Chapter 187 Dangerous Situation
After the Ouyang family started an unknown test, the uninhabited island seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds.

But the guests on the island didn't know this, they were still having fun.

this day.

Lu Ming and Lin Wan were walking on the seaside plank road.


Lu Ming saw several black spots appearing on the boundary between sea and sky.

Look intently.

It was a dozen fast-moving speedboats.

From such a long distance, even with Lu Ming's excellent eyesight, he could barely see clearly the speedboat and the densely packed heads on it.

For an instant.

Lu Ming felt that the visitor was evil.

He thought of thousands of possibilities at once, but no matter which one, he could not let himself and Lin Wan be in a situation.

So Lu Ming made his decision immediately.

"Honey, go quickly."

Pulling Lin Wan back to their room, they quickly packed their clothes.

After these days of traveling, Lu Ming was quite familiar with the island's environment.

He thinks the best place for them to go now is a restaurant.

It is not only a higher place that can be used for observation.

There is also plenty of food, and with some modifications to the restaurant's layout, it can become an easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack place.

And even if someone rushes up to him, he can still take Lin Wan to jump off the third floor at the critical moment and run into the mountain forest where the environment is more complicated to escape.

Then look for an opportunity to get back on the helicopter and escape.

At this critical moment, Lu Ming quickly made a plan.

To deal with what may happen next.

"Husband, what's the matter??"

Lin Wan was frightened by Lu Ming's series of actions.

She didn't know why Lu Ming suddenly took her back to the room to pack her luggage, and then she didn't know where to go.

"There may be some situations. I'll explain them to you later."

Lu Ming first comforted Lin Wan gently.

Lin Wan nodded obediently.

Lu Ming took out his cell phone and immediately called Hei Kui.

Hei Kui answered almost instantly.

Lu Ming didn't waste any words and said directly: "If there is any situation, come to the restaurant immediately!"

Then he stepped up and rushed towards the restaurant.

It wasn't until he arrived at the restaurant that Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Then something seemed to come to mind.

I also called Xie Di: "No matter where you are or what you are doing, come to the restaurant right away!"

After saying that, he ignored her and hung up the phone.

Whether Xie Di listens to him or comes or not is none of his business.

Similarly, Lu Ming also hit Zhao Haifeng.

After all, these two are his younger brothers now.

He kindly said that if the other party didn't come and something really happened, even if the acupoint acupuncture was fake, they might have to wait a while.

But in fact.

When Xie Di and Zhao Haifeng received Lu Ming's call, they both looked excited.

They finally waited for Lu Ming's call.

These days, they were worried every day. The big brother who now controlled their lives summoned them, and they all hurried to the restaurant without stopping.

It didn't take long.

Hei Kui and others rushed to the restaurant.

Lu Ming didn't waste too much time explaining to them, but gave the order first.

Transform the restaurant into a defensive fortress as much as possible.

Hei Kui and the others didn't ask any questions. They just listened to Lu Ming's orders and started working directly.

They are experts in this kind of thing and can make the most of the surrounding things for transformation.


Lu Ming also told Lin Wan his explanation, and asked Hei Kui and others to listen to the situation while working.

"I just saw several speedboats approaching the island quickly on the beach, and they were all occupied.

It looks menacing, something is probably wrong.

But exactly how that happens is unclear.So I brought you all here. "

Later, Lu Ming also told them his next plan.

It has been recognized by professionals such as Hei Kui.

Regardless of whether it was a crisis or an own goal, it was the right choice for Lu Ming to leave immediately and join them.

Even if it's a big mistake and it's all in vain, it's still better than being really dangerous and causing an accident.

at the same time.

A speedboat quickly approached the island.

The sound of the speedboat and the people on it had been noticed.

Qian Zhengye and his housekeeper are one of them.

They were walking on the beach, discussing some plans.

But the sound on the sea made him look over, which frightened him into screaming.

Good guy.

On board the speedboat were all masked burly men, and they even had some thermal weapons in their hands.

"Ah?! What's going on?! Who are they?! Pirates?!"

Qian Zhengye subconsciously thought these people were pirates.

Otherwise, no one would be dressed like this.

Thinking about the ferocity of the pirates and the terrifying weapons in their hands, I immediately panicked.

The butler behind him was relatively calm.

"Let's go, young master!"

As the speedboat gets closer and closer, it is about to land.

More and more people are discovering it.

Everyone screamed, begged for help, and tried their best to escape.

"PIrates! There are pirates!!"

"Where are the guards?! Please call the guards to protect us!?"

"Help me, my feet are weak and I can't walk..."

Panic will spread, and suddenly the beach has become a mess.

Everyone was terrified and scurrying around like headless flies.

In the face of life and death, he is no longer as elegant as he was at the cocktail party.

It even exposes the worst side of human nature.

Some were so frightened that they couldn't move their legs, some left their wives and ran away, and some simply pushed people down because they thought they were blocking the way.

The evil of man can be seen clearly at this moment.

All they can think about now is escape and survival instinct.

Some of them who were relatively calm immediately ran to the port nearby.

There are many yachts and speedboats docked there.

But found that everything can’t be turned on? !

This is an island. If there is no boat, they will be trapped on the island by pirates!
This makes them even more terrified.

Some people are completely unable to calm down and have lost their minds.


The pirates on the speedboat disembarked. They seemed to have undergone some kind of training.

Hundreds of people spread out to search for people.

Not for a while.

He grabbed the people nearby one by one and gathered them together.

Qian Zhengye and his butler were among them.

"Everyone, listen to me! We brothers only want money. If anyone dares to make any small moves, I will kill him with one shot!

Also, shut up and be quiet! "

The pirate leader's tone was cold, making everyone tremble.

Especially Qian Zhengye.

The island leader was just in front of him. When he spoke, he waved his weapon, and the muzzle of the gun was almost fixed in front of his head.

Although he prides himself on being smart, he has been spoiled since he was a child. He has never seen such a scene.

He was so frightened that he peed.

He was really afraid that the pirate leader had caught fire just now, or that he was going to find someone to scare the monkeys.

Just like that, I knocked myself out...

(End of this chapter)

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