Chapter 170 Turtle and Wolfberry Soup

Lin Wan's proposal was quickly recognized by everyone.

This can indeed satisfy Lu Jianguo, Liu Yuru and the others that they have something to do and are not idle, but will not tire their bodies.

"Okay! It's such a happy decision!" Lu Ming made the decision immediately.

Seeing that they finally had something to do, Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru were also filled with joy.

"Come, my son, have another bowl of soup. This old turtle is very replenishing!"

Liu Yuru stood up and filled another bowl of soup for Lu Ming.

"Mom, I drank and can't eat anymore."

"Soup is water. There's no reason why you can't drink it. Drink it quickly."

Lu Ming looked helpless and turned to look at Lin Wan for help.

But Lin Wan smiled and said nothing and refused to help.

So Lu Ming had no choice but to drink another large bowl of soup.

After dinner.

Lu Ming and his family were resting and chatting in the living room.

During this period, Lin Kangtai also came back from fishing.

Holding a water box in his hand, it looks like he has gained a lot.

Lu Jianguo looked envious.

He secretly vowed to go fishing with Lin Kangtai next time!

Or even if you can’t catch them, you still have to buy a few to replenish your numbers!

Otherwise, he will be stung by his wife for the rest of his life.

After talking for a long time, it was getting late.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan got up and prepared to go home.

"Dad, father-in-law, mom. Let's go back and rest first."

Lu Jianguo and Lin Kangtai raised their heads to express their understanding, and then they continued to talk.

They were chatting about Lin Kangtai's interesting fishing today. They were so excited that they had no time to pay attention to them.

Liu Yuru rolled her eyes and glanced at Lu Jianguo, but didn't say anything to him.

He stood up and sent Lu Ming and Lin Wan to the door.

Before leaving, he said something to Lu Ming.

"Come on!"

It made Lu Ming feel like he would be sorry for her turtle soup if he didn't do something.


Lu Ming was about to say something, but the door was already closed.

"Hee hee hee……"

Lin Wan saw Lu Ming deflated and snickered from the side.


Lu Ming pretended to be angry and hit Lin Wan's flesh.

"Okay, still laughing at me!"

"It's rare to see you like this, hubby~" Lin Wan said coquettishly.

"There's nothing I can do. My mother is the oldest in the family. My father and I are both afraid of her."

"No, you love her and respect her. I think my mother is so lucky to have a husband and son like you."

Lin Wan thought about how Lu Ming and his family got along, with envy in her eyes.

That was the life she dreamed of.

The family is safe, reunited and happy.

"Don't be envious. When we have children in the future, we will listen to you. Hahaha."

Lu Ming pinched Lin Wan's little face and teased her.

"Okay, hehehe..."

Lin Wan's happy and bright laughter rippled in the evening breeze.

The cool breeze is blowing, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan held hands and walked slowly on the way home.

The light from the street lamp drew their figures on the ground, and they looked like a loving old couple.

After returning home.

Lin Wan rested for a while and then got ready to take a shower.

"Honey, I'm going to take a shower first."

When Lu Ming heard this, he immediately stood up and followed.

"Why are you following me?"

Lu Ming smiled evilly.

"Let's wash together."

Lin Wan suddenly thought of her previous experience.

"No, you can't help it every time."

"That's what you said? It's strange that you can endure this situation."

Lu Ming was very righteous and Ling Ran.She casually took her clothes and pulled Lin Wan towards the bathroom.


Although she said no, Lin Wan's body honestly followed Lu Ming away.

in the bathtub.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan lay hugging each other. The bathtub was large enough for them to lie down, and there was still a lot of room for movement.

"Honey, can you fish?"

Lu Ming asked suddenly.

Lin Wanzheng thought for a moment, thinking that Lu Ming was talking about something serious?
"I can't. What's wrong, husband, do you want to fish too?"

Lin Wan thought it was because Lu Ming heard about Lin Kangtai's fishing today and became interested.

"I think so! And I'm an expert! Do you want me to teach you?"

Lu Ming said with confidence, but he had a wicked smile on his face, waiting for Lin Wan to take the bait.

However, since Lin Wan was facing away from Lu Ming, she couldn't see the expression on his face, so she said stupidly.

"Really? Husband, can you still do this? Then you can teach me."

But the next second, Lin Wan knew what Lu Ming was talking about about fishing.

This is no ordinary fishing.

It's not serious.

"Okay! Then I'll teach you a few tricks.

The first thing to fish is to have bait!

Fish will like to eat the bait produced in this way. "

talking room.

"Oh, is that so? I seem to understand a little bit, what's next?"

Lin Wan's face was already red, probably because of the heat in the bathroom.

Hearing that his wife was so open-minded and eager to learn, Lu Ming naturally worked hard to teach.


Lin Wan is a good student and is very cooperative in listening to classes.

“As the saying goes, truth comes from practice, so let’s practice it next and see!”

Lu Ming immediately stood up from the water.


More than an hour later, Lu Ming and Lin Wan returned to bed.

Sleep hugging each other.

Just when Lu Ming was about to fall asleep, Lin Wan suddenly spoke.


We have been married for so long..."

Lin Wan did not say the second half of the sentence.

But Lu Ming understood what she meant, which was that her stomach had not moved for a long time.

It was her dream to have a child with Lu Ming.

In addition, Lu Ming's parents have been anxious to hold their grandson, urging them.

This made Lin Wan even more worried.

"It's okay, don't think too much, I'm not in a hurry anyway, I still want to play for two more years.

What a hassle it is to take care of a child!Isn’t it good for the two of us to live in a world of two? "

Lu Ming comforted.

"But mom has been urging us. They really want to have a grandson."

Lin Wan was very familiar with Liu Yuru's thoughts and feelings.

"It's okay. I'll deal with them when the time comes. I've gained a lot of skills in dealing with them over the years!"

Lu Ming made a joke, which made Lin Wan laugh, which made her mood change and she felt more at ease.

"But it's weird? We obviously haven't done any protection, so why...

Could there be something wrong with our body? "

Lin Wan was thinking deeply, but Lu Ming suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Is there something wrong with my body?"

Lu Ming thought that he had taken the genetic medicine, and his body had the strange ability to heal very quickly.

Could this be a problem that is causing them to be childless?

Just like in fairy tales, the stronger the person, the harder it is to give birth to an heir.

But when the system gives rewards, it clearly says there are no side effects?

Thinking left and right, Lu Ming couldn't figure out the reason.

In the end, I just didn't want to.

I just need to find time to go to my Maria Private Hospital for a check-up in the future.

Hug Lin Wan tightly and continue to comfort her and coax her to sleep...

(End of this chapter)

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