Chapter 166 Transportation

Although Lu Ming already had more detailed information, he did not let down Lin Wan's kindness.

So he chose to conceal his information and took a cursory look at the documents Lin Wan brought.

"It turns out this is a banquet for the top class. No wonder it was so mysterious."

Naturally, she had already read the information sent by Lin Wan.

This made her sigh with emotion.

"It turns out that I already thought that the Shuangmu Group was already great, but I didn't expect that I hadn't even touched the edge of entering this mysterious banquet."

Lin Wan was a little sad. She single-handedly founded Shuangmu Group and brought Shuangmu Group to where it is today. She is also known as a strong woman in the business world.

She was a little proud at first, but she didn't expect that she was not qualified to enter this banquet at all.

She never received any golden invitation.

But think about it, before meeting Lu Ming, Shuangmu Group was not very prosperous. It lacked the ability to develop products on its own, and it had a strong rival like Shiyun Group.

It seems to be developing rapidly, but in fact it is a tall building without a foundation and can easily collapse.

It was only because of Lu Ming's help that he escaped the fatal crisis, defeated his powerful rival Shiyun Group, and pushed Shuangmu Group to a new level.

Therefore, the person behind this mysterious banquet has a very vicious vision.

Either he has a deep foundation, or he is a leader in a certain industry and is not qualified to participate in the banquet.

Lu Ming saw a trace of disappointment flashing in Lin Wan's eyes and immediately understood what she was thinking.

He stood up, hugged Lin Wan and comforted her.

"Honey, you are already very powerful. You started your own business from college and built such a big industry single-handedly. How many women in the world can do this?"

Although Lin Wan knew that Lu Ming was comforting her, she still found it helpful and felt much better.

"Hmph, that's not it."

Lin Wan raised her neck proudly, revealing a piece of snow-white skin underneath.

She quickly adjusted her mood, and now she didn't care about this anymore.

She only cares about staying with Lu Ming.

"Then, husband, are you going to attend this mysterious banquet?"

When Lin Wan asked this question, Lu Ming couldn't help but think about it.


Lu Ming held his chin and thought for a while, and finally made a decision.

"It's better to go. After all, it's the top banquet in the Dragon Kingdom. It's good to go and experience it and expand your horizons.

Maybe you can meet some people and expand your network. "

"Will that be dangerous?" Lin Wan considered safety issues.

"It's okay, it will be fine if we are well prepared.

Moreover, the people attending this kind of banquet are all big shots, so safety is definitely guaranteed. "

Lu Ming is not worried about this. With his skills and the protection of Xuanwu bodyguards, there is no problem in attending a business banquet.

"Okay, then I'll go with you, otherwise I'm worried that there will be a girl at the party who wants to eat you!"

Lin Wan said jokingly with a smile.

"Then I would like to thank my wife for protecting me!"

Lu Ming originally planned to take Lin Wan with him.

"I won't tell you anymore. Let me prepare in advance." Lin Wan patted Lu Ming and turned around to pack her luggage.


After Lin Wan left, Lu Ming began to think about some transportation method to reach the Wuming Private Island.

Going to the island is nothing more than flying or swimming.

None of this is a problem for Lu Ming.


Lu Ming thought of a great idea.

So he took out his cell phone and made a call. "Hello, boss." A deep and powerful male voice came from the other end of the phone.

“I’ll send you an address where I plan to go in four days.

You prepare a helicopter with sufficient mileage for me, and then arrange the security work when it arrives. "

Lu Ming dialed the number of the head of the Xuanwu Bodyguard Group.

The Xuanwu Bodyguard Group has always been a secret protector of Shenlong's security work.

Sometimes he wouldn't even notice the guards around him, but whenever there was danger, they would appear.

This time Lu Ming specifically asked to emphasize security work, because after all, he was going to someone else's territory.

There was no need to explain. The person in charge of protection immediately understood what Lu Ming said.

"Good boss."

Lu Ming didn't say much and hung up the phone directly.

There are many ways to get to the private island, but Lu Ming finally chose helicopter.

After all, if it is a yacht, it may need to take a detour due to the island's terrain restrictions.

But helicopters are different, just fly all the way over and that's it.

Just apply for the route in advance and don't fly into special restricted areas.

These are all minor problems, and Xuanwu bodyguards will naturally solve them.

It’s impossible that you can’t do this even if you already have a helicopter, right?!
People who don't know the bodyguard company may not know the energy of the bodyguard company.

You know, bodyguard companies have various passes, and some countries even allow bodyguards to carry weapons.

Moreover, Lu Ming actually wanted to experience the feeling of flying a helicopter.

He has god-level driving skills.

This driving skill is not just as simple as driving.

But as long as it is a means of transportation, Lu Ming, who can drive and move, is proficient in everything.

It's just that he has been overusing his talent and driving a sports car on the road.

This time there was a chance that a helicopter would be needed, and he had to take Lin Wan to experience it.

After arranging things, Lu Ming also got up and planned to go to Lin Wan.

Come to the cloakroom.

Lin Wan was rummaging through her clothes, thinking about what she would wear then.

"Is it that much trouble? Just bring some clothes."

Lu Ming grabbed Lin Wan and said.

"That's not possible. You have to dress up carefully for a normal business reception, let alone such a top-notch banquet."

Lin Wan began to explain to Lu Ming earnestly how everyone had competed with each other at cocktail parties in the past.

Even when attending a cocktail party, the appearance of a female partner will be regarded as very important.

Some people specially bring young mistresses or professional bartenders to support the scene.

Lu Ming didn't care about this either: "It's okay, we don't need to worry about it."

In Lu Ming's opinion, the most important thing is to wear comfortable clothes. The island may be windy, so just keep your clothes warm for this trip.

"Okay, don't worry about it, just leave it to me."

Lin Wan drove Lu Ming away "impatiently" because she thought he was in the way and disturbing her preparations.

As a strong business woman in the past, she looked down on the "hidden rules" of such cocktail parties.

But now that she was attending such a top-level banquet as Lu Ming's partner, she naturally would not allow her husband to lose face, so she had to be fully prepared.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave it all to you. Make sure you bring some coats, it's very windy on the island."

Lu Ming had no choice but to say a few words and walked away angrily.

Before leaving, she heard Lin Wan talking to herself.

"Why don't you hurry up and ask the studio to give me some exclusive high-end pieces? I don't know if it's too late..."

(End of this chapter)

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