China Entertainment: Starting from RV travel live broadcast

Chapter 89 Miracles mixed in the fragments of time

Chapter 89 Miracles mixed in the fragments of time

It’s not just the roads.

Under the newly built Tongmai Bridge, there is also an old abandoned iron cable bridge.

The comparison between the two can be called a world of difference, but the history of this old bridge is equally important. It has witnessed the take-off of the Dragon Kingdom. Now it has retreated to the second line and should enjoy its old age.

"I am proud to be a dragon countryman."

"Me too. Thank you for the knowledge that the popular science anchor has given us. If it weren't for you, I really wouldn't know that we have done so many things in the Dragon Kingdom over the years."

"Pay tribute to those who worked hard to build the Tongmai Bridge. Without you, there would be no smooth road today."

As the drone flies back to the RV, the scene becomes normal.

The audience in the live broadcast room finally understood why Zhao Fei wanted them to see with their own eyes what the locals called the 'Tongmai Cemetery'.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't understand the importance of Tongmai Bridge.

This is a lifeline.

Protect the road of life that is safe for people passing by.

Not only is safety guaranteed, but time is also greatly saved.

It is conceivable that it is difficult to build a road in such a dangerous place. In some respects, the rewards and efforts are not proportional.

But all the difficulties were finally solved by Longguo.

Everyone who sees the Tongmai Bridge feels proud of it.

The Tongmai Bridge was only a few hundred meters long, so even if Zhao Fei was slower, he could cross it quickly.

The opposite side of the Palong Zangbo River is much gentler, so you can speed up.

Have a meal and rest in Bomi.

Zhao Fei and the two went straight to Midui Glacier.

Due to seasonal reasons, Midui Glacier is different from Dongda Mountain and is not suitable for climbing, so Zhao Fei parked the RV in the scenic parking lot at the foot of the glacier.

So Zhao Maimai and I packed lightly and planned to buy tickets directly to enter the scenic spot.

But it seems that the Qinghai-Tibet Tourism Society has taken over the Midui Glacier side, and people don’t accept it at all.

Although the ticket is only 50 yuan, the person in charge of the scenic spot obviously knows better that the publicity effect brought by Zhao Fei's live broadcast to Midui Glacier is worth far more than a ticket.

So Zhao Fei was not polite. Since the scenic spot gave him such a favor, Zhao Fei also planned to help him promote it and continued to introduce it to the live broadcast room.

"The formation process of the Midui Glacier is very complicated. The main reason is that the monsoon winds coming from the Indian Ocean are trapped here, which brings a lot of rainfall to the local area.

Especially when night falls, the cold wave covers the place again.

After hundreds of years of precipitation and accumulation, Midui Glacier, the lowest altitude glacier we see today, was formed.

Of course, it is said to be the lowest altitude, but it is also nearly 7000 meters, so if interested friends come here, they must be prepared to resist altitude sickness. "

"It's so spectacular." Zhao Maimai held on to the railing and looked at the Midui Glacier in the distance. The plateau red on her cheeks made her look even cuter.

"If you restore the formation process of Midui Glacier, you will be even more shocked." Zhao Fei took two photos and continued, "Because of the abundant rainfall, rainwater falling vertically from the top of the mountain will condense into ice instantly.

If the weather is good, you will see two ice waterfalls falling from the sky, passing through the primeval forest in the valley between the icebergs.

Some melt into water and gather into the plateau lake at the foot of the mountain, nourishing the surrounding virgin forest.

Some condense into ice and cover the glaciers.This makes the glacier sparkle more and more, presenting a [-]-degree ice basin cliff that can be seen everywhere. "

Following Zhao Fei's introduction.

Everyone in the live broadcast room seemed to be immersed in the scene, looking at the Midui Glacier in the camera and feeling emotional.

"The wonderful thing about traveling is that you can inadvertently peek into the magic of nature. The host said it very well. It not only enriched our lives, but also left me with a beautiful memory.

Thanks to the host. "

"Looking at the glaciers in the distance, I seemed to see a miracle mixed in the fragments of time."

"Have you ever felt that Midui Glacier is like a giant white dragon, lying quietly on the mountains and rivers, squinting and enjoying the warmth of the sun?

From time to time, a few roars were made, blowing away the white clouds on the top of the mountain. "

Midui Glacier is located at the junction of Nyenchen Tanglha Mountain and Bossula Ridge. The unique geographical environment makes the scenery here somewhat dreamy.

In today's era, this seems to be the last piece of pure land.

The footsteps of mankind came to an end here, and the development of science and technology came to an abrupt end here, leaving only the majesty of ancient times.

Of course, there are more than just glaciers here.

Because glacier areas generally have their own unique ecosystems. Glaciers condense into mountains and melt into water to form lakes, so unique scenery can be seen here all year round.

After walking around for more than two hours, the two of them left the scenic spot.

The large grasslands around them also attracted the attention of the two, so they planned to ride their bikes and take a stroll around.

An hour later, a small Tibetan village came into view. From a distance, you could see several wind-horse flags at the entrance of the village. Most of the buildings were made of logs, and there was a terrace on the second floor.

It is covered with harvested wheat and highland barley. Under the sunlight, it looks golden and beautiful.

It can be seen that there are no special requirements for village buildings here.

You can build as big a house as you want.

Therefore, every household here basically has a small yard, with many trees planted around it. Over time, they have grown very tall.

Before you enter the village, you will feel like you are about to enter the primeval forest, which is very magical.

"What a unique little village." Zhao Maimai looked at the village curiously, his beautiful big eyes full of surprise.

Zhao Fei was also surprised. At the same time, he also knew that although this village was not far from the scenic spot, there was no direct road, transportation was not convenient, and the language was difficult.

It can be described as a true paradise.

"Let's go into the village and have a look." Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei pushed their bicycles and walked slowly towards the small village; "This place is isolated from the world. Many tourists who come to Midui Glacier go straight to the glacier. The car is parked in the scenic parking lot.

The same goes for us, so we rarely notice the small villages around us. As everyone knows, these small villages also have unique scenery, and we are very lucky.

We ran into each other not long after we came out. "

"That's right." Zhao Maimai nodded lightly.

At the same time, not far from the village, a Tibetan uncle wearing a felt hat and a shabby sheepskin jacket also noticed Zhao Fei and the others.

Judging from their attire, they were from outside. The Tibetan uncle thought about it and walked towards them.

When they got closer, the Tibetan uncle looked at the two of them carefully, and then asked tentatively: "Are you tourists, coming to see the sacred mountain?" (Speaking in Tibetan)
(End of this chapter)

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