China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 199 The beginning of becoming popular before broadcasting

Chapter 199 The beginning of becoming popular before broadcasting

Li Yitong doesn't have many female friends, but Li Chun, who happened to have filmed the movie "Knife in the Snow", is one of them.

And Zhao Fei is the number one male protagonist in Snow. Li Chun must be very aware of Zhao Fei's acting skills.

So after Mai Mai left, Li Yitong sent the other party a WeChat message.

"Li Shun, are you there?"

Li Chun, who was resting at home and watching short videos, was slightly startled when he saw WeChat and replied: "What's wrong?"

"Let me ask you something, what do you think of Zhao Fei?"

As soon as he saw the word Zhao Fei, Li Shun instantly sat up from the sofa.

All kinds of thoughts skipped in my mind.

Especially when he was in the RV, in the darkness where he couldn't see his fingers, Zhao Fei was hit by waves.

It even made her pretty face blush slightly.

At the same time some doubts.

Why did Li Yitong ask Zhao Fei?
How did she get in touch with Zhao Fei?
Could it be that someone discovered it because of his own fault?


Logically speaking, Zhao Fei couldn't tell anyone.

For a moment, Li Shun felt slightly uneasy, as if he had been caught stealing something.

Of course, after taking part in the trip a few days ago, Li Shun only regarded what happened at that time as an accident, just like falling asleep in the snow.

However, now that she calmed down she had to admit it.

There is still a certain gap between dreaming and reality, especially Zhao Fei's persistence.

Not at all personal.

This left a deep impression on Li Shun. When he was free and his mind was empty, Zhao Fei's figure would pop up from time to time, which was annoying.

After thinking about it, she did not reply directly to Li Yitong.

Instead, she investigated the other party's recent itinerary, especially when she opened Zhao Fei's live broadcast room and discovered Li Yitong.

Suddenly realized.

It's over, Zhao Fei shouldn't have told Li Yitong about the two of them, right?

This... shouldn't be?
Or has Li Yitong become a comrade?
Man, there is no such thing as a good thing.

This Li Yitong is very courageous. Even if Mai Mai is still there, you dare!

"why do not you talk?"

Seeing that Li Yitong sent another WeChat message, Li Shun sighed softly and typed helplessly: "What are you talking about? What do you want to ask me?
Let’s be honest, don’t be there, it’s a waste of time. "

With speculation in his mind, Li Shun's tone towards Li Yitong changed a lot.

Even if it’s my family.

However, as a woman, she felt unhappy.

Li Yitong on the other side was also a little confused.

I don't understand why Li Chun got angry because of what he ordered, and he couldn't help but hesitate for a while.

But after thinking about it, I still asked the question in my mind.

"Didn't you film with Zhao Fei? How about his acting skills?"

Huh... I've said it all, so you can say it straight.

What's the point of beating around the bush and asking about acting skills? Does it have anything to do with you whether someone's acting skills are good or not?
Thinking of this, Li Shun did not answer directly, but asked: "Looking at your attitude, you want to film a movie with Zhao Fei. What kind of movie... a sex scene?"

"Uh... no, what kind of sex scene?"

When Li Yitong saw this WeChat message, his little brain was a little overwhelmed. He typed a response, trying to explain the cause and effect clearly to avoid misunderstandings.

But he didn't wait for her to send it out.

Li Shun's WeChat message appeared on her mobile phone again.

"Stop pretending, I don't care how you knew it, whether you guessed it or what others told you, it was just that night between Zhao Fei and me.

If you want to continue with her, that's fine.

I don't have the right to stop him.

From then on, we were no longer friends. "


Seeing this WeChat message, Li Yitong felt that he had discovered a big secret.

Therefore, the WeChat message in the dialog box was not sent.

Delete quickly and cover your mouth.

He glanced at Zhao Fei's busy back outside, and then at his phone.

It's unbelievable that these two people are having an affair?
And listening to what the other party means, there are even others?
This is this...

In an instant, Li Yitong's impression of Zhao Fei collapsed.

However, Li Yitong still cherishes his relationship with Li Shun, so he doesn't want to break up with him.

He quickly explained: "Li Chun, it's not what you think. It's because the broadcast starts at eight o'clock in the evening, so..."

Li Yitong explained the causes and consequences.

After hearing this, Li Shun was also stunned.

His face was ashen.

Seven big words popped into my mind: I am the second-rate person!

"Ahem, this... misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Li Shun typed quickly and explained: "I was wrong just now, so don't think too much."

However, this is the end of the matter.

The more Li Xun explained, the more unclear he became.

Even if Li Yitong is not by his side, he still wants to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

It's so embarrassing.

"So, you and Zhao Fei actually... does Mai Mai know? Did it happen when you were on the trip? And who are the 'you' I just mentioned?"

Clear up the misunderstanding.

Li Yitong also became interested in gossip and wanted to dig deeper.

"Don't worry, even if you tell me, I won't tell anyone. After all, we are sisters. I feel that Zhao Feiren is quite good during this trip.

I didn't expect this guy to be such a person, bah...a scumbag! "

Li Shun, with an ugly face, looked at the other party's WeChat messages.

I really wanted to just hang up, cover my head, and pretend I didn't see or hear anything.

However, she couldn't lie to herself.

Simply put it badly.

"Ahem, I don't actually blame Zhao Fei for this kind of thing. The main reason is those three shameless people who kept going to seduce Zhao Fei at night.

Zhao Fei also refused at first.

I also went to see the excitement.

Without thinking, Zhao Fei mistook her for the woman he had punched in the face before, so he was knocked down in vain.

That's, don't talk about it outside. "

Seeing this WeChat message, Li Yitong's beautiful eyes widened.

Before traveling, she also learned about it.

I know that during the previous live broadcast, in addition to Li Shun, there were also Wen Yongshan, Li Gengxi, and Ding Xiaoying.

And now the other three in Li Shun's mouth are obviously these three.

"So, besides you, the other three people... Oh my god, this, this, this, this, even if Zhao Fei is handsome, talented, and rich, he won't let you be like this, right?"

"I tell you, you don't understand, after all, this kind of thing started in the snow... Forget it, let's not talk about it, don't you want to ask about Zhou Fei's acting skills.

Let me tell you, you don’t have to worry about that bitch, his acting skills are very good.

Even better than some veteran actors. "

Li Shun felt that the more he explained, the more unclear he became. However, under Li Yitong's questioning, he could only speak briefly.

Skip this topic now.

And this unclear situation was made up by Li Yitong and turned into a big drama.

Zhao Feiren is handsome, rich and talented.

The acting is also good.

An absolute all-rounder, worth two thousand and five diamonds.

There are so many actresses in the snow, so after discovering this treasure, I wanted to dig out the foundation with a hoe.

However, Zhao Fei looked down upon him and refused again and again.Thus love gives rise to hate.

Until the four girls went on a trip and were alone in the RV.

The actresses around them were also very familiar with each other, so they were in the right place at the right time, so they racked their brains to win over Zhao Fei and regain the situation.

This is likely to include Li Chun.

Li Yitong didn't believe it at all, such as being splattered with blood while watching the fun.

It's very likely that this is Li Shun's embarrassing excuse.

In this way, Li Shun's bad words towards him just now make sense.

After all, no woman wants to share a man with anyone else.

Thinking of this, Li Yitong couldn't help but feel complicated and secretly amazed.

"Okay, I get it. It seems like I'm overly concerned. Since Zhao Fei's acting skills are very good, I'm also looking forward to seeing what the faces of the gangsters on the Internet will look like when it starts airing."

"Well, don't talk about this outside...otherwise you won't be the only one to offend me."

"I know, don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"Well, let's do this first."

turn off the phone.

Li Yitong glanced at the back of Zhao Fei who was busy outside, and then at Mai Mai who was still on the phone in the room.

After smiling, he got up and went to give Zhao Fei a blow.

This trip was an opportunity that the company behind her had worked hard to obtain.

Mainly because of her, although she has acted in many TV series, and they are all the heroines or second heroines.

But it has always been tepid and not very hot.

In addition, she is not young anymore.Although she has been well maintained and can still play some young girls now, there will be fewer and fewer roles suitable for her in the future.

The career has reached a bottleneck.

Slowly, like most other actresses, she will end up playing supporting roles like mothers.

If you're a movie buff, that's okay.

The key is that she is a TV actress who specializes in the small screen.

So now she had to increase her enthusiasm, and it was best to use something to make her more popular. It happened that several books had been handed to her recently.

There are a few good ones among them, such as Cyclonus, Agent Mission, etc.

It's time to take advantage of the trip before these two TV series are released to increase the popularity.

This also helps her compete for roles.

So in the past two days, she has been behaving well, including cooking for Zhao Feimai in the morning, and when she was in the tropical rain forest just now, she did not complain about hardship or tiredness.

The main thing is a sensible and obedient person.

Now I learned such a big secret from Li Shun.

She also has some thoughts now.

Of course, all this is based on Zhao Fei's good acting skills.

Just imagine if she could film "Hurry" with Zhao Fei.

At the same time, with Zhao Fei's previous three TV series being the backbone, the popularity will not take off until Kuangbiao is aired.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fei's superb acting skills are not yet known to the public, and he is a potential stock.

As long as she has the upper hand, it will be of great benefit to her.

Thinking of this, Li Yitong tentatively said.

"Zhao Fei, do you have any plans after your trip?"

Looking at Li Yitong who was washing vegetables, Zhao Fei was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why do you ask that?"

Seeing this, Li Yitong didn't hide it, and directly expressed his thoughts: "That's it, I will have a drama later about a man who fights gangs and eliminates evil.

If you are interested, you can try it. "

"Is it a TV show?"


"Then forget it." Zhao Fei shook his head, mixed the cold dishes and put them on the plate.

Having already filmed three TV series, Zhao Fei does not want to be involved in TV series anymore, so when this trip is over, Zhao Fei plans to enter the big screen.

Even if there is no movie to contact him now.

But Zhao Fei believes that after these three TV series are broadcast and people can see his acting skills, there will be many movies looking for him.

Even if not, the worst he can do is take the photos himself.

We are not people who are short of money.

Another point is that the filming of TV series takes a long time, which is a waste of time.

The filming time for the movie was shorter and relatively more relaxed.

Now Liu Yifei already has one, so Zhao Fei doesn't want to be too busy.

Seeing Zhao Fei's refusal, Li Yitong was a little disappointed.

At the same time, I also realized that Zhao Fei did not lack scripts, and he did not want to make himself too tired, which was different from most actors in the entertainment industry.

After figuring this out, she didn't ask any more questions.

After all, we are still in front of the live broadcast room, so it is not good to say too much.

For dinner this time, because they were now in a tropical rain forest, Zhao Fei cooked mostly cold dishes.

For example, watermelon shaved ice, jelly, etc.

Very suitable to eat now.

The most important thing is that after a while the three of them can watch a show and eat at the same time.

There is no delay between the two.

When the watermelon shaved ice came out, Li Yitong had to admit that Zhao Fei's craftsmanship was very good.

After one sip, my heart is soaring and my heart is chilled.

Not to mention how comfortable it is.

And the time slowly came to past seven o'clock.

Zhao Fei opened the terrace on the top of the RV, and the three of them lay on folding chairs, facing the projection screen.

The first episode of Beginning is about to begin.

Fans in the live broadcast room are also looking forward to it.

"Although I was a little worried about this bitch's acting skills, after all, this is the host's first drama, so I turned on the TV at home and waited.

My requirements are not high, as long as the host's performance is not bad. "

"We have to trust the anchor, not to mention that our Mai Mai is the female lead, so she will definitely be good. I read the introduction carefully just now and found that this is a rare time loop short drama.

To be honest, I would still be interested in it even if it wasn't played by the host in the beginning. "

"What you said above is correct. In our Dragon Kingdom, this kind of time loop TV series is indeed rare, especially the resurrection from the dead with serial explosions.

This has piqued my curiosity and there are still 10 minutes left to air.

I can't wait. "

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Mai Mai smiled.

No matter what other netizens say on the Internet, at least the fans in the live broadcast room are still very supportive.

She was happy about that.

"Brothers, believe me...this TV series will definitely not disappoint you, including Zhao Fei's acting skills, which will exceed your imagination."

Zhao Fei also said from the side: "Yes, everyone in the live broadcast room, please turn on the TV if you have time. It will be broadcast soon. You can't miss it."

"I'm also looking forward to your appearance."

While eating shaved ice, Li Yitong said: "I wish you two a successful start and a rising ratings."


Mai Mai nodded and said: "There are more than 800 million people in the live broadcast room now. Counting other people who are paying attention to the beginning, the number of people will be even more."

During the chat, time gradually passed.

Everyone also welcomed the beginning of the broadcast.

In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room decreased a lot, and it was obvious that the fans' attention was also focused on the TV series.

The three people, including Zhao Fei, also shut up and focused their attention on the curtain in front of them.

There are also countless people in the Dragon Kingdom who are optimistic about Zhao Fei, or are not optimistic about Zhao Fei, and are waiting to see Zhao Fei's excitement, and they all turn on the TV.

Welcome this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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