Chapter 150
When Lu Ming knocked down the bodyguard, Liu Yulin was so frightened that she hid in the room.

But what's the use of it?
Lu Ming jumped directly over the bodyguards on the ground and strode into the room.

Liu Yulin, who was hiding in the corner, was pulled up.

"Don't hit me don't hit me!"

Liu Yulin was so frightened that she kept begging for mercy.

"So it's you, what's wrong? You're not convinced on the boat?
So why did you trick me here?Now you can implement it! "

Lu Ming spoke in a condescending and indifferent tone, which made Liu Yulin tremble crazily.

She saw Lu Ming's fighting power, and she suspected that she would die here if Lu Ming punched her.

Because she was too scared and didn't know what to say, she was afraid that Lu Ming would be unhappy if she said it, so Liu Yulin kept hesitating.

"I...just...I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Wuwuwu"

Liu Yulin was so frightened that she cried.

Her crying made Lu Ming very annoyed and he shouted loudly.

"Shut up, stop crying! Talk to me!"

With a loud shout, Liu Yulin quickly stopped crying, but she still couldn't help but choke.

This look makes him look very weak and pitiful.

But Lu Ming was not soft-hearted at all. He was the victim of the scam, and he just made a comeback.

"Tell me now, or I wouldn't mind letting you taste my fist!"

In fact, Lu Ming didn't even bother to hit this woman, he was just scaring her.

But this scare was also very effective. Liu Yulin trembled and spoke cautiously.

"I just...want Big Bear to teach you a lesson in front of me..."

"Haha?! Is it just me? I remember you invited us as a couple!
just you?Still want to touch my wife! "

When talking about Lin Wan, Lu Ming was obviously angry.

Liu Yulin also heard it and knew that Lin Wan was his forbidden descendant, so she quickly argued.

"No, no! I didn't...!
I didn't want to touch your wife...

By the way, they are all big bears, they should be big bears, I never said that! "

Lu Ming knew at a glance that Liu Yulin was trying to blame others, and gave her a fierce look.

Liu Yulin quickly lowered her head and begged for mercy.

"Please, let me go! I have money. How about I give you money and let me go?"

How could Lu Ming care about Liu Yulin's money?

Looking at Liu Yulin's condition, she still lives in an ordinary hotel room. Even if she is a rich second generation, she probably doesn't have much money.

His net worth is probably much more than that of her family.

For a moment, Lu Ming really couldn't think of how to punish this woman.

Hitting women is not his style.

But he couldn't let her go so easily.

When Lu Ming was silent, Liu Yulin thought there was a drama and she could spend money to eliminate the disaster.

"I'll transfer the money to you right away. Please let me go."

Liu Yulin couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone and wanted to transfer money to Lu Ming so that Lu Ming would let her go.

"Who the hell cares about your three melons and two dates!"

Lu Ming said angrily.

Liu Yulin was dumbfounded. It turned out that spending money to eliminate disasters was useless.

She looked at the miserable bodyguard Big Bear lying on the ground again.

Even though he was as strong as a big bear, he couldn't get up after being beaten by Lu Ming. He was grunting on the ground and looked like he was half dead.

If it were her, then definitely...

Thinking of this, Liu Yulin couldn't help but shudder.

Then he gritted his teeth and thought of a way.

Since spending money is not enough, then use beauty.

"Handsome guy, if you don't want money...otherwise...I can do it too.

You can play whatever you want... fine. "

As she spoke, a touch of red appeared on Liu Yulin's face.

At the same time, because she was in her own room, she was wearing a very casual and cool gauze dress, and a large area of ​​white was exposed under her struggle.

It can be said that there is endless spring.

She secretly raised her head and glanced at Lu Ming, who was thinking. "So handsome... It's worth it if you get fucked by such a handsome guy."

Liu Yulin was so immersed in Lu Ming's appearance that she forgot about her current situation and started to become a nymphomaniac.

If Lu Ming knew what she was thinking now.

He probably wanted to give her a good slap.

In this case, wouldn't this woman make a lot of money?

Lu Ming also noticed Liu Yulin's demeanor at this time and gave her a roll of his eyes.

said without hesitation.

"My wife is much prettier than you, why would I fall in love with you?! I want to eat shit!"

Lu Ming didn't like this woman.

Although she is somewhat pretty, she should be pretty good in the eyes of ordinary people.

But Lu Ming has such high standards, how could he fall in love with her?

Even if this didn't happen, if Liu Yulin wanted to give in, Lu Ming wouldn't.

Liu Yulin was immediately angry when Lu Ming said this.

She, Liu Yulin, can be regarded as a rich second-generation goddess.

There are usually many people chasing her and supporting her.

Today, I was rushing to repost it. Even after I said this, the other party was indifferent! ?
If the other party hadn't gotten married and had a wife, she would have doubted whether Lu Ming was good enough.

Although she had met Lin Wan, she had to admit that Lin Wan's beauty was superior to hers.

This is why she became jealous and spoke rudely on the ship.

But this does not mean that a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a thief.

How can a wild cat not steal the fishy smell, and how can a domestic flower have the fragrance of wild flowers?

Why does this man think so little of himself?
But Liu Yulin did not dare to say these words.

He was deeply afraid of making Lu Ming angry and that he would not end well.

Lu Ming's attitude towards her.

Liu Yulin even felt unconfident about her appearance for a while.

He couldn't help but reach out and touch his face, his face full of resentment.

How could she understand how deep Lu Ming's love for Lin Wan was.

As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Originally, Lin Wan's appearance was extremely beautiful. Coupled with the aura of love, in Lu Ming's eyes, Lin Wan was the most beautiful woman in the world.

After thinking for a while, Lu Ming suddenly had an idea.

"By the way, this woman likes to dress up so much and wears so many famous brands.

It means that she is a vain person, then if..."

Lu Ming thought of a way to punish Liu Yulin.

So he said to Liu Yulin.

"You follow me out to the stage and shout that I am a stupid woman and a big idiot...!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Yulin subconsciously refused.

"I won't go, I won't go, it's too embarrassing! Just kill me!"

For a face-saving person like Liu Yulin, doing such a shameful thing was simply more uncomfortable than killing her.

If word spreads, how will she behave in the future?

"Really? If you don't do it, then you'll eat your fist!"

Lu Ming threatened.


"I do what I do..."

Under Lu Ming's threat of force, Liu Yulin was forced to agree.

Even though she said it was embarrassing, it would be better to kill her.

But that was just her way of resisting, to see if Lu Ming could let her go.

But Lu Ming was determined to punish her, and she definitely didn't want to be beaten to death.

At this time, Liu Yulin really regretted it.

If she had listened to Chen Tingting and not done these things, she would not have to be embarrassed today.

But now that the matter has come to this, she can only do as Lu Ming said...

(End of this chapter)

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