China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 190 Do you want to live forever and ascend to immortality?

Arrive at Yacheng.

The first place Zhao Fei went to was Yacheng Academy.

There are not only many protected cultural relics in the Academy, but it is also known as the Yacheng Confucius Temple and has a very rich historical background.

Said it before.

When you come to Yacheng, you don't have to have a lot of fun. The main thing is to experience the environment and atmosphere here.

By the way, take a look at the rich culture and historical changes here.

After parking the RV in the parking lot, Zhao Fei took the two girls out of the car.

Walk to the Academy.

Introduce as you go.

"Yacheng Academy is very large and was built during the Qingli period of the Northern Song Dynasty. Our current location is the south gate of the Academy. There are many buildings counting from south to north.

Have you seen the palace-like exterior wall building? It is the legendary Wanren Palace Wall.

There is also a gray-white, towering stone tablet, which is the Chongsheng Temple.

Looking further away, there are Tianzi Terrace, Dacheng Hall... Shaositu Archway and so on. "

Enter the interior of Yacheng Academy.

You can see the grandeur inside, like a huge ancient triple courtyard.

Even Mai Mai and Liu Yifei didn't dare to speak loudly for fear of disturbing the ancient sages sleeping here.

Step carefully on the stone pavement under your feet.

But don't underestimate the stone roads here. These bricks and tiles were all walked by a sage many years ago.

Solemn and solemn.

The amazing thing is that even some tourists brought small children.

When I came here, I stopped crying and laughing.

Quietly, there is a kind of fear of speaking loudly for fear of being touched by the people in heaven.

Zhao Fei is also holding a live broadcast room here, constantly adjusting the angle to lead everyone to appreciate the style here.

Although many places seem to be well protected.

But if you look closely, you can still find that many of them have been renovated.

I passed a stone monument on the way.

Zhao Fei paused.

I saw it read: Civil and military officials, now dismount.

When fans in the live broadcast room saw this, they also realized the glory of this Yazhou Academy.

“I have heard of this legend of civil servants saluting and military attachés dismounting, and I always thought it happened when passing by certain families who have contributed to the country, or some heroic families.

Unexpectedly, there is one in this Yazhou Academy. "

"To be honest, just these few words gave me goosebumps."

"It's indeed a bit domineering. If it weren't for the anchor, I wouldn't have known there was such a place in Sunny Island."

Then, Zhao Fei took the fans into the Dacheng Hall.

Yacheng Academy can also be called the Confucius Temple.

Confucius is the master of the world.

Everyone will be a little scared when facing a teacher.

Let alone Confucius.

Therefore, Zhao Fei and the other two were very serious at the moment.

When you step inside, you can see that there are five wooden carved shrines inside the Dacheng Hall, all of which are in the middle.

That's when someone asked.

Since this is a Confucius Temple, why are there five shrines?

In fact, one of the shrines here is indeed Confucius, and the other four are of similar status to Confucius, Yanzi, Zengzi, Zisi and Mencius.

In addition to these five, there are tablets of twelve philosophers deeper in the temple.

In front of these shrines and tablets are some offerings.

As well as the professional musical instruments used during ancient sacrifices, chimes!

This kind of chime is not something you can see in ordinary places.

In terms of cultural relics, it is an absolute national treasure antique.

In ancient times, it was also regarded as an important weapon of the country.

But there are many such chimes here, rows of them, some big and some small.

One can imagine how grand the scene would be when the academy held sacrifices.

Leave Dacheng Hall.

Mai Mai immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "I don't know why, but I feel more depressed when we come to this place than when we were in the Potala Palace.

I didn't even dare to speak. "

"Me too."

Liu Yifei had also seen strong winds and waves, but he still felt a little uncomfortable just now.

Zhao Fei smiled and said: "It's normal to feel this way.

You can think of this as a cultural weight, the Potala Palace...ahem.

Tracing back to our roots, we are from the Central Plains.

The Central Plains has a long history, especially Confucius Temple.

The solemnity and respect for history and culture are in our bones, and this... is called inheritance. "

Hearing Zhao Fei's words.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei nodded at the same time.

They knew very well that Zhao Fei meant loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust.

This is the moral law flowing in the bones of the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Just like children must be filial to their parents, parents must love and support their children, people must sleep at night and work during the day.

It is a memory that is deeply ingrained in my bones.

As Zhao Fei and the others continued to walk deeper, they saw a picture of Confucius's life and deeds.

This picture seems very far away at first glance.

The paper was yellowed and even incomplete. It had to be pieced together to see clearly what was drawn on it.

But at this moment, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the Mai Mai girls or the fans in the live broadcast room.

See this picture.

They all felt that it was weird, there were animals and people, it didn't look like a record of a person's life at all.

Quite abstract.

"Ahem, listen to me."

Zhao Fei coughed twice and continued: "Did you see that animal that looks like a cow or horse? In fact, it is a unicorn, and there is a worm-like snake next to it.

In fact, it is the dragon in our ancient legend.

After all, it is said that when Confucius was born in ancient times, a unicorn presented him with a piece of jade.

There is a dragon hovering on the roof of the house.

Of course, these are legends.

And our Dragon Kingdom, especially in ancient times, always adds some magical color to the lives of some great people.

Such as killing the white snake, covering the mulberry tree, white fish leaping into the boat...etc.

Here is no exception.

Especially for a powerful figure like Confucius, it would be natural to describe his birth as auspicious and auspicious.

If nothing out of the ordinary happens, it will make the people at that time panic. Kirin sending jade and dragon circling will make the people at that time believe it more. "

Zhao Fei's voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

The two girls, Mai and Mai, suddenly realized what they were saying.

She remembered that Zhao Fei told her that the seventh Dalai Lama was born.

There is also a white lion entering the door...

All kinds of magical legends.

Fans in the live broadcast room also felt that they learned a lot.

I admire the imagination of the ancients.

It's just an idea now.

It can be seen that the ancients were not stupid at all.

As for whether this kind of thing is true or false, then it is up to the beholder and the wise to decide the wisdom.

Then, Zhao Fei continued to take the two girls deeper.

On the way, when he saw a statue wearing a cassock and a bald head, Liu Yifei paused and said, "Isn't this the academy of Confucius?

Why do you still have this..."

Liu Yifei wanted to say something like a monk, but he didn't dare to speak when the words came to his lips.

But Zhao Fei understood what she meant and explained without being surprised at all.

"This Yazhou Academy really has something to do with Buddhism." Zhao Fei pointed to a house behind the statue that had a very different architectural style from the previous one and looked black as a whole: "This house is specifically for the monk in front of us. .

If I name this monk, someone will probably have heard of it.

That is Monk Jianzhen who traveled eastward!
Does anyone know? "

Hearing Zhao Fei's question, Mai and Mai were confused.

Most people in the live broadcast room were also a little speechless. They wanted to say that the monks knew it, but authenticating?

Sorry, I really don’t know.

Of course, there are also many people who are knowledgeable and join in the fun in the live broadcast room.

"Monk Jianzhen seems to be Monk Duhai, right?"

"Monks don't lie. Since we are crossing the sea, I would like to ask what sea we are crossing...the Sea of ​​Fa!"

"Don't be such a jerk, just say it quickly."


Looking at the bullet screens in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Fei no longer hesitated and continued to explain: "This monk is a monk from the Tang Dynasty.

As you all know, during the Tang Dynasty, we had frequent exchanges with ethnic groups who lived a pretty good life.

So this crossing of the sea is this sea, not the sea of ​​Dharma.

Moreover, Monk Jianzhen was very famous in his childhood and was called the ancestor of medicine.

Because a lot of the medical knowledge of the Tang Dynasty at that time, and even classics and other life crafts, were passed down from him.

The reason why Monk Jianzhen is here.

It was also because the typhoon broke out and the waves were too big to cross the sea, so I stayed here briefly.

Before leaving, he left behind many classics.

Hence this statue.

Of course, the most important thing is that since there is a house to house the statue of Monk Jianzhen, it stands to reason that he should be placed inside the house.

But now it's outside, weathering the elements.

So... do you understand the truth? "

Upon hearing this.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei looked at each other and suddenly realized.

Fans in the live broadcast room also laughed.

"I said, that's what it is, haha."

"Actually, I wanted to ask just now. The anchor said that the house behind it was used to supply the statue. Why is it still outside? I didn't expect it...

Haha, give a thumbs up to the managers of Yazhou Academy. "

"It's quite vindictive, but I like it."

Zhao Fei also wanted to laugh when he saw the barrage.

Although he didn't say it clearly, everyone must have understood what he meant.

It is conceivable that many people will come to Yazhou Academy in the future. When their throats feel itchy, they cough twice and spit it out.

The flow of people to Yacheng Academy will also increase in the future.

You know, after they entered Yacheng Academy, they didn't see many tourists at all.

It was sparse and very depressed.

Zhao Fei also didn't want to see the academy with its long history gradually decline.

Through the live broadcast, it is also very meaningful for Zhao Fei to let more people know about Yacheng Academy and become familiar with its history and culture.

Afterwards, the three saw another statue.

This time it was not a monk, but a woman.

It looks weird.

Especially now that men and women are equal, but in ancient times, women's status was very low.

Even most places' academies do not allow women to enter.

Let alone erecting a statue.

But such an unconventional thing happened in Yazhou Academy.

In fact this woman is famous.

She was a heroine, a princess, and even established a political power here, and finally returned to the embrace of the motherland.

She is Mrs. Xian, known as the Holy Mother of Lingnan.

Of course, this Mrs. Xian was born in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Those who understand history should know how chaotic the Northern and Southern Dynasties were.

At the same time, there is a woman next to the statue of Mrs. Xian, who is also famous.

She is Huang Daopo who spreads textile technology.

This person was from the late Song Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty. She was a child bride of someone else's family since she was a child. In the end, she could not bear the humiliation and lived in Yazhou, where she specialized in textile technology.

Until the dead.

Huang Daopo is also called the founder of the cloth industry.

After that, Zhao Fei and the other two visited many statues and followed his explanation.

We also learned a lot from each other.

I felt the culture and history of the Dragon Kingdom and its vast mountains and rivers.

In modern society, the Internet is developed, and everyone can receive a lot of information as long as they have a mobile phone.

But that's exactly why.

There are many people who have failed in the nine-year compulsory education.

All knowledge is learned in the dog's belly.

Especially in some places, if you don't see it with your own eyes and feel it carefully, you won't have a deep understanding of its significance. Yacheng Academy is an example of this.

When Zhao Fei and the others left, it was not yet noon.

So Zhao Fei decided to continue to the next attraction.

Yazhou Academy is a cultural landscape.

Natural attractions are next.

But before setting off, Zhao Fei sat in the RV and said to the live broadcast room: "Everyone, our next attraction is very interesting, I won't say the name of this place yet.

Let me ask you first, does anyone know what our native religion is in the Central Plains? "

Live fans, hear this.

Some talk about Buddhism, some talk about Taoism... and so on.

Mai Mai and Liu Yifei next to them were also lost in thought.

"Buddhism came from the West, so our native land should be Taoism, right? Sanqing or something?"

"No, isn't there a Buddha in Journey to the West? So...our native land should be Buddhism."

Listen to the words of Mai Mai.

The corner of Zhao Fei's mouth twitched and he shook his head helplessly: "Since you all mentioned Journey to the West, don't you know about the Journey to the West?
If Buddhism is local, why should we take Mao’s sutras?

Forget it, it's useless to ask you.

Our native religion is Taoism.

The place we are going to next is a Taoist cultural scenic spot with a history of nearly a thousand years.

That is, the big and small caves.

Unlike the academic palaces we saw before, there are almost no traces of repairs or changes in the caves and caves, because the landscapes are all naturally formed.

It's a place well worth visiting.

After all, when you mention the word "Dongtian", you will think of the "Dongtian Blessed Land".

What 36 caves, 72 blessed lands, one hundred and eight...

The most important thing is to cultivate immortality and seek Taoism.

Become a celestial being.

In the modern materialist society, this kind of cultivation of immortality is all fake. However, these caves are the place where ancient people practiced Taoism and sought the Dharma.

So it’s hard to say whether this is true or not.

The most important thing is that if someone really becomes an immortal, there is no way to verify it. After all, they will not come back to tell you.

Brother, I have become an immortal, just work hard! "

"Haha, why is this bitch so funny all of a sudden?"

"Hurry up and step on the accelerator. I want to see what the cave where ancient Taoist monks cultivated looks like."

"I didn't expect that I was discovered by you. Yes... I am the reincarnation of an immortal living in the mortal world. I still remember that I have [-] tons of gold in the caves and caves, and I have various immortal scriptures and Taoism.

However, I am now seriously injured and have lost all my magic power.

However, I only need 90 yuan to recover. As long as you give me money, I will be rewarded generously.

Here is my bank card number: 526122..."

"Ahem, do you want to live forever? Do you want to ascend to immortality... Make money!" (End of Chapter)

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