China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 197 Sunshine Island No. 1 Fairy Mountain

Chapter 197 The First Fairy Mountain of Sunshine Island
The two women had personally fed the Eld's deer, and they were obviously very excited at the moment.

Zhao Fei was also very happy to see it.

No matter what, at least this time it wasn't in vain.

But so far, they have only visited a small half of the entire scenic spot.

There are more protected animals deep in the scenic area, waiting for them to discover.

Therefore, the three of them did not go back, but continued to move deeper into the scenic spot.

What you see next are more grasslands, jungles, and shrubs all over the mountains and plains, which are green at first glance.

It made the three of them feel like they were in a natural oxygen bar.

Just looking at it makes me feel happy.

The fresh air is even more energizing.

As Zhao Fei said before, the wild animals here are not only Eld's deer, but also black-crested gibbons, monitor lizards, red-crowned cranes, etc.

But the most conspicuous and abundant one is the Eld's deer.

Especially after that, the three of them discovered a herd of deer, which seemed to number at least twenty or thirty.

Some of them are grazing with their heads down, and some are drinking water by the stream. They are harmonious and leisurely.

Also because there were too many Eld's deer, the three of them did not get close to each other, otherwise they would definitely disturb each other. They just stopped and took pictures by the road.

But even so, it was an amazing experience.

Wait until after five o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun was setting in the west, and its orange-red rays of light shone on the earth, illuminating the grass in a golden color.

The three of them also discovered an observation tower more than ten meters high.

There are iron stairs around the observation tower that you can climb up.

The view looking down from a high place is even more beautiful.

The surrounding grasslands, mountains and forests, as well as herds of Eld's Deer, can all be seen. It is much better than what Zhao Fei and the other three had when they were looking for Eld's Deer on the road.

"Oh my god, we came from the north just now, and we didn't even notice that there were so many Eld's deer behind the bushes."

"Yes, the view from the observation tower is so beautiful."

The two girls no longer have the use of telescopes.

Open your arms facing the sunset, as if embracing the entire nature.

Zhao Fei also flew a drone to present the surrounding beautiful scenery to the live broadcast room from a top-down perspective.

For a while, the barrage boiled.

"The sunset, the Eld's deer strolling, and the three little people, this picture is so beautiful."

"Recording the screen, I have material for my short video again."

"Following the live broadcast room, we can always see beautiful scenery that we have never seen before. Thanks to the anchor, the depression of being scolded by the supervisor at the company in the afternoon seems to have dissipated a lot now."

The sun is setting in the west and the breeze is blowing.

At this moment, under the golden and translucent sunset, the entire nature reserve is covered with a layer of gauze.

The current nature reserve looks like an oil painting.


It makes people hope that time can stay at this moment forever and never go away.

The back view of Mai Mai standing on the observation tower is also particularly touching, especially her long hair being ruffled by the breeze.

Li Yitong also took a long breath, closed his eyes, and let himself merge into nature.

I feel like my soul has been purified.

The two girls obviously didn't want to leave just like that.

However, tourists are not allowed to stay overnight in this nature reserve, because the reserve is purely natural and there are some ferocious animals in it.

So the three of them saw that it was getting darker and darker, so they had no choice but to leave.

However, although you cannot stay overnight in the scenic area, you can still stay nearby outside the scenic area.

And living in an RV, you don’t have to worry about any danger.

In the evening, Zhao Fei found a campsite outside the scenic area.

Even if it is not inside the scenic spot, it is still green grass.

Because the environment here is so good, Zhao Fei didn't light a fire to cook some hot pot or seafood for dinner.

I always feel that it doesn’t fit in with such an environment, and it ruins the artistic conception.

So Zhao Fei made some watermelon salad and milk burgers.

The three of them didn't set up any tables or chairs at night.

Just spread a tablecloth on the ground, sit on the ground, eat fruit salad, and look at the bright starry sky.

It makes people feel emotional.

"The air here feels so good. There is no pollution at all. It even feels like the stars in the sky are brighter." Li Yitong said with emotion.

Mai Mai next to him also nodded: "Most cities now have serious pollution. Not to mention seeing stars at night, it would be good to see the moon."

“Yes, nowadays in the city at night, in addition to lights, there are billboards. We are in it, going to and from work every day, repeating it again and again.

Still having fun.

Little do we know that we ourselves are bound.

Unlike now, it feels so wonderful to be free, have inner peace, be close to nature, and feel nature. "

Li Yitong has many feelings.

Obviously I rarely travel, especially what I saw today.

So I talk a lot more than when I first came here.

"If you like, just stay for two more days." Mai Mai agreed with a smile.

After getting along with Li Yitong for a long time, although there was a certain age gap between the two, Mai Mai felt that Li Yitong was also a relatively simple person.

She talks and acts like a little girl.

Liu Yifei happened to leave at this time, so Mai Mai didn't mind if Li Yitong played for two more days.

"Thank you."

Li Yitong smiled and said nothing more.

After all, to put it bluntly in this live broadcast room, Zhao Fei has the final say.

But the relationship with Mai Mai is obviously much closer.

When the time came to around nine o'clock.

The three of them packed up and went back to their rooms to sleep.

Mai Mai has a room and Li Yitong has a room.

Zhao Fei was still in the cockpit.

This time, because there were outsiders, Zhao Fei didn't mess around.

Have a solid night's rest.

time flies.

Wait until the next morning.

The sun rose, and the soft sunlight filtered through the car window, waking up Zhao Fei.

A new day begins.

But what surprised Zhao Fei was that he was not the first to get up this time, because when Zhao Fei came out to wash up, he happened to see Li Yitong coming out of the bathroom.

"Wake up so early?"

"It's okay." Li Yitong wiped the white toothpaste foam from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "I went to bed early yesterday, so I got up early."


At this moment, Mai Mai also stretched out and walked out.

"Did you hear the cry of Eld's deer last night?"

"It's true." Li Yitong answered: "But I don't feel scared at all. It's quite novel, as if the Eld's Deer are right next to us."

"Yes, yes."

Mai Mai also seemed to have found a teammate and said excitedly, "One sound after another. I don't know if the baby deer has been lost or what they are doing at night?"


Li Yitong blushed prettyly.

I didn't expect that Mai Mai would say this in front of Zhao Fei.

But seeing Zhao Fei's lack of reaction, he also realized the relationship between the two.

He quickly calmed down his expression and said, "You two, please wash up first. I can also cook, so I'll let you try my skills." "That's great. It's not often that I can rest." Zhao Fei was surprised He glanced at Li Yitong without stopping him.

Mai Mai also smiled and said: "Then I will help you later."


Li Yitong's craftsmanship is pretty good, and his breakfast is exquisite.

The character design of the intimate sister has finally come true.

After the three of them had breakfast, they took the RV and continued their journey.

This time Zhao Fei started the live broadcast very early.

The next place Zhao Fei wants to go is Exian Ridge, known as Erniang Jiufeng Mountain.

This Jiufeng Mountain moves from north to east, winding and twisting. It has lush forests and various exotic flowers and plants. The most important thing is that there are many strange bottomless caves in the depths.

Zhao Fei gave a brief introduction.

This aroused Mai Mai's curiosity: "Is this Jiufeng Mountain a place like Tongguling?"

"It's almost the same, but there are still some differences, but there's no need to worry."

Zhao Fei introduced while driving: "Before going to Exian Ridge, we will pass by a reservoir. It is also very famous in the local area and is worth staying."

"I know this reservoir. Is the anchor talking about Daguang Dam?"

"I remember seeing news about this reservoir on the Internet. It seemed to be a power station."

"Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, our dragon country's infrastructure will be the best in the world."

Seeing that there were many fans in the live broadcast room, they mentioned Daguangba.

Zhao Fei was also quite pleased.

This made the two girls even more curious.

When Zhao Fei drove the RV to the reservoir, the two women lay on the car window and looked out, their mouths wide open for a moment.

"Isn't this reservoir too big?"

"It feels no different from the sea."

Zhao Fei stopped the car.

Adjust the angle of the live broadcast room so that fans can see the endless, sea-like reservoir.

Just like Mai Mai's second daughter said.

The Daguangba Reservoir here is boundless and really looks like a sea.

The water surface is blue and clear, like a flat mirror, spreading endlessly and connected to the sky at the end.

If you don’t know, you might really think it’s a sea.

Under the feet of the other three people, the cement-filled dam was grey-white, stretching nearly [-] meters, and looked extremely solid.

"I'm proud of Longguo's infrastructure. To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that it was built by manpower."

"It feels like the Three Gorges Dam. If it weren't for the anchor, I wouldn't have known there was such a place in Sunshine Island."

"Looking at the big reservoir, I suddenly want to jump in and take a dip. Brothers, can you help me buy insurance? I want to try..."

"You will die if you try. Brother upstairs, I support you mentally."

The two girls and the fans in the live broadcast room were all shocked when they saw it.

Zhao Fei was also very happy, which was also the purpose of his live broadcast.

Appreciate the great rivers and mountains of the Dragon Kingdom.

Increase your knowledge and enrich your experience.

"Everyone, the lake surface of this reservoir covers an area of ​​up to one hundred square kilometers. The entire cement-cast dam is seven kilometers long. The power generation is enough to supply the entire western city of Sunshine Island.

It is conceivable that the reservoir here not only allows us to see the lakes and mountains, but also plays an extremely important role in our lives. "

Listening to Zhao Fei's voice, the fans were also secretly amazed.

And I am even more looking forward to the next Exian Ridge.

After all, this dam is just the scenery on the way.

It's just that the dam is so amazing, wouldn't the destination Jiufeng Mountain be even more shocking?

After taking two photos, the three of them continued to set off.

Gradually, fans discovered that there were more tropical trees on both sides of the road, and the road was winding and winding, surrounded by mountains. It was obvious that it had entered the mountains.

"Brothers, I believe you have also seen that what is on both sides of our highway is the legendary karst rainforest. This kind of landform is very rare.

At the same time, it also represents that we have entered Jiufeng Mountain.

The reason why it is called Jiufeng Mountain is that it is obviously composed of nine peaks.

There are rugged rocks in Jiufeng Mountain, especially Erxian Ridge, which is the most complete and typical tropical rainforest in karst rainforest.

Vegetation cover is sparse compared to other karst rainforests in the world.

On the contrary, Jiufeng Mountain has rich and unique vegetation, just like the treasures left by the Creator in the mountains. It has unique scenery and is called the first fairy mountain of Sunshine Island.

Of course, if you want to travel here, you must take sun protection measures.

Because the sunshine here is very strong.

And for both of you, get your sun hats and clothing ready. "

"Copy that." Mai Mai nodded.

Li Yitong was also amazed by Zhao Fei's knowledge and immediately went back to the room to change clothes.

“In addition to protecting yourself from the sun, you also need to protect yourself from mosquitoes, so you two should try not to expose too much skin, and tie your trousers, cuffs, and other places tightly.

I remember there is something like this in the carriage, Mai Mai, please look for it. "

Heard this.

Mai and Mai were more cautious.

After all, anyone who hears such things as bugs gets a little panicked.

Wait for the two girls to take protective measures.

The three of them also came to the Jiufeng Mountain area, and Zhao Fei found a place to park.

Then he got out of the car.

The sweltering heat of the tropical rainforest hits you instantly.

There are also tall and lush tropical plants in the distance, which cover the sky and the sun and are boundless. The three of them are among them, as if their whole bodies are wrapped in something, and they are a little breathless.

"Oh my God, it feels like a sauna." Mai Mai stretched out her hand in front of her pretty face and fanned herself.

Li Yitong was also a little uncomfortable and gasped for air.


Zhao Fei said: "Don't gasp for air. The more you pant, the more nervous you become. Slow down your breathing and get used to it. Especially don't focus on the tall trees.

Because this kind of tree can give people a sense of oppression. The more fearful you are, the greater your body's reaction will be.

Thinking that we are here to travel, not to suffer.

Look at the small animals around you... Do you hear any sounds? Look... there is a koala not far away. "

"What, really?" Mai Mai's eyes widened and she followed Zhao Fei's hand.

"Koala, where are you?" Li Yitong was also attracted.

Seeing this, Zhao Fei smiled.

What kind of koala is there? He was just trying to distract the two girls.

Tell them not to be nervous.

However, Zhao Fei didn't say anything clearly, he shook his head and said regretfully, "He ran away, don't worry, we will see him sooner or later, and besides koalas, there are also colorful butterflies here.

Rare red crabs, etc...

You get used to it first.

After that, we walked deeper and passed the sign to take a look at the mysterious cave. "

"There's no need to get used to it. Let's set off now. It's just a tropical rainforest. It won't trouble me." Mai Mai clenched her little fists and took the lead.

Li Yitong also took a deep breath and followed closely.

Finally, there is Zhao Fei who holds the live broadcast room.

Seeing that the two girls were becoming more interested, Zhao Fei also smiled.

In fact, there are many wonders in the entire Jiufeng Mountain, but most of them are among the steep mountains, which are relatively dangerous.

If it were just Maimai and him, there would be no need to talk nonsense.

Just push it flat.

But now there is another Li Yitong, so Zhao Fei can't help but be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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