Chapter 173 Site Selection
With that said, Xu Zixin stepped forward, led everyone to door 1103, took out the prepared keys, and opened the door.

This is the third store on the left hand side of the entrance. It has two floors and a total area of ​​nearly one thousand square meters.

Xu Zixin explained the basic information of the store.

Lu Ming, Lu Jianguo, Liu Yuru and others also scanned the store to see if it was suitable.

"Not bad! We will use the kitchen here, place a few tables here, and we can also have two or three private rooms above."

Lu Jianguo has even begun planning the renovation of the store.

However, since he is currently in an ambitious state, everything is good. Anyway, it is best to let him open a store as soon as possible.

Even if it were to open a small shop of a few dozen square meters for him, he would probably be happy.

So we can't all listen to his opinion.

Lu Ming also thought about it carefully and finally came to a conclusion.

If this store layout is used to open other stores, such as clothing and beverages, it would be quite good.

But it is not suitable for catering.

Even Lu Ming, who used to frequent his store, could see this.

But Lu Jianguo didn't expect it.

You can see how happy he was.

"Dad, what you said is obviously unreasonable.

The kitchen is planned here, so the dining area is too small and it is so close to the kitchen. "

"Yes, Lao Lu, what are you thinking about?"

Liu Yuru also agreed with what Lu Ming said.

After being exposed to this, Lu Jianguo came to his senses and said awkwardly.

"That seems to be what happened...hehehehe."

Lu Ming did not respond and turned to look at Xu Zixin.

"Let's go check out some other shops..."

He wouldn't like any store so early. Since it's all his, he can choose at will.

Naturally, you need to look at all the stores in good locations so that you know what they are like.

Only then can you choose the best one that suits you best.

So, Lu Ming and others then visited the remaining shops.

After what happened just now, Lu Jianguo didn't dare to make a decision easily anymore, and silently looked at other stores without making a sound.

After walking down the road, they already had a rough idea.

Although Lu Jianguo and the others previously opened a small restaurant, they have been immersed in the catering industry for decades, and they still know the needs of stores.

Among the several shops, 1202 is the most suitable for opening a restaurant.

After reaching an agreement, Lu Ming immediately made the decision and said to Xu Zixin.

"Xiao Xin, then we want room 1202.

I’ll leave it to you to handle the next procedures. "

Xu Zixin nodded: "Okay, Chairman, I will complete the procedures as soon as possible.

Also, I will have the decoration team under the Red Rock Group ready to see what style you would like to decorate the restaurant in. "

Xu Zixin is always so considerate in her work. As soon as the store was settled, she took into consideration the decoration style.

This reminded Lu Ming, but the specific decoration style had to be decided by his parents.

Lu Ming thought for a moment.


You can ask the person in charge of decoration to come up with a few plans and bring them to your home, and we will discuss them together. "


The store is confirmed, and there will be nothing else to do for the time being.

Lu Ming looked at the time, it was already past twelve o'clock.

"Chairman, it's lunch time now. Why don't you find a restaurant to eat first?"

Xu Zixin asked cautiously.

"No, I still have things to do. I have to go back first."

Lu Ming had nothing to do, he just wanted to go home and wait for Lin Wan.

Because Lin Wan said that she would be back around noon.

After hearing Lu Ming's rejection, Xu Zixin felt a little disappointed in her heart.

But he still said goodbye to Lu Ming with a calm expression.

"Okay, Chairman, drive carefully."


In the car.

Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru chattered about opening a store.

Seeing their smiling faces, Lu Ming felt very satisfied.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Lin Wan's number.

After a few rings, the phone was connected.

"Hello, wife.

Is the work almost done? "

"It's almost there. What's wrong, hubby? Miss me?" Lin Wan on the other end of the phone didn't know that Lu Ming was in the car and was using public audio, so everyone in the car could hear it.

So I started talking to Lu Ming, and he spoke in a sweet voice.


This suddenly made Lu Ming feel embarrassed.

Mom and dad are sitting in the back!All were heard!

"Uh, wife. My parents are with me..."

Lu Ming quickly reminded.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing Lu Ming in such embarrassment, Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru in the back seat both laughed out loud.

The laughter also reached the phone.


Lin Wan was startled and quickly called someone.

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here just now."

Lu Ming quickly changed the topic.

"Honey, you haven't eaten yet. I'll be cooking at home and waiting for you."

"All right!"

After getting Lin Wan's reply, Lu Ming hung up the phone quickly.

Then he said: "Mom and dad, let's eat together later, I'll cook."

Lu Jianguo didn't think too much and was just about to agree.

But Liu Yuru rejected it first.

"No, your dad and I can just go back and eat."


Lu Ming still wanted to convince them.

But he couldn't defeat Liu Yuru.

"No, you two can just eat it by yourself."

Lu Jianguo opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But Liu Yuru immediately gave him a cold look, swallowing up what he originally wanted to say.


Lu Ming sent the two of them home.

Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru got out of the car, and Lu Ming also went back.

"Honey, why don't you eat with your son?"

Seeing that Lu Jianguo was still so confused.

Liu Yuru rolled her eyes at him, turned around and walked into the house without saying a word.

"Why don't you hurry up and cook, think about it while you're cooking."

And Lu Ming quickly returned home.

He started to get busy in the kitchen, since he and Lin Wan were the only ones eating.

So he planned to make three dishes and one soup.

Roast pork ribs with potatoes.

Steamed sea bass.

Sautéed kale.

After working for more than half an hour, it was almost done.

Lu Ming heard the sound of the door opening.

Followed by.

"Honey, I'm back!"

Lin Wan's voice came.

When Lu Ming heard the sound, he quickly put down what he was holding and walked towards the door.

"It smells so good, hubby."

Lin Wan twitched her nose as she walked, and she smelled the smell of ribs.

Lu Ming also stepped forward and hugged Lin Wan.

"My wife is back, it's just time for dinner."

"Hmm, where are my parents?"

Lin Wan was curious why she didn't see Lu Jianguo and Liu Yuru.

She was so embarrassed on the phone just now.

"They went back to eat." Lu Ming explained.

"Have you gone out with your parents?"

"Yeah, let's talk while eating."

Lu Ming brought Lin Wan to the dining table.

Next, the two of them ate while chatting about Lu Ming taking his parents out to choose a store today.

(End of this chapter)

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