Chapter 165 The Mysterious Banquet
Two days later.

Lu Ming's cell phone rang at home and he took it out to take a look.

It's assistant Xu Zixin's phone number.

Lu Ming knew without thinking that there was news about the information he wanted, so he picked it up casually.

Xu Zixin's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Chairman, the matter you ordered us to investigate last time has been clearly investigated..."

Xu Zixin's voice sounded the same as usual.

But only God knows how shocked and excited her heart was at this time.

Ever since she knew that Lu Ming was a shareholder of these two companies through two assistants at Byte Group and Maria Private Hospital.

It was even analyzed from the words of the two that Lu Ming held a high proportion of shares in these two companies.

Xu Zixin's understanding of Lu Ming has reached another level.

Xu Zixin admired Lu Ming for becoming the chairman of Hongyan Group with [-]% shares at such a young age.

Now I actually know about Lu Ming's other industries.

This made Lu Ming directly become Xu Zixin's idol.

Of course Lu Ming didn't know about Xu Zixin's complicated mental journey. He only focused on investigating the information.

"Yeah, then tell me about it."

"According to our investigation, this golden invitation is a ticket to the top society in Dragon Kingdom.

Holders of such invitations will be able to travel to a mysterious banquet.

The people participating in the banquet are all the top dignitaries of the Dragon Kingdom. Even our Hongyan Group is not considered the top group among them, it can only be ranked around the first class..."

Speaking of this, Xu Zixin felt a little emotional.

In the past, I had a narrow vision and little knowledge, so I didn’t know this.

Now that I know it, I know how high the sky is and how big the earth is.

She was actually proud of the fact that even the leading Hongyan Group was not ranked at this kind of banquet.

It was just that the big guys at the banquet were too much.

Many industries are semi-monopolistic livelihood industries or resource industries.

This kind of industry is generally very low-key and little-known, but in fact money comes pouring in like water.

Xu Zixin continues to report.

“The organizer behind this mysterious banquet is a company called Hengsheng, and the person at the helm is Ouyang Ning.

It is said that the Ouyang family is a family with a long history and is extremely low-key.

Through investigation, we learned that this family controls many mineral resources around the world, including many precious metals.

There will be many similar entities at the mysterious banquet. It can be said that you have almost never heard of them, but in fact they are very powerful...

For example, those who control water resources..."

Lu Ming listened and analyzed.

The compound surname is Ouyang. It sounds like this surname is not a simple family, and I don’t know how many generations it has been passed down.

Although I have gained a lot of industry through the system.

But it is still incomparable to this kind of family that has been accumulated for several generations or even more than ten generations.

Not to mention other top bosses.

However, Lu Ming is not discouraged. With the system, he is absolutely confident that he will become a part of it in the future, and even become the strongest among it.

“Also, we also investigated the address where this mysterious banquet was held, which was an unnamed private island.

There is no public transportation available and getting there requires your own means. "

When Xu Zixin said this, Lu Ming suddenly thought of a question.

There was no information on the golden invitation. There was no information about the banquet, time or place.

In other words, the golden invitation letter is just information. After he gets the invitation letter, he needs to investigate this information through his own personal connections.Only in this way can you be qualified to participate in this mysterious banquet.

If someone just gets or accidentally gets a gold invitation and no one has enough connections to know about it, it will be in vain.

It can only prove that he is not qualified, and there is no way at all.

In the same way, the venue is an unnamed private island with no public transportation, which may be just a small test.

After all, if you don’t have a private jet or a private yacht, you must at least be able to afford it, right?
If you can't afford to rent, you are not a big boss.

Although the above is just Lu Ming's guess based on these data, it is extremely likely.

"Xiaoxin, thank you for your hard work."

Lu Ming praised without hesitation that the information obtained by Xu Zixin's investigation this time was very detailed.

"Chairman Ying, Byte Group and Maria Hospital were very helpful this time. It's thanks to them that the information is so detailed."

Xu Zixin did not take all the credit to herself. Although she was the team leader this time, more information was obtained from Maria Private Hospital.

Lu Ming's guess was correct.

Sure enough, Maria Private Hospital is the best in terms of these connections.

After all, Maria Private Hospital is one of the best hospitals in the Dragon Kingdom, and the people inside it are all the big names of the times in various industries.

If you pull out an old man at random, he might be the father and mother of a listed company.

If you live long enough and have been in a high position, you will naturally know more information.

"Okay, I understand. Please compile these into a document and send it to me."

"Okay Chairman, I have sorted it out and will send it to you."

Lu Ming was very satisfied with the results of their investigation and planned to give them a reward.

But I haven’t thought about what to reward for a while, so I’ll leave it alone for now.

"Well, let's do this first."

Lu Ming hung up the phone.

Then he opened the document sent by Xu Zixin.

The written information inside is more detailed than what Xu Zixin said orally.

Many unknown mysterious families or low-key industry bosses are listed.

Each one of them is so well hidden that it is difficult for ordinary people to see their names in the media.

After all, with their capital power.

It's easy to erase your name from the media.

at this time.

Lin Wan also walked into the study.

"Husband, I have some news about the golden invitation."

Lin Wan held a document in her hand and handed it to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming took it and opened it to take a look.

It also records some information about the mysterious banquet, its origin, location, time, etc.

Although there is a lot of information, it is not as detailed as Xu Zixin’s information.

Xu Zixin's share even got a lot of information on the list of people attending the banquet.

But this is already very good, enough to prove that Lin Wan's connections in the business world over the years are not built up.

After all, Lu Ming gathered so many companies and Maria Private Hospital, a cheating entity, to get so much information.

Lin Wan got the complete information just through a Shuangmu Group and people she met in the business world.

If Lu Ming had not sent Xu Zixin to set up a team to investigate, he would have just waited for this information from Lin Wan.

You already have a pass to the mysterious banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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