Chapter 174 Zhao Sunqian

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Lu Ming and Lin Wan have been resting at home for a week.

Today is the day to go to an unknown private island to attend a mysterious banquet.

The two of them were already prepared.

out the door.

Lin Wan saw three men with resolute faces and strong bodies wearing black combat uniforms.

Judging from the standing movements and temperament of the three of them, they look like soldiers.

"Husband, is this...?"

Lu Ming turned his head and saw Hei Kui and others waiting, and explained to Lin Wan.

"This is our bodyguard this time. The one who takes the lead is Hei Kui."

Lin Wan nodded: "Husband, it's better that you think carefully."

Judging from the appearance of these three bodyguards, they give people the impression of being well-trained and highly skilled.


Hei Kui said hello.

"Let's go."

Lu Ming rejected Hei Kui's proposal to let him fly the helicopter.

He hasn't had enough fun yet.

Moreover, the view from the front of the helicopter was the best. He also wanted to see the scenery with Lin Wan.

Hei Kui couldn't do anything about the boss's words.

He could only take the other two bodyguards to the back cabin of the helicopter.

With the experience last time, Lin Wan became the co-pilot of the helicopter with ease.

"Get ready to take off..."

With a cheer from Lu Ming, the helicopter slowly rose and flew towards the unknown private island.

at the same time.

On the endless sea, a cruise ship is also driving quickly without hesitation of power.

There was a man and a woman standing on the cruise ship.

The man has a thin build and extremely bright eyes. He looks like a very shrewd person at first glance.

The woman looks ordinary, but has the temperament of a strong woman and acts neatly and neatly.

These two people are the children of the Zhao family and the Sun family in Pucheng.

Both of them were holding wine glasses in their hands and chatting while drinking.

"Miss Sun, this is the first time I've seen you since we've been on the ship for so long.

You are still so hard to find! "

Zhao Haifeng said angrily.

Sun Li didn't tolerate him either, so she pointed it out directly.

"Don't think that I will listen to you just because the elders say that the two families join forces?

And once there is a conflict of interest, any alliance will be fake. Anyway, when it comes to the banquet, we are still in a competitive relationship. "

Zhao Haifeng was not angry when Sun Li said it so sharply.

Because Sun Li just told the facts.

The two families were united because of their interests, and now they set out together to attend the mysterious banquet on the unknown island.

But if greater interests emerge, none of them will give up.

Falling out at any time is a very common thing.

It all depends on their respective methods.

Seeing that Sun Li didn't want to say this, Zhao Haifeng also changed the topic.

"I don't know where Qian Zhengye is now or how he got here."

Although his words meant that he was worried about this person named Qian Zhengye, judging from his tone, that was probably not the case.

"That dandy Qian Zhengye, I doubt he can even get here."

Sun Li even disliked and looked down upon Qian Zhengye.

If Qian Zhengye hadn't been such a loser, they might have traveled as a trio this time.

After all, the Zhao family, the Sun family, and the Qian family are somewhat related to each other.

Because they are all local families in Pucheng and are natives of Pucheng.

In the initial development of Pucheng, they reaped the dividends of urban development and became the three Pucheng families known to the locals.They may not have a lot of funds in Pucheng, but only have a few billion in liquidity.

But if their secret properties and real estate in Pucheng are exchanged.

That’s an amazing asset too.

More importantly, their relationship in Pucheng is intricate, with responsible connections and many sources of information.

And the money they are talking about at this time is Zhengye.

I just woke up from a big bed.

After looking at the time, he suddenly shouted.

"Where are the people! Get out of here. Why didn't anyone call me?"

Today is the day to set off for the mysterious banquet! "

As he shouted, a figure walked in.

The old man had gray hair and a respectful expression, looking like a butler.

"Master, I warned you yesterday not to drink too much.

But you were still so drunk that no matter how you screamed in the morning, I couldn’t wake you up, so you missed the time.

But I have already arranged a speedboat. As soon as you wake up, young master, we can set off immediately. "

The old man said helplessly.

Although this young master is a puddle of mud and cannot hold up the wall, there is such an important thing today.

I clearly reminded him last night, and he was still very drunk.

But who calls him his young master? He can only try his best to make arrangements to relieve his worries.

When the old man said this, Qian Zhengye felt relieved.

Then he stood up, washed up quickly, and rushed to the dock with the old man.

Hurrying slowly, we finally got on the prepared speedboat.

It's time to set off to the unknown island.

"Uncle Tao, I'm sorry to trouble you..."

Although Qian Zhengye was a dandy, he still knew that his butler Tao Bo had been of great help this time.

"Master, this is what I should do..."

Qian Zhengye waved his hand and interrupted him.

"My father gave me a very heavy task this time.

That is to try to make friends with the big bosses at the mysterious banquet as much as possible, the kind who can help our Qian family develop.

At the same time, if you have the opportunity, you can also step on the Zhao family and the Sun family.

The two of them have been in a lot of limelight recently..."

Qian Zhengye regards Zhao Haifeng and Sun Li as competitors.

But Sun Li looked down upon Qian Zhengye at all.

"Don't worry about that guy Qian Zhengye. He can play with us like that?"

Eh.Have you heard anything about Hongyan Group recently?

It seems that they will also come to the banquet this time. "

As soon as Sun Li mentioned Hongyan Group, Zhao Haifeng couldn't help but frown.

How could he not have heard of Hongyan Group?

Hongyan Group has made so many moves in Pucheng recently, extending many industries into Pucheng and touching the cake of many people.

Among them are their family's industries.

But due to the fact that their family is still insignificant compared to the size of the entire Hongyan Group.

Therefore, they did not take any action for the time being and tolerated it.

"You're right. I did hear that the chairman of Hongyan Group was invited to this banquet. I just don't know if he will come."

Zhao Haifeng paused after saying this.

Then he continued: "If the other party comes.

I think we can work together to suppress each other's arrogance. Your family has been fighting with the Hongyan Group recently. "

Obviously, Zhao Haifeng has collected enough information.

They are very aware of Hongyan Group's recent actions in Pucheng, and also know that they have conflicts with the Sun family.

"Although Hongyan Group is powerful, in Pucheng, as long as the three of us join forces, it will be useless for anyone to come!"

(End of this chapter)

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