Stayed at the first spring for a while.

The three of them left. After all, this was just a small attraction.

There is nothing else except the first spring.

Zhao Fei looked at the time and found that it was still early, so he took the two girls towards the nearby Datian Eldeer Scenic Area.

Eld's deer is a type of deer.

And it is the most precious among the more than ten kinds of deer animals in the Dragon Kingdom.

It is a protected animal that can be ranked alongside the national treasure and golden monkey.

A few decades ago, there were only a dozen Eld's deer left, but after so many years of protection, there are now thousands.

Even so, there are basically no such places like other zoos in Dragon Kingdom.

Most of them are concentrated in this protected area.

Start the RV.

The three of them blew the evening breeze and listened to songs along the way.

Even though the RV is not driving on the promenade, but inland, so the sea cannot be seen, the scenery inland on the western route is also very good.

Look up.

There are green grasslands on both sides of the road, and endless mountains in the distance.

Lush tropical plants are lush and green.

It makes the air here very good.

After about half an hour, the three of them arrived at the Eld's Deer Sanctuary.

In contrast, the mountains, forests and grasslands here are more lush and all are purely natural, because the Eld's deer's growing environment is very harsh. If it is over-exploited, it will affect the Eld's deer's living environment.

So it looks a little more primitive here.

At the same time, because this is a free area for animals to move around, the scenic area is very large.

The RV can't be driven in.

So you can only choose a bicycle or a motorcycle.

Because this trip was sponsored by a bicycle manufacturer, the three chose three-wheeled electric bicycles.

The kind with a small shed.

Two people can sit in the back.

The one in front acted as the driver, only Zhao Fei came, and the two women sat in the back.

Although it is a nature reserve, 90.00% of it is grassland and forest, but there is also a cement road, but it is very narrow and is a one-way road.

Ride an electric bicycle into the scenic spot.

Zhao Fei did not increase his speed, but just blew the evening breeze slowly, admiring the lush grass and jungle around him, as well as the green mountains and green ridges further away.

Both laid back and comfortable.

As for the most critical Eld's deer.

The three of them really couldn't be found for a while.

So Mai Mai couldn't help but be a little confused: "Isn't it because we are coming? All the Eld's deer here are hiding?"

"Yeah, let alone seeing it with my eyes, I couldn't find it even with a telescope."

Li Yitong, who was sitting with Mai Mai, took a telescope and looked around. All he could see was green mountains, forests and grasslands, without any trace of an animal.

"Don't worry."

Zhao Fei explained from the front: "Now that we have just come in, we can see it sooner or later, and this nature reserve is not just Eld's deer.

There are also many protected animals that can be seen sooner or later. "

"Since this is a protected area for Eld's deer, what does this Eld's deer look like?"

I saw Li Yitong holding a telescope.

Mai Mai also curiously picked up the telescope and looked for it. While looking at it, he asked, "Is it similar to a sika deer?"

“You can think of it this way, but all deer can run and jump, have very keen vision, hearing, etc., and are very timid. As long as there is a little movement around them, they will leave quickly.

But when it comes to differences, there are still some differences between the two.

Such as the horns on their heads.

Most sika deer bend backwards, while Eld's deer's antlers bend forward, looking like tree branches and more aggressive, especially male deer. "

"Doesn't that mean it's difficult for us to see Eld's Deer today?" Mai Mai looked slightly disappointed.

After all, no matter how fast people are, they can't compare to such wild animals.

Moreover, the three of them were riding bicycles. It was difficult for others to notice such a big movement.

“Don’t worry, we will definitely see it now that we are here, because this is not a wild place, but a nature reserve, so the frequency of Eld’s deer seeing people will be infinitely higher.

As a result, the Eld's deer gradually discover that people are not harming them, and their vigilance will decrease.

Moreover, it is afternoon time now, the sun will set soon, and the Eld's deer's activity range will increase. If we look carefully, we will definitely see it. "

Listen to what Zhao Fei said.

The two girls also felt that it made sense.

No longer anxious, he took the telescope and looked carefully at some bushes and the edge of the jungle.

Because this kind of place is the easiest to hide.

Until two 10 minutes later.

The three people who were searching patiently suddenly heard a gentle cry.

It's obviously the sound of animals.

The two women quickly moved their binoculars to look for information.

Zhao Fei also turned the accelerator lightly and accelerated: "Listening to the sound, it should be the sound of Eld's Deer. You must know that this animal rarely calls.

Most of the time they call out when they are in danger, or when they are looking for a mate, calling their children home, etc.

Therefore, wherever there is the cry of Eld's deer, there must be more than one Eld's deer.

let's go. "

As he spoke, the speed of the electric bicycle increased.

Some impatient fans were also a little excited at this moment.

It had been more than an hour, and the three of them hadn't even seen the hair of the Eld's Deer.

So it's a little boring.

After all, if Zhao Fei hadn't mentioned Eld's Deer, most people wouldn't have known there was such a species in the world.

But now that Zhao Fei mentioned it.

As cherished as the giant panda is, fans are also curious about what the so-called Eld's Deer looks like.

"It's getting closer, it seems like it's not far from us." Mai Mai said excitedly.

"I heard it too, but the voice seemed a bit strange. It was melodious and melodious, as if it was suppressing something?" Li Yitong frowned.

I seem to have heard this sound somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

"Yes, it's nearby. Get off the car and let's go look for it."

Zhao Fei stopped his bicycle, called out to the two girls with his SLR, then looked for the sound, hunched over and sneaked towards the lush bushes on the roadside.

Seeing this, the two women also held their breath and cautiously followed Zhao Fei.

Soon, with Zhao Fei opening the way.

The trio walked through the bushes.

Two Eld's deer leaning together not far away came into view instantly.

The camera in the live broadcast room is also following the progress of the three people.

Saw Eld's Deer in the distance.

"Wow, so cute." Mai Mai whispered.

Li Yitong next to him also nodded frequently and responded softly: "What are they doing?"

"I do not know."

"Can we feed them with our own hands? I just saw there were carrots on the car."

Listening to the two girls chattering, Zhao Fei also raised his camera to take pictures.

At the same time, he explained: "It seems that these two Eld's deer are a male and a female, and the sound just now must be that they are doing some kind of exercise.

But it's over now. "

After hearing what Zhao Fei said, Mai Mai didn't take it seriously.

On the contrary, Li Yitong blushed a little.

Fans in the live broadcast room also cried out that it was a pity.

"I missed it, I missed it... This is a protected animal. It's not a kitten or puppy. It's not something you can see every day." "It's a bit of a pity, but this Eld's deer looks really good-looking. The antlers are like a deer but not a deer. The head is like a horse but not a horse, the tail is like a donkey but not an ass, the hooves are like an ox but not an ox...

Especially the one with the horns, it looks like a male deer at first glance, much taller.

The one without horns is probably a female deer. "

"The talented guy upstairs doesn't work in a zoo, does he? Feeding elephants or being a wet nurse?"

at the same time.

Even though Zhao Fei's voice was very quiet, the two Eld's deer not far away noticed the movement.

He turned around and stared directly at Zhao Fei and the other two.

The three of them held their breath for a moment.

Zhao Fei also said quickly: "Don't move."

I saw that after discovering Zhao Fei and the others, the slightly smaller doe looked gentle in her eyes and did not have any excessive movements.

Instead, the buck took two steps forward and blocked the way.

A pair of eyes became much fiercer, and he lowered his head and aimed his antlers at several people, as if he was warning something.

However, there was no next step.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei also breathed a sigh of relief.

He took out a carrot from his pocket and threw it vigorously.

Seeing this unknown object, the two deer subconsciously turned around and ran away, disappearing in the blink of an eye, leaving the two women stunned.

"What do you mean, you just ran away?"

"This Eld's Deer is too timid."

The two girls were a little disappointed and wanted to stand up.

But he was stopped by Zhao Fei: "Wait a moment, don't worry... This Eld's deer is not as timid as we thought. The most important thing is that this is a nature reserve.

In addition to us, there are also staff who come into contact with Eld's deer.

So they might come back soon. After all, carrots are not something they can eat very often.

For these Eld's deer, carrots are like a vegetarian who suddenly encounters a full meal, which is very tempting. "

After hearing this, the two women did not dare to speak louder.

He knelt down again and looked at the carrot that Zhao Fei had thrown out just now.

I prayed secretly in my heart.

Sure enough, it was just as Zhao Fei said.

Not long after, the buck walked back with a cautious pace.

He leaned in front of the carrot, lowered his head and sniffed it with his nose, then took a bite...

The three people watching held their breath for a moment, for fear of scaring each other away again.

But to everyone's surprise, the buck took a bite, raised its head and barked, took two steps forward again, and pointed its antlers at the three of them.

Put on a fierce look.

"What do you mean?" Mai Mai asked in Zhao Fei's ear.

"It should be left for the doe to eat, right?" Zhao Fei didn't understand either and could only guess.

But this time Zhao Fei really guessed it right.

After hearing the cry, the doe emerged from the bushes, ran to the carrot, and started chewing it.

Seeing this, the two girls instantly became excited.

Zhao Fei also gave them a look.

Mai Mai and Li Yitong took out carrots and threw them at the Eld's deer. Because the distance was close and far away, the two Eld's deer chased the carrots on the ground, getting closer and closer to the three of them.

Seeing this, the two women stopped throwing carrots.

Instead, take it in your hand and lift it up.

Hopefully the doe will come over.

The look on her little face looked like a bad aunt holding a lollipop to deceive a child.

But the buck was still cautious.

Even though there were a lot more carrots on the ground, he still took two bites and then raised his head to look at the three of them.

On the contrary, the doe is slightly gentler.

Especially when he saw that the carrot in Mai Mai's hand was the biggest, he came over happily.

A pair of clear big eyes glanced at Mai Mai, then opened his mouth to bite the carrot in her hand.

The crackling sound is particularly crisp.

At this moment, Mai Mai was also very nervous, but more excited. She even saw her own reflection in the doe's eyes.

There are also the little furry ears of the doe moving up close.

Very cute.

Li Yitong also swallowed his saliva with envy, and carefully put the carrot in his hand up.

The doe is not picky about her food either and eats very quickly.

In a few mouthfuls, he swallowed the carrot in Mai Mai's hand and turned to bite the carrot in Li Yitong's hand.

Zhao Fei was not idle either.

Raise the camera and capture this extremely healing scene.

After all, this is an alert and vigilant Eld's deer, and it's still in the wild in a nature reserve, not the kind we see in cages in zoos.

Contact at this distance is quite rare.

At the same time, Zhao Fei did not forget to remind him; "Feed less. After a while, the carrots are gone and they will run away. Try touching them... Now the male deer is not so vigilant."

"I understand, let me try." Mai Mai said softly.

Li Yitong said nothing, but also tried to stretch out his other hand.

Touched the doe on the head.

The next second, the doe didn't react at all, completely immersed in the food.

As a result, the two girls also breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he reached out his hand and pinched the little ears gently.

As soon as it touched the ears, the doe's ears flapped rapidly, looking very cute.

Fans in the live broadcast room were quite envious when they saw this scene.

Especially the female fans.

"Oh my gosh, this deer is so cute."

"Yeah, I feel like my heart is melting."

"Wow wow wow, look, that doe seems to be nibbling on Maimai's arm, just like my little kitten. Is she asking for carrots?"

at the same time.

The harmonious scene between the two girls and the doe was also photographed by Zhao Fei.

At the same time, the male deer on the other side had finished eating the carrots on the ground and walked towards this side.

The horns on this head look very fierce, so they are somewhat dangerous.

So Zhao Fei interrupted the two girls.

"Okay, leave a few more carrots, we should go, otherwise the buck will come here soon."

"Oh, alright."

Mai Mai nodded. Although he was a little reluctant, he still backed away slowly and obediently.

Li Yitong also left two carrots.

Gradually withdraw from this place.

The three of them returned to the road, and could vaguely see two Eld's deer eating the carrots, and then disappeared into the jungle together.

Only then did the two women dare to speak loudly.

"Haha, brothers, have you seen it? I fed the Eld's deer just now. You don't know that the down on the doe's head is particularly soft, as well as its ears.

Waves and waves, very powerful. "

Mai Mai spoke excitedly, her little face full of pride.

Li Yitong on the side was also very excited: "And its eyes are dark, but when you look closely, you can feel that they are very bright, very clear, and very charming.

I never thought that during this trip I would be able to feed Eld’s deer in the wild with my own hands.

I feel like I can brag about this forever. "(End of chapter)

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