China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 88 Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t laugh (please read it!)

Chapter 88 Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t laugh (please read it!)

"Good morning to everyone in the live broadcast room. It's already been the 13th day since our trip started, and time flies by."

Zhao Fei sat in the driver's seat and started the RV: "Today we will still go all the way west, and the next attraction is the Midui Glacier in BM County.

It is the lowest glacier in the world and one of the six most beautiful glaciers in the Dragon Kingdom. If you are interested, you can learn more about it when we get there. "

"Is there any story about Midui Glacier?"

Zhao Maimai next to her was a little lucky at the moment. Zhao Fei didn't hear clearly what she asked during the meal, otherwise he would be admitting that he was young.

At this moment, he also figured out that she was still young anyway and still had room to grow.

What's more, Zhao Fei might like the younger one.

If we really discussed this matter, it would be even worse and she would be embarrassed.

"There are some short stories."

Zhao Fei thought for a while and continued: "At the end of the [-]th century, our Dragon Kingdom had already realized the importance of protecting the environment.

Midui Glacier is also protected.

It should be noted that some natural wonders are beautiful, but sometimes they cause immeasurable losses and suffering to local residents. Their power is infinite.

In the early [-]th century, the Midui Glacier shrank in size due to the greenhouse effect and suddenly collapsed, causing icebergs weighing millions of tons to smash to the ground.

The river was cut off, causing huge floods.

Countless farmland and houses were destroyed, not to mention that the social system at that time was not perfect, so countless people lost their lives and homes. "

"How come I haven't heard of this kind of thing?" Zhao Maimai was a little surprised, because such disasters are usually recorded.

"Haha, of course you haven't heard of it."

Zhao Fei's smile at this moment was a bit strange. Not only Zhao Maimai was surprised, but the audience in the live broadcast room were also confused. After all, it was a disaster, how could you still laugh.

“Because when the glacier fell, it didn’t stop in our Dragon Kingdom, but rolled to the next door and cut off their river.

As a result, our Dragon Kingdom did not suffer losses, but Asan Kingdom suffered heavy losses.

We still have to hold a heavy heart and express our sincere greetings to our neighbors who suffered at that time. How can we gloat about this misfortune.

So don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t laugh just now…”

Zhao Maimai suddenly realized that although she didn't hate people from other countries, she couldn't help but want to laugh at this moment.

It was really Zhao Fei's tone that was too strange.

He said not to gloat, but his pride was not concealed at all.

"Haha, you were obviously laughing, but you never stopped."

"Don't talk nonsense. The anchors are strictly trained. How can you laugh at something like this? Just buy two firecrackers and set them off, and thank the heroes who sacrificed their lives in 62.

Fortunately, after they crossed the McMahon Line, they didn't continue to go deeper, otherwise...hehe. "

"I didn't laugh either, and I felt very heavy. So heavy that I felt like I was okay again. I quietly put the pillow behind the bed and woke my wife up, so as not to make too much noise and disturb the neighbors."

The audience in the live broadcast room was very happy, and everyone danced more happily than anyone else.

However, Zhao Fei still maintained a serious expression and warned: "Brothers, after this incident happened, we also saw the power of nature. So we should not only be attracted by the beauty of nature, but also understand To the importance of nature, no matter it is any natural resource, it has its value.

We must not only cherish them, but also protect them to prevent similar things from happening. "

"That's right, protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility." Zhao Maimai clenched her fist, waved it vigorously, and made a firm and lovely voice.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately followed suit.

Think about some of the natural disasters encountered by the Dragon Kingdom in history. Although sometimes it is unavoidable, we still have to try our best to reduce the probability of its occurrence.

After all, the disasters caused by natural disasters to people are sometimes too great.

“Before arriving at Midui Glacier, we will pass through the Tongmai Natural Barrier. This section of the Palong Canyon Road, which is only more than ten kilometers long, is a large circular turn shaped like a horseshoe print.

The road is steep and rugged, and there are often traffic jams. If you want to go to the other side, you are blocked by the Parongzangbo River, making transportation extremely inconvenient. "

"We have reached the Tongmai natural hazard now, right?" Zhao Maimai lay on the car window and looked out, very curious about this natural hazard with a name similar to his own.

"Yes, this road used to be not long, but it would take several hours to pass. The soil along the road was loose, and mudslides and landslides often occurred when there was wind and snow.

It is called Tongmai Cemetery by locals.

Nowadays, under the construction and maintenance of our Dragon Kingdom, with the Tongmai Bridge and Tongmai Highway, the once natural chasm has become a thoroughfare, but because of this, many people have devoted their hard work, sweat, and even their lives. "

As we approach Tongmai Bridge.

Some of the surrounding slogans also moved everyone in the live broadcast room.

Because the Tongmai Bridge is a twin-tower, double-span suspension bridge, it is a temporary traffic-enhancing project. The water flow is turbulent and the construction conditions are very dangerous.

Even with the crazy attributes of Dragon Kingdom's infrastructure, it took a long time.

"Love life with civilization, love home with contribution, strengthen national unity, and build a beautiful Qinghai-Tibet." Zhao Maimai read out the slogan in red letters printed on the twin towers, feeling a little heavy.

"Unfortunately, the monument to the soldiers who died because of this bridge is not here, but the Tongmai Bridge we can see now is actually a monument.

Witnessed the changes in the Sichuan-Tibet Line and witnessed our Dragon Kingdom becoming more and more prosperous.

I am proud to be a Dragon Countryer. "

When Zhao Fei drove past the Tongmai Bridge, he drove very slowly and with reverence. The cars in front and behind him did not drive very fast, and no one blew their horns.

It was as if everyone was silent when they came to this bridge.

The footage in the live broadcast room also flew out of the car window under the guidance of a drone, but Zhao Fei said that the audience would never understand how dangerous Tongmai was.

Only if they see it with their own eyes will they understand.

As the drone lifted higher, a circular road showing horseshoe prints came into view. It was flat and clean, with guardrails everywhere, even if there were steep mountains on the inside of this section of the road.

On the outside of the road is a steep cliff nearly [-] meters high and the turbulent Parlung Zangbo River, but it still gives people a very safe feeling.

You can even see many staff along the way, directing vehicles and repairing and cleaning the road.

But there is an old road not far from the new road, with 180-degree steep curves that can be seen everywhere. There are no guardrails on it and the slope is very high. If you are not careful, the car may roll over or even slide down the cliff.

There are even mountains suspended above the heads of some old roads, as if they would fall down if you raised your voice.

(End of this chapter)

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