Chapter 151 Surprise
Just like that, Liu Yulin succumbed to Lu Ming's threats and agreed to go out and shout at the event.

But considering how disheveled she was at this time.

Lu Ming still asked her to change clothes before going out.

At this time, the bodyguard Big Bear also gradually recovered.

Seeing that his master was being taken away.

Although I knew I was outmatched, I still wanted to give it a try.

After all, as a bodyguard, his duty is to protect his boss.

Now that the boss was taken away in front of his eyes, will he still work as a bodyguard in the future?

So while Lu Ming's back was turned to him, Big Bear got up angrily and rushed towards Lu Ming.

He is also somewhat wise.

Since you can't beat him, then grab Lu Ming first.

Let your boss run out, so that the boss will be fine, and the most he will get is a beating.

But apparently, while he had wisdom, it wasn't much.

As soon as he stood up, he roared.

Lu Ming didn't even need to look back.

A direct roundhouse kick.

Kicked the big bear to the ground again.

"Is there something wrong with your brain? You screamed before the sneak attack because you were afraid that I wouldn't know?"

Lu Ming said speechlessly.

I feel like this guy has trained his muscles too much and has lost his brain.

Then urged Liu Yulin to the bathroom.

"Are you okay? Come out quickly."

Liu Yulin immediately left the bathroom with her head lowered like a little quail.

She also heard sounds outside just now.

Looking down, her bodyguard Big Bear was lying in another place.

But this time the big bear lay on the ground and didn't react at all.

Liu Yulin was immediately frightened.

"He He……"

Liu Yulin thought Lu Ming had killed someone.

I was too scared to speak.

Lu Ming glanced at her and immediately knew what she was thinking.

"Stop him, he won't die. He just fainted."

Liu Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she was even more afraid to oppose Lu Ming.

that's it.

Liu Yulin was brought to the event site by Lu Ming.

"Start shouting, shout three times."

Lu Ming stepped aside and waited for her to speak.

When Liu Yulin saw so many people present, she was really embarrassed to speak.

Several times my mouth moved and I couldn't speak.

Until Lu Ming got impatient with waiting.

Get ready to walk towards her.

Liu Yulin then closed her eyes tightly, like an ostrich buried in the sand, risking her life and shouting loudly.

"I am, I am a stupid woman, a big idiot..."

Because she was too nervous, Liu Yulin shouted four or five times, and her voice was very loud, which directly attracted the attention of everyone around her.

When she opened her eyes, everyone was looking at her.

She suddenly blushed like a monkey's butt.

All her face had been lost at this moment in her life, and she was no longer embarrassed to stay here.

He quickly turned around and ran back to the hotel.

I even checked out and left the island overnight.

Otherwise, what if I meet someone at the event again tonight?
So she had to escape from here.

Lu Ming, on the other hand, saw Liu Yulin speaking from the side and ignored her.

Turned around and went back to find Lin Wan.

"Husband, let's take care of the matter."

"Well, okay, I kept you waiting."

Lin Wan shook her head: "I'm fine. It's just a pity that the show was quite good and you didn't see it."

Lu Ming didn't care about the previous programs, as long as he could catch the last one.

Coincidentally, at this time, the host on stage was also announcing the last program of the night.

A lot of staff also came up to decorate the stage again, making it even more beautiful.Seeing this scene, many people in the audience couldn't help but look forward to what the finale program would be. There was such a big movement.

After the layout was completed, a magician appeared.

The magician first performed several wonderful magic performances, which won the applause of everyone.

Then he opened his mouth and invited the guests to come to the stage to participate.

"I'd like to invite some guests to the venue to participate in the magic, okay?!"

Many people in the audience were eager to give it a try.

"I come!"


"I want to go up too."

But what they didn't know was that the person who would take the stage had already been decided.

That was the mastermind of this plan, Lu Ming.

He will take Lin Wan on stage with him.

So Lu Ming also cooperated and extended his hand to express his intention to go on stage.

Lin Wan also glanced at Lu Ming in surprise. In her impression, Lu Ming had always been very low-key. If he didn't like to participate in these things, he probably wouldn't apply to be on stage.

Lu Ming raised his hand, and the magician followed the process and chose him.

"Just invite this gentleman and the lady next to him!"

Lin Wan didn't expect that the magician actually chose them.

After Lu Ming was "chosen", he stood up.

Lin Wan also has no stage fright. As a domineering female CEO, this kind of scene is naturally nothing to her.

They both stood up together.

Everyone looked over and couldn't help but admire him.

What a pair of golden boy and jade girl.

"Look, that man is so handsome, and the woman is so beautiful too."

"Yeah, they're really a good match."

"They look so in love."

A passerby couldn't help but sigh.

Because Lu Mingzheng took Lin Wan's arm and walked onto the stage like a gentleman.

"As you can see, our guests today are a perfect match of talent and beauty."

After the host starts to control the scene.

Next, Lu Ming and Lin Wan cooperated with the magician and performed several wonderful magic tricks.

Watching a magic show up close is completely different from watching it in the audience.

Lin Wan watched with admiration.

"It seems that this lady likes magic shows very much. How about I teach the husband a few tricks and let him perform it for you."

The magician began to cue Lu Ming.

Lu Ming nodded in agreement, and it was finally his turn.

In order to give Lin Wan a surprise, he practiced secretly.

In fact, the most important condition for magic is that the hand sensitivity must be high and fast!

It has to be so fast that others can't see it with the naked eye, so magic is usually a kind of deception.

With Lu Ming's physical fitness, it was no problem to learn a few simple magic tricks.

The trouble was that he and Lin Wan were together all day long and had very little time to practice secretly.

Fortunately, Lu Ming was extremely talented and learned it in a short time.

Lu Ming picked up a white cloth from the table and showed it to Lin Wan.

Confirmation is just a simple white cloth.

Then he stuffed the white cloth into the palm of his hand and let Lin Wan take a breath.

next second.

A rose suddenly grew out of Lu Ming's palm!

It immediately caused an uproar in the audience.

Lin Wan also opened her starry eyes curiously.

Seeing this, Lu Ming smiled fondly, knelt down on one knee and presented the rose to Lin Wan.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Wan shyly prepared to take it.

But right now.

When Lin Wan was about to bear roses.

The rose suddenly disappeared, but was replaced by an exquisite bracelet.

Lu Ming gently brought the bracelet to Lin Wan's hand.

Kissing Lin Wan gently on the back of her hand...

(End of this chapter)

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