Crazy, my blind date kidnapped me to get the certificate

Chapter 138 Wedding Photo Authorization

Chapter 138 Wedding Photo Authorization

Because Ni Yanyan hugged her tightly, Lu Ming could clearly feel the softness and body temperature of her body.

"What are you doing, acting like a hooligan..."

Lu Ming just finished speaking.

Ni Yanyan put her red lips up and kissed Lu Ming forcefully.


Lu Ming didn't expect that Ni Yanyan was so fierce, charging up with a combo of moves.

He couldn't react for a moment and sank in.

After kissing for a long time and unable to breathe, Ni Yanyan stopped.

With a red face, he explained seriously.

"I didn't mean it. I was poisoned in the game and needed to kiss the opposite sex to get better.

Thank you for saving me. "

Ni Yanyan still has a bit of quick wit and acting skills. When she makes up lies, it's really fast and realistic.

Lu Ming almost "believed it!"

This is a haunted house!He has never heard of the setting of being poisoned and needing a kiss!
Handsome boys are so dangerous when they are alone.

If you are not careful, you will receive a kiss from someone like Ni Yanyan.

Too terrified!

Although Ni Yanyan's lies were outrageous, Lu Ming had no intention of exposing them.

The main thing was that it would be too embarrassing if she exposed it, so I had no choice but to go along with what she said.

"Oh. No wonder you are like this. Are you okay then?"

Unexpectedly, Ni Yanyan would go even further after hearing what Lu Ming said.

"Not yet. There may still be some residual poison that has not been resolved. I need you to give me a hug to heal."

Lu Ming was speechless for a while, getting more and more outrageous.

But Ni Yanyan couldn't wait any longer and got directly into Lu Ming's arms.

"So comfortable, so warm, and full of security..."

Ni Yanyan, who was in Lu Ming's arms, closed her eyes and enjoyed it, and whispered.

Seeing this, Lu Ming softened his heart and did not push her away immediately.

After a while, Lu Ming saw that Ni Yanyan still refused to stop.

Then he pushed her away: "That's enough, you really won't come out if I don't call you."

"Thank you for saving me."

Ni Yanyan said seriously to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming put his hand on her forehead, intending to see if the child had a fever and was confused.

Why don't you look very smart?

Or is this the highest level of deception in the legend, to deceive yourself first?
Shaking his head, Lu Ming stopped paying attention to him and planned to go find Lin Wan.

He had been away from Lin Wan for a while and was very worried.

at this time.


A female voice screamed faintly from outside.

Lu Ming thought something had happened to Lin Wan.

Run out of the room.

"Wife!? Wife, what's wrong with you?!"

Because there were so many rooms in the venue, Lu Ming had already forgotten which room Lin Wan was in.

Just like a headless fly, scurrying around looking from room to room.

"Honey, are you okay?!"

"Can you hear me?"

Finally, in another corner corridor, Lu Ming saw Lin Wan's figure.

He rushed over and hugged Lin Wan tightly.

"Honey, why did you come out!? Are you okay?! I was scared to death!"

Lu Ming said with lingering fear.

But Lin Wan looked confused: "I'm fine. I heard your voice and thought something was wrong with you, so I came out to save you!"

It turned out that Lin Wan had been staying safely in the room.

But Lu Ming was not seen back for a long time, but he heard Lu Ming's voice and thought something had happened to Lu Ming.

He just wanted to come out to save Lu Ming, so he left the safe room and appeared in the corridor. "It scared me to death. I heard a scream and thought something was wrong with you."

Lu Ming was a little scared, but at the same time he was also very moved.

As a girl, Lin Wan could not resist the scary things just now.

But he left the safe room for himself and came out to save him.

"Honey, I will always be by your side from now on and never leave you.

After leaving you for a while, God knows how worried I am about you. "

"Yeah, hubby, we want to be together forever."

Ni Yanyan, who followed Lu Ming, felt that she was too redundant at this time and should not be here.

Listening to the disgusting conversation between Lu Ming and Lin Wan, Ni Yanyan quickly spoke up.

"Ahem, sister, just be fine.

Then let's get out quickly! "

When Ni Yanyan spoke out, Lu Ming and Lin Wan remembered that there was another person around them.

"Oh...yes, let's go out!"

Lin Wan was a little embarrassed. She was so carried away that she also forgot that Ni Yanyan was watching.

Next is the haunted house level.

Lu Ming and the others also passed the thrilling level.

Along the way, Ni Yanyan was stuffed with a lot of dog food.

Although Lu Ming and Lin Wan have tried their best to restrain themselves, the love they show when they get along is enough to kill many singles.

But Ni Yanyan was so angry.

After breaking through the last level and reaching the exit, Ni Yanyan went out first.

By the time Lu Ming and Lin Wan came out, she had disappeared.

"Have you seen the girl with us?"

Lin Wan asked the staff.

It was obvious that she had just watched Ni Yanyan come out one step ahead, but why was he completely missing?

"Oh. The lady just asked me to tell you that she was in a hurry and went back."

The staff responded.

"That's it. My sister left so suddenly." Lin Wan said with some regret.

Obviously, Lin Wan has a good impression of Ni Yanyan and likes to play with her.

Lu Ming thought to himself after hearing this.

If Lin Wan knew what Ni Yanyan did to her, she would definitely not feel good about her.

But he couldn't say it, because if he did, he would get into trouble.

I had no choice but to change the subject and said: "Maybe there is something urgent. Then I will go back, just in time to get the wedding photos."


After Lu Ming said this, Lin Wan no longer focused on Ni Yanyan.

She couldn't wait to see the finished wedding photos.

Then the two of them got back in the car and drove towards the photo studio.

After half an hour.

The two reached their destination.

The photographer and the boss were already at the door to welcome us.

Even when they were taking their wedding photos, they were full of praise for Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

"Mr. Lu, Ms. Lin. You are definitely the most well-matched couple I have ever seen in all my years of working in the industry. They are a talented man and a beautiful woman, a golden boy and a beautiful girl.

The wedding photos taken are even more flawless. I wonder if you two can authorize the photos to our photo studio for promotion? "

The photo studio owner asked after a flurry of flattery.

In fact, the boss was already prepared to be rejected. After all, Lu Ming and the others could afford to take such expensive wedding photos, so they would never pay them any licensing fees.

But because the wedding photos were too perfect, she couldn't help but ask.


Lin Wan agreed straightforwardly.


Lin Wan's answer was beyond their expectations. They all froze in place, unable to believe it...

(End of this chapter)

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