China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 191 Shoubi Nanshan is not old pine

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Fei shook his head and smiled.

"Don't talk about tons of gold. Although it is said that the Big and Small Cave Heavens were once places where Taoist priests cultivated immortality, there are many things that cannot be verified so far.

Moreover, modern society.

Cultivating Taoism and becoming an immortal is just a way of embodying the unique culture of our Dragon Kingdom.

No need to think deeply.

Especially now that the caves and caves are called scenic spots, even though they retain a lot of original scenery, they have also undergone a certain amount of development.

So now no one is practicing in the big and small caves.

No one wants to achieve enlightenment and become an immortal.

More often than not, a lot of people come to the Big and Little Cave to take wedding photos.

Because the landscape of the Big and Small Cave Sky is rather peculiar, there are not only all kinds of strange boulders, but also the sea surface that is sometimes rough and sometimes gentle and calm. "

Fans in the live broadcast room naturally know that no one wants to become a fairy now.

I was just joking with everyone just now.

On the contrary, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei, when they heard about the wedding photos, glanced at Zhao Fei subconsciously, obviously a little moved.

After all, the most beautiful time for a woman is when she gets married.

They had been following Zhao Fei for a long time. Because their relationship was complicated, it was difficult to make it public, so they never expected to take any wedding photos.

But now, it seems like an opportunity.

At the same time, Zhao Fei also noticed the eyes of the two women.

Even though they didn't say anything, with the understanding between the three of them, Zhao Fei also felt what the two women wanted.

So after thinking about it carefully, I came up with a solution.

After arriving at Xiaodongtian and parking the RV in the parking lot, Zhao Fei sent Yan Min a WeChat message to give a general explanation.

Then he took the two girls out of the car.

The Big and Small Cave Heavens are the same as the previous Yacheng Academy, and there are not many tourists.

The huge crowds of people in Sanya Bay are not seen here at all, but it is not so noisy, which is very suitable for Zhao Fei and the three of them to travel.

As soon as they got out of the car, the three of them heard the sound of waves crashing on the rocks.

The warm sunshine above the head does not make the body very hot. On the contrary, because of the high humidity near the sea, the temperature is just right.

Along the stone road, the three of them passed through a coconut forest.

Breathing in the fresh air can instantly make people feel beautiful.

After that, the three of them saw the legendary cave sky.

Its shape is very unique.

From a distance, it looks like a big rock suddenly protruding from the seaside.

Under the stones, there are long gaps. Under the gaps, there are steps laid by the scenic spot for people to pass through.

This naturally formed cave entrance is a bit like the sea caves on the Qizhou Islands.

It's just that on land, there are big and small, deep and shallow.

In particular, some cave entrances look like stone chambers in appearance, so they are called big and small caves.

It is also called the Fairy Cave.

It doesn't seem like anything unusual, but if you think about it carefully, you will wonder why there is a stone on a nice beach?
This gives people a very abrupt feeling.

Were the stones washed up by the sea?

Or did it fall from the top of the mountain?
Then why are there caves?
There is actually no reasonable explanation for all kinds of unreasonableness.

And this kind of large and small caves is very similar to the places where old Taoist priests live in seclusion that we often see on TV.

Three people walked into it.

The fairy cave is slightly dark, but it is not so dark that you can't see your fingers.

The situation can still be seen clearly.

It's a bit depressing, but some of the caves face their backs to the sea, which isolates them from the sound of the waves, so it's very quiet inside and indirectly gives people a sense of safety.

Of course, what Zhao Fei and the others see now are collectively called Xiaodongtian.

Speaking of this, someone may want to ask.

Where is the big cave?

Let alone Zhao Fei, it can be said that no one in the world knows where the Great Cave is.

Because the legendary Great Cave Heaven is a place where practitioners have achieved success, it can also be said to be a place where gods live.

Will not be discovered by mortals.

This concept is a bit like the legendary Sumeru Mustard Seed.

In other words, even if you walk in front of the big cave, you can't see it.

So now everyone can see only the small cave sky.

Of course, there are also legends that because modern spiritual energy is thin, Taoist priests who once practiced have been transferred to the Great Cave Heaven.

This is really not a random fabrication.

Because there are many local legends like this.

After that, the three of them saw a flat stone platform protruding several meters from the sea next to Xiaodongtian.

It looks very strange, a bit like a fishing platform.

In fact, according to legend, this is the fishing platform of the immortal.

Now there is a newlywed couple taking wedding photos at Diaoyutai.

The two girls looked slightly envious.

But just when the two women were about to turn around and leave, a photographer came over and obviously recognized the three of them.

"Oh my god, what a coincidence, Zhao Fei, Liu Yifei, Mai Mai... Hello, hello, I work for a wedding photography company, and we are destined to meet each other.

Can you guys let me take some photos for you? "

"What picture?"

Zhao Fei spoke calmly, he had already seen it.

This wedding photographer is actually a photographer from the travel crew.

The reason why he took the initiative to strike up a conversation was that Zhao Fei had just sent a WeChat message to Yan Min and arranged it in advance.

Since the second daughter wants to take wedding photos with him.

Zhao Fei naturally used his brain.

As long as the live broadcast room can't see it, chance encounter is the most suitable.

"Anything is fine. If you need a wedding dress, we are prepared."

"This..." Zhao Fei glanced at the two girls with a slight hesitation.

At this moment, the two women heard each other say this.

I have been excited for a long time.

But it’s not easy to show it in the live broadcast room.

Liu Yifei frowned and asked, "What wedding photos are there? Did someone else wear them?"


Mai Mai also chimed in and said, "Besides, I don't know if there are any that fit our size, so I think we'd better forget it!"

"Don't worry, you two, our company is not far away. It is a large wedding photography company. If you have any requirements in this regard, we will try our best to meet them.

And we don't charge any fees.

Just leave a few photos for us to place in the bridal shop for publicity after the shooting. "

Hearing this, the two women became even more moved.

The most important thing is that the other party's words made the two women less suspicious and wary.

After all, they are celebrities and some things are very inconvenient for them to do.

There are also many people digging holes for them, just waiting for them to jump in.

What's more, there is Zhao Fei next to them, so they have nothing to fear.

Then he cast a searching look at Zhao Fei.

Obviously he wanted to test Zhao Fei's opinion.

"If you want to take pictures, then let's go and take a look. If it's suitable, we'll take two pictures. If it's not suitable, it doesn't matter."

This is what Zhao Fei arranged, and he will naturally not refuse.

The two women who heard this also nodded.

"Okay, let's go take a look."

"The scenery here is indeed good, but... the wedding photos of the three of you are giving you an advantage." Liu Yifei glared at Zhao Fei with a cute look.

Then she turned around and took Mai Mai's hand, walking towards the bridal shop.Seeing this, Zhao Fei also smiled and took out his mobile phone to send a WeChat message to Yan Min.

"This photographer did well just now and was given a bonus."

Because he had to cooperate with the two girls, Zhao Fei also chose several sets of clothes for the groom.

But the corresponding two girls were in a lot of trouble.

And the requirements are much higher, so it takes a lot of time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Fei was not idle and asked Galza, the second daughter's assistant, and some traveling staff to accompany the second daughter to choose a wedding dress.

He came to Nanshan alone with the live broadcast room.

Although this place is also called Nanshan, it is different from the previous Nanmen Guanyin. The Nanshan here is the Nanshan of Shoubinan Mountain.

It means people live a long life.

Going up the mountain along the stone steps, Zhao Fei saw a tablet with the word "longevity" on the way.

This stone tablet looks very big, four to five meters high, about two meters wide, and very heavy.

The inscription on it is also different from the vigorous and powerful inscriptions we often see. Instead, it looks very gentle and soft, like the words written by a woman.

Zhao Fei had used the calligraphy skill book before, so he naturally saw a lot of things.

He said softly in the live broadcast room: "Brothers, I don't know if you have noticed that the inscription on this stone tablet is a little weird?

In fact, a woman wrote it.

Moreover, he is a well-known person, especially in modern history. It can be said that everyone knows and knows about him.

Does anyone in the live broadcast room know who this person is? "

"Don't talk nonsense, bitch, please hurry up and say it?"

"Don't tell me, if the anchor hadn't mentioned it, I really wouldn't have known that it was written by a woman. Now that the anchor has said it, if I look carefully, I find that it really doesn't look like the words can be written by a man.

So, who is this woman? "

"I seem to have vaguely heard of such a thing. It seems to be an inscription by the Empress Dowager Cixi?"

"What, old witch? She can also write? No!"


Zhao Fei gave a thumbs up.

It seems that there are still many reliable fans in the live broadcast room.

"Yes, it is indeed the inscription of the Queen Mother. The reason why it is so is because she hopes that she can live longer than Nanshan.

On the right side of the word "Shou", there is an inscription written by Zhao Puchu.

Maybe you don't know, but this Zhao Puchu is also a very famous figure.

Not only in calligraphy, he is also very famous in Buddhism.

He was also a great patriot who made outstanding contributions to socialist construction...

I won’t go into details.

If you are interested, you can check it out online. "

"This bitch knows so much."

"I know, Zhao Puchu, one of the founders of the Association for the Promotion of Democracy."

"No matter what else, the name Zhao Puchu feels very powerful."

Look at these many barrages.

Especially someone who really knows Zhao Puchu.

Zhao Fei was also very pleased.

"There are many scenic spots in the caves and caves. Every plant and tree has witnessed the historical changes over the years. We must follow the footsteps of these predecessors.

Nor can we forget their outstanding contributions.

At the top of the mountain, we can also see the Everlasting Pine and the Dragon Blood Tree... I wonder if you have noticed it. After we started climbing the mountain, there were obviously more elderly people around.

It is said that the longevity is as long as the immortal pine in Nanshan Mountain.

Therefore, grandparents who are over fifty years old also come here to seek longevity.

Whether it is true or false, whether it has any effect, we will not mention it yet.

Considering the details alone, why not just keep the pine on the top of the mountain?
Is mountain climbing good for your health?

If you think about it carefully, it all makes sense. "

Zhao Fei did not elaborate.

But the fans in the live broadcast room understood what Zhao Fei meant.

Suddenly realized.

Looking at the lush jungle around Zhao Fei, the air must be very good.

Think of mountain climbing and exercise.

Because of the good environment, there are many benches and places to rest next to the stone steps when you are tired. It is simply a holy place for the elderly.

Therefore, pineapple really has the effect of making people live longer.

Zhao Fei climbed to the top of the mountain and overlooked the sea in the distance.

Take a long breath.

Not far away from him was the legendary Everlasting Pine.

It doesn't look as straight and solemn as a cypress tree, nor does it have the lush branches and green shade of a banyan tree, but it has the boldness of a mountain.

A mind as big as the ocean.

Welcome guests from all over the world and accommodate guests from all over the world.

Seemingly unknown, but giving all the time.

In fact, there is another story about this eternal pine.

That is the eternal pine on the top of this mountain. In fact, it is not an eternal pine at all, but a plant called dragon blood tree.

It is said that in ancient times, the local people lived there because of the saying "the longevity is as long as the immortal pines in Nanshan".

Taking the picture of the Everlasting Pine from the Central Plains, I searched all over the mountains and plains for the legendary Everlasting Pine. Unfortunately, there was no such tree in Sunshine Island.

So I took the local dragon blood tree which looks very similar.

Sounds like this could be a lie.

But actually it doesn’t count at all.

Because the Everlasting Pine is not a normal pine tree at all, it is a bit similar to a variant, animal albino, etc., so the Everlasting Pine is very rare.

And no one can be sure.

At that time, the local people found the dragon blood tree or the immortal pine.

After all, they are just holding a painting.

Perhaps in their eyes, when they see the dragon blood tree, they think it is an immortal pine.

Gradually as time goes by.

In modern times, it is no longer very important whether it is an eternal pine or a dragon blood tree.

The key thing is that it means longevity.

It can make people hopeful.

This is the most important thing, so there is no need to worry about it.

At the same time, this is also the reason why Zhao Fei did not say this in the live broadcast room.

Since it is a good thing, why bother exposing it.

“I’m from the Northeast, and I’m quite far away from the Nanshan Mountains of Sunshine Island, but I saw the Eternal Pine in the live broadcast room today, which means I’m here.

So I hope you can bless my family, my grandparents, and my grandparents.

Longevity. "

"Me too, I hope all my friends around me can be healthy and live as long as Nanshan."

"Haha, thank you to the host for bringing us here. I am also here to wish everyone watching the live broadcast room a long life, a long life, and the cultivation of Taoism and immortality.

When the time comes, don’t forget to send me money. "

Many fans in the live broadcast room were praying for their family and friends.

There are many others who have posted their names on the barrage in the live broadcast room. In addition, most of the people on the barrage have lived a hundred years and lived as long as Nanshan.

So it looks like.

Zhang San, live a long life.

Li Si's longevity is better than that of the south.

Wang Wu, longevity and wealth.

Zhao Liu, make money! (End of chapter)

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