China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 193: The main thing is to be content with the situation

Chapter 193: The main thing is to be content with the situation
Yazhou Guyue has many cultural landscapes.

In particular, the intangible cultural heritage, a traditional expression passed down from generation to generation by people of all ethnic groups, not only amazed Mai and Mai.

Fans in the live broadcast room were also amazed.

Afterwards, the three of them also saw the legendary sacred tree of the Li tribe.

Word of mouth spreads that this sacred tree has saved many people and has immeasurable merit.

At first glance, it sounds like a lie.

But when the three of them got closer, they no longer had such thoughts.

I saw the sacred tree of the Li people, with very lush branches and leaves, and a very thick main trunk.

Even two people holding hands can't hold each other.

Its trunk is completely black, as if it is made of fine iron. Its lush branches are like umbrella canopies, with countless small red cloth strips hanging in the wind.

It's at least a dozen meters, almost 20 meters high.

It looks spectacular.

There are guardrails around the sacred tree.

Visitors are not allowed to approach.

"This sacred tree is so big." Mai Mai looked up at the sacred tree in front of him, and he was also amazed at this moment.

"Yeah, it looks like it's at least a few hundred years old, but I'm still curious about how this big tree saves people."

Liu Yifei was also secretly amazed at this moment.

From the contact in the morning, she also found out that the ethnic minorities here believe that everything has spirits, and the sacred tree is no exception.

And this ancient tree is not only regarded as a place of faith by the people here.

It has also witnessed hundreds of years of development here.

But even so, will the sacred tree save people?
Or are people’s prayers answered?

"Yazhou is a place where it rains a lot and is prone to flooding."

Zhao Fei said softly: "As for this ancient tree, during the sacrificial time every year, people will come here specifically to pray, hoping that the ancient tree can bless them with good weather.

The family is healthy.

To your ears, this is feudal superstition.

But if you think about it carefully, wouldn’t a variety of trees prevent soil erosion?

And in that era of underdeveloped technology, there were no high-rise buildings.

If there is a flood, strong and tall trees are people's chance of survival.

Therefore, people of the Li ethnic group have basically mastered the skills of climbing trees since childhood.

When in danger, climb a tree to save yourself.

There are also people who climb coconut trees to pick fruits.

This is the essence of local rumors that the sacred tree can save lives. "

Zhao Fei's voice slowly sounded in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, he is not like a tourist, but like a teacher, imparting various knowledge to everyone.

So Mai Mai and Liu Yifei listened very seriously, and they suddenly understood.

Including the barrages in the live broadcast room, there are a lot less.

They all felt that what Zhao Fei said made sense.

"Of course, from a modern perspective, praying to God and working hard are in conflict. One is to get something for nothing, and the other is to enrich yourself and achieve your goals.

The end point is the same.

It's just that the process is different.

So there is no need to look down on anyone. After all, the era hundreds of years ago was different from the current era.

If we were placed a few hundred years ago, I am afraid that our living ability would not be as good as that of a child.

On the contrary, it must be very interesting to put ancient people into the present.

It is enough for us to understand these things and see them with our own eyes. "

"To be honest, you can really learn a lot from watching this shit live."

"Learning something is one thing, but what I want to know more is, if there is really time travel in the world, what should I bring with me?"

"You don't need to bring anything with you, just bring your brain."

Leave the sacred tree.

In the afternoon, the three of them visited almost the entire scenic spot.

So it was back to the RV.

Zhao Fei looked at the time and found that it was only after two o'clock, so he took the two girls and continued to set off.

Head to the next stop, Dongfang City.

The RV is driving on the promenade,

On the left and right are coconut trees passing by quickly as the RV moves forward.

There are abundant coconuts hanging on it.

It looks particularly pleasant.

Relatively speaking, the western route where Zhao Fei and the others are traveling by car is a bit more primitive than the eastern route.

Except for the ancient coconut trees.

There are also many green mountains and strange rocks...

There are even fewer cars on the promenade.

However, the western route also looks quieter and more comfortable, making it very suitable for families of all ages to relax together.

Of course, while moving forward, Zhao Fei did not forget the scenery on the road.

During this period, I passed by Baishui Bay.

Zhao Fei did not stop, but only slowed down.

Compared with the previous four major bays in Sanya, Baishui Bay is not well-known, and most people even do not know this place.

But it is precisely because of this that there are basically no people in Baishui Bay.

This also preserves the very original scenery.

Mai Mai held a camera and filmed Baishui Bay through the car window.

What the lens shows is the blue sea, the narrow coastline, and the fishing boats docked on the shore...

"It's nice here. Can we camp here tonight?" Mai Mai suggested.

When Zhao Fei heard this, his speed dropped again.

Originally, what he was thinking about was to reach his next stop, Dongfang City, before dark.

Because Dongfang City is relatively far from Yazhou, it takes at least three or four hours of driving.

But now after hearing what Mai Mai said, Zhao Fei hesitated a little and said, "Okay, there are still a lot of ingredients in the RV. If it's not enough, we can also rely on the sea to eat.

Yifei, what do you say? "

"I can do it."

Liu Yifei rolled up his long hair and said: "You can also ask the fans in the live broadcast room for their opinions. It's quite suitable for camping here. Not only are there few people, the scenery is also good."

Zhao Maimai smiled slightly.

She knew that Liu Yifei would also support her.

He shouted to the live broadcast room: "Brothers, what do you think, should we camp here at night, or go to Dongfang City? Those who camp will rate 1, and those who continue to leave will rate 2."

Zhao Fei slowly parked the RV on the side of the road.

Also looked towards the live broadcast room.

"I think it's okay. Since my Maimai wants to go camping, let's go camping."

"That's right, as long as this shit doesn't stop live streaming, you can go wherever you want."

"111, 2222, 3333..."

The barrages flashed across the live broadcast room quickly.

People watching can't figure it out at all.

At this moment, Mai Mai also came to Liu Yifei's side and whispered: "Have you not lived in a tent with us yet? There are not many people here.

You can try it in the evening. "

Hearing this, Liu Yifei blushed.

Immediately I understood what Mai Mai meant.

He glanced at Zhao Fei out of the corner of his eye, then patted Mai Mai coquettishly, and asked softly: "Is this why you proposed camping?"


Mai Mai nodded: "You don't know, this kind of experience in the wild is... a different kind of experience. Maybe you will have it this time."

Liu Yifei touched his belly.

It's been so long and she hasn't reacted at all. It's impossible to say she's not in a hurry.

And it's not easy for her to talk to Zhao Fei about this kind of thing.

But Mai and Mai talked a lot.

So after seeing this environment, Mai Mai came up with this idea in his little mind.

That's why I proposed camping here at night.This moved Liu Yifei very much, and he showed his domineering attitude as a fairy sister. He decided without even looking at the live broadcast room.

"Okay, we'll camp here tonight, listen to Mai Mai... and most of the fans in the live broadcast room are like 1."

After saying that, Liu Yifei stood up and prepared to get off the car.

Zhao Fei also saw what the two women were saying secretly and was a little confused.

But I didn't ask too much.

Since the two girls decided to camp here, they should go to Dongfang City tomorrow.

As long as you are happy, anything will do.

The main thing is a casual.

So Zhao Fei also got out of the car, took out tents and other things, and arranged them on the beach.

Because although the Promenade is not far from White Water Bay, there is no parking lot here, so you can only park your RV elsewhere, otherwise it will block the cars on the highway.

So leaving the camping stuff behind, Zhao Fei asked Garza to drive the RV away.

Wait until tomorrow morning to drive back.

Including people from the travel program group, because there is no parking here, most people can only continue to move forward and arrive at Dongfang City to wait for Zhao Fei and the others.

So in the end, only the three of Zhao Fei and one live broadcast room were left in Baishui Bay.

The rest are some tents and necessary facilities in the wild.

This was obviously some willful behavior, and the fans in the live broadcast room were also a little interested, because they don't like to travel in a strict and restrictive way.

On the contrary, this kind of accident is even more gratifying.

However, this suddenly changed plans.

Yan Min felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, the new guests have been contacted, and the flight will land in Dongfang City at [-] p.m.

So if we follow the normal itinerary.

Zhao Fei and the other three will arrive at Dongfang City when it gets dark, pick up the new guests, have a meal, and then continue their trip tomorrow.

Now that everything is going on, guests arriving in Dongfang City will have to wait for one night.

At the same time, I watched the RV and the program crew leave.

The two girls held hands happily and started walking on the beach.

Zhao Fei stayed where he was, installing the tent and preparing ingredients...

Fans in the live broadcast room were inexplicably happy.

"Haha, suddenly I feel like the anchor is a bit miserable. Wherever he is, he works like an old scalper."

"That's what I said, brother, if there is such an old scalper, please tell me, I want to be one too."

"Yes, haven't you noticed that there is only one tent here? Even though this tent seems very big,... three people live in one tent?
This, I feel like I can't sleep at night. "

Zhao Fei was busy and didn't notice the barrage.

This trip is different from the last one, because we won’t climb too high or dangerous peaks, and most of the trips will be close to cities, so we prepared a modern large tent.

It can be pushed directly by car.

After the tent was unfolded, it was a luxurious tent seven or eight meters wide.

There are also some inflatable sofas, inflatable beds, etc. After unfolding, it will be more comfortable and convenient to rest at night.

It even looks no different from home.

The most important thing is that there are two bedrooms inside, so it will not arouse others' suspicion.

Time passed slowly.

Zhao Fei took care of everything and put the food on the table.

The two girls also strolled back from the long and narrow coastline.

Because the two girls were interested, Zhao Fei also carefully prepared a candlelight dinner.

Especially at this moment, the sun was setting in the west, illuminating the entire sea in a fiery red. The tables outside were also covered with white cloths, and red wine and delicacies were placed on them.

Just looking at it makes people happy.

"Wow, why did you prepare so much?" Mai Mai's beautiful eyes widened.

She was chatting with Liu Yifei just now and shared her and Zhao Fei's experience of camping in the wild.

And the small joy of two people being alone together.

Among them was the candlelight dinner, which Liu Yifei was envious of.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Fei had prepared a candlelight dinner just after he came back.

There is no need to be envious of Liu Yifei...

"I saw that you guys wouldn't be back for a while, so I made some extra preparations. Besides, there is no wind now and the sea is very calm. It's perfect for eating Western food outside at night."

"Well...thank you, I like it very much."

Liu Yifei's smile was as bright as a flower. If he hadn't done this in front of the live broadcast room, he might have knocked Zhao Fei down.

Mai Mai also nodded and pulled Liu Yifei to sit down.

"I like it too."

"Come on, cheers."


The three of them exchanged glasses of wine on the beach.

The weak flames on the candles and the dim sunset complement each other and shine on the faces of the three people.

The three people's faces were all a little red due to the reflection.

Especially the swaying flames.

The two girls were slightly in a trance, and their beautiful eyes looking at Zhao Fei became a lot moister.

If today's sunset is the last warmth in the world.

Then this wisp of candlelight in front of them ignited the flame in the hearts of the two women.

Don't want to be moved.

Fans in the live broadcast room also have to admire that Zhao Fei is not a straight man in this regard.

Especially some female fans were screaming.

"This is so romantic, I'm so envious."

"Wow, wow, I love it...Really, anchor, can you tell me your phone number?"

"Yeah, if I had a boyfriend like this, let alone the bride price, I would give him 20, a house and a car, and you don't have to pay for anything, as long as he is handsome and treats me well.

Just like the anchor. "

The male fans here also spoke.

"Ahem, the ones upstairs are a bit demanding. Don't you know that this is the most rare thing?"

"I have to admit that the anchor still has something, just look at Liu Yifei's expression and you will know that the anchor did his best today.

Presumably in the future, our fairy sister will not be difficult to host in the live broadcast room. "

Zhao Fei and the others ignored the live broadcast room.

The three of them were laughing and laughing, enjoying the food and the afterglow of the setting sun.

Even if it’s just a live broadcast.

But the effect presented is no worse than the scenes in some movies.

There are countless screenshots taken.

On the other side, the candlelight dinner between Zhao Fei and three people was not only amazed by the fans.

The guests who had just landed from Dongfang City were a little confused after being picked up by Yan Min in the car.

What do you mean?
No one came, you still have to wait all night?


The guest was a little unhappy, but didn't say anything.

After all, this trip didn’t come easily.

But after taking out his mobile phone and opening Zhao Fei's live broadcast room.

Seeing the three happy people, the corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch at this moment.

"Director, why do I feel like I'm a bit redundant?"

Oh, it's good to know.

Those three people are not something that ordinary people can blend in with.

Of course, Yan Min would not express his inner thoughts, so he coughed twice and comforted: "The effects of the program are all the effects of the program.

Don't worry, in fact, Zhao Fei and Liu Yifei have a very bad relationship in private.

Fighting every day and night. "

Just kidding, do I look like a fool to you?

Also the program effect.

I'm an actor too.

Forget it, forget it, it's here now, just wait one night.

(End of this chapter)

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