Chapter 28 Don’t laugh, I’m scared

"Wow, wow, wow, this standard figure makes you look thin when you wear it, but when you take it off, it shows your flesh. I really want to touch it."

"Zhao Fei, from now on, you will be the most standard man in my heart."

"Anchor, do you still need a travel companion? I'm no worse than Zhao Maimai."

At this moment, the female fans in the live broadcast room had the upper hand, and the barrages of some male fans were completely suppressed. Their unwillingness and insults were also ignored by Zhao Fei.

Everyone's eyes turned red as they stared into the live broadcast room.

This dog thing.

Damn it.

He actually wants to shut down the broadcast again, what should I do?
Everyone in the group comes out and talks about what to do?
The female fans in the live broadcast room have gone crazy. I can’t even see the comments I posted. What can I do?
Alas, my status at home is the last. My wife and daughter-in-law can't beat me, and my daughter and daughter have to give in. I didn't expect that I would still be like this after watching a live broadcast. What on earth is going on in this world?
Stop talking nonsense, okay? What we have to consider now is how to stop this piece of shit from shutting down the broadcast and making fun of your wife?

Damn it, who are you scolding?
Just scold you, I don’t even have a wife, let alone children. I can only watch the live broadcast at night. I can’t deal with Zhao Fei, so you can’t let me vent., please give me my condolences.


"Okay, thank you all for your attention and likes. That's it for today's live broadcast. We'll see you tomorrow."

Amid the reluctance of friends in the live broadcast room, Zhao Fei turned off the live broadcast.

Seeing that Zhao Maimai is not finished yet.

Zhao Fei read the text message, found his Weibo account, and logged in.

There are only more than 50 fans of the scarf, not to mention Zhao Maimai, even some small stars Zhao Fei can't compare.

However, Zhao Fei is not in a hurry. The item 'I am Zhao Fei, a rich second generation who does not know his own abilities' is now ranked No. 1 on the scarf search rankings.

This was also a competition between the two travel agencies. Later, they found that no one could do anything about the other, and they took turns taking the top spot. In the end, they simply pushed Zhao Fei, the middleman, to the top of the rankings.

Both parties are satisfied.

After all, Zhao Fei is still in Sichuan Province and is about to go to Qinghai-Tibet.

And this ranking has also caused a big sensation in the entertainment industry. Some female celebrities have regretted it. It is the number one search for scarves, and even the person named Wang has not been listed several times.

However, Zhao Fei went up easily without much effort. Their eyes were red with envy at this heat.

However, Mr. Song has been making excuses with them, enjoying the compliments, taking advantage of them and not doing anything at the same time, which is very annoying.

Liu Yifei was lying on a lounge chair on the beach in the Maldives. The beach, ocean, and sunshine were so beautiful, but it still couldn't calm her down, because she was alone, and her loneliness made her a little depressed.

From time to time, a few bearded and black-haired foreigners came up to chat with her, which made her even more irritated.

Especially after seeing Zhao Fei's figure, I felt even worse.

I couldn't help but send a barrage.

However, she didn't find it herself, so she was submerged in a large sea of ​​barrage, let alone Zhao Fei discovered it. This made her depressed, but also a little lucky that she had been too impulsive just now.

If anyone in the circle discovers this, she will die.

After a few days of rest, Yang Xiaohu returned to work. Looking at the eye-catching No. 1 on the scarf ranking, he threw the phone to his assistant angrily and turned around to say.

"Isn't Reba's new drama finished filming? Ask her if she wants to travel?"

"Well, sister, you're not talking about Zhao Fei, are you?"

"Who else but him?"

"Well... Actually, the company has contacted Mr. Song a long time ago, but he rejected it. We don't have Zhao Fei's phone number at all."

"Then you won't go to his live broadcast room."

"Okay, then I'll try."


"Hello everyone, I am Zhao Fei."

Zhao Fei first posted a sentence on his scarf to prove that the number was his. Then he carefully edited an article, revised it several times, and selected some beautiful pictures taken during the trip before clicking send.Title: Travel as soon as you want.

Text: I am Zhao Fei, a rich second generation who does not overestimate his abilities.

I have taken up a lot of public resources recently, and I would like to apologize to everyone first, because this was not my original intention, and I never thought it would cause such a big sensation.

The initial idea was simple, to change myself and start by climbing Mount Everest.

I also want to find some like-minded friends during the live broadcast to give me motivation and accompany me along the way, making the journey seem less lonely.

As for the official blogs of the two provincial tourism agencies today, I also saw them.

First of all, thank you very much for your support. There are countless beautiful mountains and rivers in our Dragon Kingdom. They are not limited to one place or one city, and there are no distinctions between high and low, or cultural distinctions, because we are all descendants of the dragon.

I will show you the beautiful scenery of Sichuan Province and Qinghai-Tibet one by one in the live broadcast room.

Of course, as I just said, our Dragon Kingdom has many beautiful scenery, and the special places in other provinces also make me yearn for it very much. I will definitely visit them if I have the opportunity.

If you have the idea of ​​traveling, especially if you don’t have sufficient funds, then I suggest you choose the nearest one. It may not be the best, but it is the most suitable for you.

I suggest that you go on a trip as a family, and it doesn’t cost much. It can soothe your mood, relax your soul, and liberate your body and mind.

Work and rest.

Don't lose your health because of work, don't neglect your family because of money.

A person only lives for [-] days. When he gets old, he must leave some good memories for himself, take a look at the world, and take a look at the beautiful mountains and rivers.

In this way, when your children and grandchildren grow up, you can also tell them about your glorious history.

If you really don’t have time, you can watch the live broadcast at your leisure and let me take you to experience the great rivers and mountains of Dragon Kingdom and travel to the ends of the earth.


The support from the official media of the two provinces alone caused a huge sensation in the scarf and added 20 fans to Zhao Fei, so he naturally wanted to visit other tourist provinces.

Not only do these provinces click on their names on their official blogs, but they can also create a good relationship and leave a good impression by speaking for them.

As for Sichuan Province and Qinghai-Tibet.

Zhao Fei didn't know whether they were really quarreling or fake. Anyway, he once saw a case where 'Wong Lo Kat' and 'Jiaduobao' were fighting.

Finally, 'He Qi Zheng' disappeared.

So Zhao Fei just mentioned it and didn't say much.

Of course, Zhao Fei's ultimate goal is to introduce them into his live broadcast room and become members of his fan base.

When I think about my future fans being worth tens of millions, hundreds of millions.

Zhao Fei couldn't help but laugh out loud as he could buy whatever he wanted in the exchange mechanism.

"What are you laughing at?"

At this moment, Zhao Maimai's voice suddenly came from behind.

In fact, Zhao Maimai had already changed her clothes and found that Zhao Fei had turned off the live broadcast, but she was a little embarrassed to come out, even though there were only two of them here.

But after all, Zhao Maimai had never experienced such an occasion, so he gave him psychological comfort for a long time.

Finally, it was concluded that Zhao Fei would not force her to do anything.

In this case, she had nothing to fear, but she didn't expect to hear Zhao Fei's expectant laughter as soon as she came out, which shocked her delicate body.

Why is he smiling like that?

If he wants to do something...what should I do?
There is no place for me to run in this wilderness.

Can we just enjoy it calmly?

No, although he is quite handsome and a nice person, but... absolutely not, I am not a casual woman, if he dares to use force, I will, I will...

(End of this chapter)

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