Chapter 172 Opening a Restaurant
Lu Ming didn't know Xu Zixin's complicated inner activities at this time.

He visited the chairman's office, which occupied one floor and had an area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters, with great interest like a tourist.

The chairman's office adopts black and cool colors as a whole, which makes it feel very businesslike.

It is also divided into several different functional areas according to office, entertainment and rest, and there are even rooms where you can sleep.

Lu Ming sat on the boss's chair and couldn't help but sigh.

This boss's chair is so comfortable.

"Xiao Xin."

As soon as Lu Ming spoke, Xu Zixin walked quickly to the desk and waited for instructions.


"Sit down and let me tell you something."

At Lu Ming's greeting, Xu Zixin sat down.

Lu Ming just spoke.

"That's it, I want to open a small to medium-sized restaurant...need..."

Lu Ming explained his needs to Xu Zixin.

According to his idea, even if only his parents are involved in restaurant management, the restaurant does not need to be too big.

Because if the restaurant is too big, the chores of daily management will be troublesome and not easy.

He didn't want his parents to be so tired that he didn't even know this happened again when they went to the hospital.

It doesn’t matter whether the restaurant is big or small, whether it makes money or not.

As long as it satisfies the parents and gives them something to do, that's fine.

After Xu Zixin heard Lu Ming's needs.

A question immediately arose in my mind.

She didn't know why Lu Ming wanted to open a small restaurant.

Because if Lu Ming wants to get involved in the catering industry, he can just let Hongyan Group invest a little money to try the water.

And if that's the case, it can't be something as small as just opening a small restaurant.

However, despite this doubt, Xu Zixin also placed her position very correctly.

The boss didn't say anything about this kind of thing, and she didn't have the right to ask.

Just obediently do what the chairman tells you.

"Okay Chairman, I will..."

After Xu Zixin heard clearly what Lu Ming explained, she decided to do it vigorously.


I plan to open this restaurant for my parents to enjoy, so remember that it doesn’t need to be too big. "

Lu Ming stopped Xu Zixin and emphasized to her again.

Then he thought of something again.

"Also. If you buy the restaurant's store, you will own the store.

Then they don't have to consider rent when opening a restaurant, and there will be even less pressure. "

In order to satisfy his parents' wishes and consider their health, Lu Ming was really worried and considered all aspects of the problem.

This restaurant was opened just for the happiness of the two elders.

After Lu Ming said this, Xu Zixin finally understood.

Why would my chairman suddenly want to open a small restaurant? With his worth, it’s not necessary?

It turned out to be for my parents to play with.

At the same time, he also understood Lu Ming's spiritual essence and had some ideas in his mind.

From the store, to decoration, to personnel, operation and so on.

“I understand Chairman.

When the time comes, I will recruit mature kitchen teams and experienced managers from other places.

Let the chairman and your parents open a good restaurant easily. "

After hearing Xu Zixin's answer, Lu Ming nodded with satisfaction.

He was relieved to leave the matter to Xu Zixin.

"Hey, that's right, Chairman.

A commercial street project under our Hongyan Group is preparing to launch investment promotion. The location is still very good.

How about we go and see? "

Xu Zixin suddenly thought that the recent project of Hongyan Group was suitable for opening a restaurant, so she suggested.When Lu Ming heard it, he felt pretty good.

If it is a project under your own group, you are not left to choose the location and area of ​​the store.

"If you have any information, please bring it up and let me take a look."

Xu Zixin immediately walked to the computer at her workstation and started operating it.

Then the printer spit out a piece of information, and Xu Zixin handed the information to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming glanced through it.

This commercial street is indeed in a good location as Xu Zixin said.

Not located in the center of the urban area, it is a rare project in the urban area where an old street is demolished and rebuilt into a commercial street.

The old street, which was originally dilapidated and rarely visited, has been transformed into a commercial street. With its superior location and new look, it should attract people immediately.

This will also help the restaurant's business.

Although he wanted to make his parents less burdened, it didn't mean that the restaurant business was not going to be good.

If the location of the restaurant is not good and there is no traffic, resulting in poor business, then his parents will have to spend more time on the restaurant.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Hearing that Lu Ming agreed to go to the commercial street to see the scene, a hint of joy appeared on Xu Zixin's face.

"Good chairman!"

"Then let's meet in the commercial street. I'll go home."

Lu Ming planned to go home and take his parents there to have a look. After all, it was their restaurant.

And he can't drive a helicopter to the shopping street.

There is no place to stop there!
Xu Zixin was stunned for a moment, but quickly replied.

"Good chairman!"


Lu Ming didn't waste any time and left the office directly.

We arrived at the top of the helipad and took the helicopter home.

After half an hour.

Xu Zixin stood waiting at the entrance of the commercial street.

Lu Ming drove slowly over in a Bentley.

When traveling with my parents, naturally I can’t drive a sports car, so I still have to be more cautious.

Otherwise you will be scolded.

As soon as the Bentley stopped, Xu Zixin was about to step forward and open the door.

But Lu Ming had already gotten out of the car first.

Then Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru also came down.

When Xu Zixin saw the two of them, she was stunned.

She knew without even thinking that these two were the chairman's parents.

"Mom and Dad, this is my secretary, Xu Zixin."

Lu Ming introduced.

"Hello, uncle and aunt! Just call me Xiaoxin."

Xu Zixin also quickly introduced herself.

Although Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru were curious about where Lu Ming got his secretary, they didn't ask on the spot.

After a few people exchanged pleasantries, they walked towards the commercial street.

Looking at the long commercial street, which was full of shops that had just been completed and were recruiting investors, Lu Jianguo's heart surged.

His catering empire is about to take off again!

"Mom and Dad. Let's go shopping. But I suggest it.

It is best for us to choose a store that is closer to the entrance. "

After listening to Lu Ming's words, Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru nodded subconsciously, and they also agreed with Lu Ming's statement.

Because the location close to the entrance is the best, people who come to shop and eat may go in after seeing a suitable restaurant at the entrance.

"Chairman, uncles and aunts. I think these stores 1103, 1106, 1202, and 1206 are quite good in terms of location, layout, and area. I'll take you to have a look."

Apparently Xu Zixin had urgently studied the materials before they came, and even conducted an on-site survey.

Selected some stores that are suitable for them...

(End of this chapter)

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