Chapter 112 Dream Star Sea Ring
The next morning.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a grand proposal. The assets gained by the soft rice are +250 yuan! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host, Ruifan’s assets have exceeded 7 million, and he will be rewarded with a transformation key. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host, Ruanfan’s assets have exceeded 8 million, and he will be rewarded with the Dream Star Sea Ring! 】

[Ding, congratulations on the host's level improvement, reaching level 8, the daily cash increase has been increased to 80%, and the reward will be 33% of the shares of Maria Private Hospital!Please keep up the good work, host! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host, Ruanfan’s assets have exceeded 8 million, and the reward will be 5000% of the shares of Maria Private Hospital! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host, the assets earned by Ruifan have exceeded 9 million, and the reward will be 60.00% of Byte Group’s shares. 】

[Ding, congratulations on the improvement of the host level to level 9. The daily cash increase has been increased to 90%. Future information table!Please keep up the good work, host! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host, Ruanfan’s assets exceeded 9 million, and he was rewarded with a private island, Moss Island. 】

A series of system prompts woke up Lu Ming, who was still in a daze after just waking up!
The last time there were so many rewards at once was when he got married.

The rewards after this proposal were even greater than when they got married.



I first held a wedding ceremony and then proposed to someone else.


What’s even more outrageous is that I first obtained a certificate to register for marriage...

Registration and certificate collection-marriage ceremony-wedding proposal...

My order is quite confusing!Completely different from ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming felt a little dumbfounded.

But he quickly focused on the system prompts.

This look.

Only then did I find out specifically that Lin Wan spent 2.5 million to prepare for this wedding proposal...!
It actually cost [-] million more than the wedding ceremony!

No wonder the system rewards so many.

But considering the grand occasion last night, these expenses are actually not that much.

The men's diamond ring alone would probably cost a lot of money.

Plus fireworks all over the sky.

It can only be said that Lin Wan is really generous. Spending money on him can easily reach hundreds of millions.

On the other hand, Lu Ming didn't even see her buying anything for herself.

This also made Lu Ming make up his mind that he had to do something for Lin Wan.

But this can't be rushed.

Let’s take a look at the rewards of this system first.

When Lu Ming looked at the system rewards, the first reward was a transformation key.

When Lu Ming first saw it, he didn't take it seriously. There was no clue about it from the name.

But when he saw the system introduction, he realized how powerful this key was.

According to the system's explanation, this deformed key can open any lock in the world.

It can range from an ordinary home door lock to a bank-grade safe.

From now on, there will be no lock in this world that Lu Ming cannot open.

Lu Ming had a hunch that this transformation key should play a major role in the future!

The second is a Fantasy Star Sea Ring!
According to the introduction of the system, this ring is made of the dreamy star sea stone discovered for the first time in the world.

Designed by the world's top jewelry designers, it is known as the most beautiful diamond ring in the world. It was sold for US$20 million [-] years ago.

And this kind of ring with a world-famous name will only become more precious as time goes by.

Nowadays, the price should have increased a lot.After reading the introduction of the system.

Lu Ming was also curious and took out the Dream Star Sea Ring from the system space, intending to see it.

And when the Dream Star Sea Ring appeared in his palm.

Lu Ming was stunned.

I couldn't help but pick it up and put it under the light to look at it carefully.

"What a nice view!"

This dreamy star sea ring really lived up to its reputation as the most beautiful ring in the world. Lu Ming seemed to see a vast sea of ​​stars from this small ring.

After seeing the real thing, Lu Ming felt that he had underestimated the ring.

For such a stunning ring, if it were put at auction now, it wouldn't be a problem to fetch a price of 60 to [-] billion yuan.

Of course, Lu Ming is not a professional appraiser or auctioneer, he just relies on his own feelings.

If this dreamy star sea ring was put up for auction, he would be willing to spend 60 to [-] billion to take it.

Although the Fantasy Star Sea Ring is worth as much as 60 billion, it may be more than that.

But Lu Ming had no intention of selling it.

I had a good idea in my mind and looked at Lin Wan who was still sleeping soundly next to me.

Gently put the ring on Lin Wan's hand!
But oddly enough.

When Lin Wan wore this dreamy sea of ​​​​stars ring, it fit perfectly.

Lu Ming was worried about whether the sizes matched at first.

But the system soon gave an explanation.

It turns out that when the Dream Star Sea Ring was designed, it was designed with the most perfect size for women’s fingers, so that it can achieve the ultimate beauty.

In this way, Lin Wan's fingers happen to be the most perfect!

That’s why it fits so well with the Fantasy Star Sea Stone.

After putting the ring on Lin Wan, Lu Ming only continued to look at the rewards below.

Shares in Maria Private Hospital and Byte Group? !

Lu Ming remembered that last time he seemed to have obtained a 30.00% stake in Maria Private Hospital and a 30.00% stake in Byte Group.

Coupled with the shares awarded this time, whether it is Byte Group or Maria Private Hospital, I own 100% control!
This made Lu Ming, who had seen strong winds and heavy rains, feel a little excited.

You know, Byte Group is another [-]-billion-dollar group, and its influence on society is very large.

Plus Maria Private Hospital Holdings.

His social status has skyrocketed!
And this time the system was considerate and prepared two capable little secretaries for him.

Help him handle the daily affairs of Maria Private Hospital and Byte Group respectively.

Let him continue to live a life of salty fish every day.

With Xu Zixin as a benchmark.

One can imagine how excellent the little secretaries the system prepared for Lu Ming were.

Not only is she young and beautiful, but she is also very capable!
No matter what task Lu Ming gave her, Xu Zixin could handle it quickly and well!
Basically he doesn't have to worry about it.

Next up…the Future Information Sheet!
This Lu Ming is very impressive!

The last time he got the future information table, he did a lot of things!
Not only did he predict the wheat futures market in advance, he made a huge fortune with a lot of money and leverage, but he also knew the location where the dreamy star sea stone was buried.

More importantly, he learned about the major crisis in the Shuangmu Group and helped Lin Wan avoid it!

So when Lu Ming got the future information sheet again, he almost wanted to take it out and take a closer look.

But considering that Lin Wan is still with him.

In the end, Lu Ming held back...

(End of this chapter)

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