Chapter 27 100 Followers
After Li Hai learned about the scarf situation, he knew that this was a good opportunity to attract traffic to Zhao Fei. At the same time, the higher Zhao Fei's popularity, the greater Douyin's gains would naturally be.

So Li Hai did not hesitate to notify Douyin's publicity department and immediately linked up with the bib to let those who knew Zhao Fei but not the live broadcast address know that Zhao Fei was live broadcasting on Douyin.

For a time, the popularity of Zhao Fei's live broadcast room soared.

Pay attention to the surge.

This resulted in a surge in fan value.

Zhao Fei didn't notice it at first until Li Hai called.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao, I am Li Hai from Douyin Operations Department."

"Hi, may I ask what you want from me?"

At this time, Zhao Fei and his two men had set off again, heading up the mountain to find a suitable campsite, preferably in an open area, close to a wild hot spring, so that they could rest directly after soaking in the hot spring.

Seeing Zhao Fei stop, Zhao Maimai also bent down and leaned on the stone next to him, took out his mobile phone and checked.

25 unread messages.

Most of them belong to assistants, including Wang Jinghua.

"Sister, look at the scarf, Zhao Fei is on fire."

"Oh my God, two provincial travel agencies are quarreling because of Zhao Fei."

"Sister, please check your phone and stop climbing."

"I know, I'll take a look now." After replying, Zhao Maimai clicked on Weibo to check the whole story.

Zhao Fei also understood the situation from Li Hai's words.

He was also surprised that a travel agency from two provinces actually came to support him and even had a quarrel, which would inevitably bring more popularity to him.

So while talking on the phone with Li Hai, Zhao Fei subconsciously glanced at the countdown.

[Remaining fan value: 586300 (+1, +1, +1 continues to increase...)]

The situation in the live broadcast room is also very hot.

The barrage was so dense that it was hard to count.

"Holy shit, the anchor is totally popular, with more than 30 people online, he's awesome."

"Three days, just three days, the anchor's attention has increased from ten to one million now. Even if the wall refuses to obey, I will obey you."

"As an old fan of Zhao Fei, I would like to remind new friends that if you don't understand, you can watch the short video at the top of Zhao Fei's homepage, which contains live broadcast plans."

"You can see Mai Mai bathing in hot springs at night. Looking forward to it. Looking forward to it."


Taking out two big breaths, Zhao Fei was also very excited at the moment. Nearly 60 fans are worth more than two years of life. The lottery is worth it.

Not only that, Zhao Fei's attention is still growing.

And extremely fast.

Obviously there are still many people in the scarf who continue to flock to the live broadcast room.

"Mr. Li, I understand what you mean. You can give them my phone number and ask them to apply for a bib account for me and send it to my phone."

"Thank you for your support, Mr. Zhao. This is my phone number. If you have any trouble with the live broadcast in the future, you can call me at any time. Our operations department will definitely provide support."

"Thank you."

"you are welcome."

"Then let's do this for now. We're still climbing the mountain. It's getting dark and we'll be in trouble if we can't find a campsite."

"Understood, Mr. Zhao, please pay attention to your safety."

As soon as Zhao Fei hung up the phone, Zhao Maimai rushed forward excitedly, hugged Zhao Fei's neck, and whispered in his ear: "Just a short while ago, my scarf fans increased from 870 million to 900 million." It’s [-] million.

It’s equivalent to the number of fans I gained after making a small-budget movie.

Zhao Fei, you are so awesome. "

"As expected, the attention in the live broadcast room has also increased a lot. If you clarify now that you are actor Zhao Maimai, I'm afraid it will increase even more." "Forget it, it's good like this."

"Okay, but can you come down? I'm carrying a hundred kilograms of stuff and I have to hold you. Do you want to tire me out so you can inherit my live broadcast room?"

Hearing what Zhao Fei said, Zhao Maimai's face also turned red. He glared at the bewildered Zhao Fei with his beautiful eyes and jumped off him.

The live broadcast room was also a little confused by Zhao Fei and others.

"What were these two muttering about just now? I didn't hear you clearly!"

"No way, no way, Zhao Maimai's boyfriend is Zhao Fei, right? When did this happen, no one told me."

"Upstairs, you can see that he is an otaku. The two of them have been live broadcasting for several days, but I want to explain that what you are seeing is not the actor Zhao Maimai.

Even if they look alike, even if their names are the same, even if their personalities are the same.

But she is not Zhao Maimai, you understand? "

"It's so complicated and profound. I want to ask, is this really a serious live broadcast room?"

After watching the barrage for a while, Zhao Fei and Zhao looked at each other with the same smile on their lips, put away their mobile phones, and continued to climb the mountain.

As time passed, the two finally found the first wild hot spring.

However, the mountains and rocks here were dense and not suitable for camping, so the two of them did not stop and continued walking deeper.

It wasn't until it got dark that the two of them found a suitable place.

Not only are there two wild hot springs with suitable temperatures, the ground is also flat and the view is wide, making it the best place for camping. Turning on the portable searchlight, the two of them started to get busy.

Two tents, one big and one small.

Although Zhao Maimai didn't know how to set up, he learned quickly under Zhao Fei's guidance, so it took about half an hour to set up the tent.

At this moment, the altitude where they were located was close to 4000 meters, so the temperature was very low.

The heat emitted by the wild hot spring condenses into water vapor and spreads in the air, making the surrounding grass and rocks shrouded in smoke, making it look like a fairyland on earth.

"Ah, I'm exhausted."

After finishing everything, Zhao Maimai slumped down on the ground. At the end of the day, she only felt pain in her waist and back, but she was looking forward to it when she thought that she would be able to soak in the hot springs soon.

He couldn't help but look at Zhao Fei.

"If you're in a hurry, go change your clothes first. I'll say a few words to the water friends in the live broadcast room first, and then you can come out when you're done."


Zhao Maimai jumped up from the ground excitedly. She was very happy that Zhao Fei could understand her eyes and got into the tent with her small backpack.

Friends in the live broadcast room also gradually realized something was wrong from the looks in Zhao Fei's eyes.

"This piece of shit isn't going to shut down the live broadcast again, is it?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I've been waiting for a day to watch Mai Mai take a bath in the hot springs. If the anchor wants to turn off the live broadcast, I will unfollow him."

"You LSPs are so shameless. I don't object to the anchor shutting down the broadcast, but can the anchor change his clothes first so that we female fans can feast our eyes on it?"

"That's right, Mai Mai is so young, so don't let her come out yet. The anchor quickly goes to change clothes. With such good physical strength, she must have a great figure."

Zhao Fei, who had been looking at the live broadcast room, smiled and said: "I have to say, you are very smart. I apologize to everyone in advance. Some scenes are indeed inappropriate to appear in the live broadcast.

However, I can still meet the requirements of some female fans. "

After saying this, Zhao Fei did not enter the tent, set up his mobile phone, and quickly took off his shirt, revealing his thick and powerful chest and eight angular abdominal muscles.

Under the illumination of the light, the deep lines outlined between the muscles made the female fans couldn't help but touch the screen of their mobile phones and drool.

I really want to give Zhao Fei a hug and feel the strength and solidity of his muscles.

The barrages in the live broadcast room were even more crazy, popping up in dense numbers.

Even the phone is laggy.

(End of this chapter)

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