Chapter 169 Parents’ Chat
Afterglow of sunset.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan didn't return to Yunli's former residence villa until the sun was about to set.

After getting off the plane, Lu Ming couldn't help but sigh.

"Helicopters are quite fun, but they consume too much fuel. After running out of one tank of fuel, I'm afraid I can buy an ordinary car."

But Lu Ming also said it casually.

Is he still afraid that he won’t have money for gas?
At this time.

Lin Wan's voice suddenly rang.

"Hey, Mom. She's with me. Yeah, okay, we'll come over right now."

Lin Wan said, nodding from time to time.

listen to her.

Lu Ming could guess who called and what was said.

It's nothing more than, Wan'er, where is Lu Naruto?Come over for dinner tonight.


After Lin Wan hung up the phone.

"Husband, mom asked us to come over for dinner."

"Okay, then I won't go home and walk over."

Lu Ming's parents' villa is not far from them, and they can reach it by walking there.


The two of them arrived at the home of Lu Ming's parents.

I pressed the password directly and saw that Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru had just prepared dinner.

But Lin Kangtai was nowhere to be seen.

"Mom, where is my dad?"

Lu Jianguo is here, so Lu Ming is naturally talking about his father-in-law.

"Brother Lin went fishing with his friends today. He said he didn't have to come back to eat at night."

Lu Jianguo answered Lu Ming first, with a hint of envy in his tone.

He also wants to go fishing with Lin Kangtai!

Unfortunately, my wife disagrees.

Liu Yuru also heard the envy in Lu Jianguo's tone and said angrily.

"How much do you want to leave me and go out on your own! Besides, with your fishing skills, don't be embarrassed!"

In fact, Liu Yuru did not completely prohibit Lu Jianguo from going fishing.

It's just that she happened to be staying at home today.

And she was telling the truth. Lu Jianguo had gone out with Lin Kangtai many times before.

But every time it was the Air Force who came back empty-handed.

She didn't know what was so fun about fishing. She couldn't catch anything while sitting there all day long.

It's just tired.

Listening to the "love and affection" of her parents, Lin Wan and her father are also in good health and can happily go fishing with friends.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan couldn't help but feel happy from the bottom of their hearts.

When your family is healthy and happy, and everyone is reunited, this is the greatest happiness.

"It smells so good. Mom, what kind of soup are you making?"

Lin Wan also stepped forward to help Liu Yuru put the food on the table.

“Soft-shell turtle and wolfberry soup!”

Liu Yuru didn't hold back anything, she was straightforward, and she even looked at Lu Ming when she spoke.

Lu Ming understood that look instantly.

It seems that tonight is a Hongmen banquet.

Eating together is fake, but urging your grandson is real.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan looked at each other and smiled, dumbfounded.

After the meal was ready, the four of them sat down to eat.

It had been a long time since he had eaten the food cooked by his parents, so Lu Ming ate this meal with gusto.

Although my father's craftsmanship is not as good as those in star hotels outside.

But this is the taste of home.

while eating.

Liu Yuru also asked about their honeymoon trip.

"Why did you come back so soon from your honeymoon trip?"

Liu Yuru asked curiously. She originally thought that Lu Ming and the others would play for a long time before coming back.

Lin Wan didn't know what to say for a while.

Could it be that we are going to an unnamed private island next and going on wild adventures in the future?These are all slightly dangerous places. I'm afraid Liu Yuru will definitely not let them go if they mention it.

Even if they finally go, they will definitely be worried at home.


Just when Lin Wan was in trouble.

Lu Ming spoke up: "We are going home to take a rest.

I was tired from playing some time ago, so I took a few days of intermission before continuing on the road. "

When Lu Ming said this, Liu Yuru knew what was going on.

Knowing that they can't stay at home for a few days before going out again.

In order to change the topic, Lu Ming quickly changed the direction and took the initiative to ask about his parents' recent days.

"Mom and Dad, how are you doing lately? Are you still getting used to living here?"

My parents moved from their hometown in the countryside to a villa in the city. The change was indeed quite big. I couldn't walk with my old friends like before.

Therefore, many elderly people are unwilling to move to live in cities even if their children have established themselves in big cities.

“Fortunately, we have met a lot of people here during this time.

I also joined a square dance team, and your dad often went out to play chess. "

Lu Ming listened carefully. It seemed that his parents were adapting well.

It should be their social skills that make them easy to make friends wherever they go.

However, I don’t seem to have inherited any of the attributes of the two social cows.

Is this the legendary positive and negative?

Then Liu Yuru also changed the subject.

“But there’s still a point.

Your dad and I are looking for something to do. We have nothing to do and are busy all day long! "

Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru were really used to working hard all their lives, and now they were really not used to it being suddenly stopped to let them enjoy their happiness.

I don’t know what to do day by day.

Lu Ming listened carefully to his parents' appeal.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Open a restaurant! Your father and I have been a chef all our lives, and this is all we can do."

Lu Jianguo said without hesitation.

He used to open a small restaurant in his hometown, a small mom-and-pop shop, and he was busy from morning to night.

Hearing Lu Jianguo's answer, Lu Ming couldn't help but frown.

Recalling the hard work of the two of them in his memory, now that he has the ability, he doesn't want his parents to have to work so hard anymore.

"'s so tiring to open a restaurant. You are getting older now, you are not like before."

Lu Ming tentatively refused.

"If you don't open a restaurant, your mother and I won't do anything else!

Besides, I am very tough now! "

Lu Jianguo didn't admit defeat, he thought he was okay!
But Liu Yuru immediately knocked her back to her original shape.

"You said that? Did you forget that you went to the hospital the year before last and the doctor said you were overworked?"

As soon as the words came out.

Lu Jianguo immediately turned into a wilted eggplant beaten by frost.

"And there's this! Why didn't I know?"

Lu Ming was very surprised, he didn't know about this.

"It's not that your dad was too strong and said he was fine. Besides, you had just graduated and were busy at that time, so I didn't tell you."

After hearing this, Lu Ming felt even more unable to listen to his father.

"Then it's even more impossible..."

At this time, Lin Wan spoke up.


I think if parents want to find something to do, let them do it. It would not be good if they were busy before and suddenly stopped now. "

Lu Ming looked at Lin Wan in surprise, not expecting her to say that.

Lin Wan continued to speak.

“I think we can open a restaurant for my parents, but we have to find the venue staff.

Parents only need to be responsible for going to the store to manage and supervise from time to time, so that they have something to do without tiring them.

what do you think? "

Lin Wan said, blinking and looking at Lu Ming...

(End of this chapter)

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