Chapter 114 The daughter of the Ni family
at night.

Lin Wan had already fallen asleep.

Maybe she dreamed of something happy, but there was a smile on her face in her sleep.

Lu Ming kissed Lin Wan on the cheek lovingly.

Then I picked up my phone and started watching short videos out of boredom.

It was still early and he wasn't sleepy yet.

But after a while.

Lu Ming's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

"That's right, I haven't looked at the future information table yet!"

The last future information table made Lu Ming a lot of money and helped him a lot.

Although Lu Ming is not short of money now, it doesn't matter whether he has money or not.

But it’s so cool to predict the future and change its direction!

Then Lu Ming had a thought in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, the future information table stored in the system space appeared in his hand.

[On September 9, the police launched a series of anti-Hand activities, destroyed multiple dens, and arrested 20-year-old tycoon Shan Hongsheng at the Iljimae shampoo shop in the old city. Shan Hongsheng confessed to the PC.

Later, information about Shan Hongsheng’s thirteen children, including his biological and illegitimate children, was exposed! 】

Lu Ming was stunned when he saw the first piece of information on the future information form!
Good guy...!
Shan Hongsheng? !

He was still somewhat impressed by this veteran rich man.

This guy looks thin and has gray hair, but secretly he is still getting stronger!
You're 70 years old, and you're still having so much fun?
Iljimae shampoo shop in the old town?
It doesn’t sound very serious, and the standard is not high...

It stands to reason that for a rich man like him, how could he not be able to afford it?

It is not a problem to open a part in your own big villa or a presidential suite.

It's even better to just dump Qian Bao and the woman.

With his wealth, it would be no problem if he could afford ten or eight.

Why did you end up in a place like this?
All I can say is, maybe he has some special quirk? …

Moreover, this old man actually has thirteen children, many of whom are illegitimate.

As you can imagine, this guy was also a seeder when he was young, spreading seeds everywhere.

It seems that in the future, people will be robbing family property like crazy...

Lu Ming couldn't laugh or cry. This future event looked interesting, but it was of little value.

So I continued to read.

[On September 9, it was revealed that Yuehao Jiangwan used substandard materials, and many owners blocked the site to demand refunds. 】

[On September 9, high school student Wang Ming picked up an important document on his way home from school and promptly returned it to the owner. He was awarded 20 yuan. 】


[On September 9, Li reported that a store located at No. 20 Yankou Street, Haibin City was suspected of making counterfeit cigarettes. After verification, the police awarded 239 million yuan based on the size of the den! 】

Lu Ming jumped through countless pieces of information.

Many things happen in a city every day, which can be seen in the future information table.

But most things are insignificant to Lu Ming and cannot bring him any benefit.

I can only watch it as news for fun.

Even if there are some benefits,
The highest amount she has seen so far is only a bonus of 100 million yuan.

One million may be a huge amount of money for ordinary people.

But for Lu Ming, let alone 100 million, let alone 1000 million.

He didn't bother to pick it up.

I don’t like it!

After reading for so long, I haven't seen any useful information.

Lu Ming was also a little impatient.

I originally thought I would take a break and watch it another day.

However, the next second.

His eyes stopped on a certain piece of information and he read it several times.

[September 9, early morning.An accidental death occurred in Qingping Village.The deceased was Ni Yanyan, the daughter of the Ni family in Haibin City...]

The reason why Lu Ming was interested in this seemingly simple piece of information was.Not only because this incident happened in Qingping Village where he is now.

It was also because of the identity of Ni Yanyan, the daughter of the deceased Ni family.

He didn't know Ni Yanyan.

But speaking of the Ni family on the seaside.

He is very familiar with this local!
When I was a child, I often heard my grandparents talk about the past events of the Ni family.

The Ni family are coastal natives.

In addition, there is a big family on the seaside with a large population.

When the seaside developed, it took advantage of all the dividends and developed rapidly.

Although there are also reasons for the Ni family to strive for success.

But the Ni family has been developing in the seaside for 34 years, and its influence is almost all over the seaside.

Anyone with the surname Ni in the entire seaside can almost be talked to by the Ni family.

The Ni family is like a spider web, infiltrating all walks of life in Binhai. You may not be able to see anything on ordinary days, but once the Ni family bursts with energy, it will be earth-shattering!
Today, Ni Yanyan, the daughter of the Ni family, died unexpectedly.

It was an opportunity for Lu Ming.

If he could save Ni Yanyan.

The Ni family will definitely be grateful.

As we all know, debts of gratitude are the most difficult to repay, and they are also life-saving debts.

This is much more valuable than pure money.

Lu Ming glanced at the current time. It was only more than an hour before Ni Yanyan died unexpectedly.

Fortunately, Qingping Village is not very big, and the place of death of Ni Yanyan provided in the future information table is not far from him.

He had no time to rush over.

So Lu Ming got up immediately.

After covering Lin Wan with a quilt, she got dressed and went out.

According to the system prompts, Lu Ming quickly arrived at his destination.

This is clearly the center of the entire Qingping Village and the tallest building in the village, with twelve floors.

But there is a large jump platform on the third floor.

The lights on the platform were bright, people were buzzing, and there was vague music, as if there was some kind of party going on.

Lu Ming also sneaked into the party directly.

Anyway, no one would question his identity, even if he stood alone with a glass of wine in his hand.

When others look at his appearance and temperament, they will just think that he is just a person at the party, waiting for friends.

Lu Ming stood in a corner, his eyes scanning the entire audience.

Some people are drinking together, some are grilling skewers, and some couples are having sex with each other.

For a moment, Lu Ming didn't know which of the people present was Ni Yanyan.

After all, he has never seen Ni Yanyan.

But fortunately, the system also gave prompts.

"Ten meters to the left, wearing a black dress."

Following the system's prompt, Lu Ming's eyes were fixed on a small group of men and women ten meters away.

He looked at the woman in a black dress.

Is it her?

Although Lu Ming didn't know Ni Xiaoxiao.

But after entering, he first shot everyone in the room.

She was the most beautiful woman in the room. Her figure-hugging black dress showed her graceful figure, and she seemed to have some curvature.

Paired with the pair of fiery red Gauguin shoes, it is even more eye-catching.

Lu Ming just took a few more glances.

So it's natural to have an impression.

Men will definitely remember the beautiful ones.

But Lu Ming didn't expect that she was the heroine who died unexpectedly tonight, Ni Yanyan, the daughter of the Ni family!
(End of this chapter)

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