China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 192: Is the wedding photo of three people okay?

Chapter 192 Are the wedding photos of three people okay?

Come down from the mountain.

Zhao Fei then learned that Mai Mai was ready and was waiting for him to change clothes.

Then Zhao Fei no longer hesitated.

Return to the bridal shop and put on the groom's clothes.

Dress up.

The two girls also looked very happy at the moment.

Obviously they did not expect that when they came to the Big and Small Cave Heavens, in addition to viewing the scenery, they would also have unexpected surprises.

Fans in the live broadcast room were also watching the excitement.

"Haha, the wedding photos of three people are pretty good."

"This bitch, I would like to call him No. 1 in the entertainment industry. One is the fairy sister, and the other is the sister next door. No one else is so lucky."

"Yeah, I'm envious of her real name too, but luckily it's just a wedding photo shoot, not a real one."

Since you want to take wedding photos.

Naturally, the live broadcast room could not be held by three people, so Zhao Fei handed the live broadcast room phone to Yan Min.

And gave him a look.

We are all men and have a perfect rapport.

This resulted in the following photos, except for some normal photos where people can be seen.

There are also many particularly intimate wedding photos.

A normal person would know at a glance that the relationship between these three people is unusual.

During this period, Yan Min will also take the opportunity to move the live broadcast room footage.

The two girls were also very happy in the process.

Zhao Fei didn't mind the trouble at all. He followed the photographer's instructions and posed in various poses.

In this way, the afternoon passed quickly.

After dinner in the evening, Zhao Fei and the others did not live in the RV.

Instead, I found a villa in a scenic spot and opened two rooms.

The two girls had a lot of fun during the day.

Zhao Fei also had a lot of fun in the evening.

Especially because of Zhao Fei's cooperation during the day, and because the two later learned about Zhao Fei's good intentions from Yan Min.

I was even more moved.

So this night, the three of them didn't rest much.


The next morning.

Zhao Fei woke up first and glanced at the two girls who were still sleeping.

Get out of bed quietly and prepare breakfast.

Still a source of health.

In the past few days, Zhao Fei's remaining fan base has increased to nearly 6000 million.

So I don't care about this consumption.

When Zhao Fei's breakfast was almost ready, the two girls also woke up.

After drinking too many bottles of healthy spring water, the two women's body's ability to withstand stress has become much better than before. Even if they were crazy last night, they only have some backache when they wake up in the morning.

Far from the previous side effects of body aches and not wanting to get out of bed.

Wait until the two girls have finished cleaning up and dressed neatly.

The three of them gathered around the dining table, and Zhao Fei also opened the live broadcast room.

"Good morning, brothers."

"Good morning, fans in the live broadcast room."

The two girls said hello to the fans respectively, and then asked Zhao Fei: "Where are we going to play today?"

Zhao Fei spoke while eating.

"We will go to the original Li and Miao Ethnic Cultural Scenic Area later. The opening hours of this scenic area are very short every day, so we must hurry up."

"Is it a gathering place for ethnic minorities?" Mai Mai asked.

Hearing this, Zhao Fei nodded and said: "About that, this scenic spot is called Yazhou Guyue. The entire scenic spot is surrounded by mountains and has beautiful scenery.

It has been a gathering place for these ethnic minorities for a long time.

Therefore, a lot of national culture has been preserved.

Among them are the Li ethnic group, the Miao ethnic group, and so on. There are many ethnic minorities. You can see many intangible cultural heritages. It can be regarded as a multi-faceted and multi-angle tourist attraction. "

A brief introduction, Zhao Fei didn’t say much.

After all, it will be over soon.

If you talk too much, everyone will lose a lot of expectations.

After eating, Zhao Fei checked out the hotel room and drove off.

Yazhou Guyue is not far from Zhao Fei and the others.

It is also very convenient to travel and is very suitable for self-driving tours.

Even if you don’t have a private car, you can still choose to travel by bus.

It saves money and you can see many scenic spots.

In particular, these attractions have bus stops.

And most of them are terminal stations, and you can get there for just a few yuan.

After nine o'clock.

The three of them came to Guyue, Yazhou.

Parking the RV in the parking lot, the three of them got out of the car one after another.

Yazhou Guyue is similar to the previous Dongtian, and there are not many tourists.

You can see it through the live broadcast room.

Today, Mai Mai wore a white tunic with half sleeves, a sun protection jacket, shorts, and sneakers.

The whole person looks energetic and sporty.

Liu Yifei wore a low ponytail and a sun hat on her head. She also wore simple half-sleeves and denim shorts.

It also has a unique charm.

Zhao Fei is even simpler, big shorts, T-shirt...

The three of them traveled lightly.

Apart from the live broadcast room and a few bottles of water, there was nothing.

Although low-key, the temperament of the three people is still outstanding, so they attracted the attention of many people around them.

The first thing that catches the eye is the very unique gate of the scenic spot.

The door in the middle is designed like a drum placed on a stove.

The small doors on both sides look a bit like stick figures, and the door frames resemble graceful women dancing, arranged and combined, which looks very strange.

In fact, this kind of door also has a certain meaning.

Because ethnic minorities usually hold important events, especially the Li people, at such important events they will dance to the beat of drums.

That's why the door is designed like this.

Go through the small door on the side.

The situation inside the scenic spot is even stranger.

On both sides of the three of them, there were forests of coconut trees, and even closer were rows of unique wooden houses and mud houses.

There are many kinds of tropical plants around.

It's emerald green, like a natural oxygen bar.

Not far away from where the three of them were facing, there was a pavilion.

The shape of the pavilion is quite weird, like an inverted boat.

"What does it mean?"

Mai Mai pointed at the pavilion and asked Zhao Fei, "The pavilion is like a boat, and the bridge connecting the pavilion is so wide. It feels unreasonable."

Don’t blame Mai Mai for being doubtful.

Because normal people will be confused when they see this kind of building.

Logically speaking, the bridge connecting the pavilion will be narrower than the width of the pavilion. After all, the pavilion is the end point, so building such a wide bridge deck is not a waste.

"In the Li people, there are boat-shaped houses and welcoming bridges, and what we see now is these two. Since we want to welcome guests, the bridge deck must be wide and large.

Only in this way can we express our passion.

As for the boat-shaped house, it is also because many years ago, the Li people rowed here and suddenly encountered strong winds and heavy rain. In desperation, they turned the boat over and knocked it upside down.

Use this method to protect yourself from wind and rain.

So it was passed down, this rare boat-shaped house.

Of course, this is also a way for modern Li people to commemorate their ancestors. "

After hearing Zhao Fei's explanation, the two women suddenly realized.

Fans in the live broadcast room were also secretly amazed.

I can't help but imagine, what would they do if they encountered strong winds and rain in the wild?
The first thought must be to run.

Instead of using all the tools around you to protect yourself.

This does not mean that modern people are all fools. It is just that the education they have received and the things they have been exposed to since childhood are different. However, the wisdom of these ancients is still worth learning.

Then, the three of them walked onto the Yingbin Bridge facing the cool breeze.

Not far away, the sound of a group of people singing could be heard, accompanied by drumming accompaniment.

Look for reputation.

The three of them saw a group of people holding musical instruments, playing on the opposite side of them.

In the center of these people were three girls, singing loudly.

Especially when Zhao Fei and the others noticed them, their singing became much louder and their faces were filled with smiles.

However, these people did not come up to talk to Zhao Fei.

After singing, he bowed to the tourists in the venue, spoke some local language, and then left. "Zhao Fei, do you understand what they said?" Liu Yifei asked curiously.

"I really don't understand this."

Zhao Fei shook his head and said with a wry smile: "But it probably means welcoming us,"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei nodded and did not go into details.

The three continued to walk forward.

Soon the sound of blowing and beating was heard again.

The three stopped.

Soon they saw ahead of them,

A team dressed in gorgeous clothes, like a wedding team, walked towards them.

What is strange is that the groom is not in the middle of the wedding team.

But the bride.

I saw this bride dressed in gorgeous clothes, with a gorgeous colorful scarf on her head, and a lot of jewelry on her body.

For example, silver earrings, necklaces, silver medals on the chest, etc.

However, the bride's face was covered by a colorful scarf and her appearance could not be seen clearly.

The two girls had obviously never seen such a scene.

Seeing that there were many tourists following the big team, the three of them followed curiously.

When the wedding team arrived at the door of the groom's house, an old man with white beard and hair came out of the team.

He was holding a dagger and wearing priest-like clothing.

A banana leaf is placed at the door of the groom's house with an egg on it.

Then he shouted something quickly like a dancing master.

Zhao Fei couldn't understand, but heard from the comments beside him.

I probably figured out what was going on.

The main meaning is: Today is a happy day, the little ghosts passing by, the evil spirits, don’t block the way...

After saying this, the old man chopped the egg open with a dagger.

It means that when you peel the egg, you can see the red color, so that the newlyweds can be happy.

Then the fire was lit, and the wedding team began to shoot powder guns similar to fireworks into the air.

Originally a serious wedding team.

As a set of procedures was completed, the atmosphere became lively.

The groom's parents came out to greet him, and relatives also helped the welcoming team move things.

The scene was a little chaotic for a while.

Especially the various musical instruments in the team sounded more enthusiastic.

It can be said that the gongs and drums are noisy and the firecrackers are blasting.

A festive atmosphere also emerged at the venue.

The groom, dressed in gorgeous clothes, also walked out of his home, singing as he walked.

This kind of singing is different from what we usually understand as solo singing.

And it’s in a dialect, so I can’t understand it at all.

But gradually, Zhao Fei and the others also saw the mystery behind it.

It's like two people singing a couplet.

A word from the groom.

The bride continued.

Then the bride asks a question and the groom answers.

Listen to the discussion next to you.

The general meaning is actually very simple.

For example, the groom asked; "Who are you?"

The bride must answer, who am I?

Then the groom sang again: "Now that you're here, why don't you go home quickly?"

The bride doesn't want to.

The groom asked again: "Brother is here to pick you up. How can you get in?"

The bride responded: "You have to sing folk songs to each other. Only if you have a tacit understanding can you get in."

To be honest, even if you don’t understand it.

But it’s also fun to watch.

Because this kind of wedding is really rare, but it has similarities with weddings in the Central Plains.

Similar to various customs that embarrass the groom.

Wait until the time is almost up.

The bride was helped out and there were many relatives and friends beside her, holding a large wine jar.

This kind of wine jar is similar to Nuerhong.

It's just that here, it's called Fujiu. Every family in the village takes a little and accumulates it. It's also called Baijiajiu.

It means the whole village's blessing to the two newlyweds.

Then, the three of them met.

The two newcomers walked up to the white-haired old man and saluted respectfully.

Thank you to the old man for opening the way.

After that comes the toast.

The two newlyweds also drank Baijia wine from bamboo cups.

At this point, most of the wedding process is complete.

According to the custom here, it is time to start eating.

But this place is not called a feast, but called a teaser.

It can be understood as the interaction between the best man and the bridesmaid.

The way the Li guys interact here is to hold a two- to three-meter bamboo pole, take a puff of cigarette, and then blow it through the bamboo pole onto the face of the bridesmaid opposite.

The bridesmaids ducked and cursed.

The boys laughed.

Warm atmosphere.

At this point, the wedding is officially over.

Get ready for a meal.

"We got lucky today."

Zhao Fei looked at the dispersing crowd and said, "This kind of wedding is really uncommon under normal circumstances. I didn't expect that we would encounter it when we first arrived."

"Then shall we go have a feast?" Mai Mai licked her lips.

Hearing this, Zhao Fei did not speak.

He took the two girls away.

Still want to eat?

Do you really think this wedding is real?

This is just a performance by the scenic spot to attract tourists, and it happens every day.

Of course, Zhao Fei knew that Gui knew, but he didn't expose it.

He was even in the live broadcast room to help hide it.

After all, when they came here, tickets to other scenic spots were not confiscated and they were still helping in every way.

Zhao Fei is not here to kick the tires.

good for everyone.

After that, Zhao Fei and the others saw the loom again and weaved cloth on the spot.

The operator is an elderly mother-in-law.

The traditional textile technology of the Li people is itself an intangible cultural heritage of the Dragon Kingdom.

Now this kind of skill is really not something you can learn if you want to.

Even looking at it makes my head confused.

Not knowing the specific structure of this complicated loom makes people marvel at the wisdom of the ancients.


The three people also saw a performance of drilling wood to make fire.

Before drilling wood to make fire, one must first worship the God of Fire.

Then you can drill wood to make fire.

Although people can light a fire in half a minute, in fact there are a lot of things to pay attention to.

If you want to learn to try.

Then even if you rub your hands into blisters, you may not be able to start a fire.

For example, the wood used for drilling is known locally as numbness. It has a tough quality and is very suitable for drilling wood to make fire.

The flammable materials under the drilled wood are not ordinary weed wadding.

It is the coconut shell peeled from a mature coconut.

This coconut shell is very easy to ignite.

In modern society, no one digs wood to make fire, and there is no need for it.

After all, a lighter can solve everything.

But seeing the flames on the coconut shell start to burn, Mai Mai was still a little excited.

After all, you know it's one thing to drill wood to make fire, but it's another thing to see it with your own eyes.

The two bring people completely different feelings.

Especially the small flame, speaking in a big way, represents hope.

(End of this chapter)

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