Chapter 19 Get a Vaccination

After eating, Zhao Fei and the two returned to the RV to take a short break.

There are two lounges in the back of the RV, which can sleep four people, let alone two people. There is even a bed above the cockpit that can accommodate one person.

But it’s not useful now.

The most important thing is that the RV is fully equipped. As long as it is something you can use and see at home, the RV is basically not lacking.

I really thought 8000 million was wasted.

It was also the first time for Zhao Maimai to walk behind the RV. She looked around curiously and chose a room. She didn't want to rest. Instead, she asked Zhao Fei to accompany her to the supermarket to buy some things, planning to decorate it well.

Now Zhao Fei finally experienced the trouble of going shopping with a woman.

Pick and choose, look left and right.

Time passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Fei didn't rush them. Although he had prepared some women's products, they were not comprehensive or detailed. They were about to enter Tibet just after Kangding.

After entering Tibet, it is really inconvenient to buy some things.

Two hours later, the two finally returned to the RV. In fact, they had already bought everything. Zhao Maimai was recognized on the street, signing autographs and taking photos, which wasted a lot of time.

Even if she kept denying it, it didn't work. She could only sign and leave quickly, which made her look a little tired. She started to doze off as soon as she returned to the RV.

"How about you go to the back and take a nap?"

Zhao Fei's RV is not a trailer, but a self-propelled RV. You can rest even while driving, but you can't drive too fast.

"Then please pay attention to your safety. I am indeed a little tired. I need to take a short rest."

After walking around for several hours, from Luding Bridge to Luding County, Zhao Maimai was originally in a good mood, but when he met a fan again, he felt as if he was back to square one, and he was a little depressed for a while.

Not being polite to Zhao Fei, he took off his clothes and got into the bathroom, planning to take a shower before going to sleep.

Hearing the rustling sound coming from behind, Zhao Fei coughed twice and calmed down.

Drive away from Luding.

If that group of fans gather around me again, I might not be able to leave if I don’t leave.

As the popularity of the live broadcast room increased, Zhao Fei's popularity increased a lot, and many people chatted with him just now. Especially the RV was so conspicuous, big, black, and powerful.

No matter where it is, it can attract countless eyeballs.

Plus Zhao Maimai, a popular little girl.

The impact is greater.

This was something Zhao Fei had not expected.

At the beginning, I only wanted to gain traffic and earn fan points, but I did not consider the real-life impact of traveling.

Of course, it's not that serious yet, but there are already signs, so Zhao Fei decided not to stay in one place for too long in the future.

It even has to be stopped intermittently.

At the same time, we also want to warn the majority of netizens not to lose their minds due to fanaticism when chasing stars.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fei faced the live broadcast room and said while driving: "Dear water friends, our live broadcast room is very popular now, which is something worthy of happiness.

I am also proud of you, thank you all for your likes.

But as everyone saw just now, on the way back, there were no fewer than ten people asking for Mai Mai's autograph.

There were also people who asked to take photos with me, which I didn’t expect. "

When I heard this, the barrage in the live broadcast room paused slightly.

It was as if the friend in front of the screen was silent.

Some water friends have even thought about what Zhao Fei is going to say and are slightly nervous.

"Everyone must be aware of the purpose of my initial live broadcast. You don't need to pay for gifts. I have never even set a strict requirement on the number of people in the live broadcast room.

I just want to find someone to accompany me on the way to climb Mount Everest, to be a witness and give me motivation.

These people are you and Zhao Maimai.

This makes me feel less alone.So I don’t hope that our journey will be affected by reality. Even if this is something that cannot be completely eliminated, I still hope that everyone will do things rationally.

Don't be crazy about chasing stars.

Besides, I'm not a star.

If things get out of control in the end, the live broadcast room may stop broadcasting, and I will share it with you when I reach the top of Mount Everest. "

Although what he said was very cliché, Zhao Fei was not embarrassed and was very thick-skinned.

What's more, Zhao Fei is doing this for everyone's benefit. Everyone has his or her own life. If you devote too much of your body and mind to others.

Then you will lose yourself.

Zhao Fei hopes that fans who like him show rational love, not fanatical pursuit, otherwise they will be like castles in the air, shattering at the touch of a finger.

Even if the fan value cannot be returned.

But Zhao Fei can't always live broadcast, and he always has to consider how to earn fan points in the future. Whether it's filming or singing, he always needs to continue to grow his fans.

So you have to maintain your own personality.

"You bitch, if you dare to turn off the broadcast, I will go to your house and smash your windows."

"I just found a live broadcast room I like. It's relaxing, fun, and you can have sex for free. Is it going to disappear?"

"Anchor, you can't leave, I still have to watch my Mai Mai."

"Everyone, I am just giving you a vaccination. The matter is not serious enough to shut down the broadcast now. I just hope that you can help me promote it so that it will not affect this trip in reality and avoid some tragedies.

Especially those who drove to chase us, or those who parked in front and waited.

Bad influence.

The meaning of this trip was also lost.

Yesterday, I saw many video bloggers reposting my live video. I also ask you to edit my meaning and warn everyone to follow stars rationally.

You must know that pure love is silent support and warm companionship.

Even if we are thousands of miles apart, as long as our hearts are together.

Then there will never be separation. "

Zhao Fei's words echoed in the ears of water friends in the live broadcast room.

It immediately resonated with them.

Everyone was so moved, especially some young ladies, who felt the same way and thought of their first love.

"It's so well said. Pure love is silent support and warm companionship. I don't know what the little boy who was ignorant and wanted to care about me but was embarrassed is now.
I wanted to find him, but I lost him with my own hands. "

"The world is a mess, filled with all kinds of indifference and ruthlessness, but the anchor is clean, as if hidden among the stars in the sky, neither dazzling nor beautiful.

But ordinary things can light up the darkness deep in people's hearts. Thank you, treasure boy. "

"Damn anchor, it's you. It's you who ruined the decision to live alone. It's so irritating. I'm going to pick up cosmetics again. I hope I can find a man like the anchor in the end."

Looking at these words, it is obvious that only female fans can say them.

Not only Zhao Fei was a little surprised, but some gay men in the live broadcast room were also surprised, only to find out that there were many female fans in this live broadcast room.

Usually they don't talk.

There were quite a lot of them blown up by Zhao Fei today.

"Thank you ladies for your support. In fact, truly liking an idol does not mean searching for his whereabouts or following his activities, but rather for me to do my thing and for you to do yours.

That's it, I know you're watching and you know I'm busy.

Even though who are you?I don’t understand and I don’t know clearly, but because of you, I am what I am today.

So you are important.

One day, we will meet in the vast sea of ​​​​people. You recognize me and smile slightly. I don’t know you, but I see me in your eyes.

Say to you in my heart, thank you. "

(End of this chapter)

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