China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 200 Is It So Difficult To Admit Others Are Excellent?

Chapter 200 Is It So Difficult To Admit Others Are Excellent?
Zhao Fei and Mai Mai play the roles of Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun.

They are the male protagonist and female protagonist of "The Beginning" respectively.

The two of them knew the plot very well, but they had not seen the specific editing.

So now I am looking forward to seeing the finished product come out.

The first episode at the beginning is about the No. 45 bus that exploded on the cross-river bridge. Li Shiqing woke up because of the explosion.

Her first reaction after waking up was to rush to the police station to report the crime.

However, there was no particularly good excuse for the driver to do this, so he lied that Zhao Fei was playing Xiao Heyun and touched her while she was sleeping.

When filming this scene, Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei worked very harmoniously.

There is no other, but the hand is familiar.

So when they saw this scene, the two of them couldn't help but look at each other.

In front of Li Yitong, Mai Mai glared at Zhao Fei shyly.

Zhao Fei also touched his nose and focused his eyes on the projector screen again.

Although Mai Mai accused Zhao Fei of molestation, the driver could not change the bus route at will, and even the passengers on the bus did not agree to go to the police station now.

Because this would affect their travel and time, I just wanted to help Mai Mai take photos of the evidence and let them get off at the next stop.

It fully demonstrates the warmth and warmth of human relationships in modern society.

In desperation, Mai Mai could only pull Zhao Fei out of the car.

But she also wanted to save more people, so she hoped that the people in the car could help her go to the police station to testify, but no one in the car was willing.

So in the end, only Mai Mai and Zhao Fei got off the bus.

While the two were arguing, the bus exploded and the two were sent to the hospital.

At the same time, the bus bombing also attracted the attention of the authorities.

In particular, Mai and Mai got out of the car early and were listed as the first suspects.

However, Mai Mai, who had just woken up, was confused at the moment and couldn't explain what she saw in her dream. She didn't know what was wrong with her.

But what happened in the dream did happen in reality.

So Mai Mai is very scared at the moment.

Until she learned that Zhao Fei might not be able to hold on anymore, Mai Mai was a little disappointed. She didn't expect that she didn't even save the last person.

On the other side, Zhao Fei was wronged and angry.

But lying on the hospital bed, he vaguely felt what he saw, and he was confused...until his heart stopped and Zhao Fei opened his eyes again.

Zhao Fei unexpectedly found that he was still on the bus and had just woken up.

For a moment, this dream-like experience made him extremely scared.

Zhao Fei also officially fell into the same explosion cycle as Mai Mai.

At this point, the plot of the first episode ends.

The TV also goes into commercial time.

But after watching it, Li Yitong felt that he still had something to say. Zhao Fei's acting skills were indeed great, and he looked no worse than her.

It's unbelievable.

After all, Zhao Fei is a newcomer and has never acted before.

The same goes for Mai Mai.

Li Yitong felt that Mai Mai performed better this time than in previous films.

What matters is the beginning of the plot.

It's interlocking, no procrastination, no ink stains, and there are explosive points everywhere.

So most people, after watching the first episode, are a little bit unable to stop.

"Here, you two really look like a post-apocalyptic couple."

Li Yitong admired from the bottom of his heart: "Not only the plot, but also your acting skills. I feel that it will be a big hit from the beginning."

"Haha, just so-so." Mai Mai smiled modestly.

At the same time, Zhao Fei was also very satisfied with the editing of the first episode. At least everything that should be expressed was expressed.

Of course, Zhao Fei also noticed that, maybe because it was his first time filming, even though he had an acting skills book, he still acted a bit immature in some places.

But even so, he is better than most actors in the entertainment industry.

Naturally, he doesn't look like a novice at all.

Fans in the live broadcast room, after watching it now, seem to be celebrating the New Year, and they are sending gifts non-stop.

There are both ten-hit combos and twenty-hit combos.

Various words of praise also flashed across the screen.

"Big praise, my Mai Mai is so awesome, she is a beautiful person with a kind heart, and she is a role model for our generation."

"And the anchor, I really didn't expect that this bitch not only did a good live broadcast, but also had such great acting skills. Why is there such an outstanding person like you in the world?"

"Haha, there is a new drama to follow. Now I really want to know, those netizens who used to badmouth the anchor, come... fart and let me hear how loud it is."

"Upstairs, when I first saw it, I thought you were going to tell me how smelly your fart is. But from this point of view, the views of the fans in our live broadcast room are quite normal.

However, the anchor is so good, do you know it?
Fortunately, I am a man. If I were a woman, I would marry you even if I die. "

"Don't dream, the anchor belongs to my Mai Mai."


The live broadcast room is very happy at the moment.

Some anti-fans didn't dare to say anything at all. After all, they had also seen Zhao Fei's acting skills.

They are not blind, they know what is good and what is bad.

What's more, if you jump out now, aren't you waiting to be scolded? There are nearly ten million people in the live broadcast room, and they are not so easy to get along with.

Of course, even Zhao Fei showed off his acting skills.

There are also many stubborn ones.

"Putting aside acting skills, isn't it true that the anchor is not wrong at all? Is it so difficult to admit his shortcomings? Why can't he accept criticism?"

"There are some shortcomings in the acting, okay, if you look carefully...this expression of grievance, the expression is obviously over-exerted, giving people a ferocious feeling.

It scared my kids. "

"That's right, and this Zhao Maimai, you are justified in wrongly accusing someone of touching you, right?"

As soon as these eye-catching barrages appeared.

The fans in the live broadcast room exploded instantly, and even the anger in Zhao Fei's heart was rushing out.

Ignore the facts.

If you put aside the facts, what else are you talking about?
Let’s talk about how much money you made from this barrage.

Stop talking nonsense, block me, and kick out all these black fans. If the tiger doesn't show its power, you can treat me like a sick cat.

Not just a live room.

The reaction online at the moment is also strong.

The first thing I want to say is that once the first episode was aired, Zhao Fei's acting skills were displayed in front of everyone, which also changed many people's impression of Zhao Fei.

I feel that this young man is not only talented, but also has something.

His acting skills were already so great for the first time, and he will be a seasoned actor from now on.

Therefore, it has increased a lot of fan value for Zhao Fei.

Of course, they are not stubborn. The main thing of this kind of person is a tough talk. They think that no one can do anything to him through the network cable, so they have no scruples.

I don’t want to lose any face.

Even though he knew what he said was wrong, he still tilted his head and rushed upward.

The main thing is one, I am the best in the world.

This kind of person is the most annoying.

But before Zhao Fei could say anything, someone came forward to help him.

And this person is the Ye Zhuan family we are familiar with.

A well-prepared article spread instantly across major forums and websites.Title: Zhao Fei seems to be a careerist, but in fact he is a performer.

Text: Hello everyone, I am the Ye Zhuan family you are familiar with.

I believe many people are no longer unfamiliar with me. Yes, it’s me, the Ye Zhuan family who likes matryoshka dolls, likes to make noises, and likes you.

Everyone is familiar with Zhao Fei, so I won’t introduce him in detail.

Today I will mainly talk about his acting skills and the influence of his beginning. I have also seen that many people on the Internet are badmouthing Zhao Fei.

But now it has begun to air.

All rumors and rumors were crushed by the general trend.

So don’t be so harsh, and use a sentence you often say; is it so difficult to admit that others are good?
Is it so difficult to admit that Zhao Fei is excellent?
Is it that hard to admit you were wrong?
Not difficult, not difficult at all.

I said before that Zhao Fei's trip was a wake-up call for the world and an open lesson for everyone in the Dragon Kingdom.

Obviously I still hold on to this view and persist in it.

I didn't speak out for a long time in the past few days, mainly because I was influenced by the anchor, and I thought I still needed to learn, and I didn't know enough about the world.

So I follow Zhao Fei's footsteps seriously every day and study the customs and customs of various places.

Learn the history and culture of various places.

For this, I would like to thank Zhao Fei for letting me know what it means to live and learn.

Now I feel like I'm elevated.

My life has become happier and more fulfilling.

Therefore, I sincerely advise all you stubborn people to stop being so stubborn. Sometimes the south wall cannot be knocked down.

The general trend is also irreversible.

The only thing that stands in the way of the general trend is destruction.

As for Zhao Fei's acting skills.

To be honest, I don’t really understand this, so I still need to learn.

But what I want to say is that if Zhao Fei can give a public lecture to alert the world, and just make a TV series in front of such a big event, it is not easy.

This is equivalent to a one-size-fits-all approach.

For a master who has already practiced martial arts to the pinnacle level, if he then learns something like Mantis Fist and Baguazhang, it will not be easy for him to master it.

So I'm not worried or surprised at all about Zhao Fei's acting skills.

Finally, I would like to tell everyone, give it a thumbs up.

Zhao Fei...he is a great man.


"Haha, I'm laughing so hard. Ye Zhuan family, Ye Zhuan family, you are worthy of your words. What you said is so insightful."

"It's so insightful. I think this old guy is just a fart. He really has no shame at all. Tell much money did Zhao Fei give you?"

"At first glance, what the Ye Zhuan family said makes no sense. But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make sense. But when you think about it more deeply, it still doesn't make sense.

So, what is going on? "

"The people upstairs are already confused, but it can be summed up in just four words, which makes no sense."

"How could you do this? Although what Ye Zhuan said is a bit exaggerated, it is an indisputable fact that Zhao Fei is right and his acting skills are good. Now everyone on the Internet is envious of Zhao Fei."

"That's right, I liked it very much in the beginning, and I will keep pursuing it. Others can say whatever they want. It's enough for me that I like it. Why do I care so much?"

The impact after the initial broadcast has been huge so far.

However, it seems that the trend has not subsided, but has become more and more intense.

The search volume also directly reached the top of the scarf rankings, which accordingly brought a lot of fan value to Zhao Fei and Mai Mai.

Especially Zhao Fei, after all, Mai Mai has a bond card.

Therefore, the fan value returned to Zhao Fei is equivalent to double.

Zhao Fei's fan base was originally close to 6000 million, but now it has directly crossed 6000 million, reaching 500 million.

This is just the beginning of the first episode.

It is conceivable how Zhao Fei's fan base will increase when it is completed.

At the same time, Zhao Fei also noticed Ye Zhuan's article.

It's been a long time since I last saw this old boy, and Zhao Fei had almost forgotten about it. Now when I look at him again... well, his words are still sharp, and his angles are still so tricky.

Especially the skill of licking dogs has become more and more proficient.

Zhao Fei blushed a little when he said that.

However, Zhao Fei is still very satisfied with one thing, that is, if anyone doubts why his acting skills are so good, he can throw this article out and slap them in the face.

Ask: Is it so difficult to recognize the excellence of others?
"Haha, this Ye Zhuan family is quite powerful."

Mai Mai read the article and read it from beginning to end, with a smile on her pretty face.

Li Yitong also saw it.

At this moment, the corner of his mouth could not help but twitch, and he took a deep look at Zhao Fei next to him.

I thought to myself: No wonder Li Shushang was in such a hurry... or something like that.

This Zhao Fei is really too good, even a little unattainable.

It was really too hasty to invite people to film Kuangfeng just now.

What level of Kuangdong is it worthy of Zhao Fei to play?

Thinking of this, Li Yitong's beautiful eyes were a little watery, and there was a flash of light in them.

I envied Maimai even more.

I really don’t know what great deeds this little girl has done in her previous life, but God has favored her so much and allowed her to take Zhao Fei home with twenty-five thousand diamonds.

so angry...

Why is such a good man not mine?


For a time, Li Yitong felt more uncomfortable and aggrieved the more he thought about it.

Some impulsive thoughts couldn't help but come to mind, and her pretty face turned slightly red under the moonlight.

Li Shun, Wen Yongshan, Li Gengxi... Tsk, tsk, it seems that I, Li Yitong, can't do it.

"Here it comes, here it comes, the second episode begins."

Zhao Fei reminded.

During the commercial break just now, he also read the online comments.

Regardless of good or bad, at least this time Zhao Fei has completely made a name for himself in the entertainment industry.

Especially seeing the changes in fandom.

Zhao Fei was even more proud.

So far, he has absolutely no shortage of fans.

A worry-free life and a bright future.

Liu Yifei also has his flesh and blood, and Mai Mai as his companion. For a man to do this, haha... I really want to laugh.

No, hold back, hold back.

Li Yitong is still here.

This light bulb is really delaying things a bit.

If Li Yitong was not here, could he turn off the live broadcast and watch the drama with Mai Mai in his arms...

Especially looking at Li Shiqing in the play.

Looking at Mai Mai in his arms.

That experience... tsk tsk, I will definitely be happier at night.

But now that Li Yitong is still here, there is no chance of tonight... Hey, how about drinking some wine and getting Li Yitong drunk?
Thinking of this, Zhao Fei's eyes lit up.

He stood up and took out two bottles of red wine and suggested: "You two, to celebrate the start of the hit and the results are good, let's have two drinks?"

(End of this chapter)

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