Chapter 152 Qian Fen Chun Yang Line

At this time, Lin Wan immediately guessed what was going on.

It turns out that the organizer of this event mentioned by the host is her husband, Lu Ming.

This is the surprise he prepared for himself!
It must be, otherwise why would she just invite them here, and Lu Ming even perform magic tricks to give her gifts.

These must be prepared in advance.

For a moment, Lin Wan was very moved and her eyes turned red.

When she first arrived at the stage, she was very envious when she heard that this event was a surprise given by the organizer to her loved one.

I even hope that person is Lu Ming.

But then, although Lu Ming didn't say it clearly, he also said it wasn't him.

Her hopes were dashed, and she was still a little disappointed.

But she didn't expect that Lu Ming was teasing her before.

The surprise only appeared at this time.

Such a mental journey made her feel even more excited than usual when she received this surprise.

It's just like losing something and finding it again, it's the same principle.

When the audience saw this scene, they also started talking.

"It's so romantic!"

"I know! This man planned this event!"

"It makes sense. The host said it at the beginning. It was a surprise prepared by the organizer for his partner."

"How much does this rich!"

Although they are also people who can afford to travel and stay in such a good hotel on the island.

But that doesn’t mean they will spend so much money planning an event.

The venue fee was used to build such a big stage and decorate the island so beautifully at night.

Labor costs, inviting so many celebrities and performing artists, are also a huge expense.

And the bracelet I gave to my partner in the end, it looked like a priceless item at first glance.

If all the expenses are added up, how many millions or tens of millions will it cost? !

Even a person worth hundreds of millions would not spend like this!
So I can only say that the organizer of the event, that is, the handsome guy on the stage, is not simple!
After Lin Wan burst into tears, she slightly covered her face with her left hand to prevent herself from losing all her dignity.

Seeing her looking so cute, Lu Ming couldn't help but smile, stood up, and held her tightly in his arms.

A hand kept stroking her back, calming her down quickly.

When people in the audience saw this scene, they envied and blessed them.

"Kiss one kiss one!"

I don't know who suddenly took the lead in shouting something, which instantly caused everyone to follow suit.

"Kiss one!"

Countless people shouted loudly.

"is it okay?"

In this atmosphere, Lu Ming also felt that not kissing him would be a shame for today's memories.

"Yeah..." Lin Wan agreed shyly in a low voice.

Although she can go on stage in front of so many people to participate in activities, she is still very embarrassed to kiss in front of everyone.

However, she still accepted Lu Ming's proposal.

Lin Wan was also very happy to receive so many people's blessings to her and Lu Ming.


The lips of the two of them touched each other.

"Clap clap clap!"

It immediately attracted applause and blessings from everyone in the audience!

However, after the kiss, Lu Ming took the shy Lin Wan off the stage and fled away.

The next closing process will be guided by the host.

He and Lin Wan stopped staying.

"Husband, when did you prepare this surprise?"

On the way back to the hotel, Lin Wan's beautiful eyes showed a look of joy.

She was already very happy to be able to stay on the honeymoon trip with Lu Ming, not to mention that Lu Ming had prepared these surprises for him.

"Just take advantage of some fragmented time, such as the time before you get up from bed."

After hearing this, Lin Wan couldn't help but feel a little distressed. "No wonder hubby, you have dark circles under your eyes recently. You didn't get enough rest to get rid of them."

Lin Wan was happy and felt sorry for Lu Ming at the same time.

In fact, Lu Ming didn't feel that he didn't have a good rest. He took the genetic medicine rewarded by the system, and his physical fitness was already much better than that of ordinary people.

You don’t even have to sleep for that long to be alive and full of energy.

As for the dark circles under Lin Wan's eyes, Lu Ming didn't think so.

This is probably because your mother thinks you are not eating well and have lost weight.But you have obviously gained a few pounds for the same reason.

"It's okay, I don't feel tired at all.

Most of the things are just a phone call away, and the people below can handle them. "

Lu Ming said truthfully.

Under the influence of Qian's ability, he really doesn't need to do much, and there are countless professional people who will take care of it for him.

"Well, hubby, let's go back quickly!"

Lin Wan said this suddenly, as if she couldn't wait.

Lu Ming naturally heard the implication of her words, and his heart felt hot.

The two couldn't help but quicken their pace and quickly returned to the hotel room.

"Close the door..."

Lin Wan's mouth was blocked and she hesitated.

Lu Ming kicked the door behind him.

There is no way, my hands are not free.

Then the two of them fell into the soft bed.


The next day.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan didn't get up until the afternoon.

Today they are going to visit some famous scenic spots in Qiandao Lake.

For example, Qiandao Lake Forest Oxygen Bar, Qianfen Chunyang Line, Jiulong River Rafting, Ancient Lion City, etc.

Originally, they planned to go to Qiandao Lake Forest Oxygen Bar in the morning.

After all, Qiandao Lake Forest Oxygen Bar is said to have more than 300 different plants in the scenic area, and the air has a high content of true negative oxygen ions and the air quality is excellent, especially in the morning.

So it's best to go there in the morning to get some fresh air.

But plans are not as good as change.

He went to bed very late last night. Even if Lu Ming could get up in the morning, Lin Wan really didn't have the energy.

So I just slept until I had a good rest in the afternoon and then came out.

But because of this, the plan had to be changed, and some places would not be visited.

"God is good, the weather is very good today, my dear."

Lu Ming opened the floor-to-ceiling window, felt the weather today, and shouted to Lin Wan who was washing up in the bathroom.

The weather today is very comfortable, bright but not too hot, and there is a gentle breeze.

It's very pleasant to walk outside like this.

"Really? Then let's go cycling on the Qianfenchunyang Line! Then go shopping in the Ancient Lion City in the evening!"

Lin Wan suddenly thought of the itinerary.

However, she had no interest in rafting. It was too intense and risky.

Although she and Lu Ming could both swim, they would still be worried if they stumbled.


Lu Ming is free to do anything, and his wife can go wherever she wants.

After the two of them washed and dressed up, they set off towards the Qianfenchunyang Line.

The people at the hotel had already prepared bicycles for them, and there were also boats and special cars to take them there.

When you come back, just give them a call and they will be picked up.

Excellent hotels will take good care of guests' needs in all aspects.

that's it.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan rode on the Qianfenchunyang Line while leisurely admiring the beautiful scenery surrounded by mountains and rivers...

(End of this chapter)

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