Chapter 115 Ambush
I saw a group of men and women gathered together.

They were talking and laughing about something.

Because they were too far apart, Lu Ming couldn't hear him, so he had to slowly move closer.

"Okay! You two have hidden your relationship from us for so long! No wonder Xiaofei, your figure is getting better and better recently!
Come over here and let me check out your new size! "

Ni Yanyan smiled and put the wine glass in her hand on the high table beside her, and then stretched out her magic claw to a busty girl next to her.

When the busty girl Xiaofei saw this, she immediately took a few steps back.

"Do not do this!"

"I've never seen her before. Xiaofei stopped kissing my sister after she got a boyfriend."

Ni Yanyan stretched out her hand as she spoke, and Xiaofei quickly hid behind a man in a white shirt.

"Sister Yanyan, stop joking."

Seeing that she was blocked by the man in the white shirt, Ni Yanyan stopped her pursuit and stood still.

"Qin Fei, do you feel sorry for Xiao Fei?! Are you jealous of me? Why didn't I know you were so possessive before?"

Qin Fei felt embarrassed when Ni Yanyan said this and was about to refute.

But Ni Yanyan was already stunned when he was stunned.

Suddenly, he ducked past Qin Fei and pounced on Xiao Fei.

But Xiaofei seemed to be paying attention to Ni Yanyan all the time, and when she saw him rushing towards him, she quickly dodged past him.

Due to excessive force, Ni Yanyan hit the rooftop fence directly.

The fence on the rooftop seemed to be only about one meter, so Ni Yanyan's lower body collided with the fence, but her upper body couldn't help but fall down.

The whole person seemed to be stuck upside down and fell headfirst.


Ni Yanyan let out a scream.

Her original companions were also frightened by this scene.

Each one was slightly stunned.

When you realize something is wrong and want to step in to help.

Ni Yanyan has already fallen.

In this critical moment!
A big hand appeared!

His big hands tightly grasped Ni Yanyan's feet.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ni Yanyan was lifted up from the air little by little.

Seeing Ni Yanyan being pulled up, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if it was only three stories high, Ni Yanyan would fall with her head on the ground.

Ni Yanyan’s ending can be imagined.

Ni Yanyan, who was pulled up, closed her eyes tightly and her body was shaking slightly.

After a while, he seemed to realize that he had not fallen, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Open your eyes.

Lu Ming's face came into her eyes.

Ni Yanyan was immediately stunned.

She had never seen such a handsome man before, and the fear of being in danger immediately disappeared.

Instead, looking at Lu Ming's face, he blushed a little.

At this time.

"Bang" sound.

A gunshot rang out.

Lu Ming could feel that the bullet was coming here. He was so sensitive that he could even feel the airflow caused by the bullet passing by him.

this moment.

Lu Ming immediately realized that these people should be coming for Ni Yanyan.

Ni Yanyan’s “accidental death” was not that simple.

If he hadn't taken action, Ni Yanyan fell to her death, which would indeed have looked like an accident.

But now that Ni Yanyan was rescued by him, the mastermind behind this "accident" had to kill her!
Lu Ming realized this and made a quick decision.

He directly pulled Ni Yanyan into his arms, climbed over the fence, and jumped down.



Just when Lu Ming and Ni Yanyan jumped down, several gunshots rang out from behind.

At this time, the rooftop was already in chaos.

There were screams, tables knocking over, and wine glasses breaking.

Fortunately, Lu Ming and Ni Yanyan had jumped down before the enemy fired again.

The three-story building is not high, and there are several points where you can stay instead of jumping off directly.

Therefore, Lu Ming's strong physical ability can still bear it.

The open space under the rooftop.

Lu Ming let go of the frightened Ni Yanyan in his arms.

"Run!" Then he was about to take Ni Yanyan away from here.


Gunshots rang out again!

There is also an ambush below...?
Lu Ming glanced at the building opposite, then quickly pulled Ni Yanyan and hid in the building.

I randomly found a room inside and hid.

After arriving at a slightly safer place, Ni Yanyan finally calmed down.

"Who are you? People outside want to kill me?!"


Lu Ming just wanted to speak.


The killer seemed to have discovered their room and shattered the glass in the room with one shot.

The glass of the window was shattered to pieces.

Lu Ming quickly pulled Ni Yanyan and hid in the blind corner of the window.

Brows furrowed.

He didn't expect these killers to be so rampant, even if they didn't succeed and were already exposed.

He actually refused to retreat and continued the pursuit.

He didn't know who was chasing Ni Yanyan.

And how many people the other party sent out.

But anyone who dares to attack the daughter of the Ni family must have a strong background.

Most people are not so bold.

If Lu Ming was alone, he was still confident that he could escape unscathed.

But now that he and Ni Yanyan are together, he obviously has to be careful.

"Let's go!"

Lu Ming greeted Ni Yanyan and planned to take her to the next safe place.

But just when the two were about to leave.

"Clap clap..."

There were heavy footsteps outside the room...

Ni Yanyan's heart clenched fiercely.

Is the person who is chasing her here? !

"You hide there first, don't move, I'll go take a look."

Lu Ming turned to Ni Yanyan and said.

Then he walked to the door alone.

After listening to Lu Ming's words, Ni Yanyan nodded obediently and went to squat in the corner.

A sense of security arose in my heart.

And this time.

Lu Ming's cell phone also vibrated.

After taking a look, I couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

His Xuanwu bodyguard group is in place.

Although the Xuanwu bodyguards protect Lu Ming 24 hours a day, they followed Lu Ming before he came out.

But after all, it was not personal protection, and Lu Ming was not used to it.

The gunshot sounded suddenly, and Lu Ming immediately jumped off the building to escape and entered the house.

So Xuanwu bodyguard took a little time to follow up.

But now that the Xuanwu bodyguards have arrived, Lu Ming is finally relieved.

Although I don’t know how many killers there are outside, with the strength of Xuanwu bodyguards, they can definitely deal with them.

So Lu Ming immediately gave the order.

Deal with the killer outside.

A gentleman doesn't build dangerous walls, now that Xuanwu's bodyguards are already here.

You must let them kill people first, then you will be safe.


Another burst of gunfire rang out.

At the same time, there were heart-rending screams.

Ni Yanyan, who was hiding in the corner of the room, was horrified, so Lu Ming had no choice but to walk over, hold her in his arms, and plug her ears.

Wait until the gunfire disappears and everything quiets down.

Lu Ming's phone vibrated.

He knew that the outside situation had been taken care of.

(End of this chapter)

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