Chapter 111 Grand Proposal

Seeing that Lin Wan really couldn't guess, Lu Ming stopped teasing her and told her directly.

"180 billion!"

"My God!"

Lin Wan on the other end of the phone rarely shouted out.

Although with her worth, 180 billion is nothing.

But she was shocked that a stone could be sold for a sky-high price of 180 billion.

And this was dug from the land they bought for only 2000 million.

"Honey, you are so awesome...!"

At this time, Lin Wan admired Lu Ming extremely, which was very useful to Lu Ming.

But after the shock, Lin Wan returned to the topic and talked about the purpose of making this call.

"Husband, have you had dinner?"

"No." Lu Ming touched his stomach. It was so late before he knew it, and he was indeed a little hungry.

Hearing that Lu Ming hadn't eaten yet, Lin Wan seemed a little happy?

"I'm almost done. Why don't we go to the Plaza of Excellence to eat together in the evening?"

Lu Ming naturally agreed to Lin Wan's proposal.


Although the food in restaurants outside is definitely not as delicious as what Lu Ming makes himself.

But he doesn’t want to cook by himself every day!

"Well! Then husband, you go to the Plaza of Excellence first! I'll be there soon!"


After hanging up the phone.

Lu Ming put on his clothes and went out.

Today, the Lamborghini Murciélago hit the road.

After a burst of traffic.

Lu Ming arrived at Excellence Square.

After parking the car, he walked to the place where he and Lin Wan had agreed.

There seems to be some kind of activity going on in the Excellence Plaza today. There are exquisite decorations everywhere, giving it a somewhat festive feel.

Because the Excellence Plaza was very crowded and people were coming and going, Lu Ming looked for a while but couldn't find Lin Wan.

I just wanted to call and ask.

"Wh... bang..."

Brilliant fireworks bloomed over the Excellence Square.

The whole sky is illuminated.

All pedestrians could not help but stop and look up at the sky, watching the beautiful scene.

Lu Ming is no exception.

He was also attracted by this giant fireworks show.

But he felt a little regretful at this time.

At such a romantic moment, Lin Wan was not by her side.

Lu Ming immediately wanted to take out his phone, record this scene, and share it with Lin Wan.

But next second.

The fireworks in the sky exploded into a letter.


All the pedestrians watching the fireworks were stunned.

The entire Excellence Plaza suddenly boiled.


"How can it still be like this?! So romantic!"

"LM? Who is it?!"

Fireworks shows that fill the sky are rare, but this fireworks show actually exploded with a line of confession!
You know, this kind of difficulty is countless times higher than ordinary fireworks.

The cost is naturally terrifying.

But one thing to say, it’s really romantic to the extreme!
Just when people in the square were wondering who this LM was.

All the lights in the Place of Excellence suddenly went out!
Followed by.

The pedestrians in front of Lu Ming's left made a commotion, and their standing posture also changed.

They all gave way to avoid it, leaving a path.

I see.

Under that white light.

Lin Wan was wearing a wedding dress and slowly walked towards Lu Ming.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Lin Wan, and they were so nervous that they didn't dare to breathe loudly.

Just watch quietly as this peerless beauty slowly walked up to Lu Ming.At this time, Lu Ming was stunned.

Fight against Lin Wan.

The two looked at each other quietly, their eyes full of love.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers present did not know that this was a scene of a woman proposing to a man.

Everyone's eyes were filled with shock and envy.

He was shocked by Lin Wan's courage and envied Lu Ming's luck.

Countless men wish they were Lu Ming.

"Wow! Women chase men!"

"So bold! So romantic!"

"I'm so jealous! Why don't such a beautiful rich woman chase me?!"

"Look at what other people look like, and then look at yourself!"

"A handsome man and a beautiful woman, a perfect match made in heaven!"

The speaker is a game anchor named Yuyu.

Normally, she would play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds at home, but today she only did it on a whim.

After leaving the house, I started an outdoor live broadcast.

Unexpectedly, I witnessed such a romantic proposal.

At this time, her live broadcast room was already exploding.

“Damn it, Yuyu’s outdoor live broadcast actually got a proposal from someone!”

"And it's a woman proposing to a man! This is so cool!"

"Brothers, it's terrifying to think about it! Think about it, this fireworks show in the sky, plus let the Excellence Plaza cooperate with the action.

How big of a family can this be?The heroine who proposed this proposal is a rich woman! "

"I have to say, the heroine is really beautiful! So beautiful! The hero is also so handsome! Yuyu is right, they are a match made in heaven!"

"Yes, yes! They really match each other!"

Just when the audience in the Yuyu live broadcast room were envious and jealous.

Lin Wan finally spoke slowly.

"Husband, I have imagined this scene countless times in my mind!

It finally came true today...

Here, I want to tell you that before I met you, my life was black and white.

In addition to work in life, there is still work.

But after being with you, I realized how beautiful the world is and how many interesting things there are.

I feel extremely happy and lucky every moment I spend with you. "

You are a light in my life.

A light that must never be lost.

and so.

Husband, will you marry me?
After Lin Wan finished speaking, Lu Ming had no time to react.

She took out an off-white ring box and opened it.

When the ring inside appeared, everyone who saw it was stunned.

"Damn, what a big diamond ring!"

"How many carats does this cost?! It's so big and flashy!"

"The Ring of Dikla!"


"This is the largest and most expensive men's diamond ring in the world! It's worth more than [-] million!"

At this time, after Lu Ming saw all this, he suddenly realized!
It turned out that Lin Wan had been leaving early and coming back late these days. She said she was busy with Shuangmu Group's affairs and asked him to stay at home alone.

It turned out that she had been carefully preparing all this secretly.

After thinking about it.

Lu Ming's heart was filled with emotion.

Lin Wan loves herself so much!
Not only does he always respond to his requests.

Now I am preparing for such a grand marriage proposal confession for myself.

Thousands of words, finally condensed into one sentence.

"My wife I love you!"

There is no need to express the affection, Lin Wan can feel all of Lu Ming's love.

At this time, she had tears in her eyes.

After hearing Lu Ming's farewell, he immediately put the Dikla men's ring on Lu Ming's hand.

this moment.

Fireworks bloom all over the sky again!
This grand proposal was deeply imprinted in the hearts of countless people...!
(End of this chapter)

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