China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 195 The No. 1 Spring in the World

Dongfang Municipal Airport.

Zhao Fei parked the RV in the parking lot and helped Liu Yifei get out of the car.

Mai Mai and his assistant were pulling their luggage aside.

Several people walked towards the airport together.

Zhao Fei did not broadcast live along the way, so no one knew that Zhao Fei was at the airport.

It was now past eleven o'clock, and Liu Xiaoli's flight had landed, and she hurriedly greeted her as soon as she got off the plane.

Seeing his daughter, a smile instantly appeared on his face.

"My big baby, you really give mom credit."

After giving Liu Yifei a hug, Liu Xiaoli looked at her belly.

The more you watch, the happier you are.

Even Zhao Fei next to him was laughing.

"Auntie, I'll leave Yifei to you."

"Do not worry."

Liu Xiaoli nodded, knowing that Zhao Fei would have to go to work soon, so she didn't feel resentful at all because Zhao Fei couldn't accompany Liu Yifei.

Instead, he was happy to take care of it himself.

After all, she is her own daughter. If she doesn't feel sorry for her, who will feel sorry for her.

"You and Mai Mai can just live broadcast, I will take good care of Yifei, and after I get home, I will take her to a private hospital for a good check-up.

But, Xiaofei... now that you have time, you should come and see Yifei more often. "

"Don't worry, auntie, I will go back as soon as possible after the live broadcast of Sunshine Island." Zhao Fei promised.

"And Mai Mai, you three must be well, don't think too much." Liu Xiaoli held Liu Yifei with one hand and Mai Mai with the other.

"Auntie, I didn't think much about it. Sister Yifei's is mine."

"Okay, okay, I'm even happier to see you three like this." Liu Xiaoli's laughter never stopped,

Then, the four of them chatted for a while.

Seeing that the plane to Kyoto was about to take off, they said goodbye to each other.

Watching Liu Yifei and his daughter get on the plane, Zhao Fei and Mai Mai also held hands and returned to the RV.

By now, it's almost one o'clock.

Moreover, Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei also learned that the new guests were still waiting at the hotel.

So the two of them didn't bother to eat. They had a meal in the car while driving.

It's not like the two of them have never experienced this kind of thing before.

Very skilled.

Zhao Fei was responsible for driving, and Mai Mai, the co-pilot, was responsible for unpacking snacks.

You take one, I take one.

Sweet and cozy.

Soon we arrived at the hotel door.

"Okay, you turn on the live broadcast and I'll pick up the new guests."

Mai Mai packed up the garbage bag, opened the car door and planned to throw it out of the car.

Zhao Fei looked in the mirror and found that there was nothing wrong with him, then he opened the live broadcast room.

Since the start of live travel.

Zhao Fei basically starts the live broadcast every morning.

This is the first time that the broadcast started at noon today.

So the moment the live broadcast room opened, hundreds of thousands of people poured in.

"Holy shit, this shit is finally on the air. What's going on?"

"I also want to ask what happened that caused the anchor to start broadcasting now. Is there a typhoon blowing in the direction of Yazhou?"

"Hey, why are there only one anchor, Mai Mai and Liu Yifei?"

Watching the rapidly scrolling barrages in the live broadcast room.

Zhao Fei took a deep breath and explained: "Brothers, I'd like to apologize to you first. The reason why the broadcast started so late today is because something was delayed.

I hope you don't mind.

Of course, I also want to tell you both good news and bad news.

Which one are you going to listen to first? "

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me quickly, what did you do to my Mai Mai?"

"And where is the fairy sister?"

"Is something wrong?"

When I was on the road just now.

Because Liu Yifei will not be able to work for a long time.

So the three of them also discussed it.

He lied that Liu Yifei was sick and needed treatment for a period of time.

In this way, Liu Yifei has a reason for not being able to participate in the trip, including future work, and has an excuse to shirk it.

The bad news Zhao Fei mentioned was naturally this matter.

The good news is that a new guest will arrive today, and she is also a beautiful woman.

When Zhao Fei finished saying this.

Fans in the live broadcast room were also a little worried.

"What's going on? Sister Tianxian needs to recuperate? Wasn't she fine yesterday?"

"Yes, where is Liu Yifei now?"

"No, don't you care about the new guest? Li Yitong seems to be pretty good too."

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Zhao Fei continued: "Brothers, Liu Yifei has left now, don't worry, she just needs to rest for a while.

Please don't make random guesses.

Hey... a new guest is here, and our trip today is about to begin. "

Zhao Fei looked through the car window and saw the two women walking over.

He took the initiative to open the car door and walked over with the live broadcast room: "Ms. Li, hello, hello... I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

"It doesn't take long, you're welcome."

Li Yitong was also a little surprised when he saw Zhao Fei for the first time.

She had heard that Zhao Fei was handsome and elegant, but she didn't expect that he was quite handsome and elegant, like a handsome young man, making people unable to take their eyes off him at a glance.

Even close contact made her a little nervous.

This is unbelievable.

After all, the most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry is handsome guys and beauties.

This is also because Zhao Fei is happy today, so his smile is particularly gentle, which heals Nuan Nan properly.

Li Yitong took one look, and his eyes turned into crescent moons with a smile.

Similarly, this is also the first time Zhao Fei sees each other.

Zhao Fei is not face-blind, and he has never paid attention to the entertainment industry in his previous life, so he is a little confused about Li Yitong, Bai Lu, and Li Xiaoqin.

But now look closer.

Zhao Fei found that Li Yitong's appearance was still very delicate. His facial features were so delicate that nothing could be faulted, his eyes were smooth, and his nose was three-dimensional, round and delicate.

The standard one can be used as a plastic surgery template.

A black long-sleeved shirt paired with a pair of tight jeans looks like an intellectual sister.

"Get in the car first, and we'll talk after we get in the car." Mai Mai said.

Watched the two girls get into the car.

Zhao Fei also closed the door and got in from the driving position.

Mai Mai and Li Yitong just said that Liu Yifei temporarily left the travel show due to health reasons.

So when he learned that Liu Yifei was not here, Li Yitong didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing the big screen in the live broadcast room on the RV, he smiled and said hello: "My family in the live broadcast room, hello everyone... I am Li Yitong, I am very happy to come to the travel live broadcast.

I also hope that everyone will bear with me if I do anything wrong during the next trip. "

"Hey, don't worry, as long as you are a beautiful woman, you will have privileges in our live broadcast room."

"That's right, welcome Miss Li Yitong to join us. Let's warm up by flying together first."

"I have liked Li Yitong for a long time. I really didn't expect to see her on the travel live broadcast. I am so happy."

Look at the gifts in the live broadcast room.

Li Yitong also breathed a sigh of relief.

Next to him, Mai Mai was also enlivening the atmosphere, trying to make the live broadcast room temporarily forget about Liu Yifei's departure and minimize the impact.

Fortunately, there is a new guest, Li Yitong, who can attract everyone's attention.So they are quite lucky today.

"Brothers, although our live broadcast is late today, the trip will still continue. Now that we have arrived in Dongfang City, let Zhao Fei introduce us to the next itinerary."


Zhao Fei started the RV and thought for a while.

This morning, his mind was full of children, so he really didn't think about where to go next.

But before camping last night, Zhao Fei also had plans.

So after only a few seconds of hesitation, he came up with an idea: "Dongfang City is the western city of Sunshine Island with many tourist attractions. It is already afternoon.

So the first stop of our trip today is to go to the first spring in Tiannan.

When hearing this name, some people may not understand it.

This first spring is an ancient well from the Han Dynasty.

It also has another name, Hanma Fubo Well.

Speaking of General Flutters, I believe friends in the live broadcast room should know.

After all, we mentioned it before when we were in Tongguling.

After General Ma Yuan went south to pacify Jiaozhi.

Many ruins have been left behind.

This first spring was also dug out because when the army was stationed, the soldiers and horses had no drinking water. "

While Zhao Fei was introducing, he also started the RV.

Heading towards the first spring.

This first spring is also known as the "Thanksgiving Spring".

The main reason is that after the ancient well was dug, it became much easier for nearby villagers to obtain water.

Moreover, the water in the ancient well is sweet and has not dried up to this day.

One can imagine how important this first spring is.

When Zhao Fei and the others arrived here, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

The three of them got off the car and entered the scenic spot, heading straight to the first spring.

It can be seen that the wellhead of the First Spring is large and circular. If calculated from the early Han Dynasty, it has a history of 2000 years.

He bent down and looked down.

You can see that the spring water below is very clear and sparkling.

Because the first spring is not as deep as imagined, unlike some ancient wells, which are bottomless.

At first glance, it was completely dark.

Next to the ancient well, there is a stone tablet.

There are five characters written on it: "Hanma Fubo Well".

Because there is only one well in this scenic spot, the scale of the scenic spot is not large.

But when the two girls saw the ancient well, they were still curious.

"Can you still drink the water under this ancient well?" Mai Mai asked.

"Of course I can drink."

Zhao Fei greeted the staff who came to the scenic spot and asked them to use professional equipment to dig well water.

In less than a minute, Zhao Fei and the other three were holding disposable cups.

Looking at the crystal clear well water, which was no different from mineral water, Mai Mai raised his glass and took a sip.

"Hiss, it's so cold!"

Li Yitong on the side saw this and also tasted it.

He nodded and said: "It's a bit like iced mineral water, but it seems to have a little sweetness?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fei smiled and said: "The reason why it is sweet is because this ancient well is rich in natural minerals and trace elements needed by the human body.

And there are no additives in it.

The most important thing is that the reason why a scenic spot was established here is to protect the ancient well.

It is also because in recent years, many people from nearby villagers, and even many people from Dongfang City, drive cars and carry buckets here to fetch water every day.

Drink it as daily drinking water.

When there are too many people, problems are likely to arise, which indirectly leads to certain damage to the ancient well.

Some children even threw things inside.

Gradually it attracted the attention of local travel agencies.

The ancient well we see now has been repaired and organized. "

While saying this, Zhao Fei also raised his glass.

Drink the water from the ancient well in one gulp.

I have to say, it is sweet and refreshing and very thirst quenching.

Of course, don’t dislike this well just because it was damaged before and someone even threw things into it.

Because the well water under ancient wells generally exists in the fault layers and fracture zones of rocks.

The water stored in the gaps between these rocks will seep into the ground after it rains. Under the action of gravity, it will be squeezed... causing the well water in the fault layer to flow.

It becomes what we often call living water.

So even if you poison the ancient well now, as time goes by, the water in the ancient well will gradually become clean and non-toxic again.

So don’t dislike the water in this ancient well.

What's more, this ancient well also has specific scenic area protection.

“I still remember that when I was a child, my grandma’s house drank ancient well water, but now when I go to my grandma’s house during the Chinese New Year, I can’t drink the ancient well water.

So I miss that sweet and cold feeling.

Especially the watermelon that has been chilled in the ancient well, tsk tsk..."

"Looking at the appearance, I feel that the water in this ancient well can be regarded as mineral water, right? Can we build a factory to buy water? That's what the advertisement said.

I don't produce water, I'm just a porter of water from ancient wells.

Want to drink and admire the moon with General Fubo?
A cup of ancient spring water will give you a taste of the year 2000! "

"You're a talented guy upstairs, give it a thumbs up, thumbs up, I think you have a lot going for this project."


See the barrage in the live room.

Not to mention the fans, even Zhao Fei felt that this fan who wanted to build a factory had a point.

The advertising slogan is also well thought out.

Later, Zhao Fei decided to increase the pressure on fans and promote First Spring.

Maybe in the future there will really be a mineral water that is the number one spring.

"Ahem, brothers, this first spring is not only related to General Fubo, but also many celebrities have inscribed their inscriptions here. Two great writers are worth mentioning.

One is Guo Moruo.

One is Su Dongpo.

We don’t want to go into details about Guo Moruo. After all, this person...well, it’s better for girls to know less about him.

Mainly talk about Su Dongpo.

The reason why Su Dongpo came here is because during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Su Dongpo came here to visit a friend, and this friend was the county magistrate here.

Later, the county magistrate built Su Gongtai nearby.

Of course, this is also recorded in the local county annals.

Most likely true.

But those who are interested can look up the details of what happened, including Guo Moruo's inscription, which was quite famous at the time. "

"To be knowledgeable, you have to be a host. This quote from the classics... I was stunned for a moment."

"This bitch is really admirable at this point."

"Haha, I have decided that as a rich second generation, I have to learn from the anchor. I have no knowledge and I don't know how to do business, but buying and selling mineral water... this thing is not difficult.

What do you mean, I want to build a factory too. "

Many fans also heard it.

Even though Zhao Fei didn't say it explicitly, it was obvious that Zhao Fei also thought it would be a good idea to build a factory here to sell water.

So many people in the live broadcast room were really tempted.

Mai Mai was not surprised by this and was proud of her freedom.

After all, he is his own man, and Zhao Fei is already so good.

Li Yitong, who had been watching from the other side, subconsciously drank all the spring water in the cup.

I thought to myself: This Zhao Fei is too powerful!

It depends on whether you will have to spend money if you want to drink the well water here in the future? (End of chapter)

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