Zhao Fei didn't know.

Now in Dongfang City, there is another guest waiting for them.

But even if Zhao Fei knew it, he wouldn't care.

Because now he has more important things to do.

It is now past nine o'clock in the evening. During the candlelight dinner just now, the three of them drank a lot of red drinks.

At this moment, he didn't even bother to clean up the dining table outside, so he returned to the tent.

The live broadcast room was also shut down by Zhao Fei.

As the saying goes, different environments give people different feelings.

No matter what you do, no matter who you are dealing with, this sentence is not wrong.

Now the night is getting darker.

In the luxury tent, a beautiful melody gradually sounded.

Intertwined with the waves not far away, they composed a classic.

Mai Mai is very sensible, and she is still young now and doesn't want to take on too much pressure, so whenever Zhao Fei feeds her at the end.

He would always pull Liu Yifei over and signal her to open her mouth.

After all, this is what Liu Yifei has been thinking about and has always wanted to fulfill.

The two women divide the labor and cooperate in assembly line manufacturing.

In this way, the yield will naturally be higher.


The next morning.

Liu Yifei ate too much last night and felt a little uncomfortable.

Looking at it, Zhao Fei frowned slightly: "What's wrong? Did you catch a cold last night?"

"I don't know. I feel a little nauseous and want to vomit. It must be because I drank too much last night."

Liu Yifei shook his head, patted his chest, and felt relieved.

Zhao Fei stepped forward and hugged her: "Put out your hand and I will take your pulse."

"Yes." Liu Yifei obediently stretched out his hand.

Mai Mai heard the movement next to him, rubbed his eyes, and looked at the two people next to him vaguely.

Without thinking much, he turned his back.

Thinking about taking a nap again.

I actually drank a little too much last night, and the crazy aftereffects were too great.

Zhao Fei put his fingers on Liu Yifei's wrist and carefully felt the other person's pulse.

His expression gradually changed from serious at first to doubt, and finally to joy, and he swallowed unnaturally.

"Yifei, you..."

"What's wrong? I'm not really sick, am I?" Liu Yifei was slightly nervous.


Zhao Fei shook his head, turned around Liu Yifei in his arms, and said happily, "Zhao Yifei, Zhao Yiyi...do you remember what you asked me back then."

Liu Yifei was slightly confused when he heard these two names.

But reacted quickly.

When she asked Zhao Fei what the child's name was, Zhao Fei mentioned these two names.


Liu Yifei subconsciously held his stomach.

He asked in disbelief: "So, I... have it?"


Zhao Fei nodded with certainty: "Based on the time, it would be about half a month to a month. It should be at the beginning of our trip."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei was also stunned by this sudden surprise.

Then she climbed up and took out the test paper from the suitcase.

Going to test it out.

It's not that she doesn't believe Zhao Fei, it's just that she wants to test it from two aspects.

The news is so sudden.

Zhao Fei didn't mind, took the test paper in his hand, and helped Liu Yifei test it.

We are an old married couple, so there is no need to be shy.

The final result is self-evident.

Two red lines.

"I really have it!"

Liu Yifei covered his mouth and threw himself into Zhao Fei's arms.

Tears of excitement flowed out.

"I'm going to be a mom, oh my god...I'm so happy."

Even though Liu Yifei was already prepared in his heart.

But at this moment, I still couldn't control my emotions and my mind was confused.

There were surprises, confusion, tension... It was like knocking over a five-flavor bottle, and I was at a loss.

"Yes, you are going to be a mother, and I am going to be a father."

It’s not just Liu Yifei.

At this moment, Zhao Fei was also stunned by this sudden surprise.

He was gentle and did not dare to treat Liu Yifei like before.

So he didn't think too much and immediately helped Liu Yifei get dressed: "Hurry up and put on your clothes, don't catch a cold soon, and...

Please stop broadcasting for travel first, I want to take you back to the capital.

Find professional caregivers, and…”

Zhao Fei was in a mess, nagging his aunt a lot.

In fact, it was Zhao Fei's first time as a father in his second life. Those who have never experienced this feeling will never understand it.

And so far, Zhao Fei has truly integrated into this world.

There had been no movement from Liu Yifei's side before, and both of them were in good health, so it could only be the reason for his time travel, so Zhao Fei always thought it was his own problem.

Now the seeds sprout.

That means he has no problem.

This made Zhao Fei breathe a sigh of relief.

The most important thing is that I am going to be a father, and I still travel a lot, so taking care of my wife is the most important thing.

This is the first time Liu Yifei has seen Zhao Fei's panic.

I was moved.

He grabbed Zhao Fei's hand.


"Ah...what's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable again?"

"No, I want to say..."

"What are you talking about? It's so noisy that I can't even sleep." Mai Mai rubbed her eyes and looked at the two of them with a pouted mouth.

Upon seeing this, Liu Yifei handed over the test paper.

Mai Mai subconsciously took it in his hand: "What kind of new prop is this? Is it too thin?"

"What nonsense."

Zhao Fei glared at her and said, "Can you take a closer look?"


Mai Mai opened his eyes completely, and when he saw the two bars above, he realized the problem.

Covering her mouth: "Sister Yifei, do you have it?"

"Yeah." Liu Yifei nodded and chuckled.

"Oh my God, is this true, haha... That's great, that's great."

Zhao Maimai jumped up from the quilt excitedly, hugging Zhao Fei and the two of them, not caring about the little sunshine and being exposed.

"Okay, okay, put on your clothes quickly so you don't catch a cold."

Zhao Fei was also very happy, but he immediately picked up Mai Mai's clothes and helped her put them on.

Save this girl from overthinking.

Although Liu Yifei is here, Zhao Fei is not someone who likes the new and hates the old.

Mai Mai cannot be replaced by anyone.

"Oh, you don't need to do anything, I'll put it on myself."

Zhao Maimai quickly put on his clothes and reached out to touch Liu Yifei's belly. He was both curious and nervous: "Baby, can you hear me..."

Three people in the tent.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden surprise so early in the morning.

Everyone fell into a sea of ​​joy.

The laughter continued.

Zhao Fei is also preparing to contact Yan Min and plans to postpone the trip.

Let’s finish dealing with Liu Yifei’s affairs first.

But before he could call, he was stopped by Liu Yifei: "Husband, I just wanted to say it. I feel that it is better not to interrupt the trip because of me. After all, we made a promise to the fans from the beginning, and this time..."

"It's okay. I'll be back when I send you back." Zhao Fei didn't take it seriously.

But Liu Yifei was also very insistent: "You really don't have to, just listen to me. I'll just ask my mother to fly over to pick me up later. It won't be good if others see it if you are so aggressive."

No matter what, Liu Yifei's trip will definitely not go on.

After all, she is two people now.

If he accidentally sprained his foot or had an accident, Zhao Fei wouldn't have anywhere to cry.

Liu Yifei also planned to go home first.

But he didn't want to delay Zhao Fei's career because of himself.

After all, travel is in full swing right now, and this season’s edited variety show has already been aired.

If it were to stop airing suddenly now, the impact would be too big.

"Yes, brother... How about I go back with Sister Yifei."

Mai Mai also spoke at the side: "You will be confused if you care. Sister Yifei has been following us for such a long time and drinks the nourishing soup specially prepared by you every morning.

My body is much better now.

What's more, Sister Yifei has taken on many martial arts scenes before, and her physical condition is not comparable to that of ordinary women.

It will be fine. "


Liu Yifei also continued: "Although I did feel a little nauseous just now, it was not strong. It was probably because I drank a little red wine last night.

So you don't have to worry about me, I'll just ask my mother to come pick me up. "


Seeing the two women saying this, Zhao Fei nodded.

At the same time also realize.

He was a little overwhelmed by this sudden surprise. He was thinking about Liu Yifei wholeheartedly and ignored many things.

Because the live broadcast is really difficult to stop.

After all, there are many sponsors who have signed contracts.

There are also variety shows, etc., and various issues.

So Liu Yifei and Mai Mai can leave the live broadcast room, but Zhao Fei absolutely cannot.

"I'm calling Aunt Xiaoli now."

Zhao Fei changed Yan Min's phone number to Liu Xiaoli's and broadcast it.

"Hey, why are you calling me so early?"

"Ahem, Aunt Xiaoli, Yifei...is ready."


Liu Xiaoli screamed, and her voice suddenly rose three levels: "Real or fake, haha... Oh my God, it finally happened, great, great."

"Of course it's true, I've checked it."

"Okay, okay, okay...Xiao Fei, you are awesome, just wait, Auntie will fly over now, hehe, I'm going to hold my grandson..."

Liu Xiaoli hung up the phone and jumped up at home.

The whole person instantly fell into a sea of ​​joy, and his breathing felt much sweeter.

He was also humming happy songs.

"Today is a good day. Everything you want can come true... Today..."

"Ah haha, this kid Zhao Fei is quite powerful."

"Of course, this is mainly because I had a good eye at the beginning and fell in love with this boy at first sight. Haha... I am going to have a grandson, uh, maybe a granddaughter.

Hey, he hasn’t told me whether he’s a boy or a girl?
Damn, I was a little anxious when I hung up the phone.

It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl.

But if it's a boy, I want a girl, and if the first one is a girl, I want a boy.


Don't worry, don't worry, my Yifei can still give birth. "


After making the phone call, Zhao Fei began to carefully prepare breakfast for the two girls.

Be more careful than countless times before.

After all, Liu Yifei is two people.

must be taken care of.

At the same time, Zhao Fei also woke up Galza and asked him to drive the RV over, pack up the tent, and put it back on the RV.

"Don't look at me like this, I'm not used to it."

Liu Yifei was taken care of by Zhao Fei and Mai Mai. He was moved but also slightly awkward.

After all, everyone had the same status before.

"It's okay, this is all as it should be." Mai Mai shook his head indifferently.

After all, the child is born.

She is also the other person's mother.

Not to mention Zhao Fei.

I even regretted drinking last night.

Anyone who knows it knows that women during this period cannot drink alcohol.

"After you go back, just stay at home and take a walk if you have nothing to do. You must pay attention to your health. If anything happens, you must call me as soon as possible."

Zhao Fei's mother-in-law explained.

At the same time, Yan Min also learned the news.

Looking at the WeChat message sent by Zhao Fei, I couldn't help but give a thumbs up in my heart.

It has to be you.

However, it’s a bit exaggerated for you to arrive at Dongfang City at noon, right?
Even if the distance is far, it won't take five or six hours of driving. What do you want me to explain to the new guests?

Yan Min scratched his head.

However, Zhao Fei is the boss, so even if things are difficult to handle, he has to find a way to do it.

So he could only bite the bullet and find new guests.

At this moment, the new guest had just finished breakfast and was dressed neatly. He was excitedly looking forward to appearing in front of the live broadcast room and thinking about how to say hello.

"Hello everyone, my name is Li Yitong. I am very happy to participate in our travel live broadcast. This is our first meeting. Please give me your advice.

Zhao Fei, hello, hello.

Sister Yifei, Mai Mai...

No, no, this is too formal, too old-fashioned.

I feel like I can just wave my hand and don’t need to say much.

I don’t know if Zhao Fei got along well with him during the trip.

There are also Liu Yifei and Zhao Maimai. I wasn’t familiar with these two before, so I hope they won’t be embarrassed.

Hey... Director Yan Min, good morning.

Is it Zhao Fei and the others who have arrived?

Come on, let's go meet him?
What do you mean, don't stand still. Does your program team have other arrangements for me? "

"Cough cough."

Looking at Li Yitong's expectant appearance.

Yan Min's scalp felt numb.

However, the matter has come to this, so we can only face the difficulty: "Well...Miss Li, it's like this, Zhao Fei and the others are temporarily in some trouble, and they may not be able to come over until noon.


Upon hearing this, Li Yitong froze.

What are you doing?

As I said before, I got off the plane and joined the group directly.

Then he said he would join the group at eight in the morning.

Now you tell me that I can’t come until noon?

Play me.

Do you think I'm easy to bully?

I also have a temper, right?
Do you really think I won't get angry?

"Ms. Li, this was an accident, so I ask for your forgiveness. Of course... the main reason is due to problems with our program team, so all the fees previously collected for participating in the travel program will be refunded.


"it's okay no problem."

Li Yitong waved his hand carelessly: "Isn't it just a waste of time? We are both in the entertainment industry and we understand each other. I don't care."

"Thank you so much then."

Yan Min smiled and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party was not angry.

Then he carried out the promise he just made.

100 million only.

For Zhao Fei, it's a drop in the bucket.

What's more, this is not his own initiative. When he and Zhao Fei communicated on WeChat just now, he had already mentioned a new guest. (End of chapter)

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