As time went by, the two girls gradually adapted to the climate here.

Anyway, they don't need to be in a hurry, just walk slowly.

At the same time, this tropical rainforest also gave the three of them a different experience.

There are all kinds of colorful unknown plants, dancing butterflies, and all kinds of small animals, all kinds of strange and very novel.

But the three didn't get close.

Because even Zhao Fei couldn't recognize some animals and plants.

And it does not rule out that the other party is poisonous.

Near noon, the three of them followed the signs on the road and found a bottomless natural cave.

The entrance to the cave is huge, like the mouth of a giant beast.

As soon as they entered, they could feel a cool air blowing against their faces, which made the two women feel much better instantly. There were many stalactites deeper inside.

However, the three of them did not go deep.

Because there are many places here with signs warning tourists that entry is prohibited.

Mainly because there are many uncertainties deep in the cave and dangers are prone to occur.

Of course, on the wall at the entrance of the cave, the three of them also found many murals, which looked like Chang'e flying to the moon, Hou Yi shooting the sun, and one looking like a couple fighting a big bird.

There are many small pools on the ground, and the bottoms of the pools are covered with pebbles of various patterns.

It's very beautiful under the light.

What's more, beautiful stone flowers are formed by falling water from the bottom of the head all year round and dripping on the pebbles.

It looks like a flower, very strange.

"This stone is so beautiful." Li Yitong knelt down and looked carefully.

Mai Mai also nodded and asked Zhao Fei: "Can we pick up two stones and take them away?"

"of course can."

Zhao Fei followed the two women and responded: "You can imagine that a long time ago, the surface of this cave was covered with pebbles.

But now they are rare because most of them have been taken away.

So you’re welcome, just pick a few good-looking ones and our trip won’t be in vain. "


After hearing what Zhao Fei said, Mai Mai took a flashlight and started searching carefully.

Li Yitong is no exception.

At the same time, Zhao Fei was not idle and continued to speak: "Actually, there is a legend about this cave, and it is the mural we just saw.

Let’s not talk about Hou Yi shooting the sun and Nu Wa patching up the sky.

Let me talk about another mural.

Legend has it that a long time ago, this was the nest of a crow spirit.

Because groundwater gushes out of the cave, it brings out a lot of pebbles.

Even the crow spirits living underground have reappeared in the world.

Because the underground caves were destroyed, the crow spirits had no food to eat, so they devoured livestock and poultry from the surrounding villages all day long, destroying many crops.

He even robbed young girls everywhere.

For a time, the people nearby were panicked and unable to live and work in peace and contentment.

Until one day, a newlywed man and woman were about to get married. During the festive day of playing and playing, the crow spirit came and blocked out the sky, and also took away the bride.

The groom was naturally unwilling to give in, and rushed up the mountain with a hatchet in his hands.

But he is just an ordinary person, how can he be the opponent of the crow spirit.

In the end, as expected, he ended up defeated and dead.

The bride who witnessed all this was devastated.

But instead of rushing to avenge her husband, she held back and looked for opportunities, planning to wait for the crow spirit to relax its vigilance before delivering a fatal blow.

In this way, three years have passed.

Just when the bride was a little disheartened.

When the crow spirit came back that night, he didn't know what he encountered during the day and was seriously injured.

After returning to the cave, he passed out from exhaustion.

Seeing this, the bride was overjoyed.

Pulling out a hairpin from the top of his head, he cautiously approached the crow spirit.

This hairpin is not an ordinary hairpin, but is made from the bones of the groom after his death. It is extremely hard and contains the overwhelming hatred of the couple.

When the crow spirit approaches, the bride holds a hairpin and stabs the crow spirit in the eyes.

In an instant, the crow spirit's eyes were blinded.

It was so painful that he was flying around in the cave.

For a time, the ground shook and the entire cave was about to collapse.

However, the bride still ignored the danger. As a mortal, she rushed forward and stabbed the crow spirit in the heart with the hairpin in her hand.

Until they both died together.

As for the cave we are looking at now, it is just what was preserved after the original cave collapsed.

So it is conceivable.

How big was the cave back then?
Of course, the most important thing is that the day Crow Spirit died was March [-]rd.

Since then, the people nearby have lived and worked in peace and contentment, and no disasters have happened again. The newlyweds can be regarded as doing no harm to the local people.

In order to commemorate these two people, the people nearby regarded March [-]rd as a day for young men and women to get married.

It means that the newlyweds in the future can be harmonious and happy in marriage.

Like the two bridegrooms and brides who fight against the crow spirit, they will remain united until death. "

After listening to Zhao Fei's story, the two girls were thoughtful.

Lament the feelings of the ancients.

Fans in the live broadcast room also spoke one after another.

"I finally heard it. Did the anchor mean that women are more cruel than men?"

"Haha, the person upstairs is very capable of understanding."

"Stop talking, I just want to know, are foreigners allowed to participate in this blind date?
If I remember correctly, I think I heard the anchor say that the people around here are all Li people.

Imagine that young men and women from several villages or even several towns will definitely meet someone who likes them.

It just so happens that my brother still needs a girl to warm the bed. "

The two girls found the proud Shihua.

Although it was very cool inside the cave, the two women were unwilling to leave.

But after staying in this place for a long time, there is also a biting cold.

So the three of them left the cave.

Keep going.

Then the three of them encountered another stream. This stream was very shallow and narrow, but the water was very clear.

and nourishes all life nearby.

At this moment, the landscape around the three people also changed a little.

In addition to some tall woods, there were a lot more rocks near the three of them.

It is said that these gray rocks were left behind when the cave collapsed after the crow spirit died.

Of course, no one knows whether it is true or false.

At the same time, the deeper they went, the more warning signs the three of them saw. They were all signs written in red paint to prevent others from entering.

Whenever he encountered such a sign, Zhao Fei would take a detour.

Not stubborn at all.

After all, he is not alone now.

But even so, there are many magnificent scenery presented in the live broadcast room.

Strange rocks with strange shapes and holes.

There is also an undercurrent of river water emerging from the rocks.

Especially the countless cave entrances densely packed halfway up the mountain.

Some of these caves are like doorways, and some are only the size of a fist. It is recommended not to come if you have trypophobia.

But this can be regarded as a wonder of Erxian Mountain.

You really can’t see it anywhere else.

So this time the three of them had their eyes opened.

In the afternoon, seeing that Li Yitong couldn't hold on any longer, the three of them went down the mountain and back to the RV.It would not be good if you get heat stroke.

So Zhao Fei planned to take a rest in the afternoon.

At the same time, it is also because today at eight o'clock is the day when "The Beginning" is broadcast.

Regarding the broadcast of his first TV series, even though Zhao Fei knew that his acting skills were fine, he was still a little nervous.

Of course, Zhao Fei is also looking forward to his performance.

After all, when he started filming the TV series, many netizens said that Zhao Fei was overestimating his abilities.

Even now, there are still many people clamoring online.

"Zhao Fei is just a host, and the TV series he don't need to use your brain to know that it's bullshit."

"I admit that this guy is good at live broadcasting and knows a lot about travel. But since you are a host, you should live broadcast well and shoot some TV series.

Isn't this embarrassing? "

"Haha, tonight is the day when this guy's TV series starts airing. I want to see what this guy's acting skills are like."

Get back to the RV.

Zhao Fei made a few cups of herbal tea for the two girls.

At this moment, the three of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room of the RV, drinking herbal tea and browsing information on the Internet.

Especially after seeing the disdainful comments made by many netizens towards Zhao Fei, Mai Mai was also a little angry: "Who are these people? You guys just gave the results without even looking at them.

Isn't that a little too irresponsible? "

"Are you a netizen? That's it...some people will blackmail you regardless of whether you do well or not. Mai Mai, don't be angry."

Li Yitong has been in the entertainment industry for many years.

She has a strong ability to withstand pressure, not to mention this is not talking about her.

So I was always there to persuade Mai Mai.

Of course, she had never seen Zhao Fei filming, so she subconsciously thought that Zhao Fei's acting skills were not good.

First of all, Zhao Fei is not a major and has little acting experience.

As soon as he appears, he is the male protagonist.

The path taken is different from that of most actors. At first, I was promoted too high.

Naturally, people will be jealous.

So what Li Yitong is thinking now is whether he should persuade Zhao Fei to find a publicist first, so that he can immediately protect Zhao Fei's character after the broadcast begins.

Try to have as few sunspots as possible.

Otherwise, Zhao Fei will be greeted by scolding from the entire Internet.

By then things will be out of control.

"Don't be angry, this is no big deal."

Zhao Fei didn't know what Li Yitong was thinking, and comforted him: "What's more, it was the beginning of our filming together, so you know best what I am like.

Don't worry at all.

So I'm not angry at all now, on the contrary I'm quite looking forward to it.

I want to see what the faces of these netizens will be like after it starts airing? "

"I know."

Mai Mai nodded, wrinkled her nose, and said, "I just don't like these people, they talk too badly, and I don't like any dogs.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, we didn’t read the numbers at all when we started the lines.

But that's fine too.

Let these netizens see how you become a blockbuster.

When the time comes, their eyeballs will explode. "

Oh my god, are you so confident?

The corner of Li Yitong's mouth twitched and he looked at the two of them deeply.

Swallowed back the words on his lips.

At the same time, I was also a little curious. Zhao Fei was not from a major and had never acted before.

Why do you believe so much that Zhao Fei can act well?

If Zhao Fei said this alone, Li Yitong could think that Zhao Fei didn't know what to say and how high the sky was.

But now Mai Mai actually believes in Zhao Fei so much.

This is a little wrong.

After all, Mai Mai is a child star and has been in the entertainment industry for so many years. You can still tell the quality of a person's acting skills.

Is this the so-called beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
It must be so.

Forget it, forget it... I'd better look for an opportunity to persuade Mai Mai.

After all, I am leaving tomorrow, so I can build a good relationship with these two.

Thinking of this, Li Yitong saw Zhao Fei going out to prepare dinner, so he came close to Mai Mai and said softly: "Maimai, let me say something unpleasant first.

If it starts broadcasting at [-]pm, I won't worry about your acting skills.

But now that Zhao Fei is so popular, it can be said that he is under a magnifying glass all the time. If his acting skills are really unsightly, he may be boycotted by the entire network.

Do we need to make preparations, at least take precautions?

To prevent the situation from escalating? "

Hearing this, Mai Mai was slightly startled.

I couldn't help but feel a little angry. I didn't expect that even Li Yitong didn't believe that Zhao Fei could act well.

But she also knew that the other person said this out of friendship, otherwise others would not care about your life or death.

So Mai Mai didn't have an attack.

He smiled bitterly and nodded: "You are right, we should make some preparations."

"I knew that, Mai Mai, you still maintained some sense."

Li Yitong was overjoyed when he saw the other party accepted, and continued: "Then contact me quickly. If you need help, I can also contact my agent.

By the way, I'll give you a scarf or something, it's all a trivial matter. "

"Thank you."

If Mai Mai was a little angry just now, now he is completely gone.

After all, Li Yitong saw that this posture was really for Zhao Fei's good.

It can be seen that this person can make friends.

So Mai Mai didn't plan to hide it from her anymore and continued: "But you misunderstood. The preparation I mentioned was not preparation to eliminate the impact of Zhao Fei after he was boycotted by the entire network.

Instead, wait for the broadcast to continue to build momentum for Zhao Fei.

Build momentum for the beginning.

Of course, I know you won't believe anything I say now, and I don't blame you, because you will know after eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhao Fei is a rich second generation and is not short of money.

But in today’s entertainment industry, is it really enough to have money?
The director is not blind.

Since Zhao Fei can become the leading male protagonist after Meng Hua Lu, it is not just because of his investment.

Not to mention the subsequent sword fight in the snow.

It was a male-led drama.

So... let's wait and see. "

After saying that, Mai Mai returned to the bedroom with her cell phone, ready to make a call.

Let Wang Jinghua get ready.

After she wants the show to air, the whole network will be 'shocked, Zhao Fei's acting skills are incredible'

'It's unbelievable that Zhao Fei unexpectedly turned out to be a genius in the entertainment industry. Is there really anyone in the world who knows this from birth? '

'Shocked, the famous anchor made a comeback. '

and many more.

Similar news ads are sweeping across the entire Internet.

At the same time, Li Yitong, who was looking at Mai Mai's back, was also a little confused.

what's the situation?
Is Zhao Fei really a genius?


This is a bit too confident.

No, I need to ask the actors who have worked with Zhao Fei to find out what is going on. (End of chapter)

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