China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 20 Everyone has rebellious psychology (please read)

Chapter 20 Everyone has rebellious psychology (please read)

If you don't plan for a while, you can't plan for a lifetime.

Zhao Fei also considered the troubles he might encounter during his future journey, so he took precautions in advance.

Not only some video bloggers are helping Zhao Fei to promote, but even the official of the live broadcast platform is warning everyone to follow stars rationally.

In fact, Li Hai, who was behind the live broadcast, was shocked when he learned that Zhao Fei was going to shut down the broadcast. After learning more about it, he couldn't help but admire Zhao Fei even more, so he did as Zhao Fei said without saying a word.

The intensity is unprecedentedly powerful.

Zhao Fei's words also caused a lot of impact among the fan community. Some people were dismissive and shouted: If you want to turn off the air, then turn it off. I really think I care about you.

But most people still admire Zhao Fei for making this decision. After all, most celebrities want their fans to be more fanatical and have more fans.

There is no such thing as Zhao Fei's abnormal behavior of pushing fans away.

Therefore, Zhao Fei's move made some fans identify with him more and like him even more.

Of course, Zhao Fei also sincerely hopes that he will not be like other little fresh meat and have a large number of fanatical fans. Although from the perspective of increase in fan value, this is a shortcut that can generate income for Zhao Fei.

But in the long run, it will do more harm than good.

Even if some fans are temporarily lost, it is only a small part, and the loss can be considered to have been stopped in time.

Although Zhao Maimai on the other side said he was going to rest, he was lying on the bed after taking a shower, but he couldn't sleep, so he secretly entered the live broadcast room.

So she also saw what Zhao Fei said just now.

I couldn't help but feel sweet in my heart.

This guy really saw that I was unhappy.

Even if you have to lose some people in the live broadcast room, you have to stand up for me.

Even shutting down the broadcast.

It's really bad.

After thinking about it, Zhao Maimai didn't plan to rest anymore. She jumped up from the bed and looked in the mirror. Although she was bare-faced, she was still beautiful. She didn't plan to clean up anymore and jumped back to the cab.

"Why are you back?"

Zhao Maimai is wearing bear pajamas. Her hair is not dry yet. Although she doesn't apply makeup, she has a feeling of Xiaojiabiyu and looks very down-to-earth.

Unlike other female celebrities, beauty is beautiful, but far away.

"I can not sleep."

Zhao Maimai smiled, pouted at the live broadcast room, and said: "Dear water friends, I have said it several times, I am really not Zhao Maimai.

If you want to take a group photo or sign an autograph, you can come to her in person.

I'm just a little girl who just went to college, and I just want to have fun. If this continues, actor Zhao Maimai should send us a lawyer's letter, suing us for using traffic.

You don’t even look at me like this. Which celebrity have you seen wearing pajamas and showing up in front of a live broadcast room without makeup?
It's simply not possible. "

Zhao Maimai will be in the live broadcast room today to prove that he is not Zhao Maimai.

Save yourself a lot of trouble on the road.

Believe it or not, Zhao Maimai refuses to admit it and will never sign autographs or take photos with fans on his travels in the future.

"Yes, yes, you are right."

"Well, that makes sense. We all believe it. You just have the same name."

"That's right, from now on, whoever calls actor Zhao Maimai in the live broadcast room, I will fight with him."

For a time, the attitude of the water friends in the live broadcast room was surprisingly consistent.

A large number of "Yes, yes, you're absolutely right" barrages floated across the screen, with no one even making the slightest rebuttal. Zhao Fei was shocked when he saw this.

Didn't this group of water friends have clearly defined camps before, so how could they suddenly be unanimous in speaking out?

Are they all standing on the second floor?
Is Zhao Maimai accompanying me here acting?No wonder Zhao Fei always felt something was wrong when he saw the 'right, right, right' barrage. He felt uncomfortable in his ears and felt like he was swearing.

Similarly, Zhao Maimai also saw something was wrong with the barrage and was slightly embarrassed. Even though she was an experienced actor, she was still embarrassed at the moment.

Even though everyone knows the truth, he is still covering it up.

A sworn look.

It would probably be embarrassing to put anyone in this position, let alone a little girl like her.

But Zhao Fei had paid such a high price to support her just now, so she had no regrets at this moment, and had no intention of clarifying the truth. She just wanted this embarrassing atmosphere to disappear quickly.

At this moment, Zhao Fei, who felt this scene, shook his head helplessly. This little girl was still thin-skinned, so she sarcastically said in a weird tone: "The people in our live broadcast room have really accurate vision.

In ancient times, not only becoming an aide to a feudal official, one could also become a county's most discerning detective.

If I lower my requirements even more, I'm afraid I can find a beautiful and intelligent woman, live happily for the rest of my life, and give birth to a fat boy.

My eyes must be as accurate as yours. "

These words seemed to be a compliment, but to my ears, they sounded full of ridicule.

The tone was extremely strange.

Zhao Maimai also laughed out loud in an instant, and raised her hand to hit Zhao Fei on the arm, like a cute little girl who was coquettish and shy after the boys around her stood up for her.

It's like a domineering female CEO is disciplining her men not to talk nonsense.

Zhao Fei was slightly startled when he saw it, and even the speed of the car was slightly unstable. He quickly gathered his mind and dismissed the figure in his mind wearing a small leather jacket, high heels, and holding a whip.

Drive honestly.

Even Zhao Maimai can hear it, let alone the water friends in the live broadcast room.

It was fried in an instant.

"Fuck, you bitch has such a vicious mouth."

"Damn it, it's closed."

"It doesn't matter if you don't watch anchors like this. I'm here to have fun, not to be pissed off."

Zhao Maimai was a little anxious when he saw this scene.

But before he could speak, Zhao Fei said again: "Thank you everyone for checking in. The number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded my original expectations. It would be good to reduce the number of people.

At least there won't be so much trouble on the road. "

Everyone has a rebellious mentality.

The more someone likes you, the more you hate them; the less they like you, the more you rush to chase them.

Simply put, the less you can get, the more you want.

It was similar to what Zhao Fei was saying at the moment. If he wanted them to get out of the way, they might really leave if they were annoyed for a while, but when their emotions stabilized, they would definitely come back to him in a cheap way.

I was still comforting myself in my mind, "Why should I leave if he asks me to leave? I won't leave. I will go back and continue to disgust him." '

So after hearing someone saying that he wanted to withdraw from the customs, Zhao Fei was not in a hurry.

Even the water friends in the live broadcast room have not calmed down yet. The number of followers will decrease and then increase, basically maintaining around 30.

In the end, not only did the attention not drop, but it actually increased a lot.

Although Zhao Fei only has 30 followers now, the number of people actively watching the live broadcast every day is basically maintained at around 10. The ratio of followers to active people can be said to be quite high.

What's more, Zhao Fei has only been live broadcasting for a few days, and the number of followers is still rising.

Zhao Fei is already very satisfied with his current results.

 Please read it, collect it, and vote for me! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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