, the four women left one after another.

Zhao Fei could tell that no matter who they were, they were a little reluctant to give up, but they couldn't speak in front of other women.

After all, their relationship now is no longer the same as when they first came here.

The abnormal human research center group has ceased to exist in name only.

"Zhao Fei, don't forget what you promised me."

Wen Yongshan and Zhao Fei gave each other a farewell hug and said in his ear in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "There are still things about last night.

I hope you can give me an explanation. "

After saying that, Wen Yongshan turned around and left.

Zhao Fei was also shocked and secretly felt that something was wrong.

However, when he saw Li Gengxi coming up to him, he didn't dare to show any signs of it. He quickly restrained his expression and hugged her before leaving, but Li Gengxi didn't stop.

He actually followed Wen Yongshan's example and whispered in his ear: "I don't expect to leave a place in your heart, I just hope that you can remember that there is a person like me.

Because after last night, I can't forget you. "

Damn, what does this mean?
Want to play riddles with me?
So, was it Li Gengxi or Wen Yongshan last night?

"Zhao Fei, it was a misunderstanding the night before yesterday. I hope you don't take it to heart."

This is what Li Shun said.

It seemed like it meant something, but it seemed like it didn't say anything at all.

Zhao Fei felt a toothache from hearing this.

"Zhao Fei, I want to thank you the night before yesterday. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what a woman is."

Ding Xiaoying is even bolder.

Zhao Fei even greatly increased the probability that the other party was the victim the night before.

However, the words of the four women were unclear.

So Zhao Fei also had a headache.

Can't figure out who it is.

Simply ignore it, pretend not to hear anything, smile and wave: "Goodbye, four, I wish you a safe journey."

Hearing this, the four women took one last deep look at Zhao Fei and left at the same time.

But as soon as they left the live broadcast room and were photographed, they parted ways.

Even though they were on the same flight, they didn't get together. You can imagine how unreliable the relationship between best friends is.

Zhao Fei was also secretly amazed when he saw it.

I thought it would be better to have my own Mai Mai and Liu Yifei.

After taking the live broadcast room back to the RV, Zhao Fei did not leave because Liu Yifei would get off the plane soon.

Just waiting here.

Taking this opportunity, Zhao Fei tidied up the two bedrooms and replaced the sheets and bedding with new ones.

There are also some historical traces on the cockpit bed and seats, which have also been completely erased.

After everything in the RV was restored to its original state, Zhao Fei also received a WeChat message from Liu Yifei.

Learned that the other party had landed.

He quickly got out of the car and welcomed the other person home.I saw Liu Yifei walking towards Zhao Fei like a beauty in a mural.

It has a cold temperament and no smell of fireworks.

The dress is simple and elegant, but it is surprisingly gorgeous and spotless.

Especially when he saw Zhao Fei, he instantly showed a happy smile and quickened his pace.

But when I thought of the live broadcast, I could only restrain my joy at the reunion. I took out my mobile phone and pretended to check the time, but secretly sent a WeChat message to Zhao Fei.

It read: "Turn off the live broadcast for a while and find a hotel. I miss you."

Zhao Fei didn’t see the WeChat message.

But from Liu Yifei's watery eyes, he could also feel the urgent love.

At the same time, I was also a little itchy.

Although wildflowers are beautiful, to put it bluntly, they are still wildflowers.

What's more, the flowers at home are also very beautiful, especially this kind of attachment and affection, which cannot be compared with outsiders.

However, at this moment, Zhao Fei had to restrain this impulse.

Pretending to be fine, he smiled and said, "Welcome back?"


Liu Yifei nodded lightly and walked into the RV.

Before too many people around noticed it, he quickly closed the car door and left.

At the same time, Zhao Fei also saw the other party’s WeChat message.

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

"Brothers, it's almost lunch time, so I plan not to go to the scenic spot today and find a hotel to have a good rest.

After all, traveling is tiring. How do you feel? "

Zhao Fei took one last look at Liu Yifei.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want." Liu Yifei showed an indifferent expression.

Fans in the live broadcast room didn't think much when they heard what Zhao Fei said.

"It's time to take a good rest. After all, traveling is sometimes tiring."

"That's right. Although this bitch has extraordinary physical strength, this trip has been almost half a month. We will give you half a day off and allow you to rest for a day."

"Looking at this situation, is the anchor going to shut down the broadcast?"

Most people in the live broadcast room looked considerate.

Zhao Fei was also very pleased to see it.

So the two of them had a simple lunch, turned off the broadcast and got into the hotel.

No see in one day, like every three autumns.

What's more, Liu Yifei still has a heavy responsibility. If he doesn't complete the task in one day, he will not relax easily.

Zhao Fei will naturally try his best to cooperate.

So the two of them stayed in the hotel from the afternoon until the next morning.

A large bottle of healthy spring water is replenished in the morning.

Liu Yifei was full of energy, and all the fatigue was gone.

My physical and mental condition has improved a lot.

The next place Zhao Fei plans to go is Yazhou.

So far, Zhao Fei has completed one-third of his trip around the island, traveling from Haikou along the east route to Sanya, passing through several cities.

In fact, when most people travel around the island, they also take the eastern route.

But Zhao Fei just started planning the western and central lines.

Although the west line was developed relatively late and its tourist facilities are not as good as those on the east line, it is precisely because there has not been too much development on the west line that the natural landscape is more magnificent.

The humanistic atmosphere is relatively richer.

This will give people a completely different and new experience.

Therefore, Zhao Fei planned to take the western line of Yazhou and finally the middle line.

Because the transportation in the middle line is relatively inconvenient, the program team needs time to arrange the layout.

The two cleaned up and got into the RV.

Zhao Fei also introduced the details of the next stop while driving.

"Brothers, our travel program is not just about seeing some very magnificent scenery, nor is it just about relaxing your body and mind.

Our Dragon Kingdom has an extremely long history.

The cultural heritage is profound.

Yazhou is a very famous historical and cultural town.

When going to Yazhou, the scenery is secondary. The main thing is to feel the power of history and culture flowing down from those ancient buildings. "

"Yesterday afternoon, there was no live broadcast, and I always felt that something was missing around me. Now that the live broadcast has started again, I finally know it.

What I lack is a girlfriend, haha..."

"Listen to what you have to say, just like what you have to say, I don't care what cultural background you have, I just want to know, when will my Mai Mai come back?"

"Yes, where is my Mai Mai? Where did my Mai Mai go?"

"Everyone, don't worry."

Liu Yifei rolled up his hair and said, "We got up early today because Mai Mai will get off the plane soon. We have to pick each other up before we go to Yazhou."

"That's right, and the way to the airport is also the same as the way to Yazhou."

Zhao Fei nodded and stepped on the accelerator lightly.

Let the car speed up a little.

When he arrived at the airport, he happened to catch up with Zhao Maimai landing.

Three days no see.

Zhao Maimai didn't care as much as Liu Yifei, so he rushed up and hugged Zhao Fei.

"Brother...have you missed me?"

"Of course I did."

Zhao Fei rubbed Mai Mai's little head and felt heartbroken when he saw her looking slightly tired.

Because Zhao Maimai wanted to come back early, he got on the plane in the middle of the night last night.

So I couldn't sleep well after seeing it.

Anticipating this situation, Zhao Fei had taken out the last bottle, a large bottle of healthy spring water, poured it into the mineral water bottle, and handed it over.

"You must be exhausted from the journey. Get in the car and drink some water. I made this specially for you."


Liu Yifei covered his mouth and chuckled, saying: "I wanted to drink just now, but Zhao Fei stopped me from drinking. I must be stingy."

"Thank you."

Zhao Maimai smiled sweetly and knew that Zhao Fei was very capable in Chinese medicine.

This water looks like mineral water, but drinking it has extraordinary effects.

Plus she is indeed a little tired now.

So I drank more than half of the bottle. I felt full of energy for a while, and the world around me seemed to be a lot brighter.

"Delicious, sweet... By the way, where should we go next?"

"Go to Yazhou." Liu Yifei replied.

"Then why are you hesitating? Let's go." Zhao Maimai clenched his small fist and waved forward fiercely.

Fans watching the live broadcast were also secretly amazed.

"That's weird. I really want to know what Mai Mai drank just now? He obviously looked like he didn't sleep well. Why has it changed so much?"

"There's nothing strange about this. Men and women in love have unlimited energy. It's obvious that they reunited with Zhao Fei. That's why Mai Mai is like this."

"I think so. If it hadn't been for the live broadcast, the two of them would have kissed each other when they hugged each other just now."

Seeing this, Zhao Fei no longer hesitated.

He drove the RV and sped away.

after an hour.

Yazhou comes into view.

It is worth mentioning that the architecture here is very unique.

Most of them are brick buildings, which look a little dilapidated, but have a very rich historical and cultural atmosphere and are full of traces of time.

There is a very sharp contrast with the prosperity of Sanya.

It was as if they were no longer in Sunshine Island, but in a certain town in the last century.

(End of this chapter)

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