Chapter 162

The next day.

Lu Ming woke up from bed, took out his phone in a daze and saw that it was already noon.

He got up so late today just because he played late last night and was tired.


Lin Wan is the type of female chess player.

Lu Ming checked the time and also saw a text message on his phone.

Lu Ming didn't take a closer look. His assets had reached a point where he would not be able to spend them all in a few lifetimes.

Now pure cash rewards can no longer arouse his fluctuations, unless the rewards of more useful skill props are about the same.

After taking a glance, Lu Ming threw the phone aside and touched Lin Wan beside him.

The result was a void.

Wife is up?
Not right.

Logically speaking, Lin Wan consumed much more energy than him last night.

Normally, Lin Wan would have to go to bed relatively late before getting up, and it was impossible to get up earlier than him.

Lu Ming was confused and planned to get up and check.

But Lin Wan outside seemed to hear Lu Ming's movements and walked in.

"Honey, you're awake. I was about to call you?"

Seeing Lin Wan, Lu Ming also asked immediately.

"Why did you get up so early today? Is there something in the company that you have to deal with?"

Lu Ming could only think of this reason.

"No, I told you to hand over the company and focus on being with you.

And the company is running very well now, so I don’t need to go there. "

Lin Wan said with a satisfied smile. The recent development of Shuangmu Group was a bit beyond her expectation.

Even if he, the chairman and president, is not around, with the concerted efforts of the company's top executives, the company's performance continues to hit new highs.

Of course, the perfume and facial mask given by Lu Ming are also indispensable.

Hearing what Lin Wan said, Lu Ming was surprised. There was no reason to get up so early, right?
So he asked his own question.

"Then why did you get up so early today? You didn't get much sleep."

As Lu Ming said that, he immediately noticed that Lin Wan seemed to be dressing up.

"Are you going out? You're dressed so beautifully."


Lin Wan sat in front of the dressing table.

"Then where are you going, with whom, and what are you doing?"

Lu Ming couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Recently, Lin Wan has been by her side.

Now something suddenly happened to Lin Wan, and he didn't know what to do.

Listening to what Lu Ming said, Lin Wan could smell a hint of jealousy, so she thought of teasing him deliberately.

Pretending to be mysterious, he said: "This is a secret, hehe..."

Lu Ming looked at Lin Wan blinking her eyes and twirling her eyebrows, and knew that he was teasing him, so he didn't fall for it.

He also pretended that he didn't want to know.

“If you don’t tell me, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know.

Oops... Then I can take a vacation today and go out to play by myself. "

As soon as these words came out, Lin Wan was not happy.

Immediately breaking the power, he stood up and threw himself on Lu Ming: "You are happy about the holiday, aren't you?"

"Hmph! What a beautiful idea!"

"I heard that there is a very delicious Japanese restaurant. The reservation is for noon. Let's go and give it a try."

Only then did Lu Ming understand why Lin Wan got up so early today.

It turned out that I had made a reservation at a restaurant and wanted to take him out to eat.

It’s just Japanese food…

Lu Ming doesn't like this thing very much.

They are nothing more than half-life things. The little devil has only learned a drop in the bucket from what his ancestors learned.

But he saw that Lin Wan was in high spirits and even went out of her way to get up.

I just thought that I wouldn't disturb her interest, so I would give it a try with her. "Okay, let's give it a try today to see if it lives up to its name."

"My husband is great!"

Lin Wan cheered and kissed Lu Ming.

Lu Ming took advantage of the victory and pursued it. Not satisfied with just a simple kiss, Lu Ming gave Lin Wan a French wet kiss.

He directly kissed Lin Wan and blushed.

The beauty is in my arms and feels wonderful in my hands.

Lu Ming turned over immediately.

Lin Wan fell below.

She blushed and said in a low voice: "No, I'm running out of time. If it takes too long, I'll miss the appointment."

"It's okay, it will be soon."

How could Lin Wan believe Lu Ming's lies? She didn't know how much fuel was in the tank?

"you're lying……"

Lu Ming raised his eyebrows: "Okay. I was discovered by you.

But no matter what, if you miss it, you will miss it.What I want to eat more now is you..."

After saying that, he blocked Lin Wan's mouth and prohibited her from speaking.


"It's all your fault, I really can't catch up."

In the Japanese private room, Lin Wan took the menu and complained softly to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming smiled playfully: "Why are you blaming me? Didn't you keep saying Yoyo Chek was making trouble later?"

When Lu Ming said this, Lin Wan blushed immediately.

Although this is in a private room, it is still outside in a public place.

Lu Ming's words were undoubtedly the words of a tiger and a wolf, as the car was traveling extremely fast.

Lin Wan said that Xiao Mengxin couldn't bear it.

"I won't talk to you anymore!" Lin Wanjiao yelled and handed the menu to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming waved his hand, indicating for her to order.

He doesn't like Japanese food, so he probably didn't want to order anything after looking at the menu.

It was better to let Lin Wan take the order, and he would wait for it to be ready as if he were opening a blind box.

When Lin Wan was ordering, Lu Ming couldn't help but curl his lips.

I don’t know why, but the business of this Japanese food store is so good.

The reservation system is implemented. If you want to eat, you have to make a reservation at least a week in advance.

And if you miss the reservation time, you won't have anything to eat, and you have to make a new reservation and schedule it again.

These are the bloggers he just saw who seemed to be visiting the store.

I had made an appointment for a long time, but I rushed over and missed the appointment time. I heard it when I complained at the door that I couldn't get in.

At that time, the blogger knew that they also missed the appointment time and asked them to give up too.

He went to explain it to no avail and the people didn't listen to him for a long time.

But this rule is true for ordinary people.

This is not the case for Lu Ming and Lin Wan.

Although they were late, it was naturally impossible for Lu Ming to just give up and leave at that time.

They directly called their black card housekeeper, and soon someone came to invite them in.

mock up?Still can’t cure you?
Any bullshit reservation is no match for a word of capital.

When Lu Ming came in, he also observed the environment here.

There are no separate seats, all are private rooms.

Most of the area is used for environmental decoration.

The lotus flowers in the pond and the small bridge and flowing water in the courtyard create a tranquil and paradise atmosphere.

Food aside, the environment is indeed good.

In such a central location where land is at a premium, it is rare to be willing to spend a large amount of area to create an environment.

But Lu Ming also knew that the purpose of opening a store was to do business and make money.

These environments also require payment!
It will be reflected on the bill at that time...

(End of this chapter)

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