Chapter 167 Helicopter

the next day.

Lu Ming received a call from Xuanwu's bodyguard.

"Boss, the helicopter is ready, it's on the helipad on the top floor of Hongyan Group."

The man with the deep and powerful voice still spoke so concisely and concisely.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ming immediately changed his clothes and went out alone.

He didn't bring Lin Wan with him, preparing to give Lin Wan a surprise when the time came.

Lu Ming drove the car and sped along.

Soon we arrived at the Hongyan Group Building.

As the headquarters of Hongyan Group, the Hongyan Group Building is naturally built to high standards, so it is normal to have a helipad.

Nowadays, more and more buildings generally have apron on the top floor.

Not only because helicopters have become a big toy for more and more people, but also because if a disaster occurs in such a tall building.

People can be rescued by helicopter.

Since he cared about helicopters, Lu Ming did not delay.

Although the assistant Xu Zixin is now in the office of the building, Lu Ming did not go to find her.

Instead, he went directly to the rooftop apron.

Just stepped in.

Lu Ming saw a pure black helicopter reflecting light in the sun.

The helicopter was pitch black and huge. It was not a small plane that could only carry two or three people.

At first glance, it looks very different from an ordinary helicopter.

At the same time, Lu Ming also noticed a person standing next to the helicopter.

The man had a resolute face and a strong build. He was wearing a black close-fitting combat uniform, and the muscles on his body were visible to the naked eye.

He walked towards Lu Ming step by step, his steps steady and powerful.

After he walked in front of Lu Ming.

"Boss, I am the leader of the Xuanwu bodyguard team, codenamed Heikui."

As soon as he spoke, Lu Ming recognized him.

His voice is so recognizable.

Lu Ming did not expect that the person in charge of the Xuanwu bodyguard would personally dispatch this time.

This was really his first time meeting this person in charge.

"Well, hello, thank you for your hard work."

"Should be."

Hei Kui nodded in response and said again: "Boss, I will personally lead the team in the next actions."

"it is good!"

Hei Kui can become the leader of many elites in the Xuanwu Bodyguard Group, so his business ability is naturally top-notch.

So he was able to take action personally, and Lu Ming was very satisfied.

"Tell me about this big toy!"

Lu Ming was so happy when he saw Lie Xin that he couldn't help but take a few steps forward and put his palm on the helicopter to touch it.

As soon as you get started, you can clearly feel that the material of this helicopter is not simple.


Lu Ming was slightly stunned by Hei Kui's first words.

"This is an armed helicopter, model Black Hawk L7500!"

Lu Ming was a little shocked, armed helicopter?Can this thing really be opened blatantly? !

But no wonder it looks different from an ordinary helicopter.

Hei Kui seemed to see Lu Ming's doubts and explained.

"Its weapon system has been dismantled, but its power and radar scanning are still normal."

That said.

Lu Ming understood that although the armed system was missing, it did not prevent this incomplete armed helicopter from being better than ordinary helicopters.

I still underestimated the power of Xuanwu bodyguards.

I didn't expect that such a thing could be obtained, and if it could be taken out, it must have become legal through some kind of procedures.

"Boss, can I take you to fly for a while?" Hei Kui suggested.

"No, I'll do it myself." After saying that, Lu Ming took a step forward and opened the helicopter's door.

No matter how calm Hei Kuirao was, he was still disturbed by Lu Ming's words.

what? !

My boss said he can fly an armed helicopter? !

Are you kidding? This is no ordinary helicopter.

Even ordinary people have learned to fly helicopters and have a helicopter pilot's license.

It is also impossible to control an armed helicopter. Armed and ordinary are not the same concept at all.

But soon he also reacted.

He immediately jumped into the co-pilot, paying attention to Lu Ming at all times. If something went wrong with him, he could still rescue him.

But in his surprised eyes.

Lu Ming first glanced at the dazzling console.

Then he began to familiarly turn on various switch buttons, control the joystick, and perform take-off and lift.

Hei Kuidu couldn't help but open his mouth.

My boss really knows how to fly an armed helicopter...

And with this level of proficiency, if it were him, he might not be able to do it so quickly...

In a daze, Hei Kui couldn't help but guess.

Did the boss ever travel with me? ?

Otherwise, how could he have such skilled armed aircraft piloting skills?

Lu Ming didn't care about Hei Kui's thoughts.

He was now preoccupied with the excitement of flying a helicopter.

Under his control, the helicopter's propeller changed from slow to fast, blowing gusts of wind around him and making a deafening roar.

Amidst the strong wind and roar, the helicopter slowly rose.

Lu Ming drove the helicopter around on the top floor of Hongyan Building.

The cool figure and loud sound of the helicopter immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

You know, Hongyan Building is located in the CBD, and countless white-collar workers work here.

They all noticed the black helicopter in the sky and took out their mobile phones to take photos.

Here, it is not difficult to see all kinds of sports cars and luxury cars.

But the helicopter is such a handsome helicopter. This is really the first time for many people to see it, so I have to take a photo to record it.

Since Hei Kui was still on the helicopter, Lu Ming just circled above the Hongyan Group for a few times before returning to the tarmac.

"Very good. Let's drive this car over then!"

Lu Ming was very satisfied with the control feeling just now. The helicopter was indeed much more enjoyable to drive than a sports car.

What's more important is the high-altitude view, which gives you the feeling of seeing all the mountains at a glance.

"Can I drive back?" Lu Ming asked.

He planned to drive the helicopter back and take Lin Wan to experience it first.

The manor of Yunli Former Residence Villa also has enough space to park a helicopter, so there is no need to worry about running out of space.

"Boss, it's okay."

Hei Kui was very sensible and quickly opened the hatch and jumped in.

Lu Ming did not stop and continued to control the helicopter to lift.

After reaching a sufficient height, he accelerated towards home.


Just as Lu Ming left, a panting figure appeared on the apron on the top floor of the building.

That was Xu Zixin who came after hearing the sound.

She rushed over as soon as she heard that Lu Ming came to Hongyan Building.

But it was too late.

When she arrived, all she saw was the helicopter in the sky and Hei Kui who stayed in place.


Xu Zixin sighed, her expression full of disappointment.

She also knew that Lu Ming was not here to see her, but she couldn't help but come up after hearing that Lu Ming was coming.

She didn't know why she did it.

Maybe you want to meet the chairman?
(End of this chapter)

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