Chapter 137 Scream

Lu Ming followed the navigation and drove to this large haunted house.

After seeing the scale of this haunted house, Lu Ming couldn't help but marvel. This haunted house is indeed one of the top haunted houses in the world.

And looking at the flow of people coming and going, it can be seen that business is really good.

Before the three of them entered the haunted house, they were already attracted by all the interesting things outside.

Especially Lin Wan, who has never been to a haunted house, is very interested in everything.

While walking around in the strange streets outside, he bought many strange little things. After a while, Lu Ming had many bags in his hands.

Lin Wan was playing around in each stall, choosing things.

Lu Ming followed behind, and the two of them joked around from time to time. In the end, Lu Ming paid for whatever Lin Wan liked and left.

The happy behavior of the two young lovers made Ni Yanyan who was following behind look envious.

Fortunately, she also has a coat from Lu Ming.

Wearing Lu Ming's coat, Ni Yanyan felt as if she was being held by Lu Ming.

Relying on this comfort, I finally got through the shopping session ahead.

They started to play in the haunted house.

under the leadership of the staff.

Three people lined up to enter the haunted house.

Lu Ming was the tank at the front, tightly holding Lin Wan behind him, and the last one was Ni Yanyan.

Following this formation, the three of them moved forward slowly on the narrow road of the haunted house.

As they walked deeper, the haunted house became darker, and some parts were even completely invisible.

The road is also very bumpy, with many obstacles placed on the ground.

Fortunately, the haunted house was very conscientious and distributed a small flashlight to each person.

The one with low brightness can barely illuminate a small area. They can rely on this small flashlight to pay attention to obstacles on the road and avoid them.

"Be careful, there's a rock here."

Lu Ming held a flashlight in one hand and shined it up and down, responsible for clearing the way and giving reminders. He held Lin Wan with the other hand.

Following Lu Ming's prompts, Lin Wan carefully avoided the obstacles.

But right now.


Suddenly there was a scream behind Lu Ming.

"Honey, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?!"

Since it was a short scream, Lu Ming only knew that it was coming from the person behind him and could not identify who it was.

So hurry up and take care of your wife.

But Lin Wan said: "Husband, I'm fine, it's not me, it's my sister who is calling."

Then he let go of Lu Ming's hand and turned around to care about Ni Yanyan behind him.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?!"

"I...I kicked that stone, it hurts..."

Lu Ming was speechless. He had already reminded her, but Ni Yanyan could still kick her.

Now one of them was injured at the beginning, so how can we continue to play?

"You're injured. Why don't you go back first? The road ahead will definitely be more difficult."

Lu Ming suggested kindly.

He was afraid that taking care of Lin Wan by himself would not be enough, and he would not have the attention to pay attention to Ni Yanyan at all.

Maybe she will suffer other injuries later.

Ni Yanyan felt very sad after hearing what Lu Ming said.

But he immediately said: "I'm fine, it just hurt a little bit, and it won't affect my walking."

As she spoke, Ni Yanyan jumped a few times.

In this regard, Lu Ming couldn't say anything more, so he could only follow her wishes and move on.

After walking for a while.

The three of them finally crossed the narrow path and reached a wider area.

Now Lin Wan could walk side by side with Ni Yanyan.

So Lin Wan walked to Ni Yanyan and helped her walk.

"Thank you sister."

So the formation of the team changed to Lu Ming in the front, Lin Wan and Ni Yanyan in the back.

Although the terrain became spacious and flat, Lu Ming also discovered many strange things under the flashlight detection.And these things may come out and scare people at any time.

"Let's go."

The three then moved on.

When I came to a right-turn intersection, suddenly there were strange sounds coming from behind me.

Everyone turned their heads to look.

"Ah! Ah!" Two screams sounded instantly.

I saw a white shadow rushing toward them quickly!

When Lu Ming just turned around and saw it, his pupils shrank and he was startled.

But he immediately subconsciously blocked Lin Wan and faced the white shadow.

As the white shadow got closer and closer, it was about to touch his face.

Lu Ming suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it!
He dragged Bai Ying to the ground...

"It's okay, it's just a piece of white gauze!"

Lu Ming pinched the white gauze in his hand and quickly comforted the two people behind him.

At the same time, he looked above his head and found a steel wire.

"Look, there is a device above the head that specifically controls the movement of these things..."

After Lu Ming explained, Lin Wan and Ni Yanyan breathed a sigh of relief. They were really scared just now.

Unexpectedly, instead of coming out from the front, this thing sneaks up on the back!
After this experience, many haunted house traps appeared on the road behind, and everyone made it through after stumbling.


Lu Ming and the others came to a new scene.

This place was turned into an abandoned hospital, with black and blood-red stains everywhere.

Just before they had time to take a closer look at this place.

Suddenly, a man in hospital clothes rushed out of the room on the left.

Moreover, his eyes were still white, his face was ulcerated, his body movements were distorted, and he twitched from time to time.


Lin Wan and Ni Yanyan behind them couldn't bear the sight of them. They were indeed disgusting.

However, Lu Ming could still tell that this was played by a real NPC, and he couldn't tear his hands apart now.

He had no choice but to take Lin Wan's hand and run away!

Ni Yanyan couldn't keep up for a moment and was pulled to the spot.

But Lu Ming didn't stop either. It was important to protect his wife.

He was running around with Lin Wan, but he could still vaguely feel that there was "something" following behind.

At last.

Lu Ming had no choice but to find a room that looked safe and let Lin Wan in.

"Honey, stay here for now and don't come out. I'll lure them away and then come to you."


Before Lin Wan could say anything, Lu Ming closed the door and ran out.

The guy who was following closely behind him was indeed taken away by Lu Ming.

"Wow, why are there more and more?"

Lu Ming was running around in this abandoned hospital. Maybe there was too much movement, and several NPCs noticed it and kept chasing him.

And the scale of this scene is not small. There are twists and turns everywhere, and there are many rooms, such as treatment rooms, medical rooms, and instrument rooms.

Lu Ming fainted after running around for several times.

Just when Lu Ming stopped at the door of a room to catch his breath.

Suddenly, a small hand grabbed Lu Ming.

Lu Ming was also startled and just wanted to break free.

But found out it was Ni Yanyan!
She actually hid here after being left behind.

Just like that, Lu Ming was pulled into the room.

After closing the door.

Ni Yanyan said nothing.

Just hug Lu Ming!

"What are you doing...?!"

(End of this chapter)

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