Chapter 164 Investigation
After Lu Ming finished handling the matter, he returned directly to the private room.

"Husband, what's wrong? You've been gone for so long?"

Lin Wan couldn't help but ask.Because Lu Ming did spend a lot of time going to the bathroom this time.

Although Lu Ming had dealt with the matter as quickly as possible and returned, Lin Wan still discovered something unusual.

Lin Wan knew that Lu Ming must have encountered something along the way.

“Well, something happened.

Let's eat first. I'll talk to you after we finish. "

Since Lu Ming said this, Lin Wan stopped asking and started eating with peace of mind.

Since Lu Ming didn't like Japanese food very much, he only tasted it briefly.

Lin Wan also had a small appetite, so the two of them didn't eat much.

But in the end, the two of them still spent 3 to [-] yuan on this meal.

After leaving the Japanese food store.

The two came to the conclusion that they had stepped on a thunderbolt.

This store simply has more reputation than strength.

The product can only be said to be average, the environment is good, and the price is also very expensive.

To put it simply, it’s not a good deal.

Especially Lu Ming thinks that spending [-] to [-] yuan to go to a five-star Chinese restaurant is not better than this?

In the car.

Lin Wan couldn't wait to ask about the Japanese food store.

Lu Ming also directly took out the golden invitation letter and told Lin Wan the matter.

After Lin Wan listened, she read and studied the invitation carefully, but she didn't find anything.

"Husband, do you want to accept this invitation?

The other party doesn’t know where he came from, maybe he will be in danger? "

What Lin Wan said made sense, considering she didn't know who the other party was or what the purpose of this invitation was.

Going hastily is definitely an irrational decision.

Lu Ming naturally understands these principles, and he doesn't have any ideas yet.

As for the origin of the other party and what its purpose is.

He planned to find someone to check it out and find out first.

Anyway, the invitation was due in a week, so he still had time.

So, Lu Ming told Lin Wan his plan.

After Lin Wan listened, she nodded in agreement.

Even if you don't go to this invitation, it's best to find out the person behind the invitation.

Who knows whether the other party is friend or foe?Anyway, it’s better to understand it first and be prepared.

"Then let me ask someone to help me investigate the origin of this invitation."

Lu Ming nodded.

Although Lin Wan's current net worth is no longer comparable to his, after all, she had been in the business world for many years.

The connections he has made must be more than his own, and he may be able to find out other information.

Of course, he will use all his own channels to investigate.


Wait until they get home.

Lu Ming took out the golden invitation letter, took a photo and sent it to Xu Zixin.

Then made a phone call.

Xu Zixin answered almost instantly: "Chairman, do you have any instructions?"

Another familiar opening line.

Lu Ming also said straight to the point: "Xiao Xin, look at the photo I sent you."

On the other side, Xu Zixin, who was in the office, immediately turned on the computer and clicked on the photo.

Saw the photo of the gold invitation.

"Well, Chairman, I saw it."

"I received this invitation letter. Please help me investigate the purpose of this invitation letter and the origins behind it." After receiving the clear instructions, Xu Zixin immediately responded.

"Okay, Chairman. I'll start investigating right away."


Lu Ming suddenly thought that the person behind the scenes who could pull off such a mysterious and big move must have a lot of background.

I don’t know if it can be investigated clearly using Hongyan Group’s channels.

So he suddenly thought of setting up an investigation team, with Xu Zixin as the team leader and other group assistants as assistants.

In this way, he can gather all his strength for investigation.

Because Xu Zixin was the first assistant he had contact with and had a good impression on, so of course he left the matter in her charge.

“I have assistants from several other companies here, and I’ll send you their contact information.

There is strength in numbers, so it’s up to you to take the lead and mobilize all resources to investigate. "

With that said, Lu Ming also sent the contact information of Byte Group's assistant and Maria's private hospital assistant.

Lu Ming felt that if the investigation through Hongyan Group's channels was unclear, Maria Private Hospital was definitely a breakthrough.

After all, Hongyan Group's exchanges are business, but Maria Private Hospital is a place that pays attention to human relations and sophistication.

When it comes to network channels, Maria Private Hospital is better.

Then, Lu Ming also sent his instructions to the other two assistants, asking them to cooperate with Xu Zixin.

Speaking of which, Lu Ming had never seen them before.

Just through the information provided by the system, I know that they are two very good men.


Lu Ming didn't meet them just because they were men.

And because he felt that Xu Zixin was enough, she could already complete the tasks he assigned every time.

In addition, the headquarters of Hongyan Group is on the seaside, so Xu Zixin is also on the seaside, making it easier to handle things.

The other two groups are in other cities, which is much more troublesome.

Xu Zixin looked confused after hearing Lu Ming's instructions.

She didn't know if Lu Ming had any other company assistants, but she quickly nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, okay, chairman, we will get the results as soon as possible."

"Well, there's no rush, just try your best."

After explaining everything, Lu Ming hung up the phone without saying anything more.

Xu Zixin was left alone on the other side holding her cell phone and feeling lost.

It turns out that the chairman has other assistants...

When the chairman didn't look for me, did he look for other assistants?
After being depressed for a while, Xu Zixin adjusted.

Although this situation is sad, her first priority now is to do the things assigned by the chairman.

After all, the investigation team is still headed by myself and led by myself!

Does that mean that in the eyes of the boss, he is the most important assistant?

Thinking of this, Xu Zixin regained her fighting spirit and was full of motivation.

It can only be said that invisible brain supplements are the most deadly.

Therefore, Xu Zixin added friends one by one according to the contact information given by Lu Ming, and formed a group.

Through the profile picture, she also confirmed that the other two assistants were male.

This little discovery made Xu Zixin even more excited.

The chairman’s secretary is only a woman!

"Di Di..."

Just when Xu Zixin was excited, the other two assistants in the group spoke.

"Hello everyone, I am Chairman Lu's assistant at Byte Group. My name is Fan Weiguang."

"Hello everyone, my name is Wang Ran, and I am Chairman Lu's assistant at Maria Private Hospital."

When Xu Zixin saw the self-introductions of the two people, her mouth opened wide in shock.

"The chairman... actually still has shares in these two companies!??"

(End of this chapter)

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