Chapter 163 Golden Invitation Letter
While Lu Ming was thinking wildly, Lin Wan also ordered the dishes.

"Husband, what are you thinking?"

"It's okay, I'll be in a daze when I'm bored."

Lu Ming answered truthfully, he was indeed idle and had nothing to do.

After hearing this, Lin Wan rolled her eyes at him coquettishly.

Lu Ming grabbed Lin Wan's little hand and played with it.

Warm, soft, white and tender, very fun.

At this time.

The waiter who received the service bell also came in to collect the menus.


With a lovely greeting, the door of Lu Ming's private room was opened.

A cute waitress with a round face and a fleshy face walked in.

After coming in, the girl arranged the bowls and chopsticks for Lu Ming and the others, and poured tea and water.

A set of processes proceeds in sequence.

Although her head was lowered, Lu Ming could notice that she had been secretly looking at him.

Even more of her psychological activities can be discerned by observing her words and colors.

Lu Ming didn't pay much attention, he just thought the skill of observing words and emotions was too interesting.

Now sometimes when he is outside, he will unconsciously judge a person's state by observing their words and expressions.

After the service was completed, the girl took a menu, lowered her head and took a small step back out.

It didn't take long.

The dishes Lin Wan ordered came out one after another.

It's just sashimi, sushi, small barbecue, tempura and so on.

During this period, the person delivering food in the private room was always the sweet girl who came in at the beginning.

She was probably in charge of the box where Lu Ming and the others were.

There have been no problems before, and the food is being served normally.

But next time.

Lu Ming suddenly noticed that the sweet girl delivering the food seemed to suddenly become very nervous.

His body movements became much stiffer, and he peeked at Lu Ming and Lin Wan from time to time.

And from time to time, his hand would touch his chest, as if he wanted to take out something.

Lu Ming couldn't help but look at her chest.

Well, it seems quite promising.

No, it seems like something was placed there.

This made Lu Ming pay more attention. If she really wanted to take action, Lu Ming would stop her immediately.

What if she pulled out something dangerous?

This girl looked sweet and soft, and Lu Ming was sure to catch him as soon as she made a move.

So she just observed it for a while, but then she never took action.

It seems that the whole person is in a dilemma and cannot make any decision.

After she goes out.

Lu Ming decided to go and have a look.

If there is any problem, eliminate the risk factors outside in advance.

"Honey, I have to go to the bathroom."

Lu Ming and Lin Wan said hello, got up and went out.

"Sir, what do you need?"

The girl standing outside the door was distracted, and she didn't expect Lu Ming to come out suddenly.

This startled her, who was already feeling guilty.

"I want to use the bathroom, please lead the way."

Lu Ming could certainly see that she was panicking now, but he didn't do anything at the door.

I plan to deal with her in a deserted place.

The girl couldn't help but swallow her throat and forced herself to calm down.

"Okay, this way please."

With that said, he took the initiative to lead the way.

He led Lu Ming through several circuitous corridors.

Since the restrooms are quite far away from the private rooms, there are almost no people along the way.

When we got to the toilet, there was no one there.

At this time, Lu Ming no longer cared.

With a direct grab, he controlled the girl's hands with one hand, covered her mouth with the other hand, and pressed her against the wall.The purpose is to quickly control the other party without causing too much noise for others to hear.

"Who are you?! Why are you sneaking around? What's on your chest?! Who told you to do this?!"

Lu Ming immediately asked a series of questions.

These questions of his seem to come from one direction to the other, but they are indeed very skillful.

Lu Ming knew some of these issues.

He was certain that this girl was actually a waiter in the store before, and all her behaviors were normal.

But if something goes wrong later, it could be that someone instructs her to do something later.

That's why she suddenly became abnormal.

"Speak carefully and don't scream, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

When an average person encounters this kind of thing, if they release the hand covering her, they will most likely scream at the first opportunity.

Lu Ming spoke specifically and gave her some time to calm down so that she would not scream as soon as she let go and attract others.

After a while, Lu Ming let go.

At this time, the girl was very frightened, but she calmed down for a while.

So he explained in a low voice in horror.

“Sorry, sorry sir.

I'm not a bad person... ugh... when I was at the door just now... someone suddenly passed by.

Then he gave me something...woo.

Let me hand this thing over to you, I didn't want to do it, but he stuffed me with a bunch of money and left... woo woo woo. "

The girl explained in horror while sobbing.

When she said this, Lu Ming understood.

It turned out that there was someone who wanted to borrow this girl's hand to give him something.

The girl didn't want to do this at first, but because he left, he left her a large sum of money.

So she had to do it.

But when she was in the private room, she never dared to take it out.

She felt that this would annoy customers and she would be in trouble if she was complained.

So there was a scene where she kept hesitating and in a dilemma in the private room.

Although I rule out that the girl is a bad person, I just want to be on the safe side.

Lu Ming took matters into his own hands and took out two things from his chest.

One is the girl's reward, which is about [-] yuan in cash.

The other is a plain envelope.

This should be what was given to him.

Lu Ming took it apart and took a look.

Inside was an invitation made of gold.

There are some patterns and words clearly carved on it.

Not to mention that this gold invitation is worth 10,000+, the craftsmanship of the carving on it is not simple.

Lu Ming temporarily put away the things and let go of the girl.

After the girl regained her mobility, she did not dare to run.

He stood there obediently, looking at Lu Ming with fear in his eyes.

"Sir, I'm sorry..."

Lu Ming interrupted her and threw her reward directly back to her.

"Sir, this..."

A trace of doubt flashed in the girl's eyes.

"This is the reward that person gave you, just keep it."

Lu Ming said and took out his wallet.

He used to keep some cash on him, but not much, only one or two thousand.

He picked up the cash inside and handed it to the girl.

"This is my small apology for being rude to you just now. Take it with you."

After saying that, Lu Ming turned around and left.

The sweet girl was left standing there, watching Lu Ming's retreating figure.

His eyes were full of adoration and love.

This kind of handsome, rich man who seems to be able to work.

It is simply something that all women will fall in love with.

But she also knew that it was an existence beyond her reach...

(End of this chapter)

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