Chapter 116 Ni Family Ni Honghui

Although the killers outside have been cleaned up by Xuanwu bodyguards.

But Lu Ming and Ni Yanyan still stayed in the room and did not go out.

The two of them stayed here for the time being. Lu Ming asked Ni Yanyan to contact her family quickly and ask her family to take her away.

"Drink some water."

Lu Ming could tell that Ni Yanyan was still a little nervous at this time, so he found some water in the room for her to drink.

"Well, thank you..."

Ni Yanyan held the quilt with both hands and drank in small sips, raising her head to look at Lu Ming from time to time.

There is a different kind of emotion in the eyes.

"Thank you for saving my life. I don't know who you are or what your name is?"

Ni Yanyan obviously knew at this time that these people were coming for her.

"My name is Lu Ming."

Lu Ming responded simply.

The topic ended and the room fell into silence.

Ni Yanyan seemed to feel a little embarrassed, so she tried hard to find a topic with the unfamiliar Lu Ming, and learned more about Lu Ming.

"You are very skilled...! If it weren't for you, I might have..."


"Why did those people outside suddenly disappear...?"

"I do not know either……"

Lu Ming only gave simple responses to Ni Yanyan's questions.

He didn't want to explain so much to Ni Yanyan and expose the existence of Xuanwu bodyguards for no reason.

Moreover, he noticed it.

This daughter of the Ni family talks too much and is too enthusiastic about herself, and there is something wrong with her eyes.

Could it be because of some kind of suspension bridge effect, or because he was a hero who saved the beauty and fell in love with him?

He only planned to gain the favor of the Ni family by saving her life.

And no other thoughts.

And Ni Yanyan was very frustrated when she saw that Lu Ming had been so cold.

She has never been so passionate about a man, and the man in front of her is the first one.

Just when she was a little frustrated.

Suddenly a rich male voice came from outside.

"Yanyan! Where are you? Dad is here to pick you up!"

Ni Yanyan immediately recognized her father's voice, stood up quickly, and opened the door.

ran out.

"Dad! I'm here!"

Lu Ming followed out without haste.

As soon as he left the room, he saw a dignified middle-aged man with more than a dozen bodyguards behind him.

This person is the head of the Ni family, Ni Honghui.

After Ni Yanyan saw her father, she hugged him immediately.

Ni Honghui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Ni Yanyan was not injured.

"My good daughter, Daddy was wrong. Daddy didn't protect you well."


Ni Yanyan finally couldn't help crying.

Ni Honghui blamed himself for his daughter's experience and crying. Although the Ni family was powerful, they also had many enemies.

Otherwise, this kind of thing would not happen to my daughter today.

"Daughter, please tell Dad carefully about what happened tonight..."

After comforting Ni Yanyan and calming down, Ni Honghui began to review the situation tonight.

He was enjoying himself outside, but ended up receiving many phone calls.

Everyone said that his daughter Ni Yanyan had been assassinated.

The other party also used firearms.

His daughter also fell downstairs.

Life and death are currently unknown.

Although these words are very timid, they are related to his precious daughter.

He did not dare to take it lightly and immediately called his daughter.

But no one answered.

He was so frightened that he quickly led his men and horses straight to Qingping Village.Fortunately, as soon as he arrived in the village, he received a call from Ni Yanyan and gave him an address to come over.


Facing Ni Honghui's inquiry, Ni Yanyan wanted to tell her about tonight's experience.

But when I think of what happened just now, my heart beats violently, and my chest becomes so tight that it is difficult to breathe.

His mind also became less clear, and he obviously had some aftereffects of what happened just now.

See here.

Lu Ming stood up and spoke proactively.

"Uncle, I think Miss Ni is not in a good condition. Why don't you let me tell you."

After Lu Ming spoke, Ni Honghui noticed that there was another person like Lu Ming.

He was too worried about his precious daughter just now. He only focused on his own daughter and didn't care about other people at all.

"who are you?"

There was a vigilant attitude in Ni Honghui's tone and eyes.

Ni Yanyan also heard it and quickly defended.

"Dad, he saved me tonight! His name is Lu Ming."

After hearing Ni Yanyan's words, Ni Honghui lowered his guard and turned his eyes to look grateful.

Lu Ming also described tonight's situation to Ni Honghui one by one.

Although it is just a few understatement words.

But Ni Honghui could also hear the thrill of tonight.

In this little time alone, this young man Lu Ming has saved his precious daughter several times!
First, he pulled his daughter up from the building, and then jumped her down to avoid being shot.

Later, he also avoided the pursuit of several waves of killers.

No one could do better than him.

After listening to Lu Ming's description.

Ni Honghui also shed tears of gratitude to Lu Ming.

"Lu Ming, thank you so much. If it weren't for you tonight, I would..."

Ni Honghui’s words speak for themselves.

If Lu Ming hadn't saved her several times, he would have only seen his daughter's body tonight.

"Yeah...thanks to Lu Ming...otherwise I really wouldn't be able to run away."

Ni Yanyan also heard the implication of his father's words and echoed heavily.

She was still a little shaken by what happened tonight. She felt like she was about to die when she fell from the building and when she was shot. When she recalled it, she was frightened.

After making things clear, Lu Ming also said goodbye.

"Since you are here, uncle, I will leave first."

Hearing that Lu Ming was about to leave, Ni Yanyan immediately shouted.

"Lu Ming, don't leave...!"

But then he realized that what he said was a bit ambiguous.

He also quickly added an explanation.

"I mean, I haven't thanked you properly for saving my life. You can't just leave."

"It's just a little effort. Miss Ni doesn't need to thank me. Just take a good rest."

Lu Ming directly rejected Ni Yanyan.

Because he knew that even if he refused, the other party would never let it go.

I will still repay this life-saving grace.

In this way, you can make a better impression on yourself.

Moreover, although he was saving Ni Yanyan's life, what he wanted was the kindness of Ni Honghui, the head of the Ni family.

After Lu Ming finished speaking, he turned and left.

Ni Yanyan originally wanted to follow, but was stopped by Ni Honghui.

"Daughter, I'll see Lu Ming off. Don't worry, I will repay him well."

Then he followed Lu Ming's footsteps.

"Wait a minute."

Hearing Ni Honghui's voice from behind, Lu Ming's lips curved into a smile.

He guessed this would happen...

But when he turned around, he had a pure look on his face.

"What's wrong, uncle...?"

(End of this chapter)

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